Sorry for the late update, I've been kinda busy with work this week. Anyway, enjoy the chapter. 


Angerona is back at her office watching the news, her building's backup generator working full time. Other than Wayne-owned properties, her building was among the few that survived the quake because she reinforced its structure with magic. 'It helps when you have a being as old as the universe teaching you how to use it. Plus I have most of my henchmen here'

«An estimated 7.6 earthquake struck Gotham just after seven this evening. The epicenter is considered at this time to be approximately 10 miles north of the City.»

"Damn, 7.6 that's the highest one so far," Quakemaster remarks proud of his work.

"You got the job done, that's all that matters to me," Angerona tells him with a shrug. She picks up a suitcase that was next to her and places it on the table, "3.5 million, just as promised,"

Quakemaster opens the case and sees the money neatly stacked before closing it. He nods satisfied.

"I believe this concludes our business," Angerona says before opening a portal, "Go through and this will take you to your apartment building in Metropolis,"

"Before I go I have a question," Quakemaster says and she gestures for him to continue. "Why destroy Gotham and not take credit for its destruction?"

Angerona chuckles leaning back on her chair, "I've got plans for this city, Mr Coleman. And this is just the first step,"

"What about the Bat problem?" He asked.

"They'll be dealt with soon enough," She answered.

He gave her a doubtful look before walking through the portal.

She opens her laptop looking through all the files she has on the Villains of Gotham.

"Arkham Asylum should really start updating their security. It was a little too easy to get access to their system. They even have the building's schematics in here," She sighs, "It's like they want them to escape,"

Death appears next to her, "Looking for your next victim?"

"Not really, I'm looking for those who I can have working for me and those who I can eliminate before they get in my way," Angerona tells her not looking up. Death moves Angerona's arm and sits on her thigh so she can get a better view. 

BANE (Antonio Diego)

Patient is in prime physical condition, comparable to Olimpic Athlete's level of fitness, strength, endurance, and general health.

He is currently in a state of shock from "Venom" withdrawal.

Patient was transferred to Arkham simply for housing and is not criminally insane, but does suffer from anger management issues, chemical dependence, and PTSD (possibly from growing up in a prison)

CAUTION: Patient is incredibly skilled at discerning and exploiting weaknesses. 

He recently destroyed Blackgate Penitentiary, requiring all high-profile personnel to be transferred to Arkham Asylum for the foreseeable future.

He is remarkably intelligent, calculating, and well-educated despite his claim that he's entirely 'self-taught'.

He claims that he is a native of Santa Prisca, but we can not verify that due to a lack of documentation. The US will not extradite criminals to Santa Prisca.

He claims to have once 'broken' the vigilante known as Batman. 

Angerona raises an eyebrow at the last one. "I knew he took over Gotham once but Breaking the Bat?"

"He actually did break Batman's back," Death confirms, "He lost because he got cocky and underestimated Batman's resilience and will,"

"That's the problem with villains if you beat a hero make sure they don't get back up permanently and if you want them alive for whatever reason make sure they CAN'T get back up. Otherwise, you're setting yourself up for failure," Angerona rants. "A mistake I will be sure not to make,"

"So what do you think of him?"

"He'd definitely be an asset if I can control him otherwise he'd be a loose canon. Hmmm, maybe if I can get my hands on his supply of Venom he seems quite dependent on it. I can also try to make a less addictive and permanent version of it for my most loyal followers," she thinks, "Anyways, that's a problem for future me,"

KILLER CROC (Waylon Jones)

The patient was born with what we believe to be a rare skin disorder but as he continues to age, his condition "evolved" into a unique physiology.

He is remarkably strong even with the inhibitor collar set to max.

Patient should be housed in our "Croc tank" in the basement, as patient is at ease in the water and the heated water helps regulate his temperature.

Patient possesses class IV strength.

Patient engages in Anthropophagy (Cannibalsim)

His intelligence seems to vary according to his level of aggression and length of time since his last feeding.

CAUTION: Extremely violent and aggressive. He has killed and injured multiple staff.

"Too unstable for my liking," Angerona comments.

"Why not use magic to control him," Death suggests.

"The problem with that is every spell has a counterspell. I wouldn't put it past Batman to ask one of his magically inclined friends to break it setting Corc rampaging through my ranks. I'd just be giving myself a weakness," Angerona explains moving to the next file. 


Patient is in extreme health.

She claims to be a "garden variety kleptomaniac" but my assessment is that she steals for profit or an adrenaline rush and not due to mental illness.

She is however obsessed with felines of all kinds.

She is a very talented thief who is quite capable of bypassing our security system (and has done so in the past), so fortunately, she has recently shown what seems to be a genuine interest in rehabilitation.

She gets along well with most other staff and patients, with the exception of Roman Sionis.

"What about her?"

"If she wasn't domesticated by the Bat she would have been a great addition," Angerona says going to the next one. 

MR FREEZE ( Victor Fries)

Patient is in good health (if kept in cold temperatures)

His physiology was altered in a cryogenic research accident, enabling him to survive in sub-zero temperatures while warmer climes can be fatal.

He possesses class II metahuman strength & resilience.

His blood test indicates the possibility of a metahuman lifespan.

He is a certified genius, a former physician, and a medical doctor.

He is obsessed with cryogenic a and the cold, causing him to place his wife in an experimental cryogenic stasis chamber.

He maintains the delusional notion that criminal pursuits are a valid means to find research to cure his wife of Huntington's Chorea.

He has shown most medical staff what he calls 'professional courtesy' and has complied with therapy as long as we keep his cell at sub-zero temperatures and allowed periodic visits to where his wife's cryo-stasis chamber is kept.

Angerona scoffs, "If they really wanted to help him they would have given him the funding he needs. I mean Bruce Wayne is a Billionaire and funds most of the hospitals and orphanages in this City but he can't hire a suffering genius scientist? Sigh, well their loss is my gain,"


Patient is in good health, especially considering his medical records indicate that he was previously diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, but all tests thus far have appeared cancer-free.

He has a brilliant mind tainted with historic personality disorder, giving him a pathological need to prove his intellectual superiority over others.

He also has an obsession with riddles, puzzles, and mind games, he even legally changed his name from 'Edward Nashton' to 'Edward Nygma' in order to complete his fixation on puzzles. (E. Nygma, get it?)

He enjoys proving he is smarter than others by playing mind games and suffers violent outbursts when he is frustrated, beaten, or ignored.

He agrees to undergo counseling sessions but tends to only engage in wordplay, mind games, and sadistic riddles instead of any productive therapy.

He was once successfully declared rehabilitated, but a head injury caused him to relapse, resulting in him murdering his own daughter.

He claims to know the identity of Batman, but says that he cannot divulge this information as to do so would be to give away the answer to the "Greatest Riddle of All". Personally, I think he's bluffing.

"He's got too much of an ego to work under someone and as brilliant as he is he'd be a liability than an asset with his constant need to ask riddles and play games which will annoy the fuck out of me, so no," Angerona says.

Death chuckles, "I can imagine you killing him out of frustration within the first few seconds of meeting him,"

Angerona chuckles before looking at the next files two names catching her attention.


Patient's physiology is unique, requiring time in the sun for photosynthesis.

She is a metahuman with the abilities classified as Chlorokenisses and toxikenisses, including pheromone-based mind control.

She is immune to chemicals making medicating and sedating her difficult.

She has little regard for human life in comparison to vegetation.

She was a well-educated botanist until her research mutated her.

She has a history of using seduction to get what she wants. She has been proven quite effective even when her collar negates her phenomenon.


"When you look that good you don't need powers to get what you want," Angerona comments before moving to the next name. 


Patient is in excellent physical health.

Her X-rays show evidence of past, extensive physical abuse. I suspect these are the doings of her former romantic partner the Joker, but could also be from the Batman.

She was given a 'natural steroids' by Poison Ivy which gave her an apparent immunity to toxins. For unknown reasons, the chemical immunity does not seem affected by the inhibitor collar. We are working on a solution so that we can begin prescribing medication for this patient.

She is a former psychiatrist (known to attempt psychoanalysis on others)

She suffers from a form of bipolar disorder with violent mood swings.

She also suffers from delusional transference with sadomasochistic elements.

She is a former employee of Arkham Asylum. (Psychiatrist– 4 years)

She is academically intelligent, but often plays dim-witted as a ruse or for comedic purposes. She often speaks in an over-the-top Tricorner accent.

She has previously conspired with the patient Pamela Isey.

Death smirks as she side-eyes Angerona, "You know I get the feeling you want these two to be more than subordinates,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I remember a certain someone having a crush on them," She teases.

"Ummm, I have no idea what you're talking about," she says flustered.

Death laughs, "Are you blushing right now?"

"You're being delusional. Let's just continue what we were doing,"


Patient is in good physical health.

His blood tests show that he has built up a considerable resistance to his so-called 'Fear toxin' from repeated exposure.

He has advanced Phobophilia or a love of fear. He is so desensitized to fear that he is compelled to cause fear in others as a form of transference.

He was a former employee of Arkham Asylum and was the supervisor of Dr. Hugo Strange. The two created a psychotropic medication which Crane later developed into his 'fear gas'.

He may engage in psychoanalysis of others in order to deduce their darkest fear or torment them... and he is highly effective at such cruelties.

His therapy is postponed after the suicides of his last two therapists.

His cell should be searched regularly for homemade masks.

"He'll be fun to work with," She chuckles, "Extracting information will be easier if I have him on my side,"


"Nope," She says not even looking at his file, "If I find that clown anywhere near my side of town, I'll make sure he dies screaming,"


Patient is in excellent physical health despite severe acid burn scars on the left side of his head, face, neck, as well as his left shoulder, and the upper portion of his left arm.

He is a bizarre schizotypal whose ideation is heavily influenced by the notion of duality and fate, so much so that he often decides major decisions on the flip of his half-scarred silver dollar.

He is obsessed with the number two.

He agrees to attend approximately half of his scheduled therapy sessions and when he does the sessions are either productive or pointless venues to rant about chance and dualism.

He is completely untreatable and often catatonic whenever deprived of his coin, so he has been allowed to keep the silver dollar to stabilize his behavior.

"I'm not working with someone who decides his every action with the flip of a coin," Angerona says moving on. The next file was on her father.


Patient is highly athletic and in great overall health.

He has remarkable eye-to-hand coordination and eyesight.

He has several disorders stemming from a traumatic childhood event involving the death of his older brother.

He is suicidal but claims to be too proud to follow through with the act himself, instead, he intends to pursue suicide by proxy by placing himself in dangerous situations with the hope that another person will be capable to end his life in a more 'distinguished' manner.

He considers himself to be a consummate professional, as such he seems to comply with all requirements for early release, but based on past events at Blackgate he will capitalize on any given opportunity to escape.

He is proficient in the construction of elaborate improvised weapons.

He has, in the past, offered his skills to other patients, in exchange for favors or money as such his allegiances may shift often.

He will not be housed here for long. Director Waller with A.R.G.U.S has requested that arrangements be made to transfer him to their care as soon as his current court case in Gotham is concluded.

Angerona frowns as she reads the last paragraph, "The fuck does Amanda Waller want with my dad?"

"Something interesting. You should look into it," Death suggests.

"Sigh, maybe later whatever it is I'm sure he's fine," Her phone rings. She picks it up to see it's a Facetime call from her half-sister, and she answers.

 "There's my beautiful little sister," Angerona says making the young girl giggle, "Hey Zoe how are you doing?"

"I'm doing ok"

"Zoe honey, who are you talking to?" A woman's voice is heard in the background. 

"I'm talking to Ange, Mama," Zoe answers just as her mother's face comes into the frame. 

"Hey Susan," She greets. 

"Hello, Angerona. I heard what happened in Gotham. Are you ok?" Susan asks. 

"Mom! I wanted to ask her if she was ok," Zoe says pouting. Susan chuckles turning the phone to her, "Ange are you ok?"

Angerona chuckles, "I'm fine Zoe. It's gonna take more than an earthquake to take your sister down,"

There's a knock on her door before it opens one of her men enters. 

"Sorry to interrupt boss, but you're gonna want to see this,"

Angerona sighs looking down at her phone, "Looks like duty calls,"

"Aww, I wanted to talk more," Zoe pouts. 

"How about this after I'm done I'll call you back and we'll talk as long as you want,"

"Deal," Zoe says smiling. 

"Alright, I love you,"

"I love you too,"

She ends the call the smile drops from her face and she glares at the man, "This better be important,"

He gulps and leads her out. They enter the elevator and head down to the lobby. As the elevator doors open she hears a commotion.

"Do you morons have any idea who you're dealing with?" she hears a man's voice say. 

"Yeah, we do," David her lieutenant scoffs, "You've been a thorn in the boss's side for a while now,"

As she rounds the corner she sees the reason for the commotion. Kneeling in front of her men with his hands tied is the man she's been at war with for the control of the East end. Black mask. 

"well well well, isn't this a surprise,"

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