Angerona exits the portal that she opened in her office. It closes behind her and she lets out a sigh.

"Man sure has a lot of files," She sits down and looks at the clock on the wall, "Damn, I've been in the Batcave for 6 hours. That means decrypting is gonna take forever,"

"It's a good thing you have forever then," Death jokes from her place on the couch.

"At least I have you to entertain me," She smiles at her which Death returns before focusing back on the drive in her hand. She opens a small portal and takes out her laptop which looks heavily modified.

She inserts the drive and a few seconds later a progress bar appears, "Now it's a waiting game," She puts the laptop back where it came from, one of her safe houses in Star City.

"How will you know when it's finished?" Death asks.

She lifts her right hand showing her a watch that was on her wrist. Touching its surface, it projects a hologram which shows the progress bar now at 1%.

"Plus I have a contact lens that has a HUD display that connects to the laptop and main computer in Mom's base in case I lose the watch or can't reach it," She explains.


"Tell me about it," She gets up and stretches. She walked over to the window and opened it, "I'm going out to see if there's anything interesting happening,"

"I've got something interesting for you to see," Death tells her.

"What is it?" Angerona asks her interest peaked.

Death holds her hand out for her smiling, "Come with and you'll see,"

Angerona shrugs and walks over. She takes her hand and they disappear.

A few minutes earlier

Catwoman jumps onto a truck parked in front of Wayne Tech Landscaping. She jumps again entering the building through a broken window before spotting the person she was following.

(Her outfit)

Poison ivy stops as she spots a fallen potted plant, its soil spilled on the floor. She kneels scooping the soil back into the pot.

"Poor baby, we'll fix you up," She stands up and brings the plant along, "For once you were glad not to be on the ground, hm?" She says as she keeps walking, Catwoman tailing her from the shadows.

"Perfect," Ivy says as she enters a room with 4 Vats of fertilizers.

Catwoman looks down from a balcony. She watches Ivy scoop a handful of the stuff and pour it on the soil. 'There has got to be a better-smelling room still standing in Gotham than this one, and better things for me to be doing in the aftermath of the earthquake than watch her feed a plant fertilizer' she thinks to herself before spotting a blond man wearing a lab coat approach Ivy. 'Hm, though it might be interesting to see how weed girl handles company'

"At last you've returned, sweet Ivy." The man says as he reaches for her, "I've been waiting breathlessly for-"

Ivy slaps his hand away from her a scowl on her face, "Ah-uh-uh, Business before pleasure, Lover. Don't get clingy on me,"

"Of course, of course. They accepted your formula from me without question. We went into production immediately," He begins.

Ivy takes out a test tube filled with seeds from her armguard.

"The earthquake slowed down manufacture a little, but after such a disaster, the whole city needs your fertilizer,"

"Splendid, and the deliveries are still on schedule?" She inquires.

"They're in process now. I've got the schedule right here," He takes out a piece of paper from his pocket, "It's all on its way, all working like a charm for you,"

"What about this surplus?" She asks as she leans over the vat and twirls her finger in the fertilizer.

"Uh, Yeah, yeah. We didn't need all of it. It's that effective,"

"More so than you know. Come closer, I'll show you," She tells him and he obeys. She leans onto him pushing her chest into his pining him on the vat. She puts her hands on his shoulder before pouring some of the seeds into the fertilizer. Vines instantly grow out and wrap around him before they keep growing.

The guy stares at Ivy in fear as she strokes his cheek before she leans forward and kisses him. She pulls back and walks away.

Catwoman jumps down to help the man before Ivy even leaves the room causing her to turn around.

Selina uses her whip to cut the vine around the guy, "Hold still, Romeo,"

"GHA--GHAAAAA," He choked as vines tightened around his neck.

"Okay, take it easy. Don't try to talk,"

"There's nothing you can do for him now," Ivy tells her but Selina continues ignoring her words, "Unless you'd like to bury him deep in the quiet earth,"

Selina finally frees the guy but he's still choking now with his hands free he starts clawing at his throat. Selina catches a glimpse of the inside of his mouth and is horrified. Small mushrooms are growing out of the man's mouth.

"You're insane," She tells her.

"Compared to you?" Ivy says casually turning away from Selina.

"Compared to just about anyone in Gotham, current company included," Selina says heatedly. She doesn't see the vines creeping up towards her leg, "But hey, why don't we do something really crazy and swing by the PD?"

Ivy turned around shocked that Selina knew where she was heading"How did you--?" She sees the vines wrapping around Selina's legs, calms down, and walks away, "Never mind,"

Just then Death and Angerona appear on the scene. Angerona looks around before she spots Catwoman cut vines that are wrapping around her body.

"You're right this is interesting,"

"Uhm, who are you two?" A male voice asks gaining their attention. The male scientist is standing there looking at the two of them. He turns to Death and stares at her, "Do I know you?"

Death just gives him a kind smile.

A moment passes before his eyes widen in realization, "No, No. I can't go yet. I have to fix my mistake. I have to stop Poison Ivy,"

"I'm sorry Jackson but your time is up," She tells him softly.

"But Ivy-"

"Ivy is not your problem anymore," Angerona tells him as she studies the vines up close. She feels eyes on her and turns to Jackson, "I'll take care of her,"

Jackson stares for a minute and nods. He turns back to Death and takes her hand. Angerona hears the flutter of wings before they disappear. She turns back to the vines, not caring that Catwoman is gone, and sees that they are getting thin. She looks into the vat and sees that it's almost empty.

"So the fertilizer not only increases growth but the plant's metabolism. It's only a matter of time before these plants die," Angerona says. She lets out a sigh, "Well it looks like I get to keep my promise now,"

She looks down at Jackson's dead body and spots a paper. Intrigued she picks it up and reads it.


"Well, now I know where to go. Thanks, Jackson you've been a real help,"

She's ready to leave but she stops, "How am I gonna convince Ivy to stop it's not like we know each other?"

She looks around for a bit before her eyes land on a potted plant although the pot was broken. "That'll do," she walks over to it, crouches in front of it, and casts a spell on the pot, "Erotser,"

Reservoir park

Angerona appears high above the reservoir and spots Ivy standing on a bridge. She descends, slowly landing a few feet to Ivy's right before making herself known.

"I wouldn't do that, Dr. Isley, "

Ivy turns to her right startled. She schools her expression.

"And why shouldn't I?" Ivy asks now holding the test tube over the small bridge.

"Because if you do those plants will die in a matter of days, maybe weeks at best and nothing will ever grow in Gotham again. Unless that's what you were going for,"

Ivy's shock turns to anger as she glares at the woman in front of her, "I get it now you're one of Batman's sidekicks here to stall for time,"

The look of disgust that flashes on Angerona's face before it disappears catches Ivy's interest.

"Don't associate me with that pest. I'm only telling you because I love plants myself and would love to see them grow in Gotham. Whatever they put in that fertilizer not only increases plant growth but also kicks their metabolism to 100. The more they grow the faster they'll consume the nutrients in the soil until theirs nothing left then they'll eat through their reserves ultimately starving and dying,"

"What proof do you have of this theory of yours? And why should I believe you?" Ivy asks still not convinced but a slight doubt has settled in her mind.

"You're right you have no reason to believe me we are strangers after all as for proof," She holds out her hands a medium-sized portal opens above them, and out falls the potted plant. The plant looked sick and unhealthy, its leaves shrunk and curled in on themselves with a brown coloration rather than green, "Will this suffice?"

Ivy walks over a sad expression on her face as she stares at the plant, "No this shouldn't be happening." She takes the plant from Angerona's hands, "My formula was perfect,"

"And then you put it in the hands of greedy humans who modified it for their own benefits. But I get why you gave it to them you lack the resources and funding to make it yourself,"

"You're right about that,"

"Then what if I give you the resources and funding you need?"

Ivy looks at her suspiciously, "What's in it for you?"

Angerona shrugs smiling at her, "Honestly I'm just trying to score some points with you,"

Ivy gives her an amused smile, "You do know why they call me Poison Ivy right,"

She nods, "I am immune to your chemically induced charms,"

Ivy smiles at her seductively leaning forward slightly, "How about we test that theory, Lover,"

Angerona smirks not backing down, "Go for it,"

Before Ivy could make a move Angerona sighed backing up, "It seems we have a naughty cat eavesdropping on us," She looked to the side before speaking again, "Does Batman know his pussy cats loose?"

No longer needing to hide she comes up, "I don't need his permission,"

Angerona scoffs, "You sure don't act like it,"

Irritated Selina goes for her whip. Before she can raise her hand Several black obsidian swords appear around her.

"Put that hand down, Kittycat, or else I'm gonna give you new holes to breathe from," She warns before flicking her wrist and making a sword appear on her hand.

"You're Angerona Wilson," Selina says gulping nervously.

"Should I be flattered or creeped out that the big guy talks about me to his pets,"

"I'm no one's pet," Selina retorts.

Angerona smiles at her sarcastically irritating her even more, "Sure you aren't,"

Ivy watches the interaction with interest 'Maybe siding with her won't be a bad thing'

"As much as I'm enjoying this conversation I'll have to cut it short. I have important things to discuss with Dr. Isley here," She opens a portal behind them, "I'm sure our paths cross again as long as you associate with the Bat, Selina Kyle,"

Angerona enters the portal first followed by Ivy and it closes behind her the swords around Selina disappear a few seconds after and she sighs in relief.

"Poison Ivy and Anguish together? Batman's not gonna like this," (AN: Anguish is Angerona's former Assassin name,)


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