Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 68

Chapter 69 The Battle Of The Bridge!

Eternal Song Deep Forest.

The front line of Qingfeng Village Bridge.

The high elves and human coalition forces have already set up a battle.

Raphael and Kael’thas watched the movement of the orc-troll coalition across the bridge just before the army formation.

“its not right!”



“Not showing up in such an important defensive battle?”

Raphael sensed the breath of the two enemy leaders, but it was strange that the entire enemy army camp did not sense the breath of the enemy.

“His Excellency the Great Lord! The preparations are over!”

“It’s time to start!”

Kael’thas is also observing, but he is observing the orc arrangement.

The current arrangement is little different from what Raphael had predicted last night in the pre-war parliament.

So he was a little excited. The victory in this battle was his merit. Can you not be excited?

“Then let’s fight!”

“Prince Kael’thas as commander!

“The pre-war mobilization is up to you!””

Raphael smiled, and he heard Kael’s excitement.

He also understands why Kael’s is so excited!

Because of the uncertain domestic political situation, he will go to the Dalaran Council to be a permanent resident.

Nominally a diplomatic ambassador, but in fact it is the protection of the Sun King for him.

Otherwise, why didn’t the heir of a country learn to handle government affairs at home, but went to Dalaran to become a mage?

And this also laid a foreshadowing for the high-level spiritual vitality to be seriously damaged and torn apart in the future.

After the destruction of the Sunwell, look at the way Kael’thas made mistakes along the way.

He has almost no experience in dealing with national affairs, and everything starts from feelings. If there is no mistake, there will be ghosts.

He made a gesture of invitation to Kael’thas, giving him the opportunity to show his face before the war.

Kaelthas glanced at Raphael gratefully and walked to the front.


“Quel’Thalas has suffered enough!”

“We have experienced hardships and ushered in peace!

“But some people have to destroy our hard-won peace!

“Some of them we even let them go”

“We have suffered again!”

“This time we will not tolerate it!”

“For peace!”

“For glory! 99

“For Quel’Thalas!

“Kill them all!”

843 Kael’thas began to speak to the army in a gentle manner with the help of amplifying magic.

But it got more and more hideous after that.

It seems that there is still a violent and crazy side hidden in the bones.

Otherwise it wouldn’t be so crazy in the end.

“For glory! 35

“For Quel’Thalas! 35

“Kill them all!

All the high elves started frenzy.


Kael’thas watched the army formation’s response with satisfaction and then fired a flare into the sky.

The dragon eagle knight hovering in the sky took the lead and flew towards the enemy’s army formation.

A fireball gleamed in his mouth.

The Knights Templar began to cast various blessings on the high elves of the entire army.

The Legion of Glory raised its giant shield and slowly approached the bridge.

Behind it are the melee units of the high elves.

The ranger troops in the rear also began to bend bows and arrows.

A part of the mage army prepares large-scale magic for the battlefield.

A part of the mage army is preparing a large portal.

For a time, the entire high elf human coalition shone with various rays of light.

“Liszt! Go get ready!”

Raphael gave Liras an order.

“Follow your orders!

Liras took the Knights Templar who had cast the blessing and slowly approached the army of mages who were preparing for the portal.


The first attack of the Dragonhawk Knights has reached the defensive line of the orc trolls.

The fireballs spewed by the dragon eagle kept falling from the sky.

Falling in the line of the orc troll, every time the fireball lands, an orc or troll will be thrown away.

But the trolls and orcs on the front line held up their shields and dared not move.

Because they all knew that the second wave of arrows was coming soon.

This is if the formation is chaotic, it is the rhythm of courting death.

Sure enough, there was a rain of red arrows in the sky.

“Ding ding ding!

This is the sound of arrows hitting shields and defensive walls.

From behind the defensive lines of the orcs and trolls, a rain of arrows also rose.

Among them, many arrows shot by the siege crossbow flew directly to the dragon eagle in the sky.

“hold head high!”

Many dragon eagles directly pierced the body with arrows and fell to the ground.

Warlock’s Hellfire also began to prepare, targeting Ranger troops.

The counterattack mage troops facing the orc trolls were not idle either.

The light of the enchantment hangs over the army of rangers and mages.

At the same time, the sky of the Orc Troll Front also appeared as a burning sky like Hellfire.

However, the large-scale spells prepared by the high elves are not hellfire.

It’s the fire-type big move, the war magic meteor fire shower…

One by one, the flaming meteors fell on the front of the orc trolls and extended back..

Coverage almost reached the entire orc troll camps and front lines.

Every fall meant the death or wounding of a large swarm of orcs or the destruction of a building.

There are also burning wreckage.

The Orc and Troll Allied Forces saw that the Hellfire was kept outside the barrier, and the preparation time for the next Hellfire was relatively long.

Next, let the cannon speak!

Yes, the cannon.

When the orcs destroyed Stormwind City, they captured a batch of human artillery, and Alterac surrendered and captured a batch of them.

There are also a lot of human artillery captured in the fragmented field battle.

This time it was taken to Quel’Thalas by the orcs.

The human god of war was used against the high elves.

“Boom! Boom!”

Rows of shells flew towards the high elf mages and ranger troops.

This is not an energy body, but an entity.

The enchantment cannot stop the entity.

So Kael’thas personally shot.

Dozens of fireballs emerged from him at the same time and swirled around him.

Then fly to those shells.

Each fireball is controlled by Kael’thas. A fireball destroys a cannonball and will not disappear, but its size becomes smaller, and then it flies to another cannonball.

Until the energy is completely exhausted and disappears into the air.

Then dozens of fireballs began to surround Kael’thas.

Raphael was dazzled by the side, is this Temad a fantasy version of the close defense?

The long-range troops of the two sides fought happily, and the front-line melee troops were not idle either.

The two sides fought fiercely on the bridge.

Because of the limited width of the bridge.

Only dozens of people can attack side by side at the same time.

The two sides are vying for each other on this narrow bridge.

Someone was injured in the front, and was immediately replaced by the rear for treatment.

After the efforts of the mage troops, the portal was finally completed.

“Liszt! Go for your glory!”

Raphael looked at the established portal and ordered Liras.

“Glory is my life!


Raphael swung his sword to the portal!

“Glory is my life! 99

The Knights Templar beat the warhorse and rushed towards the portal.

The first five hundred knights, led by Lilas, charged through the portal.

He rushed directly to the main tent of the camp.

Shoot people first shoot horses, capture thieves first capture the king, the fantasy version of the raid and beheading operation began.

Subsequent Knights Templar troops rushed out of the portal.

Some raided the artillery unit, some raided the warlock unit, the witch doctor unit..

The entire orc troll camp was brought to a center bloom by the Knights Templar.

Finally, Raphael slowly walked through the portal with the Destroyer of Worlds on his back.

At the moment when all the Knights Templars passed through the portal, the balance of victory had been completely tilted.

(cbci) “Report! Highlord!”

“The enemy’s main account is to discover the commander!”

This is a knight reporting back to Raphael.


Raphael waved his hand, and the knight turned his horse and left.

He knew something was wrong.

Gul’dan and Zul’jin didn’t show up when the fighting got so intense.

It seems to have escaped..

As more and more orcs and trolls were dealt with, the rear support force of the Knights Templar joined the front-line bridge operation.

The rout of the orc-troll coalition has finally arrived.

First the two-winged orcs and trolls started to flee..

It started to spread to the whole busy line..

With the confluence of the Knights Templar and the Legion of Honor.

The entire bridge defense line was completely torn apart, and the high elf troops that crossed the bridge were able to expand.

Kael’thas saw the entire process of the Knights Templar assault on the other side.

Is this a legion of pure paladins?

It’s like watching a scene where the heavy cavalry charge, which is known as the strongest arm of mankind, is going on.

Paladin is a profession that high elves must have.

The entire alliance has to send people to study, why can’t I, the high elves!

Kathersas thought with a sigh.

Liadrin also watched the performance of the Knights Templar among the melee units of the High Elves.

This is the legion she is about to join.

It’s also the legion she’s about to lead.

At this moment she had a sense of pride, a sense of honor was born.

Her performance naturally attracted the attention of Kael’thas, because she was the only elf in the high elf melee army who used the Holy Light to fight.

“Be sure to ask what happened after the war!”

Kael’thas looked at Liadrin.

“Our allies told us to open our defenses!

“Now show them the prowess of the high elves!

“Kill all those orcs and trolls!

“For the glory of Quel’dorei!””


Kael’thas ordered the entire army to attack.

The High Elves came out in full force.

“Lister I need a living mouth!”

Raphael was still thinking about Gul’dan’s whereabouts, and hurriedly issued an order to Lilas.

Don’t really let the high elves kill everyone.

“Follow the orders of the great lord!”

As the saying goes, husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

Orcs and trolls are not husband and wife, but the relationship is an alliance..

But as soon as the rout began, the two sides began to retreat in different directions.

The orcs naturally began to flee to the Stratholme area.

The trolls fled in the direction of Zul’Aman.

The high elves who were fervently chasing and killing were naturally divided into two waves.

One chasing trolls, another chasing orcs.

The human legion began to repair and clean the battlefield under Raphael’s order.

After all, in this battle, humans have already broken into the enemy camp.

There is no need to compete for other merits, and people have to show that they are not.

Don’t help people fight, it’s not good to be complained about, so many high elves elite troops who don’t want meritorious service!

The human heart has always been complicated.

“Big lord!”

“The high elves seem to be in trouble!

Just as Raphael was looking around in the camp, a knight in charge of vigilance came to report.

“Oh! How can a rout enemy cause them trouble?”

“Liszt! Go! Take a look!”

Raphael felt a little weird.

High elves can’t be so watery!

Raphael greeted Lilas, who had been guarding him since the repair began.

Under the guidance of the vigilant knight, Raphael brought Liras to a small dirt bag.

This little dirt bag was surrounded by the high elves.

Raphael couldn’t see the situation in the encirclement clearly, but only saw that there were no high elves that were knocked out from the top of the encirclement.

“Oh! It seems that there are capable people of orcs here!”

Raphael understood at a glance.

“Stop attacking!

Raphael gave orders to the high elves.

He is the deputy commander and is naturally qualified to give orders to them.

The high elves also recognized that Raphael had stopped the attack and moved out of the way.

“Yo! Duhalen!””

“What’s going on here?”

Raphael saw Duhalen looking at an orc warily.

“High Lord! 35

“This is an elite orc squad! They’re blocking our pursuit! 95

“This orc is very strong!”

Du’Haren still looked at the orc warily and reported to Raphael.

Raphael then looked at a group of orcs.

“Ha! Saurfang, didn’t expect us to meet here!

“Why are the Kor’kron Guards guarding your Warchief in Quel’Thalas!””

“Aren’t you supposed to be in Lordaeron?”

“Let me guess! You were sent by Orgrimmar to watch Gul’dan!”

Raphael looked at the team of elite orcs, and immediately recognized the old acquaintances and the Kor’kron Guard.

“It’s you! Human!

“I never imagined that the High Lord of the Argent Dawn would appear in Quel’Thalas!

“This battle! We are not wronged to lose!

“Go ahead!”

Saurfang also recognized Raphael.

“Can’t think of my name! Has it been remembered by the orcs?”

“It was such an honor!”

“You’re procrastinating here to buy time for the orcs to retreat!

“Just sacrificing your elite like this!

“Don’t you feel bad?”

“How about we make a deal?”

Raphael smiled and looked at Saurfang…

PS one more! Get the hell out of here!!!… The picture shows the blood elf prince, Kael’thas!

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