Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 89

Chapter 90 Prepare For Battle, Shiva Arrives, Blood!

Burning Steppes, Alliance Barracks.

Lothar looked at the original territory of Stormwind Kingdom, the current Argent Dawn territory, and even a piece of Stranglethorn Vale.

Silence for a while.

“Order the entire army to stop the pursuit! Set up camp~zhai! Rest in place!””

In the end, Lothar gave the order to rest.

Because the pursuit is useless.

Raphael’s record is there, except for the retreat from the Dark Portal early in the First Orc War.

The orcs won against him that time..

He was convinced that now that Raphael had returned, the orcs wanting to break through the Argent Dawn’s defenses would be nothing more than a dream.


“Order of the Alliance?”

Turalyon has always served as Lothar’s adjutant, but he knows the orders of the top of the alliance.

Hearing Lothar’s words, he shouted involuntarily.


“The Alliance just asks us to pursue the Orcs as fast as we can to the Burning Steppes!

“We did it!”

Lothar watched Turalyon and waved his hand to signal him not to worry.

Everyone in the tent sighed at the same time when they heard Lothar’s words.

If it weren’t for the spirit of the victory to support the troops, the pursuit of this intensity would have collapsed the troops long ago.

Now that the marshal has let go, everyone is naturally happy.


“Then we’re going to arrange the regiment’s rest!””

Except for Fording, everyone filed out..

“Fording? Duo Duo

“Thanks a lot!”

“Don’t go to rest, what’s the matter?

Looking at the Argent Dawn sphere of influence on the map, Lothar sighed softly, only to find that Fording did not leave when he looked up.

The old friend in front of him had self-doubt, doubt and hesitation in his eyes.

Lothar took the initiative to ask Fording.

“Old friend!”

“Now you are not a marshal! I am not your officer!

“I ask you as an old friend!

“Are we really just fighting for human survival?

Fording looked at Lothar sincerely, with expectation in his eyes. He hoped that Lothar would tell him the answer he wanted.

“Yes! 35

“The Alliance is definitely fighting for the survival of humanity!”

“Otherwise, the alliance cannot be established!”

“Only under the premise of human survival!”

“The alliance has its own demands!”

“For example, the sleepless pursuit this time is to quickly seize those territories!

“You’re right!

“But this doesn’t change the essence of our fight for human survival!”

Lothar looked at his old friend Fording, an old friend who has always been meticulous about the execution of orders.

This devoted old friend.

He couldn’t deceive him.


“Dan Morogh! The two great battles of Loch Modan!””

“How many soldiers have we lost!

“These are avoidable with adequate preparation!””

“We’ll be victorious right now!”

“They could have survived the war to go home with their parents, wife and children! 35

Fording looked at Lothar in disbelief, and his expectations were shattered by his own hands.

“Fording! 39

“Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, Arathi Highlands, Hillbrad Foothills, Wetlands, Searing Gorge”

“The Hinterlands, Alterac, Silverpine Forest, Tiriphath Glades, Eversong Woods!

“Is there a piece of land in northern Xinjiang that has not been affected by the war?”

“Except for the Stratholme area intact!

“But can the Stratholme region provide food for the entire northern region?

“Reconstruction after the war is difficult!

“Alterac’s ownership is now also a matter of dystocia!

“The favored Earl of Prestor has disappeared! 35

“Why do you want Alterac’s dominion?”

“Isn’t it because of the large grain-producing area of ​​Andorhal?””

“Now do you understand why the coalition wants to go south?”

“Because of the resources in southern Xinjiang, the grain is full of warehouses..”

“After the first orc war, the entire southern border has not been affected once!

“They were recuperating for two full years!”

“And we fought the orcs for two years…”

“Never breathed a moment!!

Lothar was very open to Fording, and analyzed all the interests clearly.

Spread out in front of Ke Fuding.

“That’s not right!”9

“For the restoration of the northern border? 39

“Just to rob the southern border?”

“People in northern Xinjiang are people? People in southern Xinjiang are not people?”

“This is bandit logic!”

After recovering from the shock, Fording shouted angrily at Lothar..


“Remember that you are from the Kingdom of Lordaeron!”

“Your homeland is Lordaeron!

Lothar stared straight at Fording and said this.


Fording was speechless for a moment.


“I am a Paladin! 99

“I believe in the Light! 35

“I don’t believe if the Alliance turned to the Argent Dawn for help! 35

“The Silver Dawn will not aid the countries of the northern border!

‘as far as I know!

“There are a lot of civilians fleeing from the northern border to the southern border!

“These civilians have nothing!

“They are still well looked after!

“That’s why the great lord is so blessed by the Holy Light!”

“Are you really for civilians?

“Why don’t you think about things in the southern border? 35

“You are for solid rule!”

Fording now understands that their fundamental difference is philosophy.

One is for the ruling class, the other is for the commoners..


“You too are part of the ruling class!”

Lothar looked at Fording seriously, and he also said this to Raphael.

“Not anytime soon!”

“I don’t have the talent of a great lord!

“After the war is over, I will be disarmed and return to the field!”

Fording was disappointed with the Alliance for the first time at this moment, but he still had feelings for Lordaeron.

Fording and Lothar broke up.

The Burning Steppes at the same time, among the fleeing orc armies.

“Great Chief!”

“Humans stopped chasing! 35

Saurfang came to Orgrim’s side to report.


“Humans stopped chasing?”

“What must have happened?”

Orgrim sat atop the Warg, listening to Saurfang’s report.

Looking at the orc troops who have completely lost their minds..

They went from being within easy reach of victory under Lordaeron to being directly pursued by the coalition across several maps.

Even in Dun Morogh, the human beings were forced to take advantage of the huge casualties to be driven out while the orcs were unstable.

It looks like he wants to live with the orcs forever.

How did this suddenly stop?

“Are the flanking human armies responding?”

Orgrim suddenly remembered something and asked Saurfang.


“After moving the Blacktooth Hut, there is absolutely no movement!”

Saurfang has always paid close attention to that army.

“Then go back to Blackrock Spire!”

“Take the time to rest!

“Looks like we’re going to have a big battle with humans here!

“Either you die, or I die!”

Orgrim seemed to understand why the humans stopped chasing.

“Saurfang, what exactly do you say we’re going through the Dark Portal for?

“Are we really doing it right?”

When Orgrim was about to enter the Blackrock Spire, he glanced at the orc army who could not see his head and asked Saurfang beside him.

Saurfang did not answer the warchief, nor did he need to.

Because he knew Orgrim would lead them to glory.

Even if it fails…

The Orcs and the Alliance are recharging their batteries for the final battle.

one week later..

The Horde of Alliance troops stationed in the ruins of Thaurissan and Blackrock Stronghold face each other.

The two sides didn’t even have a small-scale reconnaissance battle, and they were accumulating the last bit of strength.

Strive to defeat the opponent.

In this tense atmosphere…

Blacktooth Lodge has a special guest at the Argent Dawn Station.

Alliance Marshal Anduin, Lothar.

This meeting can be said to be the essence of the current Alliance and the Argent Dawn Generals in one place.

If there is a Focusing Iris bomb.

Maybe the orcs don’t have to fight anymore, and the human coalition collapses immediately.

within the tent.

Argent Dawn Party, Raphael, Lancelot, Liadrin, Alleria, Vereesa, Liras.

Alliance side, Lothar, Uther, Fording, Turalyon, Gavinrad.

On the Dalaran side, all six members of the council except Kael’thas and Krasus were present, Khadgar, and Rhonin.

High Elf Side, Sylvanas, Lor’themar…

That’s right, when the high elves got the news that Raphael personally brought 500,000 troops in the Burning Steppe, he urgently dispatched Sylvanas to arrive here.

The purpose, of course, is to let Raphael look at the face of the Windrunner family once the war changes.

Do your best to preserve the high elves’ troops.

・Seeking flowers・・

“Ha! Long time no see, Master Marshal…”

“So many generals are here today? Do you have any advice?

The current occasion was not suitable for greeting Sylvanas, and Raphael greeted Lothar directly.

“High Lord! 35

“The final battle is coming!

“The Legion of the Argent Dawn recharged for so long!”

“It’s time to strike this battle!”

Lothar put up such a big battle today to force the palace.

He knew that Raphael must have planned to wait for the coalition and the orcs to lose both sides before dispatching the army.


“A decisive battle! 35

“That’s the honor the Legion deserves!”

“Even if I made them spectators! They wouldn’t agree!

Raphael Yuzai said to Lothar.

“So the way to work together?”

“The high lord’s battle plan?”

Lothar pushes hard..

“Oh! Is there any plan for this? 35

“120W people beat 40W people, A has won in the past?

“Or did the marshal have no confidence in winning?

Raphael spoke to him right and left.

“Big lord!”

“This is a military meeting!

“Can you be serious?”

Lothar looked at Raphael displeased, he just hated Raphael’s condescending appearance.

“Ma! Ma!”

“The coalition is in 10 days!

“Chase the Orcs across several regions!

“Take Dun Morogh in a day!


“Does the strength of the coalition still need us?

“Of course we are flanking! 99

“Once you dare to attack the coalition front!”5

“The Argent Dawn will strike from the flanks!””

“Compared to my Argent Dawn recruits a lot!”

“I don’t think the marshal would mind us flanking?”

Raphael still looked at Lothar with a smile on his face, you mean serious when you say it?

Your marshal can’t handle my Argent Dawn.

“Yes! 99

“But the great lord!”

“Elites like the Knights Templar would mind going into the frontal battle!

“They also have enough self-defense ability!

“Great help to the frontal battlefield!”

Losatou saw that it was the attention of the Knights Templar.

To know that the Knights Templar is simply outrageous, BUFF, treatment, protection everything is good.

The impact on the battlefield, as long as anyone who has seen it, is shocked.

“The Knights Templar?


“But I’m missing elite troops like the Knights Templar!!39

“The side impact is not so strong!”

After pretending to think about it, Raphael agreed and made his own terms.

“It’s okay!

“The Knights Templar will strike with the Knights of the Silver Hand!”

“This kind of impact is enough!”

Lothar said that it doesn’t matter, in his opinion Raphael’s elites are the Knights Templar and the Legion of Glory.

“Then! Lancelot! The Knights Templar are in your hands!”

Raphael said to Lancelot behind him, and said heavily on the word handed over.

‘Follow your orders! High lord!’

Lancelot’s natural understanding of Raphael’s meaning is in case the coalition forces have to sacrifice or incorrect orders.

He can refuse.


“Let so many generals drop their troops to me!”

“Just for this?”

“Marshal! If nothing happens?”

“Let the generals prepare for war!”

The combat agreement was reached, and Raphael took the initiative to speak.

“You go back!

“I want to chat with the high lord alone!”

Lothar nodded while hiding from all the coalition officers present.


Lothar actually wants to chat with me alone, it’s too long..

Raphael was stunned.

“What! Accident? 35

“Although I still hate you!

“But I’m always restless, feeling that this should be my final battle!”

“So, Raphael! 35

“Varian is your nephew!

“You are connected by blood!”

“You can never deny your bloodline…”

After Lothar and the others walked out of the barracks, they said to Raphael in a low voice…

“What exactly do you want to say?”

After being silent for a while, Raphael got up and looked at Lothar…

PS2 is more…thanks to the big guys for their love~~!!! Go away and continue to code! Work.

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