Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 12 This little Taoist is so terrifying

Chapter 12 This little Taoist is so terrifying

Just when Kong Qing got acquainted with Taoist Daoist Yuan Tiangang in the restaurant, Yang Quanjie, the captain of the Yi Mansion led by the prince Zuo Nei, had just left his duty, and rode back to his mansion in a very low-key manner.

Of course, the low-key is only for now. If you push forward decades, the Yang family is very high-profile.

For example, Yang Quanjie’s great-grandfather, Yang Shao, used to be the Hussar General of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. two.

Yang Shao's eldest son, Yang Hui, was also very good in the Sui Dynasty. He was named the king of Guangping County, and together with Gao Jiong, Yu Qingze, and Su Wei, he was called "the four nobles in the court".Yang Shao's youngest son, that is, Yang Shida who died in the army that conquered Goryeo as mentioned above, was also General Youwuwei and Doctor Zuo Guanglu, and he was counted among the extravagant figures in the entire Sui Dynasty.

But when it came to Yang Quanjie's father, Yang Yan, the situation was completely different...

Originally, when Yang Shida was alive, Yang Ji had already been assigned to the Fuxi Bureau of Menxia Province as a small head. From the sixth rank Fu Xilang, he was in charge of Luoyang.

At that time, Yang Shida's plan was to let Yang Jian have a few years of seniority, and then pull Yang Jian when he was about to die in the end, so that he could smoothly push him to the fifth rank or above.

But people are not as good as heaven, and before he could pull Yang Jian, he died suddenly in the army of Zheng Gaoli.

Then Yang Ji was flashed somewhere...

Of course, if the world was peaceful in the Sui Dynasty, then Yang Ji would be able to muddle along slowly, and by the time he died, he might be able to rank up to the third or fourth rank. His son Yang Quanjie left a good family property.

However, things in the world are afraid of a but...

The times suddenly changed. Sui Emperor Yang Guang suddenly had an accident, and Wang Shichong, who stayed behind in Luoyang, suddenly rebelled.But Yang Yan, who was the clan of the Sui Dynasty, suddenly suffered a tragedy.

After Wang Shichong rebelled, Yang Yan was directly pulled out by Wang Shichong to sacrifice the flag.

There is no reason to find one!
What's even worse is that although Yang Ji's sacrifice was very heroic, and when he died, Yang Quanjie who stayed in Daxing City had already defected to the Tang Dynasty, but in the end, Yang Ji was counted as a festival guard for Yue King Yang Yu, and he was given the Dasui Talisman. Xi Lang's identity died...

So Yang Quanjie can't even get the treatment of a martyr's family in Datang!

In the past two years, Yang Quanjie, who was running around everywhere, managed to rely on his close relationship with His Majesty Li Yuan to become a subordinate of Prince Li Jiancheng's East Palace, and became a man in charge of Qianfu in Yifu, which was under the jurisdiction of Prince Zuo Nei. The captain of Niuwei, from the seventh rank.

Even lower than his father's starting point back then...

However, as an ambitious person, Yang Quanjie also wanted to revitalize the lintel of the Yang family and bring the Yang family back into the ranks of the noble family.

But different from his ambitions, Yang Quanjie's official career can be described as stumbled. He has been busy for more than two years, but he didn't make any credit. There was a lot of trouble in my heart.

If it weren't for the fact that their Yang family and Li family were related, Yang Quanjie felt that he would have been beaten to the end long ago.

But the problem is that those guards under Qin Wang Li Shimin's command are really fierce, and those guys under him really can't do it.

So regarding his own future, Yang Quanjie has always had a deep sense of fear in his heart...

But fortunately, Yun Poyue finally came, and his Yang Quanjie was in good luck. Today, the crown prince Xima Wei Zheng found him, and had a serious chat with him about a marriage.

The marriage of his aunt Yang Mudan!

The other party is the upstart of His Majesty Li Yuan, one of the "Taiyuan Yuanmou Heroes", Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, Ying Guogong warrior Xun.

Yang Quanjie had also met this person before. He had a dignified appearance, a high position and weight, and was perfect in every way, except for one thing... the other party was not from a noble family, and he had once managed a lowly business as a merchant.

If Yang Shao was still alive...even when Yang Shida was still alive, this marriage would be absolutely impossible.

The noble daughter of the Hongnong Yang family can marry a prominent family with five surnames, how can she marry a merchant?
But Wei Zheng clearly told Yang Quanjie that His Majesty Li Yuan personally selected this marriage for the warrior Xun, and they had to agree. Of course, in exchange, he, Yang Quanjie, would be able to enter the Ten Commander's Mansion starting tomorrow and become the Prince Zuo Nei Rate. Under the sixth grade.

Yang Quanjie originally refused to marry his aunt to a guy from a businessman background.

But there is no way, Prince Li Jiancheng has given too much.

So after discussing the news with Wei Zheng, Yang Quanjie went off duty early, without any entourage, and rode a horse back to his mansion in a low-key manner.As a result, not long after entering the door, I heard such a miraculous thing from the housekeeper Yang Hong.

"Yang Hong, are you sure you heard correctly, did the little Taoist really tell my aunt that?"

"The old slave definitely heard correctly!"

The butler Yang Hong stood in front of Yang Quanjie, with his hands hanging down, he said respectfully.

"On the way back from escorting Xixiang, the old slave has already learned everything from Cuiqiao. That little Taoist priest indeed told the eldest lady so."

Yang Quan nodded and muttered to himself. "The red luan's stars are moving, and the happy event is approaching. If you ask about the marriage, it will be next year!"

To be honest, if someone had told Yang Quanjie that his aunt Yang Mudan would get married within a year before he came on duty today, he would definitely not have believed it.

Because her aunt Yang Mudan was the most devout Buddhist among the noble girls in Chang'an City, the one who opened her mouth and shut her mouth was Xu Shen Buddhism.

I remember that when his grandfather Yang Shida was still alive, Su Wei, the "Four Nobility in the Court", wanted to propose marriage to his grandson Su Xuan, but Yang Mudan firmly rejected it.

But now it's different...

Leaving aside the fact that his aunt Yang Mudan's marriage this time was personally selected by the current emperor, His Majesty Li Yuan, there is no room for the Yang family to have a chance to disagree.

And even if Yang Mudan still had a chance to disagree, in order to be the left inner leader of the prince Li Jiancheng, even if Yang Quanjie was tied, he would tie his aunt to the home of the warrior Xun.

So the matter of this marriage is already nailed down.

Yang Quanjie sat on the Hu bed at the back of the flower hall, touched his chin with his hand, and fell into deep thought.

Although the matter between my aunt and the samurai has been settled, it is impossible to get married right away...

Because the wife of the bridegroom, Samurai Xun, Xiangli, died just two days ago. Although it is said that being promoted and making a fortune and dying of a wife is the three major blessings for a man, Samurai Xun obviously didn't intend to act so ugly that people would criticize him. He is too fickle.

Based on this calculation, the Samurai Xun would have to wait half a year after Xiangli's death at the earliest before he could start the six ceremonies of accepting a bride.Then, after a series of processes such as name asking, Najib, Nazheng, date of application, and personal welcome are completed, the official wedding date will be almost next year.


Yang Quanjie took a deep breath.

That young little Taoist was actually right...

How terrifying!
If the marriage had been confirmed for a while, Yang Quanjie might still feel that this little Taoist priest had a lot of friends and knew about it from other channels.

But according to what Wei Zheng said, this marriage was a whim when His Majesty Li Yuan found out this morning that the samurai Xun was still working after his wife died, so he wanted to find a better match for the other party than Xiang Lishi. Feeling arbitrary, I chose Yang Mudan.

That is to say, this matter was decided by His Majesty Li Yuan this morning, and this marriage is only known to him besides His Majesty Li Yuan, His Royal Highness Li Jiancheng and Prince Xima Wei Zheng.

But that little Taoist actually figured it out, and it wasn't bad at all!
"Yang Hong!"

"The old slave is..."

Yang Quanjie opened his eyes, and his voice unconsciously carried a trace of eagerness.

"You tell me everything about the divination between my aunt and that little Taoist today in detail."

"Yes, Mr. Rong, please,"

Yang Hong, the housekeeper who had already guessed that this question would be asked, calmly cupped his hands and said carefully.

"This matter should start from the morning when the eldest lady went to Zhuangyan Temple to attend the Dharma meeting as usual..."

(End of this chapter)

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