Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 14 I only ask one sentence, can you live forever?

Chapter 14 I just ask, can you live forever?
Three Taoist priests talk about Xuan together, three monks talk about money together... talk about Zen, three scholars talk about Fengyue and beauty together, and three women together, then we can only talk about the parents of the Dong family, the short of the Li family, The Wang family's daughter-in-law is shameless!
Now in the restaurant of Mrs. Zhao's family, there are just three Taoist priests.

After Yuan Tiangang gave Ma Zhou hexagram casually, and pointed out that the other party may need ten years to make a fortune in this life because of his lack of personal morality, the deeply shocked Ma Zhou only spent a few minutes in depression , became alive and kicking again, and began to ask Yuan Tiangang about divination.

"The so-called divination is nothing more than eight characters..."

Although Ma Zhou's performance somewhat damaged his image as a famous minister of Zhenguan, Yuan Tiangang seemed to appreciate such a Ma Zhou, and actually explained it to Ma Zhou.

"That is the first sentence in the opening statement of "Yellow Emperor Yin Fu Jing", the way to observe the sky, and the way to follow the sky! The so-called nature is the person, the so-called heart is the machine, the so-called the way of the sky , that is, to establish the way of heaven and to determine people.

Therefore, when the secrets of the sky expand, they do not die, when the secrets of the earth relax, they do not grow, when the sky sends out murderous intentions, dragons and snakes rise from the land.People send out murderous intentions, and heaven and earth are repeated.Therefore, those who do divination and calculation must use the human heart to understand the nature, and use the nature to steal the secrets of heaven.

If one can understand the mechanism of heaven and earth, good fortune depends on hands, and life and death depend on people.

This is the co-development of nature and man, and the foundation of all changes! "

Following Yuan Tiangang's narration, Kong Qing didn't know whether Ma Zhou understood it or not, but in the field of vision that no one else could see, only Kong Qing himself could see line by line of text sliding on the system panel.

Daoist Daoist Yuan Tiangang is teaching you the way of divination and fortune-telling, and your experience in elementary Liurenshu skills has increased!
Daoist Daoist Yuan Tiangang is teaching you the way of divination. You have acquired a new passive skill, "Yin Talisman" primary level, (incomplete, cannot be upgraded)

Elementary level of "Yin Fu Jing":
You have a certain understanding of the way of viewing the sky and the journey of holding the sky in the "Yin Fu Jing", and you have a certain understanding of the life and death of the heaven and the earth, and the principle of yin and yang creation...

Passive skill, all fortune-telling skill levels plus one!

When the handwriting on the panel appeared, Kong Qing felt that his mind suddenly became very clear. Some knowledge from his previous life and the contents of the Taoist classics he had read after time travel suddenly appeared in his mind, and he was overwhelmed by himself. Digestion and absorption.

Is this the result of personal guidance from Daomen Daoist people?

Kong Qing had been very interested in Taoism in his last life, and in the year after time travel, he also found and read many Taoism classics from the relics of his cheap master Taoist Xuancheng.

Now the contents of the "Yin Talisman Classic" in the classics that I have read all quickly appeared in Kong Qing's mind, and then Kong Qing became Kong Qing's own knowledge.

Of course, Yuan Tiangang was not alone. When he was telling the story, he also mentioned a few words about his student Li Chunfeng, and sometimes he asked Li Chunfeng to add something to Ma Zhou.

For Kong Qing, what he showed was...

Li Chunfeng, a Taoist true cultivator, is teaching you the way of divination and fortune-telling, and your experience in the "Liu Ren Shu" skill has been slightly improved!

Daoist True Cultivator Li Chunfeng is teaching you the way of divination and fortune-telling, and your primary (incomplete, non-upgradable) experience of "Yin Talisman" has been slightly improved!

As the text drifted by line by line, Kong Qing felt that his understanding of "Liu Ren Shu" and "Yin Fu Jing" was constantly improving. Converted to the system panel, it was "Liu Ren Shu" and "Yin Fu Jing". The experience is constantly increasing...

This feeling of being able to become stronger while sitting made Kong Qing intoxicated.

Just when Yuan Tiangang stopped to drink water after speaking for about ten minutes, he happened to see Kong Qing nodding slightly with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"When the old man was doing calculations just now, he saw Qingwei that you kept your eyes straight and moved your five fingers slightly, and now you understand and nod frequently..."

Seeing Kong Qing's serious and handsome face, Yuan Tiangang suddenly tapped the little Taoist priest in white with his hand on a whim, showing an encouraging smile.

"Presumably Qingwei, you also have some opinions of your own. I wonder if you can express them and let the old man listen to them?"

"In front of Yuan Zhenren, there was no room for a young student like Pindao to speak up."

Because he had just learned a lot of knowledge through the skill of "Yin Fu Jing", Kong Qing was eager to try Yuan Tiangang's invitation to speak.

"However, since the real person is inquiring, then the poor Taoist just wants to talk about some of his own feelings, please give the real person some pointers."

Saying that, Kong Qing got up from the posture of kneeling, and saluted Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng first.

"From the point of view of the poor, the so-called way of observing the sky is the way of observing nature..."

Right after Kong Qing said this, Yuan Tiangang stroked his beard with his hands and nodded slightly, as if to encourage Kong Qing.

"The person who observes the way of nature does not observe it with the eyes, but with the heart. Because the heart is deep and subtle and has nothing to see, it can illuminate the nature of nature. It is only deep and subtle that can illuminate it, so it is called Yin. .”

When Kong Qing continued to say these words, Yuan Tiangang's expression changed from relaxed and freehand to a somewhat dignified one.

"Those who practice nature are not holding on to anything. They are not holding on to it with their hands, but they are holding on to it with a machine. The machine is flexible and has nothing to do. Therefore, it can conform to the principles of nature, which is called a talisman.

From Pindao's point of view, what Yuan Zhenren said just now means..."

After saying this, Kong Qing looked at Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng who had become attentive listeners, and said word by word.

"But follow it with your heart, and make it with the machine."

clap clap clap...

Just after Kong Qing finished speaking, Yuan Tiangang raised his hands and clapped his hands.

"The summary is very incisive. Taoist Xuancheng has successors!"


After hearing Yuan Tiangang's words, a puzzled look appeared on Kong Qing's face.

"Renren Yuan, do you know your teacher?"

"Of course I do. Taoist Xuancheng and the old Taoist are old acquaintances..."

Yuan Tiangang held his beard with his hands, and looked at Kong Qing with emotion.

"During the second year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign in the Sui Dynasty, your master Taoist Xuancheng once came to Sichuan and wanted to join the Zhanyan School, so he and the old Taoist once communicated with each other for a while. It made the teacher look elegant, look refined, and talk about metaphysics. At the time of the Tao, the eloquence is eloquent and thought-provoking..."

Kong Qing blinked his big black and white eyes in confusion.

Has my cheap master ever done this kind of thing?

"Now the old man can still clearly recall Lingshi's demeanor back then, what a pity..."

Yuan Tiangang said with a sigh.

"Although the teacher is very handsome, he answers ten questions, but his fortune is shallow, he is born with vulgar bones, he has no chance to enter the Tao, and he is not qualified to join my Zhanyan school. It is really a pity..."

Kong Qing nodded silently.

I get it, my cheap master had enough savvy but not enough bones, so he was rejected.

"Back then, out of good intentions, the old Taoist once said to the teacher, 'Although my Zhanyan School is incapable of leading you into Taoism, the Dongyuan School, Louguan Taoism, and Shangqing School have emerged in large numbers, so it may not be impossible to lead you into Taoism', so So the teacher packed his bags and went to Maji Mountain in Taihu Lake to find the Dongyuan faction..."

As he said that, Yuan Tiangang's tone became a little lower.

"Looking at it now, even if it is Dongyuan Sect, Louguan Dao or Shangqing Sect, there is no chance for their master to enter Taoism!"

Yuan Tiangang pondered for a while, then raised his head, his eyes were lost in thought.

"When Lao Dao passed by this restaurant today, he vaguely felt that this place is destined to be with Lao Dao. It turned out to be on you, Qingwei. Now the master must have passed away, right?"

"Not bad!"

Kong Qing nodded calmly, and replied honestly.

"A year and a half ago, when the master's deadline came, he emerged safely."

"such a pity……"

There was a look of regret in Yuan Tiangang's eyes.

"With the talent of a teacher, if you can enter the Tao, my Taoist school will add another real person. It's a's a pity..."

With that said, Yuan Tiangang looked down at Kong Qing again.

"Although my teacher is proficient in Huang Lao's learning, but due to limited talent, he has never been able to enter Taoism, but Qingwei is different from you. You were born with immortal roots. If you enter my Taoist school, you may be able to travel to the surface of the Eight Extremes in the future..."

After hearing Yuan Tiangang's words, Kong Qing felt his heart beating suddenly.

The person in front of him who invited him was a famous immortal in the Tang Dynasty, now the suzerain of the Zhanyan School, and the real Daoist Yuan Tiangang.

Does that mean that he also has a chance to become a fairy?

Before Kong Qing could speak, Ma Zhou, who was acquainted with him, already had a cheerful expression on his face.

"This is a rare and good opportunity, Brother Qingwei, it is very rare to be able to worship Daoist Yuan Tiangang as a teacher!"

Sitting opposite Li Chunfeng also had a smile on his face, smiling and nodding to Kong Qing. "If Junior Brother Qingwei can join our Zhanyan Sect, it can be regarded as fulfilling a wish of Lingshi Xuancheng Daoist Priest."

Under Yuan Tiangang's expectant eyes, Kong Qing stood up respectfully, clasped his fists in both hands, and bowed to the ground seriously.

"I'm ignorant, I just want to ask Yuan Zhenren a word... Can the knowledge of the Zhanyi school lead to longevity?"

(End of this chapter)

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