Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 440

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Secret 440

Yang Ling threw the bait. Archbishop La Mario and Marquis Barmond began a heated debate about which two items to choose as agents. Sander and others continued to intervene to speak, and the fast-connected translators were too late. translation.

Yang Ling stopped the interpretation with a smile, he didn’t need to listen to them arguing about which two commodities are faster and more convenient to transport, and more profitable. No matter how they choose, Yang Ling has achieved his goal.

Daming is now in need of rapid development. However, years of war have caused extreme internal emptiness. There is still an uncertain factor on the northern grasslands. It may evolve into a war at any time. Daming does not have the financial resources to build ocean shipping merchant fleets and build armaments. Ample **** fleet.

Divided development can promote the development of Daming’s production to the greatest extent and fastest, and promote the rapid rise of the economy.

At the same time, each western country enjoys the agency rights of one or two products. With the expansion of their market operations, they will occupy an important position in their national economy. Then the dependence of the other country on Daming will expand accordingly. In the East, you can use the economic lever to remotely control the far western world like a marionette.

And from the experience of later generations, it can be foreseen that when a large number of products from the Ming Dynasty are dumped, leading to the shrinking of industries in other countries and the large amount of silver flowing to the east, it will surely cause the economists in that country to be vigilant, which will lead to state intervention and anti-dumping measures to protect state-owned industries , Refusing the entry of Ming dynasty commodities, although it is still possible to continue to import products through the smuggling of merchants from other countries, but of course sales will be greatly affected.

But if from now on, let the ruling class of the other country be the direct beneficiary of such a transaction, then even if there are a few long-term and selfless patriotic people among them, how much influence can they have? They simply cannot influence the political situation and economic policies.

Yang Ling’s economic theory and political insights are not necessarily better than those of scholars of politicians in the east and west, but he has more than 500 years of insight after all. What these future generations have experienced and only have a rough understanding of is indeed quite forward-looking for people who have not yet formed an industrialized country.

This kind of warm-hearted plundering is more in the long-term interest. The kind of robbery by pure force can only create some upstarts who do not want to develop. They still have nothing. How to create a fishing rod when robbing ten fish?

The Archbishop and the Marquis finally reached an agreement, and they decided to choose silk and tea.

Yang Ling waited for them to make a decision and toasted with a smile: “Very well, then the agency rights of these two products belong to you. Next, you can decide the location of the building mall, warehouse, transportation terminal, everyone The missionary can also invest in the construction of churches and schools nearby.

Oh! You can also build Western hospitals, even on a voluntary basis. Recruit Daming’s students and cure Daming’s patients. Look, we Daming are very generous. ”

It’s really too generous! These Westerners who have been restricted and resisted all the way from India, Luzon, Dongying, etc., really did not expect to receive such preferential treatment in Daming. Archbishop Ramario and Marquis Barmond were overjoyed. The two quickly thanked and toasted.

Yang Ling again said: “With regard to the detailed negotiation of the terms, since these basic things have been resolved, it is easy to handle. You can come back and propose a letter, and then our two countries will formally sign.”

He smiled and said: “His Majesty the Emperor Daming will leave for Beijing recently. He will first go to Suhang and other places known as paradise. If the envoys are interested, they can take our official ship together. If you are prepared fast enough, then before your majesty returns to Beijing, you can get the document signed by His Majesty the Emperor Ming Ming to the king of your country. ”

The Archbishop and Marquis Barmond quickly thanked them. The place where they originally wanted to choose to stay was the rich and well-connected places in Suhang, with convenient transportation. They could go with the emperor of Ming Dynasty. That is naturally more convenient.

The matter was settled, both parties achieved their goals. After the feast, Archbishop Lamario and his party hurried back to the Siyi Pavilion to discuss specific matters and construct their beautiful blueprint, and Yang Ling was also excited. He rushed into the palace to meet the emperor, and wanted to report the results of today’s negotiations.

The palaces in Nanjing have always been idle, and despite the annual maintenance costs, the huge palaces have limited funds. In addition, the guardian **** knew that it would be impossible for Li Chaotianzi to leave the Forbidden City of Beijing City to visit here. Therefore, maintenance has always been too lazy, and many places have been run down and uninhabitable.

Although the emperor, emperor, princess and others lived in the palace. But they could n’t live apart according to Beijing ’s style. They were concentrated in a building complex that had been repaired by the Emperor after his southern tour. Although they were more crowded, the management and service were also more confusing. Fortunately, they lived only temporarily. Random, but calm.

Yang Ling entered the palace and asked the **** of the palace that the emperor was currently in the imperial study, and hurried away. When he walked under the palace wall promenade, across the perimeter fish pond, Princess Xiang’er came out from a moon door opposite .

Xianger saw Yang Ling was going forward under the opposite gallery, and quickly accelerated her pace. She hurried forward two steps, and suddenly woke up and followed by a close-fitting maid, she smiled and coughed: “Princess Ben To walk around, there is no need to wait. ”

The maidservant hurriedly answered and quietly retreated. Zhu Xianger saw her flashing into the Moon Gate, and immediately lifted her skirt to pull out her feet and chased Yang Ling.

“Hello! Wait, look at your long-legged bouncer.” Zhu Xianger saw Yang Ling’s head squinting without squinting, and still ran to the Yu Study, he couldn’t help shouting.

When Yang Ling turned her head to see her, she quickly stopped and waited until she ran to the front to stop breathlessly, before saying: “Little Princess, if you go back to Beijing like this, the queen mother will definitely scold you. I Something is going to meet the emperor, what are you doing? ”

Xiang’er was very happy to see Yang Ling, but she couldn’t think of Yang Ling’s face as soon as she saw her, as if she owed him a few hangs of money. Xiang’er grunted his mouth and stomped on his boots resentfully.

Yang Ling yelled, Xianger grumbled and said: “I can’t find you if you’re okay? People haven’t gotten married into your door, they know they bullied me all day long.”

Yang Ling said with a bitter face: “Isn’t this the wicked complaint first? I just said it and you started it. Have I ever touched your finger?”

Xiang’er glared brightly and said, “Whoever starts, let me kick you again.”

Yang Ling smiled and said, “Yes, yes, it’s a move, not a move. Let’s just get connected. Ha ha, okay, your husband is really doing something. I’ll rush to see the emperor, you go back to the palace first Go to Yongchun and play with them. ”

Xianger heard the word “Your husband”, and his heart couldn’t help but a sweet smile on his face, but his mouth was unforgiving: “He also treats people as children. What is it to find Yongchun to play with?” , People are older girls, OK? ”

“Good”, Yang Ling said helplessly: “I don’t know what the girl Xiang’er told me?”

Xiang’er looked around and secretly said, “Don’t you say you want to play a show at Sister Yongfu, how are you doing now?”

“Now?” Yang Ling was startled. Busy: “I still plan to go to Suhang to find another opportunity, but now in the palace, is it convenient?”

Zhu Xiang’er said: “If there is no chance in Suhang? Long nights and dreams, today’s day is really more appropriate. Yongchun slipped out with Huangsao again, and sister Yongfu seemed uncomfortable in these two days, so I didn’t follow. Go, she is in the palace now. Would n’t it be convenient for you to do it alone? ”

Yang Ling hesitated and asked, “Is there always a waiter beside her?”

Zhu Xiang’er said with a lip: “Where did she go, there are no waiters around? I’ll just throw them all out. They’re all servants next to the princess, and some people ran to the emperor’s brother to report for food. ? ”

Yang Ling thought about it. Stomped: “Okay, let’s prepare right away, oh, can you cry at that time?”

Zhu Xianger said with a grin: “You villain who deceives the dead, and I think of it, I want to laugh. Where did I cry?”

Yang Ling cried bitterly: “Can’t cry? How can it be like, Yongfu thoughtfully, wouldn’t she see the flaws?”

Zhu Xiang’er laughed: “Will not? I can’t be angry if I can’t cry? I just have to be full of anger. As the saying goes, care is chaotic. I think Sister Yongfu has been unhappy for the past few days. It ’s because there is no chance to talk to you. She will be nervous when you are there, do you still think about me? ”

Yang Ling looked at her up and down, and exclaimed: “Good things, you have always been cheated by your pure appearance. I never thought you were even worse than me!”

“Ouch!” A hard kick was hit on the boot surface again, Zhu Xiang’er Liu Mei picked up and beckoned: “Come on, come with me, let’s start immediately”.

Princess Yongfu sat lazily on Jindun with her cheeks in her hands, and she was the only one in the empty hall. Ding Qing looked carefully to find the four maidservants standing quietly in the four corners.

She went south full of hope this time, and finally got her love from her sweetheart. Xiao Nizi rejoiced to be with her beloved Lang Jun all the time.

But her temperament prevented her from being as daring and bold as Yongchun and Xiang’er, and many of her feelings were dare not show in her heart. She couldn’t even see Yang Ling for a few days, making her unhappy with nothing to do.

She silently thought about her mind and sighed quietly, thinking of getting up to find Xiang’er to play chess to relieve the boredom, but heard someone outside call: “Princess! Your Highness, Yongfu!”

Yongfu stood up in surprise, this is Yang Ling’s voice, how did he come?

Yongfu’s heart was hot, and he didn’t care much. He hurried to the door and just opened the door. Yang Ling darted in and said anxiously, “His Royal Highness, Your Highness Save Me Quickly.”

Yongfu looked around and saw Xiang’er clenching her silver teeth, a skirt and a sword. Zhang Ya danced to the ground, and Yongfu was frightened. He quickly opened his arms like Yang’s hens and stopped in front of Yang Ling, angrily said: “Xiang’s sister, what’s wrong with this? Why are you facing Guo Gong’s sword?”

“You … you ask him!” Xiang’er gasped, as if she could no longer speak. She sighed with a sword and took a chance to breathe. This sword is sore with tired wrists.

Princess Yongfu cast an inquiring look on Yang Ling. Yang Ling squeaked and said: “This … Weichen was wronged, Weichen didn’t expect His Highness to be … so …”.

When Princess Yongfu saw that his language was unclear, and there seemed to be an inexplicable secret, she waved quietly: “You all retreat and you are not allowed to go out and talk!”

“Yes!” The four maidservants stepped back out in a hurry.

Yongfu hurriedly closed the door and said, “Xiang’er, you are crazy. With the sword to chase down the country’s father-in-law, give me the sword!”

“No! My sister will force me again, and I … I’ll just kill myself on the spot!” Zhu Xiang’er turned the sword across her neck, her wrist strength was insufficient, and the long sword wobbled. Yongfu watched in shock, and she quickly took two steps back and waved her hand: “Well, I won’t pass. You put the sword down, what happened, let you move the sword to the ground.”

“I … I can’t say it. You asked him yourself what he did to me. I have a daughter’s family. I don’t kill him when I get out of this kind of unsightly thing. I don’t have a face to see anyone!” Zhu Xianger “Sorrowful and indignant” authentic.

Yongfu’s face changed, and she turned to look at Yang Ling, trembling: “You … what did you do to Xiang’er sister?”

Yang Ling smiled bitterly: “His Royal Highness, what does Weichen dare to do, Weichen is really wronged.”

He mistakenly entered the Xiang’er cabin last time and was surprised that she took a shower and changed it to today, and told Princess Yongfu again.

In fact, if it was said that day, Yongfu would be more guilty, because from the situation described by Xiang’er. That day it was clear that Yongfu and Yongchun designed him together. He entered the room of Xiang’er by mistake.

But this matter has passed for a long time, and Xiang’er also talked and laughed at Yang Ling along the way. At this time, let her “sorrow and anger” again, even if the little girl Yong Chun heard it, she would know that there was something weird.

Yongfu heard Yang Ling say that Xiang’er was calling him and told him to visit the emperor later, to discuss with him about buying gifts for his father, but Yang Ling hurried over first, and it happened that Xiang’er was taking a shower and was waiting in front of the door The maidservant walked away temporarily, and ended up in the room. When she saw her naked, she said it again, her face suddenly showing a strange look.

Yang Ling looked at her, knowing that she remembered the strategy she had wanted to use, and had a little smile in his heart. He glanced at Xiang’er. Xiang’er remembered the shameful situation that day, and his cheeks were flushed. , It really looks like he is angry and angry.

Yongfu looked at Xiang’er, who was angry and angry with her sword. Her hair was still wet, her face was rosy, and she seemed to have just taken a shower. Yongfu couldn’t believe it or not. She looked back at Yang Ling again and said softly : “You’ll retreat to the palace and take shelter, let me tell her.”

“So, thank you princess”, Yang Ling looked at her deeply, ashamed.

“Hao!” Yongfu looked at Yang Lingyin with a frown, and then walked over to hold Xianger’s hand, pulled her to the table and sat down, said softly: “Xiang’s things today are all misunderstood, Yang Ling said that Zhi Zhi was a national official. Although he was a foreign minister, his status was not inferior to those of our royal princesses. Besides, he was the first minister to his brother. If you killed him, who would bear it? ”

“Daughter’s family is starving to death, and it’s a big mess. This matter knows ghosts and gods, I know it myself, does my sister want me to be deaf and dumb?”

“This …”, Yongfu said, if she had encountered such a thing, she would never refuse to let it go. In her conception, she naturally thinks that women’s reputation is more important than everything, whether Yang Ling is unintentional or not. Lost, things have already happened, how to persuade yourself?

Xiang’er said quietly: “Sister, people know that her sister likes her, and the elder brother also intends to make an exception to recruit him as a pony, but whenever he can bear the ground, the sister will endure a little bit of music. That day in the palace in order to replace his wife The newsletter, I accidentally fell on him, this matter has been passed on as a joke by Manchao Wenwu and outside the palace, and my sister shyly supported it. This time, his body was seen by him , What do you want me to do, what should I do? ”

She said “wow” and threw herself into Yongfu’s arms, crying out loud.

Yang Ling stood behind the pillar and listened to her miserable crying. Uncertainly, she glanced over her head and saw Zhu Xiang’er lying on Yongfu’s shoulder. The thief’s eyes wandered round and round. Her mouth was crying miserably, but it was thunder and no rain. When she saw Yang Ling, she stared fiercely. At a glance, Yang Ling was busy making her gesture carefully. Hidden back to the column and went.

“What should I do, what should I do?” On the one hand is the heart of Lang Jun’s life, and on the other is the poor sister’s name. Zhu Xiuning, the princess of the Princess, holding the crying breathless Xianger, she was at a loss for a while , I do n’t know what to do.

“Ah! Waiting for the Emperor to summon it, why are you running around again?” Zhang Tianshi saw his sister coming back and scolded.

“You see you, I want to see Yongfu and Princess Yongchun.” Zhang Fubao gave his brother a white look.

Zhang Tianshi reluctantly smiled bitterly: “Then go, there is no up and down, I really dare not take you to see the emperor.”

Zhang Fubao’s elder brother’s sleeves said, “I’ve gone, and I’m back halfway. Brother, I saw Yang Ling and Her Royal Highness together. Their relationship … seems to be very special.”

Master Tian Tian was nervous, looking at the two young eunuchs standing in front of the door of Yushufang. He quickly grabbed his sister’s wrist and pulled her in front of a cluster of flowers and trees. The vegetation was a little decayed, but it was still dark green. Because no one had sorted it all year round, Mimizaza was covered with vine branches.

“Sister, don’t talk nonsense, the royal thing. The less you know, the better.” Zhang Tianshi said solemnly: “Don’t you cause trouble to our family, tell the truth to you …”.

At this time, the densely covered flowers and grasses walked past a person lazily, cradling his hands there to think about something, Zhang Tianshi looked around, and saw that there were several lazy eunuchs in the distance who were basking in the sun, near No one passed by. But he didn’t know how to stand alone after the flower bushes were in close proximity.

He said cautiously: “Silly girl. Just see it? Tell you, I met Wei Guogong for the first time. The elder brother found the embroidered parquet of Princess Yongfu at his place. Shenger.

This time, Princess Yongfu went to Longhu Mountain, carefully looked at her face for the brother, and deduced her in the quiet room. She did n’t think she really had a relationship with Wei Guogong, but it stands to reason that Princess Daming Di How can one marry a group of already married wives? This matter is inexplicable for my brother. I want to make everything possible. It is amazing that no one can detect it. We just wait and see what is happening.

Zhang Fubao said, “What? Princess Yongfu and Yang Ling have a relationship? I … I just saw Yang Ling and Princess Xianger entering the garden side by side. The expression is quite warm and ambiguous. How did it become Yongfu again? princess?”

“No? At your young age, you know what is ambiguity, you must be wrong.” Zhang Tianshi was nervous again: “This is impossible, absolutely impossible, this … how is this possible?”

Zhang Fubao rolled his eyes and said: “The emperor has only been assuming the throne for three years now. There are too many impossible things to do, and I am not surprised if it is ridiculous …”

Zhang Tianshi covered her mouth and said nervously: “No nonsense, imperial land affairs are untouchable. Duke Yang Ling is also a life-long and indescribable fate. The trouble comes from the mouth! You have forgotten that the uncle has been assigned to another country so far. The end of your hometown? ”

He thought for a while, and said in his heart: “Don’t you talk nonsense, when I see Princess Xiang, I will give her another look.”

“Xiangxiang, what do you like”, Zhang Fubao somehow got a fire in her heart, she shook her brother’s hand: “Look at you like a coward, I just tell you, will I go out to publicize? God? Shili! ”

When she lifted her face, the bright sun was shining on her face, Zhang Tianshi cleared her eyebrows clearly, and Zhang Fubao left with a wave of anger.

Zhang Tianshi stood there staring stupefiedly, and said strangely, “The girl has a spring breeze, her cheeks are peach blossoms, the Yintang is shiny, her brows are happy, and she is clearly the moving phase of the red luan star. “I … will I read it wrong? No, I have to chase it and see clearly!”

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianshi chased her sister down. The person standing behind the trees inadvertently heard such an anecdote, staring blankly, and hurriedly turned around and left quietly …

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