Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 450 - First Guardian

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450 First Guardian

After Yang Ling returned to the capital, he was worried that the news of the two princesses’ marriage would cause a shocking reaction in Jingli, but unexpectedly it was like throwing a small pebble in the sea.

No one cared, even if he married the girl of the emperor, one willing to fight, one willing to suffer, no one was willing to blend in.

The heads of military and political affairs of various governments across the country changed their defenses, and every official in the territory of Xinjiang had to leave his jurisdiction within a time limit and take up a new place. No one can hold a soldier’s own weight away from the places that have been painstakingly managed for many years and where they are intertwined with the forces.

They obeyed the court’s dispatch and could still govern the place, but that relied on the court’s majesty and power. Even if they are willing to cultivate new confidant and personal power, it is a long-lasting thing. The court can naturally deploy it for a long time and further improve the control of the center.

This kind of thing has existed for a long time, but such a large-scale mobilization is unprecedented. This came from Yang Ling’s instruction, and Yang Ling was a great man who learned from later generations, but such a non-courageous and courageous move is in line with Zhengde’s temperament.

Changing an emperor may be cautious, looking forward and back, but the emperor Zhengde has always been unscrupulous in his work, and he has implemented it without detailed consideration.

At the same time, Jingli even rushed all the officials who had close ties with Ning Wang. With the exception of a handful of judges who have a clear affiliation with King Ning, most officials who only have close personal relations or accept bribes have not been imprisoned or beheaded.

This was the result of Yang Ling’s efforts to dissuade him. Otherwise, Zhu Houzhao would not follow the example of his ancestors and initiate a **** cleansing with three factories and one guard. Zongfan has always been rebellious and collusion inside and outside, which is an inevitable result once it fails.

Yang Ling did not appreciate Zhu Yuanzhang’s brutal measures against political opponents. On the contrary, he admired the gentleman politics of the Song Dynasty. Perhaps no one believes that. Yang Hetou, wherever the stormy wind and the rain went, was actually a person who opposed political disputes and would end in death. Who can believe that he has no choice but to kill?

However, he couldn’t make more efforts. Rebellion has always been taboo for the emperor, and clan rebellion is taboo. The roster was discovered in the presence of the emperor, and Yang Ling can only reasonably try to persuade the emperor to use fewer swords.

Speaking of which some ministers are relatively unjust, accepting gifts and Cheng Yi have already become popular on the officialdom. Some people may not think of Ning Wang’s rebellion. However, the prevailing trend does not mean that it has already been implemented in the official document system.

Many people are receiving gifts, but not all of them are for rebellion. If you show up a rebel master, then you have to admit it. No matter what happens, it ’s better to take care of yourself, no matter how ancient or modern it is. Change who is the emperor, there is land available for human use. Do I have to put a person with a mustard under my eyes?

Political struggle can not bleed, but it has never been warm!

However, not many were pushed into the court, but many were pulled off. The promotion, demotion, and large-scale mobilization of government officials attracted the full attention of the government and the public. Who cares who the emperor’s sister marries?

In this way, Yang Ling and Emperor Zhengde prepared the rhetoric, which was in vain for the hexagrams that Zhang Tianshi had been instructed to prepare in advance, except for the Queen Mother who expressed some dissatisfaction. There was no more opposition from Chaoye.

The marriage of Yang Ling and the two princesses was settled so smoothly. The royal marrying the princess, of course, also had to be a good day for the king, and the royal family had to make careful preparations. Princess Xiang’er is the daughter of the King of Shu, and the King of Shu must also go to Beijing to congratulate him. Even if Lin Lin is fully prepared, even at the fastest speed, he will not be able to work without half a year of hard work, not to mention that the royal family has no need to rush to marry a woman, so the marriage period has not yet been set.

Yang Ling missed the situation outside the customs. After waiting hard for more than half a month in Beijing and Central China, when the situation in Beijing and China has completely stabilized, I took the initiative to invite Ying to visit Liaodong.

Daming was historically wiped out by the barbarians from the north, when it turned into a butterfly, spread its wings, danced, the most vulnerable and turbulent, and the most promising, the most important moment for the next civilization, was a more backward and ignorant force Replaced by.

Yang Ling knows very much about this period of history, so he pays the most attention to the customs. One day outside the customs will not be resolved. He is always a piece of heart disease. What’s more, there are Red Lady, You Chengqiyun and Adni. Is there a lover closely related to his voice?

After struggling for a long time, Yang Ling finally got the permission of Emperor Zhengde, and he packed up his clothes and went to the customs. Now that he has passed the jurisdiction of the Liaodong Dusi, he will soon reach the Wuerwei of Nuergan Dusi.

Che reel, Ma Xiaoxiao, Chaoyang like fire, wormwood tall …

It should have been a place in Harbin, and now it is still a wasteland under the jurisdiction of Haixi Jurchen. Yang Lingji lived here for a few years when he was a child. It is very exciting and exciting to revisit the old place. If it is an old place hundreds of years ago, it is neither human nor human. The feeling of a millennium and reincarnation is full. Desolate.

“Living in heaven and earth, and tears alone,” Yang Ling felt very emotional. He sighed softly and thoughts, and he didn’t sing a poem for a long time. He had to wave his sleeves and fell on the brocade. The bed continued to fall asleep.

“Duke Qiqiangguo, the Wu Zhewei has arrived in front of him, and the Wu Zhewei commanded the leader to come and greet him.”


“Grandpa Qiqiang …”.

“Well, where are you?” Yang Ling lifted the curtains and leaned his head out. His hair was scattered and his robe was open. His eyes were dim, and the smell of sleeping.

“The Grandpa returned to China, and he has arrived at Wuzhewei, and the Wuzhewei commander made Master Lian Yunshulian lead his team to greet him.”

“Well, the car stopped!” Yang Ling’s head flicked back again.

After a while, Yang Ling lifted the car curtain and drilled out of the car. The jade gown and belt were neatly dressed and her hair was clean and combed. She stood on the front of the car.

In front of us is a team riding a square array neatly. The gleaming knives and guns, the simple and shabby battle shirts, the faded flag fluttering high, but there is a strong mountain like momentum, only the honor of two thousand people, but like a thousand horses and horses, killing people.

Wu Zhewei commanded Lian Yunshu to be a horse. Leading more than a dozen cavalry generals came forward. Most of these generals are more than 30-year-old and powerful young generals. The commander is quite young, and as a party leader, he is less than 40 years old.

He wore light armor and a sword under his ribs. A Chinese character face was sharp and angular, and his dark face outlined a strong line of fortitude and toughness. The generals who were greeted in order by rank behind him were also magnificent and imposing.

The commander saw Yang Ling hurried forward and dismounted, and stepped forward to meet him, pushing Jinshan and pouring jade for a while. Congratulations. In the military formation, this gift may not be necessary, but Yang Ling’s reputation has been heard for a long time.

Decisive and wealthy, determined life and death, and a great man, and the emperor gave the two princesses as wives. Such a privileged position has no ancients and no comers. Such a figure, it is said that he practises all, it is The great governor of Nuergandusi. How dare you disrespect the gods?

Yang Ling hurriedly got off the train and mixed up with her instructions, chatting with each other, and then walked in the city of Wuduwei. The knights on both sides stood solemnly on the short and strong Mongolian horse, although the clothing and swords were not as sharp as the Jingying, and the saddles were neat. But bursting with endless majesty.

The Wuzhe City is not large, with a radius of no more than twenty miles, four gates, and the main street is a cross street. There are not too many complicated alleys and trails in the ordinary city, which makes it easy to gather troops quickly, and it is much more convenient to go out and defend the city.

The military camps in the city are neat and tidy, but most of them are mud houses with rammed soil plywood construction, and the roof is herringbone covered with thick firewood that has been impregnated with yellow mud. It was not until I reached the center of the barracks that I saw five or six brick houses. The city is also very rudimentary, and the height and firmness are probably only to prevent the entry of wild animals.

In fact, they don’t need to be too sturdy and tall, surrounded by rancher Nuchen and Haixi Nuzhen ranch. The diaspora of these semi-primitive tribes did not have the guts to invade the army of the Tian Dynasty, and even the ordinary Han people would not dare to offend them.

To the east, relying on the Daxinganling Mountains, the Fuyu, Duoyan, and Taining three guards became the barriers of the Daming military guards. Unless the three guards were captured, Boyan ’s men and horses would not be able to pose a threat to the Ming army in the hinterland.

A group of people entered the largest and most spacious house and practiced rubbing their hands. It is embarrassing to say: “Governance Grandpa. This is the best house of the Uggat Guardian. It is really shabby. The aggrieved State Grandpa lives in such a place, and the officials are really worried.”

Yang Ling noticed that the house should have just been painted. Although the layout in the house was relatively simple, it was very neat and uncomfortable. Even on the ground of blue bricks, the brick joints were completely clean and there was no trace of dust. I did not know how many soldiers were sent to practice the command, and tried my best to clean the room.

Yang Ling smiled and said: “It’s okay, the soldiers guard the border, and they have worked hard for years. It’s a place where you can live, can’t I live? I don’t come here to visit the mountains, but I don’t want to go to the mountains and waters Restraint, come, please sit down. ”

Yang Ling walked to the top, sat down calmly, pressed down with both hands, and said, “Sit down, it’s hard to talk.”

The generals sat down one by one, and some soldiers flushed the tea and brought them up. Yang Ling looked around and smiled: “Just got to know the generals, we don’t know each other well. But it doesn’t matter, our country’s father will spend some time in slavery, we can get familiar with it slowly. Yang Ling is very good at speaking . ”

“Yes,” the conductor said with a smile: “The bitter cold outside the country has never been to such an honorable adult as Guo Gongye. Xiaguan et al. Went to the mountains to hunt for some rare things, and bought something from the Jurchen tribe. After a while, the grandfather of the country is exposed to the wind and dust, “.

“Practice Master, you’re welcome. Today you can meet the heroic and warrior generals, and your father-in-law is also very happy. I will have a few drinks with you later. Well, it’s still early, Master Practice, let me introduce the situation here. ”

The conductor said humbly: “Yes, follow the instructions.”

He licked his mouth, relieved his nervousness, and began to talk about the situation here. Yangling in the three eastern provinces was originally very familiar, but this is not the three eastern provinces at present. It is basically a barren land here. The composition of forces is even more complicated, and it is also a bit difficult to talk about.

The stuttering that the commander initially said stuttered slowly.

Daming has established a large territory of Nuergankan, which includes some areas in the Outer Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, the Soviet Union, and the three eastern provinces. However, due to the sparsely populated land, many places do not have enough troops to station or have enough people to develop reclamation. At present, it is still untouched by virgin forests and grasslands.

The Ming Military Guard House is mainly based on several major rivers, which are mainly located in Heilongjiang, Aso River (now Wusuli River), Songhua River and Naowen River (now Nenjiang), Wusuli River Basin. More than one hundred and thirty. The Yuergan Dusi Yamen is located in the Trin area on the other side of the Gunhe Estuary. The chief officials of the Dusi are hereditary, which is different from Guanguan officials.

Their jurisdiction starts from the Nanghe River (now the Onen River) in the west. North to Waixinganling, east to the sea, south to Tumen River, northeast across the sea, there is also a health center on Sakhalin Island. There are many ethnic groups in Mongolia, Jurchen, Jilimi, Kuyi, Daur, etc. Fishing and hunting for a living.

What is special here is that the powerful ethnic groups such as Doyan Sanwei and Jurchen have their own independent territories and leadership organizations. Just like the country in the country. Moreover, due to the sparse population of the land, the troops and horses in the area bordering Tatar are less useful, and there is not enough troops, so there is no soldiers and horses in that area, and it has become a three-regardless area.

So after the Red Lady occupied a large area around the Nanda River. Expanding eastward to Hulun Lake and Bell Lake, until the fishing of the sea, the Daming army did not move, and did not cause Boyan’s suspicion. Because there is no military guard stationed in this land.

Yang Ling is here. Cheng Qiyun has been informed that Yang Ling may have learned more detailed information about Tatar, Wa’a, Duoyan Sanwei and Hong Niang from her. The generals of these border guards are estimated to be incapable of presently valuable situations. Too much.

So after listening to the commander ’s statement, he took the initiative and said, “Well, my father-in-law went to slavery this time. One was to visit the guards at the frontier, and to the commanders and envoys of the commander-in-chief of the rolling river Xuanfudu. The governor and commander. However, in view of the fact that Yin Qi, the queen of Duoyan’s three guards, is about to open her son-in-law like Kai Nadam … “.

Speaking of which. Yang Ling remembered that there was Yin Qi on Bai Mountaineering, and the rather witty little girl couldn’t help but smile with a slight smile, and continued: “Queen Yin Qi’s move has already attracted the attention of all parties. This is the key to whether or not the current grassland balance situation can be broken.

It can be said that everyone is paying attention to Boyan, Huosi, Yibuya, Hong Niangzi, and Agudamu and Baiyin in Duoyan Sanwei. So I will stay here. If necessary, he will quietly approach the Duoyan Sanwei’s station and watch the game. Keep abreast of further developments at any time to prevent the court news from lagging behind and becoming passive. ”

Speaking of this, Commander-in-Chief Qiu Haotian also showed nervousness, saying: “The father-in-law said that Duoyan Sanwei is now in a turbulent meeting, especially Bo Yanmeng, who has been in the grassland since he was seven years old, fighting for the world. Wa’ao, who had originally held an absolute advantage, retreated back into the corner of the northwest, and he could never turn over.

Huadang took advantage of his troops to punish the rebellion, and sent troops to lay down all his territory, but with the help of a god, he recaptured his own grassland with an lone army. This person is cunning like a fox and fierce like a tiger. Many grassland herders say that longevity Fortunately, the Golden Family, Bo Yanmeng is the owner of the prairie, of course, and there are many magical legends about him. ”

Yang Ling smiled faintly: “The heroic figures of Jufan are always someone who deliberately or unintentionally weaves various legends for him to prove how extraordinary he is, why is it strange?”

He glanced his eyes and smiled: “His father-in-law swept the 3,000 Japanese pirates with eight hundred guards before the tide of the Qiantang River, and some people had a far-fetched association, saying that the father-in-law had asked Zhang Tianshi to borrow the hydraulic power of the East China Sea Dragon Palace to destroy the enemy. Barbarians, the defeated people hold the barbarians. Now they still believe that their father-in-law is the reincarnation of Zhuge Kongming, and they also use magical powers to let their frog gods abandon them. Ha ha ha, these things are told to some fools and fools. All rely on the heroes of the martial arts in the battlefield, do you believe such a gossip? ”

Commander Li, Qiu Haotian and others all laughed. At this time, a soldier came in and whispered a few words to the commander. The commander rubbed his hands and said to Yang Ling: “Grandpa, the banquet is ready, do you think …?”

“Okay! Let’s have a few drinks together. Every general is a bit restrained now. Let’s drink and speak freely at the banquet feast!”

There are no excellent cooks in this sanctuary. But the food cooked in that big pot and bowl is very delicious, which makes people eat it quickly. Fatty yellow mutton, delicious disha half chicken, scented black bear paw, crispy and fragrant scented nose, flying dragon hanging soup, scallion oil deer tendon, Hash ant oil cooked in the subway bird spicy mushroom circle, and fresh The wild vegetables and bracken are all wild game.

It is not so easy to eat all these things in Guanguan. The wealthy lords have such financial resources, but the bear paws and scented noses cannot be so fresh.

Yang Ling is easy-going and approachable, and there is no room for banquets at the banquet. Even talking to women with these generals is also very exciting. The sense of imprisonment of the generals gradually faded, and they also showed a kindness to Yang Ling.

Yang Ling inspected the Guanwai Zhuweiyi because the Guanguan Political Bureau had just reshuffled a card, it was necessary to send a heavy minister to patrol the northern Xinjiang on behalf of the emperor, appease the herdsmen who guarded the hereditary slaves, and the slaves The construction of the station communication agency from the head office to the Beijing teacher thousands of miles away is more effective and strengthens the communication between the inside and outside of the customs.

Of course, these things are to be done, and it is also the reason for public announcement. But its biggest purpose is for the Nadam meeting of Duo Yanwei and to understand, decide how Da Yuan Fuhan and Beiying Wanghong Lady will act in the future. This secret reason is not necessary for these military generals to speak out.

After the banquet, it was almost twilight. Yang Ling hasn’t had such a refreshing drink for a long time. There should be nothing wrong with waiting for the news of Cheng Qiyun in the health center these two days. Coupled with rushing all the way, it was really a bit lacking. After this feast, I had a toast with those who had a lot of wine.醺醺 Ran boiling blood, and bathed in a rough wooden barrel exuding the original flavor of pine wood, it is really very refreshing.

Evening wind practice, grass green waves. Yang Ling struck a light robe, Jun’s face was reddish, and his feet were scattered on the city wall. The moat ditch outside the city is covered with dense water plants, which are longer than the ground, the ditch is narrow and shallow, and the city is really not high. There are only about two feet, but there is really no building in the distance, and you can still look far and wide. In the far distance, there is still a continuous green wave.

This untapped land is rich in mineral deposits, and the ground is a large area of ​​fertile soil and forests, which is very important for future Ming. And now. Only some soldiers are stationed here. It only represents that it is a symbolic meaning of a country, and no one realizes how rich it is.

The imperial court did not realize the importance of this so-called barren land besides politics and military affairs. Per year. A few horses, a few winter holly, and a few thousand-year-old ginsengs are consecrated to the court, which are the obligations and taxes paid by the subjects of this land.

At present, Boyan ’s crisis is to be resolved. However, Bo Yan solved the fire screen, there is also not suffocating, and there are Duyan three guards, and … it is still like a scattered sand, there is no force that puts them in the eyes of the Jurchen …

It may be a few years later, a few decades later, and hundreds of years later. If this kind of confrontation cannot be solved fundamentally, and the development of this alien force cannot be curbed, then who can guarantee that there will not be a second Bo Yan, Even the second Temujin, appeared … Nurhachi should have appeared?

“Ethnic people are just different groups of culture, customs, beliefs, ideas, etc. formed by regional settlements in the history. The sea will not be complacent about how many rivers it is composed of. If these rivers are always distinct, maintain their own characteristics. It is impossible to make the sea. Most ethnic groups divide and maintain this difference consciously. That is to abandon the future in order to remember the past, and the final world should be integration.

The power of prestige is equal to the advantage, the benefits are combined with the text, and the people are combined with the family. Only in this way can the hidden danger be completely eliminated. The prestige of using force and the same benefit is currently being done. The next step is to focus on economic development in the customs, and the military will focus on Liaodong. Strengthening mutual markets and business transactions can subtly strengthen the connections between various ethnic groups.

Yang Shen is working on it. He is collecting a lot of classic culture, and contacted a group of literati, hoping to spread the Central Plains culture and ideas among these nomadic tribes in various forms such as book borrowing, drama, songs and so on.

It is also a long-term plan to integrate it into a family. When the relationship with the people is strengthened and the understanding is deepened by the text, then the integration of mixed dwellings and interracial marriages can be accepted from the perspective of people. Hundreds of thousands of Han Chinese immigrating to the northeast will be The people of various ethnic groups in the local area gradually merged until they became one. ”

However, to achieve these things, not let it go halfway, and need a stable environment, then you have to eliminate ambitions such as Boyan, Huo Si, Yibuya, etc., weaken the separation power of these ethnic groups, and enhance their sense of belonging and identification sense. Otherwise, once the imperial court was weak, all the ethnic groups would rise up, and the war would be endless.

“Heroes of one nation will often become demons of another nation. If you must pay the price of blood in order to exchange for peace and eternity, then let me Yang Ling take the role of this demon.”

Drunk Yang beheaded his head, watching the endless green grass blowing in the evening breeze, and uttered an evil rhetoric.

He spit out a sigh of gas, and accompanied by several close guards, he walked towards the camp tentatively. At this time, on the horizon, hundreds of brave knights, escorting a mongolian king’s formula dangling luxury carriage, were rushing towards the violent guard Wei.

The copper bells on the car curtains jingled, just like the hearts of the beautiful ladies in the car, hurried and full of joy. The residual sun was like blood, the grassland was up and down, and Cheng Qiyun had not seen the city profile of Wu Zhewei, but that heart had already flown into Wu Zucheng and flew to Yang Ling’s side.

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