Back to the Peak

Chapter 34

Chapter 33 Find medicinal materials

There are some things that people can do better than machines, but there are also some things that people can’t compare to machines.

With regard to medicines, there is such a problem. Machines cannot prepare medicines that require radiation energy. Similarly, in some basic medicines, humans cannot be as precise as machines.

But even so, people still need to learn to configure simple medicines that can be configured without radiation energy. Only by skillfully configuring these medicines can they try to configure more advanced medicines and try to develop new medicines.

To do this is to lay the foundation.

Cheng Ran is born with inadequacy and can only prepare potions that do not require radiation energy. For this alone, no one thinks that he is suitable to be a pharmacist, but he also plans to configure a second-level antidote!

“Teacher, who is this person? Isn’t he a freshman? You can already configure the antidote?” A boy who came to copy the courseware was surprised. When they first entered the school, they had studied medicinal materials for half a year!

“Wang Ya, don’t be embarrassed here, don’t you know to pay attention to the school forum?” A girl patted Wang Ya on the shoulder with a recorder: “These two people, but the most influential people among the freshmen!”

“Isn’t Yin Tiancheng the man in the freshman?” Wang Ya was obviously a little puzzled, and at the same time turned up the campus network with his contact terminal.

Yesterday, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran’s affairs were already posted on the campus network. For Cheng Ran, most people are guessing his origins, but for Shi Qingyang, his previous experience is not difficult to check. He was born and raised as a native. People from Spark City, people define him as Cheng Ran’s lackey.

However, even if defined in this way, most people admire Shi Qingyang, especially after someone slowed down the video of the battle between Shi Qingyang and Yin Tiancheng.

Although Shi Qingyang only made wind blades, his release speed of wind blades was far faster than ordinary people, and his control power was also amazing-weaker than the radiant energy of the battlefield, and the damage power of wind blades was also low, but Shi Qingyang was accurate. The ground let the two wind blades cross the same part of Yin Tiancheng’s face.

“It’s so cool!” Wang Ya looked at the communicator and said admiringly, but in exchange for another blow from the girl around him: “Look at Cheng Ran!”

Wang Ya’s gaze immediately fell on Cheng Ran.

Cheng Ran’s behavior always made people feel like he hadn’t seen the world before, making it hard to believe that he has a background, but after he walked slowly to the side of the configuration table, his temperament completely changed.

Shi Qingyang saw that someone around him started videotaping, but he didn’t stop it. After Ning An agreed to let Cheng Ran dispense the medicine, he knew that Cheng Ran’s opportunity had come.

Cheng Ran wanted to know a few more people, but was ostracized. Unless he could show his talents, others would treat him differently.

Now it’s just right.

Cheng Ran has watched the instructional video, but has not practiced it. Now he is making the instructional video completely, and every step is completely copied without any mistake.

Others may be distracted during the configuration process, or they may not remember the quantity and order of dozens of medicinal materials, but he does not need to worry about these.

“This action, how do I look at the old man who always gives us demonstrations in the online pharmacy course? That old man has a habit of rubbing his fingers, and he actually has…” The more Wang Ya looked at it, the more familiar he became, and Ning An heard him Words, thoughtful.

“I said why a person who doesn’t even have radiation would want to come to Spark Academy. Does he want to learn pharmacy?” The girl next to her obviously sighed.

Although they feel that Cheng Ran’s coming to study is unfair to many people, they also have some sympathy for Cheng Ran.

They may not be as proficiency as Cheng Ran for deploying antidote, but they are Ning’an’s proud students and are expected to become intermediate pharmacists, but Cheng Ran can’t go further. Before that, he could only learn online.

The medicine was finally ready. Just now because the pharmacist was aggressive, Cheng Ran took the initiative to stand up, but now he couldn’t help being a little scared. The medicine in his hand did not even give Ning An, who had already stretched out his hand, but instead gave it to Shi Qing. Yang.

Shi Qingyang handed the medicine to Ning An, and Ning An’s expression improved a little.

“Take a recorder and I will pass the courseware to you.” Ning An looked at the bottle of medicine carefully and sighed.

Cheng Ran, like Shi Qingyang, has the same abilities, but he is limited. If Shi Qingyang’s aptitude is not C-, if Cheng Ran has radiation energy…

Shi Qingyang quickly handed over the prepared recorder.

After copying the courseware, Shi Qingyang saw that the person waiting next to them gave them a thumbs up.

This shows that Cheng Ran has received their approval…Although Ning An has detained the antidote made by Cheng Ran, this trip is obviously very worthwhile.

Although now only pharmacists who can configure medicines that cannot be configured by machines are considered precious, ordinary junior pharmacists are also popular. Many radiation fighters like to ask junior pharmacists to help process them into medicines after they have found the medicinal materials. This is much cheaper than buying medicine directly. As for selling medicinal materials, many pharmaceutical factories do not purchase scattered medicinal materials, and the price is very low.

A bottle of antidote, the production cost is not low!

No one knew what Shi Qingyang thought, if Ning An knew that he thought so, I’m afraid the courseware would not be so refreshing.

“Qingyang, I can watch distance education, why should I get the courseware?” Cheng Ran asked when he got outside.

“Distance education is the most standardized textbook. There are no tips or the like. You can take a look at such a courseware, and don’t you want to make friends? If others know that you can make medicine, they will be willing to make friends with you. “Shi Qingyang said with a smile.

“I don’t want to make friends with them anymore.” Cheng Ran frowned, “I just have you!” Yesterday, because he didn’t have radiation energy, Ying Yuan, who had originally said that he wanted to play with him, disappeared immediately. Below, Shi Qingyang is the best, and he will not dislike him.

“I have you, too.” Shi Qingyang restrained the urge to rub Cheng Ran’s head and took him back to the classroom.

The classroom of Class 10 is already full of people. Ping Haiyan is talking about the precautions on the podium. Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran are both late, but he didn’t say a word of reprimand. He still smiled: “Go to your seat. Sit down.”

There was only room left at the end. Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran sat at the adjacent tables. After sitting down, he directly lay down on the desk to make up for sleep.

The free pass can only be obtained at noon. Without the free pass, they can’t leave the school gate at all during class, so it’s better to take advantage of this time to take a good sleep.

In addition to ordinary students with double C-talents in Class 10, there are nearly half of the students who have spent money to come in. These people are the ones who followed Yin Jinru yesterday to find fault.

Yesterday they wanted to please the Yin family, but finally got into trouble. They were severely punished by their parents after returning home. Naturally, they hated Shi Qingyang very much. They planned to teach him a lesson after they arrived at school. Qingyang, let Shi Qingyang see how good they were, but didn’t expect that they didn’t dare to be late the first day, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran were both late!

It’s all about being late. After finally coming, Shi Qingyang went to sleep on his stomach. Although Cheng Ran didn’t sleep, he was holding a recorder and didn’t know what he was looking at, and he didn’t notice their anger at all. They stared for a long time, but the two of them didn’t even give them a look!

“Second Young Master, these two guys are really irritating!” The young man sitting next to Yin Jinru was full of anger.

“Wait later, we must make them look good!” Yin Jinru gritted his teeth, and suddenly seemed to think of something: “Why can he sleep and I can’t sleep? I will lie down for a while!” As soon as the voice fell, he stared at the teacher fiercely. After Qing Yang glanced at it, he lay down on the table and said nothing.

The person next to Yin Jinru couldn’t react, but he didn’t have the guts to stop Yin Jinru. He could only go to see the teacher on the podium, only to find that Ping Haiyan hadn’t seen it.

This teacher seemed to totally ignore them… He pondered for a moment, and started to use the contact terminal to chat with his girlfriend.

There are two, and more people are distracted at a time.

Ping Haiyan saw this scene on the podium, crying without tears. He has always been timid and afraid of good temper, so he has always led class 10, but in the past, even if he brought class 10, everyone would still respect him as a teacher, but now …

Of course, dissatisfaction returned to dissatisfaction, he still did not dare to reprimand.

Shi Qingyang really fell asleep. It wasn’t until the end of get out of class that everyone was moving and woke up on time. As soon as he woke up, he saw Yin Jinru losing his temper because he pressed his eyes while sleeping, and now his eyes are red.

Yin Jinru yelled over there that people should prepare pillows suitable for sleeping on their stomachs during class, while Shi Qingyang looked at his contact terminal.

The free pass has been issued, and he and Cheng Ran can go home as long as they go to the door and swipe the contact terminal.

“Shi Qingyang, Cheng Ran, how are you guys.” A fat man walked to Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran with a smile: “I am the monitor of Class 10, and there are some arrangements in the class. Would you like to understand?”

“No need.” Shi Qingyang said.

“Some volunteer activities, if you don’t participate, it will affect the final assessment.” These students often organize together during the holidays to do things like cleaning the city shields and digging the moats outside the city, because They all use machines, so these tasks are not tiring, but they can make students get used to the bad environment outside the city.

“Is there any other way?” Shi Qingyang asked.

“There are regulations that can be done by someone…” The squad leader’s round face was full of smiles.

“Then trouble the squad leader.” Shi Qingyang smiled, and took out a bottle of radiation reliever that Cheng Ran made the other day and gave it to the squad leader.

The squad leader looked at the bottle clearly, and was a little flattered: “I will definitely help you in the future activities!” Although this kind of soothing agent is very cheap compared to other medicines, some people still can’t afford it. I treasure it very much.

It’s obviously not bad to make a good idea with Cheng Ran.

“Of course, let’s go back.” Shi Qingyang smiled.

“Okay.” Cheng Ran nodded.

Many people stared at Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran, and they were a little dumbfounded when they saw that the two of them had walked out of the school gate swaggeringly.

There are also people who want to follow out, but no matter how they touch the contact terminal in their hands, the door still doesn’t move.

Xinghuo Academy is famous for its strict management. How can anyone come and go freely? In the end, it was a flexible person who thought of a free pass.

Cheng Ran couldn’t learn anything at all in school. Shi Qingyang was obviously above the first grade level. They did meet the requirements for the free pass, but they got it on the first day…Yin Tiancheng was still in the classroom obediently!

Yin Jinru was furious in the classroom and asked people around him to inquire about the freedom pass. He also asked Ping Haiyan to do one. Finally, Yin Tiancheng, who was in a class, came over and reprimanded him for a few words before he stopped and chose I got into a corner position and started to get frustrated, and then fell asleep on my stomach again. It is said that I was going to the game to do tasks at night, so I made up my sleep in advance.

Although Yin Jinru is really nothing compared to Yin Tian, ​​no one dares to provoke Yin Jinru, and naturally no one pays attention to whether he is really asleep when he is lying on his stomach.

Yin Jinru didn’t sleep at all and kept his eyes open. Many people were punished last night. The lightest parents were only willing to reprimand him. Even the most serious ones were that he couldn’t eat dinner and couldn’t use the Internet, but he was beaten up and his body was hot. pain.

However, this time he didn’t cry anymore, and it was not easy to hide his red eyes.

After returning from Xinghuo Academy, Shi Qingyang began to exercise. He had already discussed with Gu Changjin and will continue to leave the city tomorrow.

No, Gu Changjin wasn’t the only person who had a good talk with him.

The next day, Shi Qingyang and Gu Changjin left the city early in the morning as usual. This time, Shi Qingyang was calmer, completely controlled his emotions, and then concentrated on finding medicinal materials.

Gu Changjin always thought that Shi Qingyang was going out of the city in order to find the truth about the death of his parents, or to hunt, but he did not expect that this time, Shi Qingyang basically avoided the strange beasts that did not take the initiative to attack, and then he was careful. I searched for the shady places like creeks and rocks.

Shi Qingyang is really looking for herbs?

The safe area close to the city has a relatively smooth connection, but after the safe area is far away, such a place no longer exists. Shi Qingyang asked Gu Changjin to park his car on the way to Anhang City. Next to the road where the fortress crushed, and then the two used their feet.

The medicinal materials that only know the smell is not easy to find. Although Shi Qingyang heard those people say that Guanzhong and White Achyranthes are very common when he was in the research institute, he still didn’t think he would find it soon.

But in fact, this time his luck was very good. Not long after, he saw the suspected Guanzhong plant under a big tree by a small stream. After breaking off a small leaf and tasting it, Shi Qingyang was affirmed. at this point.

It’s a pity that you can’t connect to the Internet at all outside the city, otherwise you can connect to the Internet and check it, and you will immediately know the common name of this medicinal material.

Guanzhong is a fern, and a large cluster grows in the same area. Shi Qingyang unceremoniously put it all away, packed it in a special bag, and after putting it on his back, he started looking for white achyranthes.

He didn’t take a few steps before he saw a plant resembling white achyranthes. It was a pity that it was really just similar in appearance.

At noon, Shi Qingyang and Gu Changjin ate some mashed meat, and then continued to move forward.

The surrounding area of ​​the safe area is dense with plants and many different animals. The two of them swiftly walked in. Just avoiding a bug beast, they saw a one-meter-long white butterfly beast flying out from the side, apparently frightened.

The white butterfly beast does not eat meat. It is not as beautiful as some butterfly beasts, but it is the most harmless. Shi Qingyang stared at the white butterfly beast for a while, and suddenly found that there seemed to be a white cow under a stone next to it. knee.

No mistake this time, it is indeed white achyranthes!

When the two medicinal materials were found, it was already two o’clock in the afternoon. Shi Qingyang and Gu Changjin walked back together. On the road, they saw a lot of white achyranthes. If it weren’t for Shi Qingyang to hold it, he even planned to take it. These are all pretending to go.

With these two medicinal materials, he can take care of his body, and he will never make the mistakes of his previous life. Not only that, he can also start further cooperation with Cheng Xuze.

Back to the place where the chariot was parked, Shi Qingyang saw a person wearing a radiation suit standing there, and seeing them, this person threw a chip over.

“Have you checked it so quickly?” Shi Qingyang asked. When he bought the little white rabbit robot yesterday, the charming female shopkeeper gave him an account on the list. Last night, he contacted the account. The person on the other end of the account didn’t say anything, only that he would help him find out the cause of his parents’ death.

If he didn’t expect it to be bad, this person should have an enmity with the Yin family.

When he expressed his dissatisfaction with the Yin family in his previous life, the Yin family was immediately attacked by a group. In the end, he could only find someone to beg him… In this respect, someone wanted to please him, and more often, it was the Yin family’s own sins. For the sake of many people.

“I have some connections.” The man said, hearing her voice turned out to be a woman, and as soon as her voice fell, she jumped onto the second-wheeled chariot next to her and left quickly.

“Are you in touch with others again?” Gu Changjin feels complicated, and Shi Qingyang has become more and more able to borrow the power of others these days.

If Shi Qingyang had nothing to do with him, he would appreciate it very much, but now, he can’t help but think about it-is it possible that these behaviors of Shi Qingyang would hurt Cheng Ran?

“Grandpa Gu, don’t worry, I won’t let Cheng Ran get hurt.” Shi Qingyang said, further strengthening his determination to let Cheng Xuze come over.

“Remember your words.” Gu Changjin sighed.

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