Back to the Peak

Chapter 55

Chapter 54 New Year

Shi Qingyang thought a lot, but now he is just a low-level radiation warrior who has just reached level two in Spark City. Thinking too much in this capacity, others will only find it funny if he knows it.

However, there is no way to do anything as Shi Qingyang, but I can do something as I don’t want to be hungry. Once back to the city, Shi Qingyang went online to find Cheng Xuze and asked Cheng Xuze to help find out when the Yin family was sent out of the city. People.

Shi Qingyang rarely asks Cheng Xuze to do anything, and suddenly asks the other party to do this. It is inevitable that Cheng Xuze will sigh: “Master, you are so kind to Shi Qingyang.” Since I don’t want to be hungry and drive a new car from Huofeng Company, it’s impossible. Living in Starfire City as he said before, it must be all for the purpose of Shi Qingyang.

Can it be bad for yourself? Shi Qingyang faintly typed a line of words: “He is my apprentice after all.”

“Master, you are doing your best with your apprentice. I want to be your apprentice. You can accept me!” Cheng Xuze said. He is an eighth-level radiation fighter, but in ordinary communication, I don’t want to be hungry but can clearly know For the problems he encountered, he had suspected that the opponent was a ninth-level master more than once, and he didn’t feel ashamed of being an opponent’s apprentice.

Perhaps, there is more than one ninth-level master in China, but there is one master who is persecuted… No, which persecuted person can still drive the chariot of the Huofeng Company?

Still not right, those old guys who are capable, who can still play chariots? I even discovered a problem that would only occur when driving at the highest speed…

What’s more, those 100 tanks were purchased by people under the age of fifty. Could it be that an old guy secretly drove his son or grandson out to play, and then discovered the problem? Because it was opened secretly, I was not ashamed to tell the people from Fire Phoenix Company directly, and in the end I could only say it online…

Shi Qingyang always chooses to change the subject for questions that he cannot answer: “There is one more thing about the mobile fortress. The radiation protection function of the mobile fortress must be strengthened.” Liu Qilin said that the mobile town is bad. After the environment, Shi Qingyang immediately thought of Cheng Ran, who could not stand the radiation.

“I know, this was given to Shi Qingyang. When it was given to Shi Qingyang, my grandson will still use it. Of course, I have to do it well, hehe.” Cheng Xuze showed a triumphant smile on his face.

Shi Qingyang tried his best to ignore the expression of Cheng Xuze on the opposite side. With a thought, he decided to continue to be a good “master”: “It’s good if you know, my apprentice should be pursuing your grandson.”

He and Cheng Ran have been in a relationship for more than a year, but because Gu Changjin is always there, he is now going to the point where he can kiss his cheeks with his little hands. He could still sleep together, but Cheng Ran has gone to bed. I know I’m shy…

The expression on Cheng Xuze’s face instantly froze. There have been too many things in Yangtze River City for more than a year. Cheng Hui ran out of the city to “pull the weeds” every three and a half for the production of Almighty Medicine in the Pharmacy Factory. I ran to other places, so I didn’t go to Spark City anymore, just contacted my grandson and people in Spark City from time to time.

Because of this, his impression of Cheng Ran is still on the innocent child more than a year ago, but Shi Qingyang…More than a year ago, Shi Qingyang looked very thoughtful. He has always liked to be so ambitious. The young people in, they would make him think of who he once was, but that didn’t mean he was willing to let Shi Qingyang be his grandson, let alone Cheng Ran was still a simple child who didn’t know anything.

“Master, you mean…”

“I said, my apprentice is pursuing your grandson.” Shi Qingyang said directly, deciding to pave the way for himself in advance and get a grandfather.

As for being a father, you don’t have to deal with it at all, just ignore it.

“Xiao Ran, isn’t it younger?” Cheng Xuze thought of his pink and tender grandson again.

“It just happens to be two months younger than Shi Qingyang.” Shi Qingyang typed a line.

“Is it only two months old?” Cheng Xuze muttered to himself. If it weren’t for the video, and he didn’t want to lose face in front of me not being hungry, he would probably want to find a sandbag to vent.

As for now… Cheng Xuze smiled awkwardly: “Haha, I don’t know anything about young people…” Before I don’t want to be hungry, he can’t say anything, but when he goes back, he must ask Cheng Ran carefully.

In fact, if Cheng Ran liked Shi Qingyang, the two would be fine together. After all, Shi Qingyang had a good master, and Cheng Ran was not inferior in status, because he was afraid that his grandson would be abducted in the end.

“Yes, let them solve the young people’s affairs by themselves.” After the vaccination, Shi Qingyang was in a good mood.

Cheng Xuze couldn’t wait to find and contact Cheng Ran after stopping the communication.

“Grandpa, what’s the matter?” Cheng Ran asked when he saw Cheng Xuze’s appearance on the contact terminal.

“Xiao Ran, grandpa wants to ask you something.” Cheng Xuze hesitated, facing his grandson, and finally decided to ask directly: “Xiao Ran, Shi Qingyang is chasing you?”

“No,” Cheng Ran said directly.

Your grandson doesn’t know this yet? Cheng Xuze breathed a sigh of relief. He just wanted to say that the puppy love was bad, but didn’t want Cheng Ran to say again: “I was chasing Shi Qingyang before Shi Qingyang agreed.”


“Grandpa, it will be Shi Qingyang’s birthday after the Chinese New Year. He is also 18 years old. What gift do you think I should give him? When I am also 18 years old, we will be able to get the certificate…” Qing Yang had told him that he couldn’t tell Gu Changjin about falling in love. He never knew who to ask, but now he came across Cheng Xuze.

“Get the certificate, you can slow down…” Cheng Xuze was speechless, but after another thought, he became happy again.

His grandson went after Shi Qingyang first, and he was still thinking about getting engaged… He really deserves to be his grandson! And when his grandson takes care of Shi Qingyang, I don’t want to be hungry, that’s his son’s generation.

When Cheng Xuze saw his grandson’s eyes sparkling, his whole heart was relieved. As long as Cheng Ran liked it, Shi Qingyang was actually a very good target.

Thinking about it this way, Cheng Xuze simply talked about it with his grandson…

Two days later, it will be the New Year. Many scholars have studied the things to be done in the ancient Chinese New Year, and now everyone will do the same, such as setting off firecrackers.

However, today’s cities are all shrouded in protective covers, and the air in the city needs to be filtered. It is of course impossible to set off firecrackers in the city, so in the end it was changed to “bombs” the entire city.

That night, from the bomb launcher of the protective cover, a lot of bombs were released one after another and exploded over the city, making the whole city brightly lit. In the past, the light-loving flying beasts hovering over the city every night completely disappeared. , It’s really a bit like using firecrackers to scare away monsters in ancient times.

On this day, Gu Changjin also made dumplings specially, and then used a projection to display a large-scale 3D Spring Festival Gala in the living room.

People from various cities performed in this gala, singing and dancing, sketches, acrobatics… Shi Qingyang didn’t have many artistic talents, so I just watched singing and dancing. My favorite is acrobatics. I watched it, and by the way, I was still in the living room. I tried a certain action-that action is very good for combat.

“Qingyang, come on!” Cheng Ran’s attention was all on Shi Qingyang, and he clapped his hands.

Shi Qingyang smiled, was about to say something, but saw an acquaintance on TV-Feng Linqiu was sitting in the auditorium.

Feng Linqiu is the most important child of the Feng family. Grandpa is a ninth-level radiation warrior. His father also has an eighth-level. He himself is one of the people most likely to reach the ninth level…

“Qingyang, what’s the matter?” Cheng Ran asked curiously.

“Nothing.” Shi Qingyang smiled. He really shouldn’t have been affected by the past. Now life is the most important thing.

Cheng Ran smiled and looked at the calendar slowly day by day with a recorder.

“What are you looking at?” Shi Qingyang asked curiously.

“The calendar is very interesting. It stipulates many things.” Cheng Ran said, “Qingyang, you will have a birthday soon. After your birthday, you will be an adult.”

“Yes, then the government’s relief fund will not be able to receive…” Shi Qingyang suddenly remembered this incident. In his previous life, he had to take another job because of this incident.

“Are you still receiving relief money?” Gu Changjin asked in surprise.

Cheng Ran didn’t think much about it, and agreed with Shi Qingyang: “Yes, it’s really a pity. Qingyang, what gift do you want?”

“Anything is okay.” Shi Qingyang said, someone was thinking about it, and if someone gave it to him, he was very happy.

“Then I’ll decide by myself.” Cheng Ran decided to go to the book again.

Shi Qingyang suddenly remembered something: “Xiao Ran, what do you want for your birthday?” As he told Cheng Xuze, Cheng Ran was only two months younger than him. His birthday was February 25. Cheng Ran But his birthday is April 25th.

Last time he had his birthday, he had forgotten it and didn’t tell anyone, and if Gu Changjin hadn’t started preparing for Cheng Ran’s birthday a few days in advance, he would not have known it.

At that time, he had nothing to send. In the end, he only bought Cheng Ran a monitoring pendant that could monitor his physical condition. When he was unwell, he would proactively notify the people around him and contact the hospital police monitoring pendant. This time he wanted to ask for Cheng Ran next time. Views.

Cheng Ran has been thinking about waiting for his birthday to get married. At this time, his eyes lit up: “Do you think the ring is good?”

The meaning of the ring is really different…Shi Qingyang smiled, thinking about what kind of ring to buy, and suddenly he looked at the date on the calendar and was stunned.

Apart from Cheng Ran’s birthday, April 25 was also Feng Lin Qiu’s birthday.

Last time, Shi Qingyang only learned the message “Cheng Ran’s birthday in a few days from Gu Changjin”, and naturally he didn’t pay attention. This time he just saw Feng Linqiu on TV and watched that date again. After a long time, he thought of it.

At that time, Feng Linqiu said that he was just two months younger than him, and now Cheng Ran is also…

Shi Qingyang sighed a coincidence and wrote down this day.

New Year’s Eve needs to keep the year old. The entire Starfire City is almost brightly lit. At this time a few years ago, the Yin family was always very lively, but this year, the house where the Yin family is located is not as bright and colorful as before. On the contrary, it is a bit excessive. Silence.

One day in advance, the people who worked in the Yin family had already taken a holiday. Today, Father Yin, who originally liked a big family gathering for the festival, suddenly said that he needed to be quiet, and finally only called Yin Hao Yin Tian into father and son. I went to accompany me to dinner.

As soon as Yin Hao and Yin Tiancheng left, only Yin Jinru and Yang Qiu were left sitting opposite each other.

For Yin Jinru, a child who didn’t crawl out of her stomach, Yang Qiu used to take him seriously. At that time, the Yang family relied entirely on the Yin family, so no matter what Yin Hao did, she would not take him seriously. ,but now…

“Little bastard, hurry up after eating, I have no time to spend with you!” Yang Qiu looked at Yin Jinru and cursed unceremoniously.

Yin Jinru ate silently, as if he was used to all of this, but he pricked his ears to listen to Yang Qiu’s curse, distinguishing the meaning inside, and finally he was full, and then slowly walked out and looked back. next to.

Mr. Yin lives alone in a villa, not far away. In the past, it was always brightly lit, but on this day there was only one light in the living room, which looked very lonely. As for the true loneliness or the false loneliness, no one knows. Up.

Yin Jinru paused, retracted his sight, and wisely did not pass. The people in the villa monitoring room saw this scene, relaxed, and started smoking and playing cards again.

On the other side of the living room, Mr. Yin looked at his little son with a completely unfamiliar face, tears crying: “It’s been more than a year, more than a year…”

“Dad, didn’t I come back specially for the New Year? It’s really nothing outside.” Yin Ming smiled with a face far handsomer than before.

“What does it mean to be nothing outside? Outside, if you are a little careless, you might lose your head!” Senior Yin said sharply.

“Dad, I’m really fine. I am very happy to play outside.” Yin Ming didn’t care: “There are everything there, and others can only get in at a high price. Moreover, at the beginning, I want to avoid some people. , Aren’t all the problems gone now? Just change your status.”

“You must be careful.” Father Yin knew his youngest son’s character, so he could only sigh in the end.

“Dad, the Lord of Licheng won’t let me have anything to do.” Yin Ming said.

“The Lord of Licheng is not easy, you have to be careful.” Elder Yin said again.

“I know, but there are few people in the hands of Licheng Master, so I still rely on us… Dad, when I came this time, I actually have something to discuss with you about our Yin family.”

“The Yin family is very good now, you don’t have to worry too much.” Old man Yin said. Although the Yin family has been suppressed by Xing Ou for more than a year, he feels that this is good, and he can clean up the Yin family’s worms.

“How can I not worry about it? Dad, this is too awkward now, I wondered, I still have to go down to Xing Oula, and those who harmed us in the first place, we can’t let it go.” Yin Ming’s eyes Full of pride.

“Did you do something?” Elder Yin asked anxiously.

“It’s nothing, just let the woman Liu Qilin find a trace of a moving town.” Yin Ming smiled.

“You are crazy, if that mobile town is discovered…”

“Dad, it’s just a trace. If she really finds something, there will be no such person in this world. I just asked her to find out a little bit, and then I went to the Lord of Licheng to talk about it…” Yin Ming was somewhat proud.

“What did the lord of Licheng say?” Mr. Yin asked. At the beginning, in order to calm things down, they finally asked Li Rong. Li Rong wanted nothing else, but they wanted their mobile town and private shameless business. .

Because of this, they didn’t let anyone find out what was wrong, but even so, for more than a year, the Yin family’s life was really a little frustrated. His youngest son has been in the city for several days, and he is even now. Only found a chance to meet.

“The Lord of Licheng wants us to take down Starfire City.” Yin Ming’s face was a little smug.

Father Yin frowned. He still doesn’t know what kind of person his young son is? Will Li Rong be led by the nose by his younger son? This is simply a joke!

Eighty percent, it was Li Rong who wanted to extend his hand, so he pushed the boat along the way…

However, they have all been on Lirong’s ship, and there are not many people who can use Lirong, so there is no need to be afraid that Lirong will sell them. If it really succeeds in the end…

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