Back to the Peak

Chapter 58

Chapter 57 Chase

“That person is at least level five.” Gu Changjin watched the scene from a distance, gritted his teeth.

Chang Jiashi’s expression changed when he heard Gu Changjin’s words: “None of these students have participated in the battle…”

“There are not many of them, we can at least use this mobile fortress to resist! There are also weapons, many weapons can be disassembled and used.” Shi Qingyang said directly, and looked at the few Chang Jiashi: “Teacher, you take People go to the armory to have a look.”

Originally, Shi Qingyang still trusted the people arranged by Xingou, but now that something like this has happened, who knows if there are any spies in it?

Xing Ou was obviously cheated. The mobile fortress he contacted, and the person he was looking for had an accident… After this time, Xing Ou might not be able to please.

Of course, what is more important now is that they may be in danger!

Chang Jiashi nodded: “I’ll go right away!”

Shi Qingyang saw that Chang Jiashi had left, and immediately walked towards the middle of the mobile fortress with Cheng Ran’s protection. He had prepared a lot of things, and those things were all in the room now.

“Did the people inside think about it?” At this moment, the outside voice rang again. At the same time, suddenly a bomb was thrown over, and the protective cover that was already broken was suddenly blown out. The big hole, the room above the moving fortress, was also blown up a lot, and many people panicked.

Fortunately, this mobile fortress is not big. Gu Changjin and a few others quickly used radiation to make protective shields, so that no one else was affected by the bomb. However, in this way, most of the people were concentrated on Gu. By Jang Geum.

“They have bombs in their hands, what shall we do?”

“They still have five levels…”

“They will kill us!” Although the attack was stopped, at this time, someone was already upset.

Not only that, a staff member who was originally nestled in the corner suddenly moved his hand…

A wind blade compressed by radiant energy flew towards Cheng Ran. Shi Qingyang quickly pulled him, before he finally escaped. At the same time, a radiant energy from Gu Changjin pierced into the opponent’s heart.

All this happened in an instant.

There are also people in the mobile town who have experienced battles, but their battles are only with alien beasts, but few people have seen killings. Seeing Gu Changjin doing this, many people’s faces turned pale, and a few students even vomited. He got up and looked at Gu Changjin with horror on his face.

Gu Changjin was in a cold sweat. Had Shi Qingyang reacted quickly, even if he had killed the murderer, Cheng Ran would have been seriously injured.

Thinking of this, where would he keep his hands?

“You haven’t come out, but we just came in!” The people outside suddenly said. At this moment, someone discovered that, some people in black combat uniforms had already climbed up to the mobile town: “As long as you hand over Cheng Ran, we promise not to hurt anyone else.”

Seeing the danger approaching, everyone rioted, and when they looked at Cheng Ran, even more people looked bad.

Shi Qingyang has been paying attention to the people around him since the problem with the mobile town, carefully feeling the fluctuations in the surrounding radiation energy. This is how he rescued Cheng Ran when Gu Changjin didn’t react. The expressions of people around him no longer hesitate: “Let’s go to the chariot.”

“Will the chariot be surrounded?” Gu Changjin asked.

Shi Qingyang has already looked at other people: “All those who are willing to help get into the chariot and drive towards Spark City! After being saved, the Cheng family will give everyone a great reward!” If you encounter a strange animal, move these in the town. People can count on it, but when they meet someone outside…

The people outside were very clever, and they just said that they were only looking for Cheng Ran. This situation undoubtedly made many people think carefully. Shi Qingyang didn’t need to think about it, knowing that few of these people would really be desperate.

According to the laws of China, there is no such thing as a sentence of death. They save Cheng Ran, maybe they will take their lives. If they don’t save Cheng Ran, nothing will happen in the end. The most is to be sentenced to Cheng Ran. Suppress the family.

Under such circumstances, who would be willing to desperately save Cheng Ran? Not to mention that there might be insiders among these people.

Instead of spending time here, I might as well drive away in a chariot, and then mobilize some people to help cover.

“Getting into the chariot will be attacked by them! They just want Cheng Danji and won’t hurt him, why don’t you let Cheng Ran go with them?” Sure enough, after the initial panic, the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages emerged. A male student from Xinghuo Academy shouted.

Spark College recruits 16-year-old students and graduates at the age of 20. In the eyes of their parents, these students are afraid that they are still children. They have never left the city alone, and have never encountered real danger. At this time, they can think of it. Just wait for rescue.

“That’s right, this is the trouble caused by Cheng Ran!” Someone said again.

However, these students did not speak, but the people from the inspection team arranged by Xing Ou responded: “We will go with you!” Cheng Ran had an accident, and they had to bear some responsibility, so that they were naturally willing to help disturb the line of sight at this time.

“I’ll go too!” Chang Jiashi had led people to find some usable weapons from the weapon room, and said: “Ning’an and Heping Haiyan will take care of those children, let’s go!” Not many people came, and they left like this. It can also attract many people away.

“Don’t follow other people.” Shi Qingyang saw that there were others who wanted to follow, so he said directly, Gu Changjin also let go of his power. Those people were afraid of Gu Changjin, and he didn’t move anymore.

Some tanks were originally prepared in the mobile town. In addition, there are a few Chariots from the Spark Academy that have been used by Qingyang. Because the mobile town has already had an accident, no one has chosen those originally. As soon as the mobile town was being prepared, most people were eyeing the several chariots of the Spark Academy.

Shi Qingyang is no exception. He sits directly in the driver’s seat of one of them and says, “Get in the car!” In fact, the quality of his new tank is better, but the goal is too big.

Chang Jiashi suddenly pulled a member of the inspection team and let the opponent sit on the chariot that Shi Qingyang bought, while he sat in the back seat: “Go!”

Chang Jiashi is sharing the risk for himself! Shi Qingyang did not expect that someone would do this at this time, and sincerely thanked him: “Thank you!” As soon as Ying Ying fell, he had already driven out along the steel plate dropped from the moving town, and his goal was the direction of Spark City. .

“Those people divided into more than half of them to follow!” Gu Changjin looked behind him and said, at first only half of the people followed, but probably someone said something, and then most of them followed. It was thought that the traitor on the mobile fortress told them that Cheng Ran had left.

Gu Changjin settled his mind, and kept throwing the attacks of Level 3 radiation fighters behind him, trying hard to keep others from noticing his chariot.

At this time, he didn’t even have time to research when Qing Yang learned to drive a chariot.

The people behind quickly followed. There were obviously no rapes in the inspection team arranged by Xing Ou, because the main attacks of those people fell on the new chariot that Shi Qingyang bought.

The attack was so strong that even Chang Jiashi, a fourth-level radiation fighter, could not hold it!

Such an attack was not like what they had said, it was meant to capture Cheng Ran alive and exchange for almighty potion with the Cheng family.

That clearly wanted to kill Cheng Ran!

“They don’t want to want a prescription at all.” Gu Changjin said. Although Cheng Ran is the Cheng family, everyone can tell that the Cheng family didn’t pay much attention to him, otherwise he would not be left behind. Spark City is a three-tier city.

Therefore, it is actually impossible to catch him and change the prescription with the Cheng family. After all, no one can be sure that the prescription that was finally replaced is true, and no one is sure whether the Cheng family will use the time to change the prescription.

There are two eighth-level radiation fighters in the Cheng family, but they are not Cheng Ran’s immediate family members. They don’t necessarily care about Cheng Ran’s life. They arrested Cheng Ran and asked them to change their prescriptions. Maybe they just ignored Cheng Ran’s. It’s a nest!

From the beginning, they wanted to kill Cheng Ran! Shi Qingyang thought a lot in an instant, but couldn’t do anything. He just slammed on the accelerator and firmly grasped the steering wheel.

At this moment, suddenly a huge sharp blade of radiant energy struck Chang Jiashi’s chariot. The chariot couldn’t withstand such an attack and disintegrated in an instant. At the same time, Chang Jiashi and another person also gave themselves Wrapped in a radiant energy shield and rolled out of it.

“It’s not them!” A voice sounded, and the attack originally concentrated on a car was instantly dispersed, especially the powerhouse with at least level 5, who controlled the surrounding radiation in a very short time. Able to smash several cars without mercy.

However, apart from Cheng Ran, they really didn’t seem to intend to kill anyone else, as long as they found that Cheng Ran was not in the car, they would immediately leave it alone.

The people in the other cars are all second-level radiation fighters, and such an attack may even be fatal to them. Gu Changjin sighed, knowing that they could not hide, the attack from the strong man behind was getting stronger and stronger. At that time, he finally stopped the attack, and at the same time it was confirmed that the person was a Level 5 Radiant just like him.

It’s also at level 5, but the opponent has a lot of people, and his age is not too young…

“Gu Changjin is in that car!” the chaser shouted: “He will not leave Cheng Ran and follow.”

Shi Qingyang didn’t say a word, stepped on the accelerator to the limit, and added energy with one hand by the way-don’t fill up the energy at this time, wait a while, he might be out of time.

The chariot was a very fragile thing in the eyes of the fifth-level radiation fighter. Gu Changjin wrapped the whole car with radiant energy, and then he fought with the people behind, but even so, the car kept swaying endlessly.

At the beginning, Gu Changjin had been worried that Shi Qingyang, a person who had never been in contact with a tank, would have problems due to such sloshing, but he did not expect that Shi Qingyang had been driving very well.

However, no matter how good Shi Qingyang’s driving skills were, they also encountered problems. Just as the car was approaching Spark City, a few more chariots came in front of them, and these chariots were crushed out in a mobile town. On the road, I saw them and immediately launched an attack. There were even two vans directly hitting them suicide.

Shi Qingyang didn’t dare to neglect, as soon as the steering wheel turned, he drove the car into the dense forest nearby.

“Shi Qingyang, hold on!” Gu Changjin said, driving in the dense forest is not easy, Shi Qingyang is very likely to have an accident, but if he is driving instead, Shi Qingyang will never be able to stop those who are behind. Chasing people.

Now, they can only resign themselves to fate!

Gu Changjin stopped a few more attacks, and the radiant energy in his body was much weaker. At this moment, a straw was handed to his mouth, and he opened his mouth and drank the potion.

It was Cheng Ran who gave him the medicine. Cheng Ran was supposed to be scared and panicked at this time, but in fact it was not like that. He was tight, but he was doing the only thing he could do in an orderly manner-feeding medicine.

Gu Changjin suddenly discovered that things were not particularly bad. The incident of Cheng Ran feeding him the medicine touched him. At the same time, Shi Qingyang’s reaction was unexpected.

Chariots are more adaptable to the environment than mobile towns. A powerful chariot can run rampant in the alien plant, but if you do that, the possibility of damage to the chariot will increase.

Shi Qingyang didn’t do that. Obviously there was no road in the place they passed, but he could always find the most suitable route. Not only that, but a powerful attack was about to come after several times, and he could move the car quickly. Let the back attack not hit the tank.

This kind of fighting consciousness… Gu Changjin couldn’t help feeling a little bit—Shi Qingyang was really a genius in some respects!

Shi Qingyang didn’t know that Gu Changjin was in his busy schedule, and he was affirmed that he was a genius. Now, he was so absorbed in that he didn’t dare to be distracted at all.

In a daze, he seems to have returned to the days when he went out of the city to fight with the alien beasts. He often went out of the city alone, and then was chased and killed by the alien beasts. At that time, he drove the chariot crazy and fled for his life, by the way. The task of wrapping the tank and avoiding the attack must be done once.

Now his radiant energy is too weak to induce the surrounding radiant energy to wrap the chariot. While driving, the only thing he can do is to avoid certain attacks as much as possible.

When Shi Qingyang drove, he was always approaching Spark City. They are now in the danger zone, and as long as they enter the safe zone, they are very likely to be rescued. Unfortunately, he wants to do this, but those people are not willing to let them He did it.

There were a total of seven chariots following them. At first, because of Shi Qingyang’s good skills, they were thrown away for a while, but after a while, two vans immediately rushed up, but their bodies were damaged. , Began to try to hit Shi Qingyang.

The performance of the chariot chasing is better than what they used, and Gu Changjin’s radiation energy is not enough. Naturally, Shi Qingyang can’t let the chariot be hit by them, but can only dodge.

If this continues, I’m afraid there will be problems… After Shi Qingyang hesitated, he simply started to drive as far as possible where some strange beasts were. After those strange beasts were disturbed by him, they would attack him, but because the target behind was bigger, they were more likely to attack the back. People.

Even sometimes, he didn’t need to do anything that disturbed the strange beast at all. As long as he passed by the strange beast, he could wait for the convoy behind to disturb the strange beast.

He did this when he encountered a hive, and immediately after that, an opponent’s tank fell out of the team.

Moreover, when Shi Qingyang stepped on the accelerator to kill his life, Gu Changjin did not relax. Among those who chased them, the strongest was at level 5 like him, and most of the others were at level 3. At level four, although this allows him to protect himself most of the time, he can also attack when Shi Qingyang avoids certain attacks, and every time he attacks, he doesn’t expect to hurt people, so he specifically deals with them. Starting with the chariot, it also reduced the number of chariots that followed.

But even so, they are still at a disadvantage, and under the interception of those tanks, they are now completely circling around Spark City. Of course, this circle is very large, and they can’t even enter the safe zone.

Cheng Ran had fewer and fewer medicines. Shi Qingyang also began to overdraw after a few hours of mental strain. Not to mention Gu Changjin, he was almost reaching his limit now.

But behind, there were still three chariots biting them fiercely.

At this time, Shi Qingyang suddenly discovered that they seemed to have reached a somewhat familiar place, which was the ant colony that Gu Changjin took him to check not long ago.

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