Badge in Azure

Chapter 1548 - Divine Region (Part 2)

Chapter 1548: Divine Region (Part 2)

Saleen saw that the goddess had laid down a divine territory and shot countless electric snakes out of his Lightning Moon right away, entering the divine territory and beginning to wear down that newly created world.

He had no way of truly destroying the goddess’s world, at least not by using electric snakes. All he was doing was trying to simply slow down the rate at which the territory was laid out. At the same, Saleen took out the graves that he had previously worked on.

One hundred and twenty graves of the heroes were laid out and arranged into a complex magic array. Formless power was melded into a huge net between the graves, conjuring a magic array.

The goddess frowned and felt irked. The power of the Source within the temple’s space was continuously being sucked away while the magic array was being put up. While Saleen had no way of using the powers, it still drained some of the goddess’s power.

While it would have still been possible for her to continue amplifying her powers, doing so would have required using powers of the Source of Myers Mainland, and that was something she did not want to do.

“What do you think, goddess?” Saleen noticed the change in the expression of the goddess.

“Nothing much. You decided to have the battle take place here, and you have paid amply for letting me have an advantage.” The goddess answered plainly. While Saleen had indeed played tricks on her, that was still well within her tolerance.

Saleen knew how to deal with the goddess as his enemy, and that spoke volumes about his perception of things. He knew well what would have been considered tolerable by the goddess and what would not have been.

Saleen and the goddess began fighting for the power of the Source within the world of the temple. All of that had been something that the goddess accumulated, so it was a given that Saleen would not have been able to truly rob the goddess of those powers, but he nonetheless absorbed the power of the Source within the graves of the heroes.

Hundreds of millions of lightning runes flickered on the graves, which prevented the goddess from taking back the power of the Source that was already taken.

The plants, which were growing in a frenzy, did not seem to be stopping any time soon. They became increasingly lush, and the magic array that Saleen conjured using the graves was soon enveloped by the plants. Saleen stood at the center and was no longer able to see where the goddess was.

At the edge of the desert, all 12 followers of the goddess took the Nature Legion and blocked a group of people off.

To be precise, they barricaded the people, who were led by Lex.

Lex looked at the 12 followers with a sheepish expression and said, “Sika, I had no intention of crossing these people, but they showed up right before us all the same. What do you think we should do?”

Sika answered with her actions instead of words, swinging her metal totem pole against the ground hard. That was her decision.

Sika had never been one for tricks and schemes. Any enemy that got in her way, she would take them out the hard way.

“How insolent!” One of the followers waved and the Nature Legion, numbering in tens of thousands, began to attack. Jola and Sul laughed and charged with their swords drawn. None of the Nature Legion’s warriors would be able to withstand even a single hit from Jola or Sul.

Hundreds of demons followed right behind the two. The demons all wore Devil Possession Armor and the weapons they wielded were specifically crafted by Saleen for taking on god creatures.

Every single huge battleax wielded by the demons crackled with lightning. One swing of the ax chopped the warriors off in half. Furthermore, the warriors were apparently far slower at being revived after being chopped by the lightning battleaxes. Their powers dropped drastically after being revived as well.

The leading follower was stunned. The Nature Legion had been their most powerful backing. While the weapons wielded by the demons were incapable of truly killing the warriors of the Nature Legion, the slowed revival and sharp drop of powers meant that the problem at hand was something that could only be addressed by the goddess personally.

He was about to give new orders and arrange formations, but he felt a chill at his throat. A dagger was then pulled out of the wound.

Agares laughed and disappeared again. The horrifying wound in that follower’s neck sprayed blood all over the place.

The blood and bone where the Snakerun hit disappeared for good. It was a wound that would have even made the Goddess of Nature feel a headache.

Saleen spoke up nonchalantly while he was still caught in the divine territory, “Hey goddess, do you have any idea why I’m not in a hurry? I have sent someone to the temple, and your people would have definitely intercepted them.”

The goddess’s face changed a little.

“According to what was promised between the two of us, my people will definitely not get involved in the matter between both of us. But what about your people? I’m sure arrogance and pride will definitely get to their heads.

Saleen elaborated. The goddess knew that Saleen was messing with her mood, but everything Saleen said was true.

“I know all of your followers are powerful people, but I know someone, and his weapon is something I made for him—a dagger called Snakerun. It is a weapon forged using 12-dimensional metal, and he is a level 16 assassin. He wouldn’t be a threat to you, of course, but your people, without knowing anything about him, would have no chance of defending against a hit from Snakerun and surviving.”

“I find this intriguing. Why are you trying to infuriate me and make me absorb the power of the Source of the mainland?” The goddess appeared. Her body was transformed into a tree creature. She was over a dozen meters tall but still looked lithe. The plants behind her had grown into massive monsters. The goddess, in contrast, looked like a twig among all the plants.

“Only one of us will be able to leave, and I hope to see you die a thorough death, instead of thinking about resurrection and such. Even the heroic spirits chose to give up on resurrection. Don’t you think Myers Mainland does not need gods at all?”

“That is hilarious. You’re trying to make me give up living? I’m a god of nature, and I can be resurrected in any place with life. It’s only a matter of time.”

“Hilarious huh? Oh, goddess, you were never the talkative type back then.” Saleen felt at ease. Unlike the goddess, he was unable to sense what was going on outside in the desert. However, he saw intense energy fluctuations around the goddess. The fluctuations were the power of the Source of the goddess.

Agares had definitely come out on top. The assassin was powerful enough to even assassinate level 17 professionals, as long as they were not mages who possessed power of lightning, like him. It would have been near impossible for all the other professionals to see through Agares’ invisibility.

The Snakerun was almost the sharpest weapons ever found. None of Saleen’s weapons could have even compared.

Saleen knew very well just how destructive 12-dimensional metals could have been. If it was his followers who were being attacked by Agares, he would have had no way of rescuing them. It did not matter just how brimming the life force of the goddess’s followers had been. Agares was the most powerful assassin to be found on the plane, and he wielded the most powerful cold weapon in existence.

It was fortunate that he left a trick on the Snakerun, preventing Agares from using it against him. The assassin would have had no way of getting near him other than to stop using Snakerun. However, if he were to do so, Agares’ power would have been diminished to that of a common level 16 professional.

The goddess sighed and said, “I would have held off resurrecting them if I knew this.”

She was able to sense that one of her followers had completely lost all life signs. It was clear that Agares got where he came for, which angered her and made her feel dejected. She blamed herself deeply for what happened.

However, none of that affected her resolve. Given the state of things, she deemed that there was no need for Saleen to keep living.

The goddess felt that she had accumulated enough power to attempt attacking. Any attack below level 17 would have been pointless for taking on an enemy like Saleen.

The Lightning Moon was too powerful, and Saleen’s Thunder Dragon Bangle was capable of taking an armored form, covering Saleen. After the Thunder Dragons were given the Soul Armor, they were almost incapable of being killed, be it through using physical or magical attacks. But then again, it came at a cost of slowing down their attacks.

Saleen never had any intention of relying on the Thunder Dragon’s help to attack. Lightning magic was sufficiently powerful in his hands.

Green energy formed into ropes that were as thick as a finger on the goddess’ body, weaving into a huge holy prose rune on her.

A spectral divine beast appeared before Saleen, at the center of the rune.

Saleen sensed a looming threat and fired seven lightning icicles from the Thunder Dragon Blaster. The goddess retaliated with seven icicles at once, which surprisingly crackled with lightning as well, shooting down his lightning icicles.

“So you managed to copy the form!” Saleen smirked and added another layer to it. When he fired another seven lightning icicles, he unleashed eight balls of lightning as well.

The goddess became slightly tense. She knew well of the power of balls of lightning. The troubling thing about that spell was that it was incapable of being defused using techniques, requiring something of absolute, superior power to destroy them. The trouble was further compounded by the fact that the ball lightning was very powerful to begin with, so much so that even a level 18 goddess like her would not have dared to let her guard down.

The eight balls of lightning gradually got near the spectral divine beast. The goddess tensed up and cast Current Cutter. However, the Current Cutter was a level 18 water magic spell and was in a straight line, hovering right before that spectral divine beast.

The eight balls of lightning advanced in a flighty manner. Even after getting to the pinnacle of level 17, Saleen still had no way of completely manipulating them. He could only let the balls of lightning chose their targets to attack.

However, it was due precisely to such attributes that the goddess was incapable of predicting how the balls of lightning would move.

The flight trajectory of balls of lightning was something that even an astrologer would have had trouble calculating, let alone the goddess.

The thing had no order to speak of, and stopping the balls of lightning required pure water. There was no water of such purity to be found in nature, as all water sources would have a trace amount of metal element in them, which was a branch of the earth element. Worse still, the earth element was conductive. Water conjured using magic, on the other hand, was comparatively pure, but it was still incapable of preventing balls of lightning from penetrating it.

The Current Cutter conjured by the goddess was a desperate measure. The water current was over a dozen meters long, which could have destroyed a ball of lightning if one of the current’s ends connected. Furthermore, the spell could suppress the incoming spell without moving. The goddess would have still been able to react when the current was in front of her.

Saleen felt rather impressed. He had never even thought of such a method of dealing with it.

The goddess was caught in a tight spot. She had to keep destroying the lightning icicles conjured by Saleen while destroying the balls of lightning at the same time. On the other hand, Saleen only had to keep throwing attacks at her.

He simply blasted his lightning icicles at the ones fired by the goddess. The Thunder Dragon Blaster was capable of firing the icicles at very high speeds, and the goddess had no way of telling what level were the incoming icicles were.

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