Banished to Another World

Chapter 616: The first day of setting the stall

Chapter 616: The first day of setting the stall

Wucheng-City of Witches, east city fair.

People roared and mount animals neighed, animals roared and birds sang. The originally wide market street was almost crowded. Every stall vendor set up his stall, or shouted loudly, or dupe others in a fishy way.

People entering the market were busy looking at all kinds of creatures, and busy looking at the large and small stalls in the market. Their eyes were too busy.

Among these many stalls, there is a very small stall hidden in a small corner. The stall owner doesn't know how to shout, so he sat on the hide and talked with his family. If it was not for the special composition of the family, many people would have ignored them directly.

Hou Rong arranged the goods of his tribe, and once again his eyes could not help looking at the small stall across the street.

He saw a young man sitting on the fur behind the stall. He was holding something in his hand and holding a small basin on his leg. Another young man also has a big one and a small children around him. The big children are at most three or four years old. The little one are only a few months old. The big child put the little child on his legs and sat on the other person, with the little arm around his chubby little belly.

One big one and two small children don't cry or make any noise. The little one's arms are on the big one's arms, and the mouth is babbling twice. The big child's fingers were pointing at the young one occasionally. The big child hands are echoing probably the same things twice. Both of them are looking up at the young one, and the little one's head kept turning around from time to time with the action of the young one. It seemed very interesting.

Hou Rong couldn't help smiling.

He likes this family. He doesn't know whether the young man who looked beautiful, but looked very gentle is the father of the two children or the elder brother? Where do they come from? Are they from Wucheng-City of Witches or by? Where do they come from and do they have a place to stay?

Hou Rong hopes that the young man is the elder brother of the two children. If he is a father, he doesn't know if the mother of the children is still there? If not...

"Hey, what are you looking at? I can't even see.” The companion patted him, followed his eyes and saw the small stall and the family behind it.

Slapping his companion was a very easy joke, but after seeing that family, his tone changed, but he pretended to be making a joke, "What? Who do you like? There Do you want me to help you to ask if he has company?”

Hou Rong shook his head and smiled, "Stop talking nonsense. What I don't like is that he's not having an easy time to take two such small children alone. We'll take care of him if we want to help him. We are just opposite him anyway."

“In fact, you don't see much. Although we didn't come out of the city, our monkey tribe is also a big tribe nearby. The young man with two cubs went to Wucheng-City of Witches, so it's better to come to our tribe. Do you think so?”

Hou Rong didn't speak. In fact, he thought so much in his heart. Their tribe is not close to the desert. There is a huge valley forest behind them. As long as they are diligent and brave, they can make the journey if they are not afraid of hunger. Although in order to fight for territory, food and women, there are more wars than other tribes, but in any case, they are richer than many nearby tribes.

His companion licked his lips and looked at the family on the opposite side, saying words with some comfort: "Really won't ask? Maybe he came back? The Great Witch did say that our partners just temporarily returned to the embrace of the Mother God. That they will come to meet you later? Do you think the young man and the two cubs are very similar...? "

"Don't say it!" Hou Rong was really touched when he saw the two children, but it just made him want to take care of the family a little, and didn't want to occupy it, unless the other side wanted to live with him, just like the original one.

"Zhuang Zi, I know what you mean. Don't mention this to the brothers again."

"Well, I'm sorry I cant help it."

"There's nothing wrong. I know you're doing it for me." Hou Rong patted his companion on the shoulder and picked up a water bottle from the ground to send it to him, but he stopped as soon as he started.

On the opposite side, a tall, short haired man with a short cloth skirt just around his lower body walked to the stall, threw a basket off his shoulder, and bowed his head to kiss the young man's forehead.

The young man raised his head and naturally showed a warm smile to the tall man.

The two children made a joyful cry.

The tall man rubbed the young man's short hair, found a bunch of dark purple grass dragon balls from the basket, and simply washed them with clear water and handed them to the two children.

Is he a blood warrior who controls the water ability? This is the most popular ability among the desert cities and tribes.

The big child took the grass dragon ball, first cut up one and tasted it. He thought it was delicious. He spit out the seeds, then picked up another one, and put the skin into the little child's mouth without peeling it.

The little child took the grass dragon ball out of his mouth and looked at it. It seemed that he didn't care about it, but soon he put it back into his mouth again.

The young man seemed to say something to the big child.

The big child looked down at the little one.

The little child opened his mouth to him, and the big one giggled, then pulled a grass dragon ball and fed it to his brother.

The young man seemed to be surprised that such a small child could eat grass and dragon balls. The tall man washed a string of them again, pulled a peeled skin and put it into his mouth.

The young man ate the grass dragon ball, spit out the seed and pull them on a leaf. He looked at the two children and said something to the tall man with a smile.

It turned out that he already has a partner, which is very good, very good. Hou Rong's heart felt sore. If he had treated that man better and cared about him and his children, would they be so happy today?

His companion also saw this scene, with a very sad low “Ah", and then he gave a surprise: “A-Rong, look at the young man's belly, he... Isn't that a woman?”

Hou Rong also saw that the young man put down, then pinched and molded things and stretched out, and the belly covered by the clothes became obvious.

Well, he was wrong? This is not a man, but a woman who looks like a man?

Hou Rong and his companions were all in disorder.

When they saw the tall man behind them, they both thought that he and the young man were a pair. As for the two children, maybe one of them had a child with a woman, or each of them had a child with a woman. This is very common in various tribes. Women disappear for various reasons. In tribes lacking women, two men often live together with their children, which is also called mutual care.

Hou Rong's former partner was the son of the chief of a weak tribe. His women were robbed in the war with other tribes. Later, their tribe joined that tribe. When he saw that the man grew well, he asked to live with him. The man began to live with him with two children. However, he didn't pay attention to the man at that time. If he got him and stayed with him, it would not be so bad. Later, when he completely lost him... And the children... He found out how important they were to him, but it was too late.

“A-Rong! Zhuang! Be careful, the east city market has changed its master again. Those greedy jackals in the name of Quipa will come to clean up later, and you should put away all the valuable goods!” Tribesmen got the news and rushed to warn them.

Hou Rong no longer thinks about it. He puts down the jug and hides the sorted goods with Zhuang Zi and others.

When Zhuang Zi scolded, Hou Rong comforted him: “After the Nine Cities party challenge, Wucheng-City of Witches should be stable. There are only a few days left. Everyone can bear it again till everything settles."

“It's just that there aren't many days left. It's even worse. How long have we been here? How many times have the masters of this east city market changed?”

People of his tribe complain, but they have no choice but to speed up their movements and try to avoid losses.

People who have been in the market for many days can clearly see that there is a little commotion in the market, which is still expanding.


Taking two grams of liquid metal, then take several kinds of sculpted bones, grind them into powder and make them into several parts of liquid medicine.

Yan Mo recited and tests, recording the name and quantity of the material used down to the milligram.

"The dwarf across the street is still peeping at you." Someone was very unhappy expressing their opinion.

Yan Mo chuckled. The man opposite is not short. At most, he is half head shorter than Yuan Zhan. But Yuan Zhan is nearly two meters tall.

“Let him see that there is no lack of food."

"Yes! If he looked again, I'll dig his eyes!”

Yan Mo acted like he didn't hear, "The goods sold by their tribe are very interesting. Let's pick some later?"

“No!" in order to prevent Yan Mo from paying attention to the men and goods on the opposite side, Yuan Zhan began to make a fuss. "What are you doing since you left Huocheng-Fire City? Let me see. "

"Don't move. It's not finished yet. This is a little idea that I had for a long time, but there is a problem that can't be solved. Until I saw the composition of fire ants in the front, I finally realized this idea, but it's only a test at present. "

"What is it?"

“Um... The name hasn't been figured out yet. It's similar to a living weapon. You can also call it magic weapon or witchcraft tool. The main body is made of metal, bone and other things. The bone powder refined by drugs is used to sketch the runes and arrays. At last, the life energy is used to activate the tool and make it become an energy like structure similar to fire ants. This kind of thing... Let's call it witchcraft energy. In my idea, it has no soul, but it has the characteristics of a living object. As long as the energy is sufficient, it can adapt to any object, and change into any shape according to the user's needs. The weapons made of it can increase the user's own ability. For example... "

Yan Mo made a demonstration, and the group of things in his hand suddenly turned into a long spike. “For example, a person can produce a wooden spike from his body. After using this witchcraft, he can make that spike into a variety of wooden needles and sticks in an instant, even a dagger, long sword, broadsword, etc. If the warrior's wood thorn carries poison, it will also carry poison, or even more. If it's you, it can change it into more things. If you want to launch a fireball, use it, it can make the fireball launch faster, stronger and hotter, but your energy consumption is much less than usual because the object will absorb the energy from the environment to recharge."

Yuan Zhan understood a bit, “Is it that its power equivalent to the customized bone objects you said? But this witchcraft can be customized like bone objects for users of any shape?”

“More than shapes. In short, when your psychic force is bound to it, it can be assimilated into your body and assimilated with your cells. Later, when you want to use it, it can be summoned according to your mind wishes. If you need it to become a sword, it will be a sword. You need it to be armor, and it became armor. You need it to fire a fireball, and it became a musket that can fire a fire ball. You need it to drill a big hole in the ground and it will become something that can drill. If you want to fly, it will become your wings. Of course, it needs to change according to your ability, otherwise you need to add features to it at the beginning. "

Yuan Zhan finally understood, "That is to say, I can't fly, but as long as I can master the wind, I can use this weapon to generate wings to fly to the sky, which is much easier than me trying to generate wind to push me by myself, right?"


Jiu Feng child also joined in the fun, leaving Wu Guo baby crawling around and asking curiously, “Can I fly faster with it?"

"Yes, it can be used to carry you a long time to cross the ocean, and you still need to have regular rest. But with it, theoretically you can save at least half of the time, and as long as you can continuously provide the energy of the witch object, theoretically you can fly forever without rest."

"Wow!" Jiu Feng's eyes felt hot. “Mo Mo, I want you to make one for me!"

Yuan Zhan's feet stretched out and he shamelessly mixed with Jiu Feng child. “Mo, if I can't use the wind and want to fly, I need to let you add the ability of flying to the witch object at the beginning of refining, so that even if I can't fly, it can become wings and take me to heaven, that can be done right?"

"That's right." Yan Mo wanted to reach for Jiu Feng and was held down by Yuan Zhan.

Jiu Feng got up on his own, and he blew a wind blade hitting Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan turned his hand, the blade disappeared in the invisibleness, and his eyes were bright: “Good thing! Give it to me first!”

"Don't worry. It's just a trial product. I don't have many functions put on it." Yan Mo saw that Jiu Feng's attention was attracted by Wu Guo, and he laughed, "The troublesome thing is that this kind of witchcraft must have life energy to activate it at present, in other words, except for me, I'm afraid that only Wu Guo can refine it in the future. At the same time, it also needs to be manipulated by soul power. People who don't have enough soul power can't use it. Of course, this is not too much trouble. I will improve it in the future, so that ordinary people with insufficient soul power can use it. It's annoying that this kind of witchcraft only needs life energy to activate. To make it popular, I need to study it again. "

“It doesn't need to be popularized so fast. You study it slowly." Yuan Zhan would like to have this kind of weapon that can only exist in the imagination. Only his priest be the only one who can refine it. In the future, it will only be used by the Jiu Yuan people, so that other forces can only look at it with their greedy eyes.

Yan Mo smiled and began to add bone lines to the newly refined witchcraft tool. He is not a generous person, just to deal with the supernatural demons and reduce SCUM VALUE. In order to make the Jiu Yuan civilization not inferior to other civilizations in the future, he needs to build a broader range of weapon refining knowledge.

Yuan Zhan suddenly raised his head. "Something's wrong."

Yan Mo, "Huh?"

"The atmosphere is not right."

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