Banished to Another World

Chapter 621: Confusion coming in the thousand to pay attention

Chapter 621: Confusion coming in the thousand to pay attention

The Jiu Yuan calendar year, January 15, Yin.

Outside Wucheng-City of Witches, a large circular stair like sitting stand appeared on the edge of the dried up lake. About a foot away from the platform, there is a higher three-story platform.

The platform is made of stone, and there are sections on it. But the platform is only made of earth, that is to say, it is a solid structure, and it has no beauty.

Today's gathering is different from those of previous years. The first is not held in the city, so as to facilitate those who attend the gatherings to use their abilities and means to a full extent. Second, it is not forbidden for outsiders to watch. As long as you are not afraid of death or injury, you can watch around if you want to. Of course, these onlookers are all located on higher platforms.

Before all the people who are qualified to attend the party arrive, the surrounding platform on the third floor is full of all kinds of creatures, most of whom are human.

There was a lot of noise in the place, just like a market, and there were people walking around in the stood selling fruits and gambling sticks.

Meng Er, Ye Xing and Xiao Hei, three playful people, are also huddled in the crowd.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and people turned to look at the entrance.

“Is that the Ding Yue tribe? Is that metal?”

"This time they have many people, their warriors... Wow, their armor is so powerful! What kind of weapon are they carrying? It's weird. "

“I heard that weapon is awesome. It seems to be more powerful than bone objects."

"Really? By the way, who is the woman at the front? How does it look familiar?”

“Isn't that his Highness the Great Princess Lamo-Na of Yincheng-Sound City?" recognized the knowledgeable man.

"How can Yincheng-Sound City's Great Princess and the people of Ding Yue come together? Are they allied?”

“Maybe the Great Princess is married?"

"That's alliance, too!"

"This party is interesting. Ding Yue and the Jiu Yuan, tut. "

Wucheng-City of Witches is still the 3rd priest Luo Jue, who presided over the party, but this Priest Luo Jue looked like a different silent today. He is not in the mood to introduce them when watching the forces enter the arena, let alone let people sing names, he was so coldly watching the forces enter one by one.

However, people who have a little understanding of Wucheng-City of Witches know why Luo Jue is so passive in resistance. Look at the Bugs People’s witch over there. He is busy up and down, leading people of all forces into their stands one by one. He is too busy to know.

People who are well-informed about the overthrow of Quipa's forces overnight are basically aware of it. But Grand Witch Xiang and Fei Shan didn't show up after the accident of Quipa death, and they didn't rob the forces and territories left by Quipa. The Bugs People’s witch hesitated for only one day, and began to quickly seize the resources left by Quipa. Today, he is more like replacing Grand Witch Xiang and taking over all the work of reception.

“Fire, wood, darkness, wind, sound, air, and the Ding Yue are here. Who else hasn't come?" the spectators on the platform asked the other person. Not everyone knows what big strength will come today.

"Well, there should be Shui... Shuicheng-Water City is here! Look!”

There was a louder noise. The big forces on the stage were a little surprised how Shuicheng-Water City could cause such a big response. They all turned to see it. It was impossible to not stare.

Shuicheng-Water City people are here, but they are not only from Shuicheng-Water City, but also a line of sea people like the Mer-people and slightly different from the Mer-people.

The upper body of this creaturesare a human shape, with long ears and fins, long fingers and spikes. Both men and women have long hair, but if you look closely, you can see that they are not hair, but creatures like Sea Serpents. The lower body is also the tail of a snake. The tail is thick, covered with shiny scales, and has long thorns at the end.

There are three sea people walking in the front, one of them seems to be the most dignified, she was holding a three pronged scepter, with a high drum on the chest, with exquisite ornaments hanging between the arms and neck, with gorgeous but firm eyebrows and eyes. The other two are also women. They were a back a few steps and followed.

Other water people are warriors at first sight. They are all male. They hold tridents made of bone. They have a strong body and a stronger snake tail.

“The Mer-people?”

“Not like the Mer-people, but more like..."

"Snake! I see. They are legendary Sea Serpents! It is said that the semi-god of the Shuicheng-Water City is a Sea Serpent.” Huocheng-Fire City priest knows the enemy's city best. In a flash, he understands the origin of the sea creature.

“It's not fair! How can they bring the Sea Serpents to the land, they...” Huocheng-Fire City priest is uneven.

"Don't worry, they have Sea Serpents, and we have the Fire Ants King." Another Huocheng-Fire City priest comforts you.

Huocheng-Fire City's Lord turned around and said, "What do you say that? So is our Fire Ants King?”

Huocheng-Fire City priest, who knew the truth, nodded proudly. He was the one chosen by the Fire Ants King. So many people in the city, the Fire Ants King only informed him. It can be seen that he was totally different in the eyes of the Fire Ants King. After the party, if there were no other changes, the position of Huocheng-Fire City high priest was in the bag for him.

Not to mention the mood of Huocheng-Fire City after hearing that his semi-god also followed him, but also after Shuicheng-Water City was brought into the grandstand by the people of the Chong-Bugs People’s witch, the Giant, the Chong-Bugs people, the Winged and the Baixi arrived almost at the same time as they had agreed.

Before that, the Black Earth City, Jushi city and Shahai City, which originally belonged to Tucheng-Earth City, also shared the grandstand with the other person. After asking if they would like to sit with the Jiu Yuan, The guide took them to another place.

"The Longevity Maple Clan is coming!" an exclamation came, and the whole audience was focused on the entrance.

What?! The Longevity Maple Clan? Why do these mysterious tree people come here?

No one expected that the Longevity Maple Clan would also attend the meeting today. Those strange tree people just walked into the meeting hall with their roots crossed like people.

“God of Life, today's weather is terrible," the Maple Clan little Sa Ma murmured as he walked, “I hate the desert. The sandstorm here makes my skin rough and scratchy."

The other Maple Clan tree people echoed him, singing: "The annoying sandstorm ~ the annoying desert ~ the annoying overcast day ~ Oh, and the annoying human ~!"

The Maple Clan tree man laughed and walked in front of the old Sa Ma like he didn't hear anything. He silent walked to the stand.

People from Luo Jue and Mucheng-Forest City stood up. They don’t care about others welcome, but the Longevity Maple Clan is definitely different.

The priests of Mucheng-Forest City came running quickly and warmly greeted the Maple Clan tree people, hoping they could sit with Mucheng-Forest City.

Luo Jue, together with the palm thunder, shook the people sent by the Bugs People’s witch aside, and he went to salute old Sa Ma, and respectfully said, “Gods above, thank you for coming."

Little Sa Ma waved the branches and sang, "Don't thank us, we're here fighting for territory."

Luo Jue's face did not change. "Where do you want to sit? Over there is Mucheng-Forest City, over there is Shuicheng-Water City, then... "

"Where's the Jiu Yuan?" said old Sa Ma.

Luo Jue paused a little, pointing to the stand to the left of Wucheng-City of Witches, "Right there."

“Let's sit next to the Jiu Yuan." Old Sa Ma stopped saying anything after that.

Luo Jue is in a bit of a dilemma. The seat next to the Jiu Yuan is inexplicably popular. Now, the Chong-Bugs people and Baixi ethnic group, who consider themselves to be different from the Jiu Yuan, have occupied the left seat of the Jiu Yuan. If the Maple Clan want to cling to the Jiu Yuan, either drive away the Baixi people or insert them between Wuchengcity of switches and the Jiu Yuan.

Considering the special status of the Longevity Maple Clan, Luo Jue decided to put a seat between Wucheng-City of Witches and the Jiu Yuan. Last time, there weren't many people from the Jiu Yuan. Should we be able to sit down?

So the seat arrangement and seating is definitely a university question. It's not that the specially trained people are not competent at all. For example, Luo Jue, who dares to take this job, is because he knows the identity details of the guests and the relationship between them, and tries to be impartial.

The arrival of the Longevity Maple Clan seemed to light up some kind of signal, and then a series of legendary races emerged.

"Twenty four guests of this continent clans arrived!"

"The chief of the Half-Beasts led the Tigers Clan, Wolves Clan and Fox Clan!"


Many people have never heard of these races, people are surprised, do not know how these races got the news, and how they just arrived today.

Who informed them? What is the purpose of their coming?

The faces of some forces on the stage have changed a little. Some are nervous and some look down on them. Even if there are so many hidden forces in the eastern continent, it's them or theirs!

"The King of Kunpengs led the Human-face Kunpeng clan to the party!" a voice tearing roar covered all the noise.

All of a sudden, the Human-face Kunpeng clan is here? Or The King of Kunpengs brought his own team?

After a quiet, the sound of violence turned into a big wave. How many people looked around and finally looked at the sky together.

The King of Kunpengs didn't show off his great and majestic posture, but circled in the air, and then he took the birds down and landed next to the Longevity Maple Clan.

The King of Kunpengs saluted old Sa Ma, “I haven't seen you for a long time, but I didn't expect you will come today."

Old Sa Ma nodded to him and suddenly smiled, "You've got the position of the Jiu Yuan."

The King of Kunpengs said nothing and commanded the birds to give way. Well, now for Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan, he can't get up! When Jiu Feng found Yan Mo, he naturally found the line of the Jiu Yuan, but he didn't appear because He found that Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo, who had not seen the other person for several days, could not see anyone. In order not to be beaten too hard by some food protecting barbarian, he wisely chose to leave for a while and go back to gather people. If he wanted to snatch a man’s his wife smoothly from the fierce savage, he must ask his brothers to join him!

Kunpeng people may be afraid of Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo, but to others...

This group of big birds are very domineering and all stared at the Baixi tribe.

Baixi people were stared at by these natural enemies. Long ago, Baixi Snake people were one of the foods on the menu for the Kunpeng people.

Due to the pressure of the natural food chain, all Baixi Snake people obediently slide to the side for a while. However, the Baixi people who were wronged gave up their seats did not hear the comments of the single Kunpeng people.

"How can they run so far? We just want to squeeze with them. "

"Yes, I just thought that if they could roll their tails on me life will be great!"

"You are so lewd! First of all, the most beautiful one with long, smooth tail! I see her! No one is allowed to rob me of her. "

"That's the Priest of Baixi Snake People. She can't be with you. I think the smaller snake man next to her is very good. Look how cute he looked when he looked like he wants to sleep!”

"Yes, yes, I like the stiff one. I want to make him cry and scream all kinds of bad things."

“Enough of you! Don't talk like the naughty kids of the Jiu Yuan!”

“If you don’t like Baixi people, just go away! Don't stand in our way to see beauty!”

"What... I'm more worried about is that all of you who are interested in males? Don't you want to have birds’ kids?”

Kunpeng people suddenly quiet down, but in a short time they quarreled with the other person: "If we can’t get married, but also have to find male and female, we can cheat a good deal being single!"

"Yes, I'm almost 200 years old. I haven't had that one yet. I want to find a companion and spend every day with him hey! Hey!”

"Too dirty! Get rid of him!”

“If you can't scam me, you can rob me. Our ancestors did that."

"Yes, first of all, I'll take care of him. I'll take the stiff looking one!"

The King of Kunpengs listened to the quarrel of the single birds calmly, and laughed that this was a group of people with lust and no gall. Once in ten times, he could turn people back to lay eggs. At the same time, his pride can hardly be described to others: the one he likes can have children! He has eavesdropped... Sure, then Mo Da-Ren is really pregnant with that barbarian baby!

But if you can hide it, you can hide it. If these bachelors know that Yan Mo can lay eggs, they will not only help him but also make trouble with him. If someone took advantage of the trouble and make Yan Mo lays eggs, he will have no place to cry!

When the Baixi people moved their position, the Chong-Bugs people will naturally be pushed aside. However, they are not happy anymore and dare not provoke the Kunpeng people. That tribe is the natural enemy of the vast majority of ethnic groups. The top position of the food chain will never be shaken.

Fortunately, the seats are wide and the forces are scattered. Only the Baixi and the Chong-Bugs people move, and other forces do not need to move their positions.

“has everyone came?" people looked around and counted the forces.

“No, the Jiu Yuan tribe hasn't come, neither have Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren and Fei Shan Da-Ren."

"What's the matter with the Jiu Yuan? Why hasn't it been so long? Is the appointed time coming to an end?"

"Wait! Is that the Jiu Yuan people? Gods Above! They, they... "

"Shua!" they heard that the Jiu Yuan people finally came. No matter what they think about the Jiu Yuan people, they turned their head and looked toward the entrance.

There are not many people coming to the Jiu Yuan. Compared with some forces bringing the army, there are only a few important people and a group of children coming to the Jiu Yuan.

These important figures are: Chief Yuan Zhan, the Priest Yan Mo, the first Curse Witch Zhou Wu, the witch Si Tan, and Lamo-Ling, who was once the Great Prince of Yincheng-Sound City and was born to lighten up negative speech skills.

However, the young people and children led by Wu Chen and Meng Er are ignored. Only because of the identity of the White-Horn, Sumen has been looked at by others that they stared.

Oh, and there's another kid who's more popular. It's Jiu Feng who has changed back to his wings. Jiu Feng's little baby was flying around in the air with his little butt bare and wings flapping. He also held a small baby in his arms.

"That baby is the Son of Life?" how many greedy eyes stare at Wu Guo.

“Is it not that there are two? Is that one who can fly...? "

“No, I heard that the one who can fly is the Kunpeng people!"

"What about the other one? Is it not cultivated?”

“No! Look at MoDa-Ren’s stomach!”

Well, Yan Mo's stomach is a little more prominent than when he arrived at Wucheng-City of Witches. He looked like a woman with six month pregnancy. He didn't mean to cover it up, and occasionally touched his stomach and patted it gently.

"What's the matter? Then Mo Da-Ren is a man. How could he?” everyone's face became strange.

“Maybe to cultivate the Fruit of Witchcraft into the Son of Life is to be borne by oneself?" some people speculate.

Kunpeng people all stared at Yan Mo Belly.

It's not good for the King of Kunpengs to shout, but at this time, everyone thought it was the cultivation method of the Son of Life, and they could not think of other ways. But the King of Kunpengs knows that Yan Mo can really bear babies. Their agreement with Wucheng-City of Witches, the Grand Witch Xiang and Fei Shan... Well, he overheard it.

Luo Jue stood up again, squeezed out the Bugs People’s witch who came down to pick up the person himself, and strode towards the Jiu Yuan people.

It's not Yan Mo's belly or Jiu Feng that caused them to stare at the Jiu Yuan people, but the creatures who came with the Jiu Yuan people.

“Is that a real Mer-man?"

"How beautiful!"

“God, I don't want the Snake-man. I'd rather have the Mer-people."

Old Sa Ma and the King of Kunpengs also looked at the Jiu Yuan.

Yu Wu's whole body was wrapped in the silver shawl. His long silver hair almost hangs over his ankles. His long hair is really long, but it also gives off a faint luster.

I don't know how many people in the audience lost their voices about Yu Wu's beauty. As soon as Yu Wu came out, no beauty luster will exist to rival his. Even the twelve handsome and unusual beautiful Mer-warrior who followed him were obscured by his light.

Let alone a group of dwarfs who are less tall than Yuan Zhan's waist height following the Jiu Yuan.

The dwarfs was very angry, they kept jumping and shouting: "How come these big fools didn't cheer our coming? Didn't they see us?”

“Come on, they all turned to see Yu Wu Da-Ren. Who will see us?"

"Whoa! Too much. Isn't our ancestor worship beautiful? We look much better than the Mer-people! I've decided that from today on, all paper prices will rise! Price increase!”

In the hot accompaniment of dwarves? The Jiu Yuan people and the Mer-people met with Luo Jue and were led to the position.

At the moment of Yu Wu's appearance, all the sea serpents families with Shuicheng-Water City stood up.

They guarded and stared at the Mer-people with a little doubt.

The first three female Sea Serpents said something to the other person.

When Yu Wu saw the Sea Serpents, he sat down beside Yan Mo as if he hadn't seen them.

People subconsciously looked at his feet, Shasha and the ground, but did not see the fish tail! It's clear that the twelve Mer-warriors all have very nice fish tails!

More careful people will find that the Mer-people do not walk with their tails, but there are hidden water waves under their tails.

Old Sa Ma and the King of Kunpengs did not dare to ask the big one to salute Yu Wu respectively.

The arrogant Yu Wu also respected these two people. He also salutes them back, but his tone is not very amicable: “Little Kunpeng, Old Sa Ma, so you are still alive."

Old Sa Ma chuckled, "You're not dead, and I'm certainly not going to."

“I'd like to die, but I have unfinished business." Yu Wu replied in a light tone.

"Why are you here today?" old Sa Ma asked Yu Wu.

The King of Kunpengs is calm in front of these two people. In terms of age, he is far behind. These two people are really immortal, and their strength is not on the so-called semi-god level. They are probably the closest creatures in the world to the power of ancient gods.

Yu Wu pointed to Yan Mo, who was whispering to Yuan Zhan, “Ask this little guy."

Yan Mo looked up and smiled before saying anything. “It's just a precaution. The power of the Horn-people hasn't been completely solved in the eastern continent. There are still some unknown guys who don't know what to do in the eastern continent, plus the sudden emergence of the Sea Serpent people..."

"That's why you have to ask me to come? A group of Sea Serpents?” Yu Wu curled his mouth." I thought it was... "

Yu Wu didn't go on, but old Sa Ma and The King of Kunpengs seemed to know who he was talking about.

Yan Mo thought that the Mer-people of Yu Wu migrated from the deep sea to Qingyuan Lake, so he could make Yu Wu come here just to be on the safe side carefully. Did he think that the Sea Serpents invited by Shuicheng-Water City is related to another deep sea Mer-people?

But this is the story for Yu Wu. Yan Mo doesn't want to go into it today.

Today's Yan Mo didn't expect that in the future, the Jiu Yuan not only had a deep relationship with the Mer-people in the sea, but also his most precious little son almost became the door-to-door son-in-law of the Mer-people king in the deep sea!

At that time, Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan, the baby sitters, were almost mad with hate. Jiu Feng and Wu Guo were shouting to kill the Mer-people King to make the Mer-people food. Just as Yu Wu was going to lead the Long Tailed Mer-people back to the deep sea, the Yan Mo family and Yu Wu were together knocked on the door with a large group of Mer-people from the sea!

The Mer-people in the deep sea were so upset... Or did Yan Xu come out to calm down the situation, but the Mer-people king, who wanted Yan Xu to be queen, woke up one day and found that he was not only carried back inland, but also became the Shou?

In the face of Yan Xu's innocent and pitiful lovely face, “I've been taken advantage of by you, you have to be responsible", the Mer-people King was so depressed that he almost vomited blood for three liters!

Well, these are all stories of a distant future, which belong to another generation. I won't mention them here.

Time goes back to now, and now all forces have arrived. Besides those who have died, the 12th priest in Wucheng city of switches has almost come.

Now everyone is waiting for the first priest Grand Witch Xiang and his guard Fei Shan to come.

It's time for the challenge party.

Grand Witch Xiang and Fei Shan arrived at the same time when the birds are singing, and both appear on the middle and top seats.

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