Batman in the MCU

Anomaly In England

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


Jeff had a smile as he watched Maria Hill laugh at his joke. The two had began dating after a while, what had started with Maria Hill investigating Jeff had ended with the two developing feelings for each other.

Although this had happened neither of them had yet to reveal their identity to the other. With Maria still keeping her alias and Jeff not revealing himself to be the dark knight, their conversation was soon cut short however when an alert popped up on Jeff's phone.

"Sorry, something came up" Jeff apologized with a sad smile as he made it to his feet leaving money for the bill. "it's alright, we can do this another time" Maria responded with a sad smile of her own, "I do hope we can finish this conversation another time... maybe at my place over a bottle of wine".

"We'd have to wait and see wouldn't we" Maria gave Jeff a suggestive smile as he left, in front of the restaurant a valet had arrive with his car. "Your car Mr. King" the valet spoke as he got out of the Aston Martin Am310 vanquish and headed over to hand Jeff his keys to which Jeff responded by giving him an extravagant tip with caused for the valet to gain a wide grin.

In his car, Jeff's smile disappeared as he gained a stoic expression scanned in his finger print causing the windshield to darken and a HUD to pop up. "I take it we are heading home sir?" Oracle questioned.

"Yes, also bring up the alert"

The car began to drive heading to King manor as the visual changed to show the alert which had caused him to leave his date earlier. A map of London popped up with places where specific energy signatures where recorded, "where is Jane Foster?"

"In London as well sir, and before you ask Dr. Erik Selvig made the news with his appearance at the stone hedge delivering prophecies of doom. He is currently in a psych ward in London."

"Hmmm are we able to track the exact source of this energy signatures?" Jeff questioned as he looked at the energy signatures which could be traced through out London. "Not exactly... some sort of dimensional energy is interrupting the energy signature per my calculations the energy signature may not be on earth but rather leaking through dimensional rifts. we've arrived sir".

Jeff getting out of his car made his way through his collection of luxury cars, and headed into the house making his way towards the piano. Before arriving at the piano he met Sebastian who was dusting the fireplace, "hello master Jeffrey back from your date so soon?" Sebastian turned to him with an inquisitive look.

"Something important came up. Where is Yelena?"

"The young miss said she was going out, although she didn't tell me where"

"Thank you", Jeff spoke up before making his way to the piano, playing a certain tune to reveal another secret entrance to the bat cave.  Making his way to the Bat computer, he sat before the computer which brought up the same scene from when he was in his car allowing for him to go through the information once more.

After having a better look at the information, Jeff was now certain that the events of Thor the dark world had began, which meant it was an opportunity to get close to the reality stone. Thinking of that, the Ancient one's appearance in his cave popped in his head once more her warning about his actions replaying in his head over and over.

He understood how her future sight worked and he was certain she couldn't see beyond her death. Which meant whatever she was talking about was definitely not infinity war but rather something that will occur during her lifetime and definitely not something from the movies he had watched.

For a brief moment he considered stopping, but the thought of loosing to Thanos pissed him off.

Looking through the map he still was unable to find the place where Jane Foster entered the rift and obtained the Aether. Jeff was not all to worried on the other hand as he had full access to her phone, "Oracle prep the Batwing" Jeff spoke up as he made his way towards his bat suit.

"I'm heading to London"


This chapter is short but marks the beginning of an all new arc

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