Batman in the MCU

Batman… am I glad to see you

*cough* cough* George made it to his feet coughing, looking at the damage around himself, with most of his men injured with some even dead. George was filled with unbridled rage as he stared at the two figures before himself.

Before him stood Scorpion in his exo-suit, with a man he could not recognize standing by his side, the most striking feature of the man was the fact he had but one hand and an unrecognized but scary weapon at hand.

The man locked eyes with George, seeing the unbridled rage in his eyes his face gained a sadistic look in his eye and aimed his weapon at George. "bye bye captain" the man said as he weapon loaded about to fire.

The weapon though was sent out his hand by the black panther T-Chaka "Klaue!! today you will face Wakadan justice!" he shouted as he charged at Klaue.

The Dora milage followed closely behind holding the Scorpion off and allowing their King to fight Klaue unimpeded.

George watched all this stunned. Scorpion on the other hand was annoyed as he fought the Dora Milage, "get the hell out of my way!" he shouted as he swiped his tail at them sending  some of them flying.

A member of the Dora Milage saw an opening and taking advantage managed to put the Scorpion into a headlock with her spear as the others joined her.

On the other hand with the Black Panther and Klaue, the battle was fierce as both of them were old enemies and after many battles had gained a basic understanding of each other's fighting capabilities.

Black Panther was trying his best to keep the fight as one of close combat with his claws out swiping at Klaue with all intention to end his life leaving bloody claw marks on him in the process.

Klaue wasn't having it though releasing a well timed blast from his arm cannon sending T-Chaka flying back. "I was just about getting tired of you myself" saying so Klaue continued to fire at T-Chaka who showed of his cat like agility as he avoided the attacks.

The battle continued soon reaching a standstill as they continued to exchange blows but this standstill was soon broken by a Savage roar.

The attention was drawn to the source of the roar where a huge green figure appeared, it was none other than the Lizard. Scorpion and Klaue had smiles on their face knowing the now had back up, meanwhile T-Chaka with the others became worried seeing this new guy entering the field, George couldn't help but cuss "what the fuck!" when he saw the creature looking straight at them.

The Lizard let out another roar before charging at them heading straight for George who emptied his entire clip to no avail. His eyes widened in fear as the beast was but a meter away, at this moment the revving of a bike was heard and soon the sight of Batman riding through the flames was imprinted in their eyes.

Batman jumped of his bike as it went straight into the Lizard sending him tumbling to the ground. Batman arrived at George's side, "captain"  "Batman... am I glad to see you".

"You need to get out of here, gather all your men who can move and move the one's who can't out of here", Batman left those words as he rushed at the Lizard who was now on his feet once more.

The lizard seeing him let out a roar before smashing it's tail towards Batman.

In the highest office in the Oscorp building, Norman watched everything that went on below getting more annoyed with each passing moment.

At that moment a man rushed into the office drawing his attention, "sir!" "is it done?" Norman asked immediately he saw the man. "Yes sir, your son has been moved outside the country", "good leave me for a moment".

Norman watched the man leave before moving to his desk and activating his P.C on his screen was none other than Alexander Pierce.

"We had a deal!" Norman screamed immediately he saw the man, " I think you are misunderstanding, our deal was you provide us with the super soldier serum and you receive your pay. No where in our agreement did it mention us protecting you."

"Damn you! do you think you'll get anything if I'm dead!" Norman was furious hearing what they said, Alexander had a smirk as he heard that " you underestimate Hydra Norman, we already have all your files and we will be able to continue from where you left, goodbye Norman".

"Aaargh!" Norman amassed the computer as he heard that. " Damn you Hydra!" he took in a few breaths before muttering "this isn't over"

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