Batman in the MCU

Meeting the Billionaire

Peter nursed his bruise as Ned continued to chat his ear off. He gave the occasional nod and monosyllabic answer to give Ned the illusion that he was listening as his mind travelled to different matters.

His sudden gain of his abilities had left him confounded for a short while, though once he got used to it he got to work on his suit and began his work as a superhero. It wasn't exactly as easy as he thought it would be though, with him taking on all sorts of injuries.

He luckily got a healing factor as well or he had no idea how he was going to explain everything to May.

Aside the whole Spiderman thing, questions of where Liz was plagued his mind. One day she just didn't come to any of he classes and since then no one had seen her. According to what he managed to here she and her family had apparently left town, where to however? he unfortunately had no idea.

"Hey!" Peter called out as he almost bumped into Ned who had come to a sudden halt. Ned payed him no heed however with his eyes focused on something, a quick look around revealed everyone else seemed to be focused on the same thing. With his curiosity gaining another victory he turned to look as well.

Right before his school standing before a Mercedes-Maybach S-Class in a stylish three piece suit was the second most famous billionaire in New York. Jeffery King. Mr. King took of his shades and began to wave, causing the student body around Peter to break out in discussion as to who it is he was here for.

Peter most definitely was not expecting Mr. King to call out him specifically, that one action had caused many eyes to fix on poor old Peter Parker. Somehow through the whole thing he found himself in Mr. Kings car as they drove off.

It was only after a while that Peter came back to and scolded himself in his mind, "stupid May has told you multiple times not to get in strangers cars".

"Sound advice for the average teenage boy, but I'm certain you can handle most things."

Peter snapped his head to look at Jeff, "I said that aloud didn't I". "Yes you did" Jeff simply responded as he continued to drive, causing Peter to face palm, "don't worry about your aunt I made sure she got a message about your internship".

"What internship?" Peter turned to Jeff with questioning eyes. "The one with King enterprises" Jeff's answers simply served to confuse Peter even more, "Now you did" Jeff could not help the smirk that came on his face after saying that.

He had been patiently awaiting the birth of spider-man and come up with multiple ways to recruit the lad. When Yelena reported his appearance the night before however he somehow decided on taking the Stark method, although there was no civil war... yet.

Soon they arrived at a warehouse; "we are here" was all Jeff said before stepping out of the car and heading in. Peter was quick to catch up to him still firing off questions as to why exactly he was here and what here was. Without answers Peters mind began to come up with plausible, realistic solutions though that almost quickly divulged to wild and crazy theories.

The wild and crazy theories gained more power, when they stopped in the middle of the empty warehouse with Jeff turning to face. "Now Peter or should I say Spider-man" The thoughts of aliens and probing came to a sudden halt when Peter heard Jeff's words, he luckily was able to catch his expressions in time.

"Erhm I don't know what you mean, I'm just Peter, a student of Midtown High I'm sure there is some misun-" His budding runt was cut short when his spider-sense went off causing his eyes to narrow, his hand moved before his face just in time to catch the projectile which Jeffrey King had launched straight for his face.

"Hey!" Peter yelled as he took a step back, the words he had planned however vanished once he laid eyes on what exactly it was he had in his hand. A batarang, he was holding a batarang, Jeffrey King had launched a batarang at his face, hold up, Jeffrey King. Batarang.

His mind went back to one of the theories Ned had shared with him, one the theories that apparently was not all that crazy because it was true. "Oh my god, you're Batman. Jeffrey King is freaking Batman,"

"And you're Spider-man shall we move on".

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