Batman in the MCU


As I said earlier every good cop has a source, in just two days,  detective George Stacy called me over, when I say me I mean the batman.

George was on the rooftop and started to doubt whether all this was a bad idea.  He was meeting with a vigilante for God's sake, just as he was about to head back in, "detective" a deep emotionless voice resounded behind him.

Turning around the batman was right before him, " that your actual voice or? " "I heard you had information for me."  the batman ignored his question.

".... I took some effort, this guy is not an easy guy to find",  the detective spoke as he passed the file to me. " It wasn't easy most of these guys have next to no contact with one another unless at those parties, that's were we saw this guy..." batman takes a closer look at the Asian man he didn't recognize. 

"couldn't I.d the guy.  but we do know he is the only one linking all our perps together." " he is not the boss." the batman finally spoke, "huh" " think about it if I run such a massive organization I would need to be one of two things, inspire fear to rule or be mysterious and use mankind's fear of the unknown... considering we didn't know this guy existed until recently... " George interrupted " they're probably the latter. " 

"do you have anymore information..."

back at the Batcave.

"this just keeps getting more interesting." Sebastian spoke up after reading through the file, "so what are you going to do now."

"Thanks to the detective I know where he will be this Saturday night and guess who obtained an invitation."  a smirk appeared on the batman's face.

"I guess this is a job for master King then."

Later that Saturday night.

"Thank you for having me Mr. Pierce."  Jeffrey spoke with a smile on his face, " No I should thank you Mr. King, you know with all that has been going on recently the batman going after the rich and the city slowly descending to chaos I decided to host this Gala to show the people of this city we are not afraid." after listening to Mr. Pierce, Jeffrey grabbed a glass of wine "well cheers to that."

"I think I see a pretty lady right there please excuse me." " oh don't mind me, go ahead enjoy yourself. " "thank you."  And with that Jeffrey walked away all smiles.

The information showed that the guy only liked to show up at high class social gatherings and there was a tip he would here tonight. As I walked around I spoke to Sebastian through the com in my ear, "any sign of him?"  "not yet I'm still searching. Are you sure this is a good idea sir?"  "of course I meet him conduct some introductions and obtain his name I mean who doesn't want to meet Jeffrey King." "hmm....wait sir I think I have something.  To your right he just entered a room with two other guys." 

I walked towards it, but saw the two guards in front, and judging by their posture I knew they were not simple.

I stopped grabbed a drink and headed of to a corner. " Sebastian there are two guards in front I can't get close, can you pull up the audio feed? " "I thought you'd never ask"  and with that I was in.

mysterious guy(M.G)

Collins (C)

C: nice to see you Mr. Cheng.

M.G: good to see you too Collins, but I'm sure you didn't call me over to say hi.

C: yes of course, I remember when we first met the master told us to look for certain something.

M.G: you have a clue as to where it is?

C: I have something...

there was a short pause

M.G:... and what am I going to do with this?

C: that has information on who has what your looking for he is a... collector of sorts.

Hearing this conversation I knew I had to go in.  I made my way to the roof as I arrived Sebastian questioned me, " what are you doing? " " making an entrance. "

After changing into my bat suit I jumped down with my grappling hook and fired a flash bang into the office.

I jumped in right after to grab Collins but the so called Mr. Cheng got away and I had two guys to deal with.  The two rushed at me and we began fighting,  I was impressed by their skills they were definitely better than the street thugs I had been up against recently.

they even managed to land a hit or two, but I'm batman. ( A/N before I continue I know there is no way the batman would be this weak but I want this to be like his earlier years so yeah he will make a few mistakes be human but he will improve eventually becoming a monster like the original bat)

I took out the guys when I heard the sound of an engine looking out I saw a black car leaving it didn't take much to know who the Hell was in there.

Pressing a button I took a leap of faith, as I got increasingly close to the asphalt a sound came from behind and I knew my ride was here.

I landed right in my bat mobile and gave chase. The was a bit too many cars and I might loose him, I activated a feature and the car shot a few grappling hooks. I allowed the people of new York to see something they wouldn't forget anytime soon, I mean how many times do you see a car driving up a building.

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