Batman in the MCU

New Era

Big thanks to Charlie Puente-Duany for your continuous support


Eve had gotten into a car and just finished hot-wiring it and was about to drive off but was stopped by the gun aimed at her head.

"What did you steal?" Sebastian with the gun still aimed at her head questioned.

"Now what would give you that idea" Eve turned to face him with a smile on her face.

"Would you stop with the lies. When you started to help us so easily I had my doubts, you knew Chris well enough to know he would try to kill you when he found and yet you took the risk. You're not the kind of woman to take risks if there is nothing to gain."

"Do you really think so low of me Sebastian, with the history we share" Eve tried to talk her way out but was stopped by Sebastian. "It's precisely because of that history that I know you so well."

They both shared a look for a minute before Eve sighed and pulled out a thumb drive. "what's on it?" Sebastian asked.

"Chris couldn't kill the others if there was no way to control what they had" "I'm guessing how to do that is on that" Sebastian spoke in understanding to which Eve just nodded in agreement.

They remained where they were for a minute before Sebastian lowered his gun. "what now?" he asked her "Don't worry you and your little... bat family is safe. You have my word, their identities shall never leave my lips."

Hearing her words Sebastian turned to leave, "Don't you miss it?". Eve called out causing Sebastian to halt, "don't you miss us Sebastian?" Eve asked once again.

"I do", Sebastian turned with a fond smile on his face. "Then come with me, I would be Queen and you would be King, join me"

"Tempting offer, but I can't. I made a promise to a boy one rainy night and I intend to keep it" Eve sighed hearing that before she spoke again.

"then this is good bye, see you later Sebastian." saying so she wasted no time and drove off with Sebastian watching her leave.


Shield Helicarier;

"Hill, tell me what the f*ck is going on! Stark and Batman were spotted fighting Obadiah in the streets. An explosion happened across the city followed by a battle with another Bat, Eve and and unidentified individual fighting what seem to be ninjas, so I ask again what the f*ck is going on?!" Fury screamed into his coms.

Before Hill could respond though, a voice responded from the shadows behind him. "We destroyed the court."

Fury turned to the source and saw the figure who stepped out of the shadows. "I see you changed your suit" Fury spoke, "and you got an eyepatch."

Batman and Fury stood toe to toe staring each other in the eye. "why did you send your people after me?", "you were waging war against the court and this city can't afford any more casualties"

"I save lives" Batman argued, "say that to the lives lost in the Goblin incident."

The was a moment of silence between the two, "the next time you send people after me, I won't hold back" Batman spoke as he stepped back into the shadows and disappeared.

The next day every news station was talking about Ironman and Batman alongside Ghost Bat.

At this exact moment Tony was having a conference to deny the rumors of him being Ironman but Tony being Tony changed the plan.

In the Batcave;

"Did he just reveal his identity?" Gwen asked as she watched Tony utter the three iconic words that started a new era.

"Wait does that mean we're going to do same?" Gwen turned to Jeff who was bench pressing.

"No, that's his way but it is not ours" saying so he put his weights down before moving before the screen which had some red dots showing.

"This world is about to face many threats and we must be prepared but before those threats arrive we will deal with the old enemies who have managed to survive till now. From now on, I am Batman."

Jeff stood before the screen with both Gwen and Sebastian by his side.

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