Batman in the MCU

That Night

There were two things I learned during my period of training. 1: my parents have connections with the military.

The day after my discussion with my mother I first started training with Sebastian who turned out to be a drill Sargent from hell.  After the morning every part of my body felt sore I still get shivers till date when I remember that day, just when I thought I could take a break I had to meet my tutors, which of course led to me studying the whole afternoon after the tutors discovered my 'genius' ( 28 years of schooling from my previous life).

This leads me to point number 2: training does not get easy as time goes on. You see when you watch anime or TV series and the main character struggles in the beginning of training but as it goes on it seems to get easier and easier and he even looks cool whilst doing it..... yeah that's a big fat lie.

After my first week I had the same mindset turns out what I was doing before was just prepping, at that point I was just about ready to quit but one look from my mother and I knew there was no way out.

I did have some good memories apart from the torture, I met Peggy Carter who is an excellent marksman and even greater teacher including some members of the howling commandos who taught me a whole slew of things, form boxing to judo even survival in the wild which involved as staying in the woods for a month without any prior preparations on my side but that's another.

On another note I became closer  with Tony and even made a new friend, Rhodey, after we met It didn't take long to see he was basically what kept Tony from trying out any random crazy idea that pops in his head, now don't get me wrong I tried, I really did but Tony can be what's the word... ah yes persuasive.

So the years went by with us being close friends,  also as a perk of being with Tony I had invented some really cool gadgets which were inspired from the movies and comics I used to read in my past life.

Now I can guess what most of you are thinking I should get the super soldier serum, yeah I tried.  Let me tell you something I don't know what kind of dogshit luck the main characters of fanfics in my previous life had stumbling unto what ever they needed.  I had searched the entire Stark household and my own just in case but nothing, zero, nada, zilch.

Something good came out of it though I managed to rummage through some S.S.R files and I could confirm my parents were apart of it.

Anyway this was how I spent my years until one night when I was ten years old. I was at Tony's with Rhodey, we kept talking about any random thing that popped in our heads when we head a loud explosion and out of reflex I turned to the source along with Tony and Rhodey and the sight I saw was one I would never forget. My house was on fire.

Without a second thought I ran out and headed straight for my home.  I arrived just in time to see a suspicious person ridding away on a bike, seeing this I wasted no time firing at the bike with my homemade tracker gun which hit his tyre but caused no damage paying no heed I rushed and tried to enter my home but failed.  I could barely see through the flames but what I saw was going to give me nightmares for the rest of my life, my mom lay there dead with bullet holes in her and blood flowing from her mouth.

At that point I knew what one of the heroes in my past life said ' I wish I was faster ', but unlike him who couldn't do anything I could going to my backyard I moved a stone to reveal a secret room which held my gadgets I had made over the years.

looking at my screen which revealed the location of the perpetrator and who ever they were they were gonna pay.

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