Batman in the MCU

The convergence

**Big Thanks to Luke Karls for your support**

The trio of Batman, Thor and Jane arrived at the apartment where Oracle had led them. Opening the door the three walked in to Darcy slamming a pole at them.

Batman grabbed the pole halting the motion, tilting his head to give Darcy a really look.

"Oh it's you guys. You know the door suddenly opened and I was like... well you know." Darcy spoke up with her ever present smile.

Jane walked past the two looking around at the devices they had placed around the apartment. "What's going on here?"

"Oh right tadaa, we found Erik" Darcy walked up to Selveig gesturing to him with both her arms.

"Erik..." Jane's voice broke as she moved in to give him a hug. "I've missed you, where have you been?" Jane spoke as she held on to Selveig tightly.

"It's a long story but right now we have something to do" saying these words he moved his attention to the two superheroes standing at the door way.

"Thor, Batman" Selveig nodded to the two before moving to the map he had placed on the table. "You've arrived just in time"

Saying so Selveig began marking out locations on his map, "This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and the Ancients were there to see it. All the great constructions, the Mayans, the Chinese, the Egyptians. They made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map."

"A map"  Batman spoke up interrupting Dr Selveig who looked at him briefly, before speaking up once more.

"Yes a map.Stonehenge, Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking us... here."

"Greenwich?"  Ian Boothby questioned "The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is gonna go ballistic. Increases and decreases in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is gonna be torn apart." Jane continued her eyes progressively widening.

" Allowing for Malekith to easily succeed",Thor now at Selveig side spoke up. "Who now?" Darcy who was now lost looked to Thor with questioning eyes.

"Malekith, the leader of the dark elves. He attempted to use the convergence alongside his weapon the aether to plunge the universe into eternal darkness. He... Loki..." Thor grip on Mjolnir tightened as he gained a somber look.

" Your brother isn't coming, is he?" Selveig asked hesitantly as memories of what Loki did to him resurfaced.

"Loki is dead." Thor answered simply, causing Selveig to cheer. "Thank God... I'm so sorry" Selveig was quick to change his tone realising  Thor was still mourning.

The others had complicated looks, on the one hand they felt sorry for Thor who had lost his brother who clearly meant a lot to him.

On the other hand the invasion on New York was still fresh in their minds. The amount of people who had died due to Loki's actions where definitely more than a thousand. They couldn't bring themselves to mourn for such a person yet they could not bare to say so to the god mourning before them, the conflict in their minds caused them to remain silent.

"Then if he is coming here I assume he will be trying to plunge the the universe once more." Dr Selveig spoke changing the topic as well as emphasising the danger. "Oh shit" Darcy piped up as her interns eyes widened in horror.

"Doctor your attainments in this field are noteworthy do you have anyway to put a stop to the convergence?" Batman questioned Dr Selveig.

Hearing Batman's question, Selveig's eyes inadvertently moved to his device causing all the others to follow his gaze.

"That would work... but the output. We would need more than just that if we are to end the convergence earlier."

"How long do we have until the convergence?" Jane asked.

"Not long"

"Get to work on the devices, we need to be ready before Malekith arrives. Oracle" Batman naturally gave orders as the groups moral fell with Selveig's words.

"Yes sir" Oracle's voice resounded in Batman's ear.

"Bring the Batwing"

"Okay sir, should I alert the others?" Batman paused for a moment hearing Oracle's question. He took another glance the others who all except Thor were working on the devices to end the convergence.

"There is no need."


The Batwing silently arrived at Greenwich at the location where Dr Selveig predicted would be the epicenter of the convergence.

Deactivating the Batwing's stealth mode, they landed in the middle of the street causing the onlookers to look on in shock at the aircraft which appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Darcy and her intern were first to walk out with the spikes at hand, followed by Jane and Erik with Batman and Thor being the last two to step out ready for the upcoming battle.

They moved to set the spikes when the sudden appearance of Malekith ship caused them all to look up.

"He's here"

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