Batman in the MCU

The end of the red room

**Big thanks to Charlie Puente-Duany for your support**


Dreykov arrived before his plane with four of his men at his side as he boarded his escape jet, before both his feet made it on the jet however a batarang flew in.

The batarang took out all the four men surrounding him, following the batarang Dreykov saw it fly back into Batman's hand.

"You" Dreykov grit his teeth as he laid eyes on the caped crusader. "kill him, now!" Dreykov screamed his order as two of his men inside the plane came by his sides and pulled out two miniguns and aimed at Batman.

Performing a quick forward roll Batman avoided the first few shots. The jet took off as the men continued to try and ventilate the Batman with their ironically named miniguns.

Batman relying on his own insane agility avoided the shots and fired his grappling hook at the belly of the jet.

The platform where the were mere seconds ago exploded alongside the rest of the facility which was making a beeline to the ground with the aid of gravity.

"sir I think-" the man was cut off before finishing his report to Dreykov. "Aaah!" a scream barely escaped his mouth as his feet was yanked sending him flying out the jet.

The man behind the other minigun shared a look with the other three guards in the jet before leaving his post and heading to the entrance to look down with his pistol at hand.

His action proved to be a foolish one as Batman yanked him from above before swinging in and sending another man flying through the other exit.

The other two tried to tackle the Bat down but he was quick to take down with but a few jabs. Dreykov pulled out his gun and fired a headshot at the Batman, but it was absolutely useless.

Seeing this Dreykov's eyes widened as he realized he was completely defenseless at the moment.

Before his mind could think of any way of escape he and the Batman were sent flying out of the Jet. They plummeted to the earth with Batman's hands on Dreykov's throat.

Their fall was broken by a large chunk of the facility, making it to their feet the two men stared each other in the eye as gravity kept hurling them to the earth at rapidly increasing speeds.

Exchanging no words the two rushed at one another, Dreykov was first to throw a punch at the Batman but the Bat avoided the punch aimed for his jaw and ducked delivering a quick jab to Dreykov's gut. Batman was quick to follow up that attack with a knee to Dreykov's jaw.

The hit caused him to spit out blood and take a few steps back. Batman not wanting to waste this opportunity attempted to rush him but came to a screeching halt as another flaming piece of the facility fell between them splitting the chunk they stood on.

The piece Batman stood on went from being horizontal to diagonal causing him to fire a grappling hook to hang on. After barely stabilizing himself Batman looked to Dreykov who was barely holding on to the edge of his piece which was rotating.

Narrowing his eyes Batman made a decision before releasing his hold on his piece and flying at Dreykov who was not expecting this.

Bats sent Dreykov flying into another piece slamming him head first and using a batarang to hold on. Batman proceeded to bring the barely conscious Dreykov to his face and stared him dead in the eye.

"This is for Inessa" Batman spoke as he slit Dreykov's throat with his batarang and jumped off, just in time too as another piece collided with that piece and caused and explosion putting an end to Dreykov.

Batman's back soon made contact with another piece, as he rolled back on to his feet and jumped on to another and performed a barrel roll to fly through two others before activating his cape.

Gliding through the chaos he spotted Yelena and the others in their jet and headed for their direction deactivating his cape he run alongside another falling piece and jumped into the Jet which promptly flew away from the area with all the falling wreckage and headed straight for land.

Stepping out after landing they all witnessed everything coming down in a heap of metal and flames.

"I can't believe it... it's really over" Melina was the first to speak up as she looked upon the wreckage.

All the others remained silent as they took in everything. "So, what now?" Batman's question broke the silence. Melina turned to him before turning to the other girls behind her, looking back at Batman she spoke up "some girls have homes, so we will return them there as for the others..."

Melina kept quiet as she wondered what she was going to do. "I can help with that. I have an Island, no one knows about, but it could be yours, you could start over and even give other girls without a home a home"

"a home huh.." Melina spoke as she thought the situation through " I love it!" Alexei spoke up, "now Yelena" Yelena turned to Batman with confusion, while Batman and Melina locked eyes remembering their conversation.

That night in Melina's house;

"...after we take out Dreykov I want you to do something for me." Melina spoke after coming to an agreement on going against Dreykov.

"what?" Batman asked curious as to what Melina would ask for. Melina did not immediately speak up but rather moved to Yelena and run her hand through her hair.

"Yelena has been through a lot of suffering, you might be the farthest thing from normal but I believe she deserves at least some semblance of normal"

Turning back to Batman with a serious look, "when we succeed I want you to take Yelena with you. Let her experience normal."

Back to the present;

"you want me to go with you" Yelena asked completely surprised by the Batman's proposal. She turned to Melina and Alexei to see Melina nodding.

After another moment of hesitation she agreed, "okay you guys have to leave now S.H.I.E.L.D will be here soon, this flash drive contains the coordinates for the island I mentioned."

Melina and Alexei gave Yelena a last hug before heading to the jet, before he stepped in Alexei turned to Batman, "what about you?"

"I have my ways" with those words the Batwing made its appearance, "this is cool" Yelena stared at the Batwing in awe.

As everybody left the area a convoy of S.H.I.E.L.D vehicles arrived at the site.

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