Batman in the MCU

Tony’s ‘death’


*Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**

*This is my hundredth chapter and I wanted to say thank you to all my readers and an even bigger thank you to all my supporters I truly wouldn't have made it this far without you*

As the missiles flew towards the building, the iron Man armor flew off Pepper's body and into the rubble.

Jeff watched all this happen before narrowing his eyes having a determined look on his face. "stay here! you hear me stay here!" Jeff ordered as he jumped into the building, he hadn't made it far when the missiles made contact sending him flying once more through a wall and into a hole.

Holding on to a loose pipe Jeff managed to avoid falling to his death, pulling himself up he saw Ironman running with a chopper firing at him. Ironman tried to fire a missile but had a problem with his attack system causing him to manually pull out a missile to throw himself .

But before he could put the plan that had formed in his head, into action. Jeff had sent an explosive batarang into chopper causing Tony to widen his eyes in confusion wondering what had just happened as he stopped and turned around looking to find the source, he was surprised to see Jeff standing there.


"you leave a lot of stuff lying around-" Jeff didn't get to finish his words as he saw the remains of the chopper heading straight at them. Tony noticing the look of urgency in his friends eyes turned around to be hit and the missile still in is hand to explode sending him flying.

Jeff on the other hand had moved away just in time to avoid the same fate, but the place he landed was not spared from the structural damage causing him to fall, with a quick run up and flip he made it to higher ground.

Tony who laid on a lower floor watched everything around him explode, "Jeff" he muttered to himself before screaming, "Jeff!".

He tried to make it to his feet only to have everything collapse with him falling straight into the sea bellow. Jeff tried to save Tony with his grappling hook but lost his footing before he could take it out.

Jeff moved to activate his bat suit not caring if his identity was exposed anymore, but right before he could he felt a tug from behind. Next he was pulled back up to safety, looking around he laid eyes on his savior.

She was exactly how Gwen had described, before him was Batwoman. She gave him a once over before using her grappling hook to leave the scene.

"Jeff!" hearing his voice caused him to snap out of his thoughts and look around seeing Pepper running towards him. Pepper embraced Jeff in a hug before looking around, with no sight of Tony she turned to Jeff.

"Jeff, where is he?"

"Pepper.." Jeff began

"No, no, no, no okay he was thought dead before, he came back. He will, he can't be dead, he can't be!" with her final scream she fell into Jeff's hug sobbing into his shoulders.

Jeff considered telling her he was alive, but laying eyes on Maya Hansen who wasn't far away he stopped himself. The world was better of thinking Ironman was dead for awhile, and he had to deal with this new Batwoman, to find out just who she was and what she was up to.

The trio hadn't made it far when they were hounded by the reporters who all had the same question. Pepper was in no state to answer their questions now causing Jeff to step up to deliver the news of the death of Ironman.

Jeff spent the rest of the day with Pepper, getting home late in the evening.

"Good to see you see you sir, mistress Kate is very worried about you" Sebastian answered the door. "Thanks I'll go talk to her" Jeff made his way into, "also mistress Yelena called"

"I'll call her later" Jeff stopped to reply, turning around he saw his cousin standing before him. The two remained silent staring at one another before she rushed in for a hug.

"why would you head there when he just threatened a terrorist huh"

"Thought I could get him to leave, guess I was too late."

Above Rural Tennessee;

Tony awoke to a loud beeping "alright cut the alarm I get it", "sir that's the sound of power levels dropping below five percent" Jarvis spoke.

Tony let out a grunt acknowledging that, before screaming as he realized he was falling straight to the ground. Tony was soon sent rolling through the woods before finally coming to a halt.

Ripping off his faceplate, Tony took a deep breath "snow and rain, where are we upstate?"

"we are five miles outside of Bristol Tennessee"

"Why?! Jarvis not my idea! what are we doing here this is thousands of miles away? I've got to get Pepper and then Jeff, oh god Jeff, is Jeff okay"

"I prepared a flight plan this was the location"

"Who asked you?"

"Sir I think I may be malfunctioning"

"open it up"

Tony rubbed his arms for warmth as he looked around without his suit, "I think I'll cozy up for a bit"

"Sir I think I need to sleep" Jarvis spoke before before becoming silent, "Jarvis, don't leave me buddy". Tony began dragging the armor behind him through the snow looking for a place to repair the armor.


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