Batman in the MCU

You know us Billionaire vigilantes

Jeffrey had finally made an appearance once more as himself and not the batman. He had thought about it carefully and realized he couldn't ignore his identity as Jeffery King, billionaire extraordinaire.

Sebastian had also aided in him in creating rumors that provided an alibi as to why he was missing in the public eye, and let's just say....he now has a reputation similar to his friend Tony.

"Hello mister King." Sebastian had been running the company with him, " I'm Joseph Morgan." He introduced himself, he was an African American with a few gray hairs hear and there which seemed to be the only witness to his age as he was as fit as a fiddle and showed no other signs of his age. " Nice to meet you Mr. Morgan I've heard a lot about you."

Whilst Jeffrey was living his other life Detective George Stacy was pissed.

They had arrived that day to find Antoine dead in his cell, apparently from hanging himself. George did not believe Antoine killed himself, not one bit, he was sure he was murdered because if the information he gave the day before showed anything, it was that the people behind him were the one's running the show.

George would bet his job that this was a murder and someone had ordered the hit, George moved to the Captain but the captain wouldn't hear it. George came out of the Captain's office with a sullen look , he looked around at the officers moving about and a disturbing thought appeared, how many were working for the enemy.

"hey,  you okay."  Matt came up from behind him, " Yeah. Yeah I'm good. " George replied, " you sure cause you don't look good. " George paused for a moment before asking Matt as he began walking to his office, " hey,  do you believe he did it. " " huh"  " Antoine, something just isn't right, why did he do it." Matt paused hearing that "... who knows man?... wait don't tell me,  you think.... " .

" yeah it was a hit." George interrupted and seeing Matt was about to speak he continued, "think about it,  he just gave up information yesterday, so as to have an easier sentence and I'll be damned if I believe we confiscated his entire wealth. Guys like that always have a hidden stash,  now a guy who is looking forward to a lighter sentence as well as his wealth when he gets out doesn't just kill himself."  At this point they had arrived at their office and Matt began to think of what his partner just said, "...okay if,  I said if, if you're somehow right then that means we have a mole. " Matt finally spoke up but George shook his head to disagree, "not a mole,  with the scale we have seen this isn't some small time gang this is a mafia a syndicate even now the question is how many are with them." At this point it finally hit Matt as he looked at the officers in the building just how terrifying their opponent was and all he could say was... "oh sh*t!!!!!!".

At the Batcave.

Sebastian was watching Jeffery as he modified a car, the car was a prototype developed by the tech department of their company and for some reason it was here in the Batcave being modified by one Jeffrey King.

Jeffrey stood up smiling after he was done and began to introduce his modified car to Sebastian, " bulletproof, heat resistant, A whole array of weapons hidden in,  an A.i that can give Jarvis and run for his money capable of maneuvering almost all terrain and a whole slew of other improvements but the most impressive it goes from 0 to 900 in 3 seconds..... "

"why did you do this?"  was the first question that popped in Sebastian's mind. " Oh you know us billionaire vigilantes,  we love our toys. " Jeffery as he looked at his bat mobile.

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