Batman: The Dark Knight Reborn in Medieval World


About 4 billion years ago, on a small blue planet, molecules combined to form larger and more complex structures called organisms. And about 70 thousand years ago, organisms of the species Homo sapiens began to form even more elaborate structures called cultures. The subsequent evolution of these cultures is known as history.

Three major revolutions defined the course of human history. The Cognitive Revolution, which began 70,000 years ago. The Agricultural Revolution, which accelerated and amplified our history about 12,000 years ago. Finally, we have the Scientific Revolution, which began 500 years ago, and this seems to be the time I am in.

There is a thatched roof over my head and the place where I am lying is very uncomfortable, not that it is worse than the cold floor of the bat cave, in fact it is warm. And for some reason, my vision is very blurry.

"Congratulations, ma'am! He is very handsome and looks very much like your husband!" A hoarse and muffled voice said.

Obviously, I still don't understand what's going on, so I try to open my eyes slowly, and at that moment I'm hit by a world of unfamiliar colors and shapes. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, and for some reason I feel like crying a lot. However, I resist the urge.

When, after a few seconds, my eyes finally become a little more normal, I see that in front of me is a man with a broad chin, black hair, and who, ironically, looks exactly like me. Also, there is no sign of a doctor's coat, nor are we in a hospital. This place looks more like an old house, lit only by a few candles on the floor.

I look around, still unsure how to react, and see a woman looking down at me. For some reason, she has a very large head, or am I just too small? She is a beauty, if I may say so. Although she does not have a glamorous beauty, she has a lovely, kind and loving expression, with distinctive black hair and brown eyes. Her long eyelashes and upturned nose are somehow familiar. She exudes a maternal feeling that somehow attracts me.

"Oh, that's odd, Miss Wayne. He's not crying. Is he choking on something?"

The moment I hear the same hoarse voice that uttered those words before, my heart skips a beat. For a few moments that seem to pass in slow motion, I process the information I have been given.

Did I hear correctly? Did someone call the woman staring at me with a smile Miss Wayne? Wait, is that even possible?

So, little by little, my memories came flooding back. It had been so many years of fighting crime and all kinds of villains that I had almost forgotten their faces...

I can hardly believe it.

Yes, that strangely wide-chinned man in front of me with a silly expression on his face and the beautiful woman hugging me are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, my parents!

At that moment, I really can't resist the urge to cry, and like a baby, I cried a lot, which relieved everyone in the dimly lit room.

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