Batman x Arc Reactor [DC]

Ch: 29 [The Plan]

AN: I might have gone full-on detective and deduction on this one...


[Location: Lucious Fox's warehouse]

Bruce and Thomas arrived at Lucius Fox's warehouse, eager to see the prototype of the Arc Reactor he had created in his younger years. The warehouse was filled with various pieces of technology, from advanced vehicles to experimental gadgets.

Lucius Fox greeted them as they entered a section of the warehouse dedicated to the prototype. The massive structure loomed before them, a towering structure of gleaming metal and intricate components. It was an impressive sight.

"Here you go," Fox handed Bruce the blueprint of the improvised version of the Arc Reactor.

Bruce eagerly accepted the blueprint from him and carefully examined it. As he studied the design, his eyes scanned the intricate details, and his mind began to make comparisons between the technology of this world and the Marvel universe he was familiar with.

He couldn't help but notice that, while the prototype was impressive by the standards of this world, it was evident that they were still behind in certain key areas. The design of the Arc Reactor lacked the refined structure he had envisioned, and the energy output seemed less efficient.

"How much energy has it generated in the trial phase?" Bruce asked after carefully examining the details.

Lucius responded, "The prototype produced approximately 1.3 gigajoules of energy. It was a significant achievement."

"That's impressive for something using a different core," He said as his eyes fell on the melted part of the reactor.

"Palladium is very expensive and rare," Lucius explained, "We didn't have the budget to use it for mass production, so, we tried to use an alternate solution."

"This design wasn't made for mass production. And using a different element, plus the heating capacitor is just not up to the mark... You are lucky you didn't blow up the entire city," Bruce commented. "Next time you try to build something like this, make sure to keep it away from those board members and follow the exact instructions."

"You think you can build a working one if I provide you with everything you need?" Thomas asked with a curious expression.

The Black Mask's gang has been quiet for a while now and he was having his doubts about the cryptic message. But lately, he noticed some changes in the city. The small-timer criminals have all disappeared from the streets. Then, there have been four breakouts at the Arkham Asylum. And to make things worse, there have been reports of people disappearing lately.

Thomas knew that the gang was on the move and they were planning something big. So, he wants to use the Arc Reactor just in case the Black Mask's gang destroys the power grid, leaving Gotham in darkness.

"Regardless the cost?" Bruce raised his eyebrows. He knows, that if he were to create the perfect Arc Reactor, he would first need to develop an AI from scratch. He needs to recreate Jarvis.

"Yes, regardless of the cost," he confirmed with determination. "If we can create a reliable Arc Reactor, it might be a crucial asset to protect the city in times of crisis."

"Crisis you say... So, they have started moving, huh?" Bruce mumbled.

"How do you know?" Thomas asked surprised.

"I have my ways..." He grinned, "Anyway, I guess they are planning on blinding us with darkness first, right? The power grid will probably be their first target."

"Yes," Thomas replied, "But we still don't know what they want or where they are hiding."

"Isn't that a simple question?" Bruce pointed at him, "You took down almost all the crime families in the last ten years. The corrupt politicians and businessmen have lost a significant amount of power and money they have been illegally collecting over the years. Now that you have taken their cash cow, isn't it obvious what they want?"

Thomas' eyes widened in surprise. All this time he has been eliminating the criminals and corrupt officials, but the businessmen were an entirely different matter. While he managed to destroy most of the illegal operations, he couldn't risk a financial crash by eliminating all the corrupt businessmen in one go.

So, he decided to slowly cripple their holdings and influence until he reaches the final boss. But he never considered the possibility that the remaining greedy bastards could join forces and form a syndicate behind his back. And even become as desperate as to call an outside gang into the city.

"Those greedy bastards!" Thomas cursed.

"It's not them..."

He turned towards Bruce confused, "What do you mean?"

"It's not them who called the Black Mask's gang into the city," Bruce stated.

"Then who else could it be?" Thomas frowned.

Bruce shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows? Could be the main boss himself or maybe someone else? Regardless, I guess we will find out soon enough."

Thomas sighed in frustration. He has eliminated dozens of crime families and destroyed corrupt officials, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach the top brass. They always remained hidden in the shadows, pulling the strings behind the scenes.

"You have any idea where they could be hiding?" He asked.

"How would I know? But if it was me and I was planning to launch a large-scale attack on Gotham, I would make sure to achieve my first goal," Bruce replied with a smirk, pointing at the Arc Reactor. "Gotham's power station and all the area around it. I would plan my men at every corner, every nook and cranny. Maybe you can grab some of them and interrogate..."

"And the attack time?" Thomas asked with a calm expression.

"When do you think 80% of criminals like them attack?"

"When all the rich people gathered together in one place," Thomas answered confidently. "It would be easier to get what they want if they take them as hostage."

"Exactly. When they are the most vulnerable and defenseless," He smiled.

"The upcoming Wayne Enterprise Car Show," Thomas concluded.

He nodded, "That would be my second target."

"I am 100% on their list," Thomas added.

"Third target."

"Police Headquarters and all the strategic locations?" Thomas continued.

"Fourth target."

"Arkham Asylum?" Thomas frowned.

"When was the last time you heard from the Asylum? Did anyone escape lately?" Bruce grinned.

"They tried, but were killed on the spot by GCPD officers..."

"They needed a distraction which they have already created targeting the Asylum," Bruce interrupted him, "Now the police have their hands full and spread thin throughout the city. Isn't this a perfect plan? A blind city, fewer police, hostages, distraction... Do I need to continue?"

Thomas clenched his fist tightly. The more Bruce talked, the angrier he got. He couldn't believe how stupid he was. How did he miss all these signs? Sitting behind the desk as the Mayor and leaving his vigilante life as the Devil Bat behind was supposed to help him manage the city better. But it seems, it only blinded him to the truth.

"Damn it! Damn it!!!" Thomas slammed his fist against a nearby wall.

He knows he has gone rusty after all these years without fighting crime. His body has grown weaker, and his skills have dulled. If he wants to save the city, he has to train and get ready for battle. He promised to leave that life behind, but now he doesn't have a choice. Gotham needs him again, and he has to answer her call.

"Why are you angry? I just gave you my deduction. If I am right, then isn't it that the one who should be angry is the Black Mask? After all, you are the Mayor who controls this city. Start by eliminating their targets one by one. Meanwhile, I will try my best to create this Arc Reactor. We still have two months till the Car Show anyway," Bruce patted Thomas' shoulder.

"Two months..." Thomas mumbled, "Not enough time. They might start it early if they feel threatened."

"Good point. Then give me 1 month," Bruce suggested.

Thomas looked at him surprised, "One month? Can you do it?"

"Can I not?" Bruce smirked, "I am a genius who made a freaking remote control car at the age of three. Now that I have access to advanced technology, creating something like this Arc Reactor is child's play."

Thomas chuckled, "Fine, one month it is. After that, I will attack them head-on and eliminate every single one of them. I have to delay the car show..."

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