Battle of Ascension

Chapter 455: Change (End)

Joseph Triston, Evil Clan guild leader appeared in the meeting room. But then, everyone immediately sheathed out their weapon. Joseph Triston, Vanus Sebastian, and Amir were renowned for their wicked deeds.

Of course, it was understandable if Subas Banstola and the other Warlord's upper echelons became vigilant. Moreover, there were two beastmen alongside these three.

"Calm down, bro!" Joseph walked forward with an easy-going smile hung on his mouth. He appeared to be carefree and confidence which was making Subas uncomfortable.

After all, this meeting hall was the core of Warlord and this Joseph could still calm even when they were in the fight stance.

"I'm coming here with good intention!" Joseph reached a seat and sat before he added, "An enemy of my enemy is my friend. I guess you have heard this proverb, right?"

Joseph grinned while Vanus and Amir took two empty seats on Joseph left while the two beastmen took two empty on Joseph right.

Finally, Subas could get a clear look at the two beastmen. One beastmen was a beastmen with hawk head while the other one was lion head. As for how strong these two, Subas did not know.

These two beastmen seemed to be different from the beastmen he encountered in the past. He usually could detect a strong aura, but these two beastmen did not even exude an aura. If the two beastmen released an aura, he could measure the two beastmen strength.

If Randy was here, he would recognize these two. The beastmen with a hawk head, he met him two times, in Australia and Russia. As for the lion, Randy met him once in Australia.

However, the two beastmen did not which made him uncertain. As he was uncertain to the two beastmen, Subas paid attention back to Joseph.

With those words came out from Joseph's mouth, Subas realized why Joseph came to him. Evil Clan disbanded because of all of their territories were taken by Happy Guild. Even though Joseph, Vanus, and Amir managed to run away, but they must be the person who hated the Happy Guild most.

Joseph came here to help. No, to be more exact, Joseph wanted him to join them to resist Happy Guild. He also realized that Warlord alone could not resist Happy Guild alone. Joseph also knew about this and that was why he came here.

But now, he had no will to resist Happy Guild anymore. Yes, he had lost his hope after witnessing how strong Happy Guild was. Warlord had to come up with a justified excuse to stop Happy Guild from attacking his guild.

Before, maybe it was impossible to have peace with Happy Guild. Yet now different, the most wanted men of Happy Guild were right before him. If he caught and hand over these three to Happy Guild maybe he could save Warlord.

"If you are thinking to catch and deliver my body to Happy Guild, you can forget about it. First, I can come here without you notice me, that means I can also go whenever I want. Second, you can't catch me, you are too weak! Third, even you can catch me, my Bosses will not let you catch me, let alone deliver me to Happy Guild!"

Joseph was quite confident in himself. Moreover, when Joseph mentioned his Bosses, from the tone of his, Joseph was quite afraid and respecting the two beastmen.

Subas Banstola noticed this and surprised upon knowing this. Then, he had a clear understanding as for why they came here. Joseph wanted to introduce his Bosses who were the two beastmen to him.

Subas frowned, he was contemplating whether to go all out to catch Joseph, Vanus, and Amir or working together with these people. Subas scanned the two beastmen, but to no avail, he could not measure the two's strength at all.

"Let's say we will work together, what is your plan?" Subas probed. He wanted to listen to what they planned first and weighted whether the plan could succeed or not. He did not want to take the risk again like before.

"Hoho, my friend you are wrong again. Indeed we will work together, but we will work under my boss order. On the other hand, you have to submit to my boss and we will save you from Happy Guild. Not only you but also Warlord!" Joseph responded with a calm smile.

Subas subconsciously wanted to reject this absurd offer, but Joseph went on.

"Don't too hasty to reject our offer. You have to think carefully first, carefully, and while you are thinking, how about we showed something to you first!" Joseph stood from his seat

After that, there was a teleportation portal formed behind the five.

Subas surprised to see the portal. Then, he realized these people came here through the portal. Of course, Subas would not follow these people blindly. Who knew the portal was a trap?

Joseph caught the hesitation on Subas and calmly said, "If we want to kill you, we will do that before rather than showing our face to you, and we can run away with the portal again."

Subas stunned and could not refute Joseph. Indeed, if Joseph and the others had the intention of killing him, they would launch a sneak attack earlier, but they did not.

"Good." Subas complied and followed Joseph, going through the portal.

Going through the portal, Subas stunned. He could not believe what his eyes saw. He was under the water?

Yes, he found he was under the water. He even could found some aquatic beast right on the top.

'No wonder Happy Guild could not find him, he was hiding here.' Subas Banstola did not expect this. But in the current era, there's nothing impossible.

He followed Joseph and they reached the end. Right before him, there was an open field, it was quite huge. But then, he stunned once again as he found the open field was filled with people.

Subas did not know how much, but he believed these people were not less than 10 million people. But then, he realized Joseph wanted to show their force to him. However, if Joseph really only wanted to show this to him, he was disappointed.

Even 30 million of Ravendawn Empire force rendered to be helpless by Happy Guild force. What the use of these people?

Joseph of course caught the disappointment on Subas, but he still calmly smiled.

"Don't judge the book by the cover, my friend. I will show you what makes them special!"

Subas turned his head toward Joseph with a puzzled look. But Joseph pointed his finger toward the people on the open field and said, "Look!"


A deafening roar resounded and it shocked Subas. He found this was not a roar, but it was more like many beasts roared. He immediately turned his head toward the open and stupefied by what he saw.

The crowd human just now turned into monsters. Yes, he could no longer found any human. The human he saw just now turned into a monster with 3-6 meters tall. He even found the highest monster was 10 meters.

Even though Subas did not know how strong these monsters were, but at least, these monsters were stronger by two to threefold compared to earlier. He turned his head back to Joseph with a dumbfounded look on his face.

Joseph smiled, "This is just one batch of our army. We have two other secret places. How is it? Do you want to join us?"

"If you join us, we can help your subordinates to gain this ability. If we join up, it's not impossible to defeat Happy Guild! Moreover, I have a formidable beast kingdom as our support. They will help us to destroy Happy Guild!"

Subas fell into deep silence. He was thinking about whether accepting Joseph offer or not. But if he did not join Joseph, Happy Guild soon would attack his main territory.

But it would be best if Happy Guild stopped their action. First, he did not want to submit to anyone, whether it was Happy Guild, let alone beastmen. Second, he did not want to change his subordinates to a bunch of these monsters.

It was just his fantasy as he knew Happy Guild would not stop. In the end, the only way to solve the crisis was to submit to the beastmen.

"Good, I will join!" Subas made his decision.

"It's a smart choice! But before that, we have to sign a contract. Betrayal is the thing my Boss can't tolerate. So, you have to sign a death contract!" Joseph handed over a black scroll to Subas.

"Oh, I have to inform you. After you sign the contract, we have to move your family and your force to a secret place. After that, we will start to plant Demon Seed. Demon Seed is…"

Joseph began to explain why these people could transform into a monster.

Subas frowned, it did not matter about the transformation, but he was unsatisfied with the plan. Why would they have to hide first?

Why don't they just face Happy Guild now? With these monsters and the other two batches along with his forces, he was quite confident to face the Happy Guild. But why Joseph planned to hide first.

However, Joseph gave an unexpected answer, "It's because of Randy. Not only him, but his wife, Zhen Yi, and his other vice leader, Long Xinya also fearful. Even though we can defeat Happy Guild force now, but we have to make sure to kill these three as well.

If we can't kill these three, it will be useless even we defeat the Happy Guild force. I know you might not believe me, but just remind you, my Bosses are Saint Grade Beastmen, there are four of them, but they do not have the confidence to defeat Randy now. So, it's better we hide first. After my Bosses advance Divine Grade Beastmen, we will take action.

3 months, My Bosses will make their move in 3 months."

Once again, Subas stunned. Saint Grade, this was not the first time he heard about this. But no one had ever encountered Saint Grade. Deep inside, he did not believe there was Saint Grade Beast. But now, after heard it from Joseph's mouth directly, he believed.

"Then…" Subas wanted to ask something, he wanted to confirm his guess. Joseph knew what Subas wanted to ask.

With a calm smile, he nodded his head, "Yes, they are my Bosses!"

After signing the death contract and heard more about the detailed plan from Joseph's mouth. Subas and Joseph back to the meeting hall.

Amir and Vanus still there with his two new bosses. From today onward, he would be their subordinates.

Subas just wanted to kneel as the ceremony to the new boss.


But then, the door of the meeting hall opened with a loud voice. Subas turned his head and found it was his wife. He found his wife seemed to be happy as if she was bringing a good thing with her.

"Dear! Dear! We are saved! We are saved! Happy Guild promised to make peace with us. They will overlook our action this time! They have forgiven us!"

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