
Chapter 35: Orientation…

We left the dorm and Melody drove us to a fast-food place just outside of the academy grounds, where we bought some tacos and ate them, then drove back into the campus, turning right at the central roundabout, and heading toward the orientation building, which was in between the system and traditional sectors.

A couple minutes later, we entered into a giant parking lot that was about a third full. Right behind that was a giant event hall. The structure mirrored the wooden design across campus, but had some darker-colored woods, and a bit more detail in the overhangs. It looked a little more rustic too, not just a generic cabin but some actual variety in the materials.

Melody found a parking space near the center entrance, and we exited the car to begin walking there. The front entrance was busy with students milling about; it was more than an hour before the orientation but people still hung out doing whatever they felt like. Just like we were about to do.

The entry hall was a long thin wide open area, with a few booths built into the far wall, basically what you’d expect from an event hall. Melody began texting away, and I could actually read the conversation this time since I didn’t forget to bring my phone. It was in a group chat with us, Silvia, Alaya, and George.

We texted each other and decided to meet up at the far left side of the complex’s main entrance. Silvia was the first person Melody and I saw, so we waved, and she waved back. "Hey, Silvia," Melody called out in greeting.

“Hi Mel. Hi Scarlet,” Silvia replied, looking at each of us.

“Hi Silvia,” I nodded back.

“Are the others here yet?” Melody asked as she glanced around the room.

Silvia shook her head. “Not yet.”

And then we stood in silence for a solid five minutes, before Alaya and George approached, walking hand in hand. Seems like they grew friendlier… hopefully George isn’t a gold digger.

Alaya waved to us, and once they were closer, greeted us with a respectful nod. “Hi, Miss Melody.”

“Hi,” Melody replied. Satisfied, Alaya turned to Silvia and I.

She said hi, we said hi back. Basic greetings out of the way, Melody suggested, “Should we go find seats?”

All in agreement, we headed into the doors closest to us, and went all the way down to the second row of the leftmost seat section. There weren’t any labels for any section, so I guess the tier divide Alaya mentioned at our first meal together is more some tradition or custom or something? No one seemed to care enough to call out for us. Other students wouldn't know our tier though... yeah I guess it really isn't an actual rule.

As we sat in the row, Melody at the edge, then me, Silvia, Alaya, and finally George, Melody randomly spoke. “Brandenburg Concerto No. 3…”

Which drew my attention to the music. There was a large string orchestra up on the stage with about four rows of musicians behind the lone podium. “You know… music?”

“I dabble in cello playing. Originally forced but it’s fun now,” Melody explained, bobbing her head along to the chaotic beat. “…I’ll play for you sometime.”

Playing an instrument fits her name pretty well, I must say. Melody began reminiscing or imagining something, humming along with the rhythms, until she mumbled out a quiet whisper, “I wonder if you’d be quiet enough…”

Catching my attention, I asked, “Quiet enough?”

Melody smirked, leaning onto my shoulder, “Just imagining you tied up and gagged on a Sybian while I play something for you… maybe The Swan? Fits pretty well…”

I… don’t know what that song sounds like, although I think I’ve heard it before, but I can definitely picture the scene… bound, gagged, dripping drool all over the floor, while juices leak from my stuffed pussy sliding back and forth at insane velocities, all out of my control. Meanwhile, Melody sitting on a chair in front of my suffering body, playing some peaceful song, ignoring my suffering.

I’m way too horny. And I don’t have panties on… why do I want to masturbate right now? Silvia is beside us! We're in a room full of strangers!

My train of thought was interrupted by Alaya’s call, asking, “Do you guys have dungeon raid teams yet?”

Silvia replied first, “I’m joining Mel and Scarlet.”

“Ah,” Alaya replied, seeming a little dejected, but surprisingly she didn’t ask to join our team. She and George have damage and tank focuses so it would work out okay. Except for the part where… they’re kinda weak. “George and I are planning to join some other B ranks.”

And she clearly knows she’s weak. That’s respectable at least… although I bet she could beat me. If I didn’t have my safe word ability, that is. Melody explained our plans, saying, “We’re going to find some other A ranks after orientation.”

Alaya nodded, “Good luck.”

“You too,” Melody replied.

Alaya’s conversations with Melody feel really forced. She’s trying a bit too hard I think. Just treat Melody like a normal person and you’d already be best friends I bet. Maybe. I don’t know if Melody would be capable of that… seeing as Alaya is like a servant of Melody, a social class lower.

But so is Silvia, probably. And I’m like a mile lower. Well, now I’m higher. Okay, not really, more like I’m higher and lower? Higher in public perception… once my X rank is revealed… whenever that is, but… uh… lower in… private… Ugh, I can’t stop picturing Melody walking all over me… hurting me… why does it turn me on so much?!

Once more, my thoughts were interrupted by words, as Melody calmly said, “Pachelbel's Canon…”

And my mind jumped to our conversation from moments ago, being tied up, overstimulated, and suffering while she practices… I swear everything in my life is becoming a goddamn horniness generator.

A little while passed with us sitting in relative silence, Silvia and I on our phones, Melody staring off at the stage… does she want to join? Surely she could join the orchestra… that’d be pretty cool. I’ll ask her sometime… and George and Alaya were chatting away in very loud whispers, all up until the music stopped, the orchestra reaching the end of their song, and the lights dimmed.

Shortly after, clapping erupted as a spotlight shined down on the headmaster, Headmaster Blanchard, as he entered from the left side of the stage and followed his slow stroll toward the podium at the center of the stage. The light illuminated his backdrop of now empty orchestra seats. I guess they didn’t have enough time to do a full stage transition.

Also, this is an orientation right? Not like… some awards ceremony. It seriously feels like an awards ceremony with all the… what’s it called? Processional music? Recessional music? And all the spotlights, the dimming, the professional atmosphere.

After adjusting something on the podium, Headmaster Blanchard began to speak, “Welcome back newly minted sophomores, juniors, and seniors who chose to attend, and welcome all of our new freshmen!”

Blanchard was forced to stop, while another wave of clapping filled the hall. And I now know why these events last so long. Because the stupid audience won't stop clapping! Gah! Be done so I can go eat food, and then go back to the dorms and cum! Please! Cease the noise!

Finally, the clapping stopped and Blanchard could continue, chuckling out a “Thank you, thank you.”

And more fucking clapping. Thankfully, it was brief.

“I’m not going to take up too much of your time, I’ll just run through the essentials, the first of which is wishing you all another great year as we celebrate our three hundred and thirty-first year!”

More claps. Ugh. But 331 years, that’s quite a lot. Has this nation even been around that long? I guess, otherwise it wouldn’t make sense for this to be a royal academy.

“Now, onto the fun things,” Blanchard continued, clapping his hands together. “As of seven-thirty last night, we have officially reached ten percent exploration on our academy dungeon, a milestone in the making for decades!”

Stupid clapping, but holy shit. I knew dungeons were big, but ten percent? As in, ten percent since the academy’s founding? Or is it the ‘decades’ part? A milestone in the making for decades. Did they only start exploring decades ago? I don’t know. I’ll ask Melody later.

“And with that, I’m Headmaster Blanchard, the headmaster of Solstice Royal Academy for, including this year, twelve years, and now, I’ll hand it off to the student council, to go over all the incredible activities and facilities they manage!”

This is when you clap, people, during a transition. Blanchard exited from the right of the stage, while two familiar faces walked in from the left, with a new spotlight now shining on them. Once they settled behind the podium, each having half their body behind it, Evelyn spoke first. “Hi all! I’m Evelyn!”

Then she leaned back, letting Brendan in. “And I’m Brendan!”

Evelyn took over again. “And we’re this year's student council co-presidents, due to our tie in last year's elections.”

The largest wave of clapping yet occurred, annoyingly. But anyway, there is no way they tied. With a school this big… how big is this school? More things to ask Melody… but there is no way a tie is even possible. They rigged it. One hundred percent. I bet everyone knows it too, Blanchard probably helped them. That seems like a Blanchard move, even though I know nothing about him.

“Our first announcement,” Brendan began, “is that we have a few open positions, specifically reserved for freshmen, as we do every year. Obviously, two are already taken since we know you guys will elect the S tiers.”

A chuckle rolled through the room. Melody sighed, whispering, “Such a pain.”

Brendan continued, “But! There are three other officer positions! We’re looking for another historian, a social media manager, and an assistant secretary! Shoot us a message via the school app if you’re interested!”

Sadly, people clapped more, until they eventually let Eve speak. “Speaking of apps, have you downloaded it yet? If not, search for the Solstice Royal Academy app on whatever app store you have. You’ll be able to see all your schedules, and anything else you’ll ever need here, from a page to view your debt, to a page to ask for a therapist! Check out the class o’ 74 course, or whatever year you are, to view a tutorial!”

That caused some laughter. And despite how formally this orientation was set up… it is not very formal. I wonder if it's usually like this? Or is it because of the fact that Eve and brat are up there. They have a pretty playful dynamic.

“Next up, some boring stuff,” Brendan began. “Club rules have changed slightly, the new minimum for members is five, up from three in previous years. Club funding applications can be sent to us through the student council course in the app, and clubs are no longer allowed to and have never been allowed to schedule their own visits into dungeons. Seriously, why did you do it? Idiots. Send an application! We’ll approve it, I promise!”

People went into dungeons without supervision… somehow… and probably got hurt. I bet it’ll still happen. Oh, well.

“Finally”—Eve took over again—“stop fucking in the dungeons!”

I guess that really is a known tradition. The audience was filled with a combination of claps and laughs while Eve and Brendan left the stage, and some random old dude walked in from the left. Things settled down once he stepped behind the podium. “Hello everyone! I’m the only new faculty member this year, I’ll be helping teach the tank classes, wherever I’m needed. Thank you!”

And that was that. A mild applause came as he left the stage, and the headmaster walked back out. “Thanks for attending everyone. One last thing, there’s a handful of new courses this year, and it’s never too late to change. Check them out in the app! And finally, head to the banquet! It’ll be held in the food court, as always, and it’s all free! Go feast!”

Well that was something. Time to go eat food… very quickly then go home and cum… I hope…

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