
Chapter 69: Everything.

I stared at the mirror, which, like me, was slightly wet although probably for a different reason, and saw myself with Melody standing behind me, her tilted head above my right shoulder and her hands holding my upper arms tight as I contemplated her command. Compliment myself.

How… do I do that? What does Melody even expect me to say? I’m a good kinky slut? I guess? I don’t know… complimenting me is Melody’s job… I can call myself beautiful or something but that just feels like a lie, especially when someone who’s actually beautiful is leaning on my shoulder. And I don’t want to lie… regardless of what Melody says about me… if she wants me to compliment myself it should be something I believe…

I don’t know! I’m not good at anything! I get—got, straight A’s throughout high school but that’s not special, plenty of people can, plenty do. Most of my friends did; it’s not compliment worthy. I’m great at programming but that’s only because I can retry a billion times and it’s not like I ever actually finish anything… and now because of the system. The system is just a cheat… I can do basically anything with it, but it also… isn’t me. It’s BDSysteM’s power, which is useful and all that, but it’s not me. It’s not my doing… What can I do? What do I do? Am I not… just letting things play out?

Melody’s head landed on my shoulder, briefly bringing my attention to her reflection. Her eyes were fixed on me and she had a calm smile, a confident smile, as she patiently lay there, holding my arms and waiting for a response to her command.

I guess that’s something I do… I’m pretty good at following orders. I only mess up… never really. Being four seconds late to stripping aside. And the punishments for other things aren’t for not following orders, they’re kinda just… for fun. I guess I can do that. I’m pretty good at taking punishments… at least I don’t think I’d ever safeword—Melody would stop long before my limits. Not that that’s really something to compliment… that’s just being a good kinky slut.

Melody stole my attention a second time with her gentle breathing as she tilted her head further onto my shoulder. Her chin was pointing towards my neck, which caused her breath to tickle me… cute… and… confident, powerful, and content? She knows what she is, she is what she is. There’s nothing hidden, no layers, in her personality. She’s direct, smart, sexy, and… overwhelming in her confidence. There’s no question about how much she knows or what she’s capable of, because she shows it all immediately. She’s a leader… and a perfect dom… and just perfect in general… ahh, I’m getting distracted again.

What is there that I can be just as confident in as Melody can be in everything? Following her orders… wait, yeah. That’s not just being a slut. That is a skill. Listening. I’m good at listening. And I’m good at following or at least trying to follow all that I hear. “I’m… good at listening… especially to you…”

Melody smiled approvingly as her hands left my arms and wrapped around me, now hugging me. Encouraged by her growing smile, my mind raced for more, even though I’d already done the task. But, because I can listen, I know she never said how much I need to compliment myself, and she never told me to stop complimenting myself… even if one compliment technically completes it… but when you go above and beyond, pleasure awaits… and when you fail, punishment… and I crave both in equal measure. And I can take both in equal measure. That’s something, right? Maybe a little on the kinkier side but… it… it’s relevant… “I can take a lot of p-punishment…”

Melody chuckled as her face slid closer to my neck. She whispered, “I’m not sure about that, but you’re certainly strong.”

Strong. That’s the right word. But still, I can take a lot of punishment. Blushing, I replied, “I can take anything you throw at me…”

“We’ll see.” Melody grinned before taking her head off my shoulder, now simply standing behind me, her arms wrapped across my chest. “You’re a great listener and a strong woman.”

Yeah… I… am. I am a good listener. I am strong.

“That’s two out of a billion,” Melody continued, releasing me from her hug. “And that’s one more than I expected tonight. Should I reward you with two orgasms?”

“Y-yes…” I nodded shyly.

“Greedy.” Melody chuckled playfully while placing her hands on my shoulders. “How about this? Everyday I want you to compliment yourself. And unless you’ve been a very bad girl, I’ll  reward you every night. Forever.”

“F-forever?” I asked, tilting my head. That’s like… a long time… and I doubt I can think of that many things to say.

“Forever,” Melody repeated, before explaining. “I don’t see how else we’ll hit a billion reasons you’re perfect, unless you have a suggestion?”

“No… this…” I sighed then smiled brightly. “This is good.”

“Alright. Now, I may be a sadist, but I’m getting way too horny seeing you happy, so…” Melody suddenly crouched down then I felt an arm press into my knees, both turning my body and raising it upwards, and less than a second later I was in a princess carry, leaning against Melody’s chest. “Let’s have some fun.”

Melody quickly left the bathroom while my mind raced, trying to comprehend the fact that a naked Melody was holding a naked me, minus the tail and ears, against her body, and that her breasts were right there, like, literally touching me, and that I really wanted to lick them, and that Melody’s crazy, and I can’t believe that I just agreed to compliment myself every single day forever and ever, and that I actually feel kind of happy about it, and I’m so overwhelmed, and I can’t wait for Melody to reward me, and—

Melody opened my bedroom door, slamming it behind her, which brought my attention away from myself, and I glanced up at her. Silently asking, ‘My room?’

Melody smiled down at me, like a guardian angel, carrying me to safety… or pleasure I suppose. Then, I was suddenly thrown out of her grasp as I landed on my bed, and a couple seconds later, I saw Melody looking down at me, her legs on either side of my body, and her hands pressed down into my sheets right beside my shoulders.

With a grin, Melody leaned back, landing her butt on my belly, and used her now free hands to take hold of my wrists, bringing them up above my head, and sliding them underneath a pillow. Then she giggled. “Keep them there.”

Her hands left my wrists and I, of course, obeyed her command, leaving my hands under the pillow while Melody began turning around. Soon, I was staring at her butt and just the tip of her folds. She began slowly scooting back, until all of her folds were revealed once she was right above my face, and the expected command came next. “Lick.”

The moment the words left her, Melody sat down, suffocating me with her delicious juices and arousing smells. I happily dove in, shoving my tongue in as deep as I could, trying to reach her clit which was still unreachable, due to the rest of her body being pretty much upright, but that changed a few seconds later.

After releasing a deep moan, Melody began lowering herself, in turn pushing herself further against me and up against my nose, until I felt her boobs press into my stomach and my own press into hers. She released another long moan, before her face collapsed downwards, and I released a moan of my own as she began licking along my sensitive lips.

My moan created a vibration in Melody’s pussy that elicited another moan from her, in turn creating a vibration in me and making me moan yet again. Our circle of moans continued building in intensity and we melded into one, both struggling to lap up the other’s liquids, but not willing to give up, not willing to let the other lose all of their pleasure. Pleasure that soon crescendoed as it neared the peak, and all of a sudden, my entire body began shaking, and I felt Melody’s do the same above me, to a lesser degree I think, although my mind certainly isn’t clear.

Melody decided the peak wasn’t the end though, and as soon as she had recovered, well before I had recovered, she dove right back in, licking my even-more-sensitive folds as they were still trying to calm down, forcing me into a soliloquy of ecstasy, until she smushed herself back on top of me, and stole all of my screams for herself, forcibly taking herself along to my next climax, which came less than a minute after the last.

Another wave of shaking took over, my muscles spasming like never before, with Melody’s following a few seconds later after she sat further down onto my shaking head. Somehow, she managed to keep licking me and made this easily my longest orgasm ever. Once my shaking slowed, she too slowed her licking, and then she pushed herself up onto all fours, and spun back around so her face was facing mine, while my exhausted body and clouded mind settled down.

Before long, my thoughts returned to me, and with them, an unexpected plethora of emotions, almost all positive—from ecstasy to joy to love to gratitude to pride to relief to trust to satisfaction to serenity—but so intense, so overwhelming, so so much to such an unimaginable degree that they soon engulfed me, and despite my best attempts, with Melody staring down at me with a huge bright adorable smile without a single shred of regret, not a shred of judgment, not a shred of disappointment, just pure joy and happiness, I burst into tears.

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