Be a master through ancient times

Chapter 61 The Coincidence of the Monthly Exam

People often express their admiration for a person's achievements with the phrase "green smoke rising from the ancestral grave".

This shows that ancestral graves are very important in everyone's hearts.The Chu family originally came here because they fled from disasters and lacked some heritage. If the ancestral tomb remains like this after the Chu family has made a fortune, then it does not conform to the status of the Chu family.

The more Chu Ci goes up, the more attention will be paid to his eyes, so he can't relax at all in his words and deeds, which will give people a loophole.Just like today, he obviously just relaxed a little bit, but he immediately became tongue-in-cheek.

If you have a successful career but don't repair your ancestral graves, then Chuci will definitely be criticized and labeled as unfilial.

But for now, the most important thing is to sacrifice first.

Holding a sickle, Chu Guang walked over, cut off all the weeds on the grave and the surrounding weeds and threw them aside, then picked up a hoe and dug the drainage ditch around the grave.

Chu Xiaoyuan picked up a stack of yellow paper and pressed it around the grave.The few remaining pieces of paper were crawled to the grave by him and pressed on top of it.Chu Ci was stunned by his operation, what does this mean?

"Little Er, let me go." Chu Guang patted Chu Ci on the shoulder, and then added a large pile of soil shoveled from the hoe to the grave, standing tall.

Uh, this probably means that the sesame blossoms are growing steadily, right?Chu Ci thought so.

Chu Ci had never participated in such a sacrifice. No matter where they were, they would go to the cemetery with a few bouquets of flowers, bow and offer flowers, and just say a few words.

Seeing that Chu Ci was at a loss, Chu Guang looked around, helped him find something to do, and said, "Xiao Er, put out the sacrificial things."

Chu Ci nodded and said yes.He found that there were several dishes in the basket, and after he took them out, he saw that there was a piece of dried fish, a piece of meat two fingers wide, and a few round pieces, which looked like something made of flour, but the whole thing was green. of.Chu Ci guessed that this should be the Youth League, right?

He put these things in front respectfully, then took out the small flagon and poured three glasses of wine into the small cup.Chu Guang lit the incense and candles, and distributed the incense to the two of them. The three of them knelt in front of the grave. Chu Guang was still muttering something like "Blessing", and then talked about what happened at home in the past year. .

After the sacrifice, they went to the other two graves to repeat what they had just done.

Before leaving, Chu Ci suddenly said: "I still have something to say to my father, you go and wait for me under the tree in front first!"

Chu Guang nodded and took Xiao Yuan away first.Chu Ci turned around, took a few steps forward, and knelt down with a plop: "I don't know if your old man has seen him? If you are really alive, you should know that I am not your son, but a person from another world. A lonely soul. Your son, he is very good, but the heavens are jealous of talents, let him die of illness, if he is with you, please remember to take care of him more, and then give him a good solution."

After thinking for a while, Chu Ci said again: "You don't have to worry too much about the affairs of the world. As long as I am alive, I will try my best to protect them. Besides, I will also study hard, study hard, and let the Chu family His reputation spread throughout the Great Wei Dynasty. By the way, there is also Xiao Yuan, I will encourage him to make progress, and let him become the mainstay of the court in the future."

After Chu Ci finished speaking, he kowtowed three times to the opposite side.At this time, a gust of wind blew, and it seemed that a hand touched Chu Ci's head, and his heart suddenly relaxed, as if something had escaped.

When going down the mountain, the sun was high and the weather became hotter. When passing by a hillside, Chu Ci saw a large peach blossom there from a distance. Perhaps it was because the mountain was relatively high, so the peach blossoms hadn’t withered yet and looked very beautiful. beauty.

There are also several peach trees on the mountain behind the county school. The peach blossoms on them have withered long ago, and each one has produced peaches the size of a fingernail.Zhang Wenhai was gearing up and put down his words a long time ago, saying that this year he must eat peaches from the tree.

After returning home, Chu Ci took out the matter of repairing the ancestral grave to discuss with everyone.Chu Guang and the others also agreed very much. They hadn't thought of this matter before, but now that they think about it, they really should repair the three graves.

If they want to disturb the ancestors, they must go to an earth fairy to ask about the date. If they don't choose a good day and auspicious day, they will anger the ancestors, and it will be useless to the descendants.

The last time their family wanted to build a house, they asked the Earth Immortal. Now the day of selection is approaching, when the old house can be demolished and rebuilding started.They still live in their own house, but will soon move to a neighbor's empty house.

Shen Xiuniang's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the baby in her belly is estimated to be born in more than a month.Uncle Chu did what he said, and asked Aunt Chu to come back to take care of him after the Qingming Festival.

Ever since Chu Ci found him a warehouse in the county government, Aunt Chu's status in the family has risen. Whether it is the parents-in-law or the sister-in-law, the words to her are a little gentler than before.Aunt Chu is gentle and docile, and she never took their occasional complaints to heart. Now that they are willing to show their affection, she will not be a demon, and she will continue to act as before, which makes everyone take a closer look. I'm really convinced by her.

Because there is a monthly exam tomorrow, they have to rush back to school after lunch, which is the Youth League they saw in the morning.They steamed a big pot yesterday, ready to eat today.

This thing is cold and smells like wormwood. It is filled with wild vegetable stuffing, and it tastes a little sticky to the teeth.Chu Ci is not used to eating, he thinks that hot ones should taste better.

But during the Cold Food Festival, it is natural to eat cold food, and no family will start a stove. Even the emperor Lao Tzu has to eat cold food today.

The Kou family's carriage was always outside, and the coachman had relatives here, so he came over after dinner.

Chu Ci and Chu Xiaoyuan got into the carriage and went back to the county school.

On the fifth day of April, the monthly exam.

In order to prevent students from cheating to the greatest extent, their monthly exams are not conducted in their own classrooms.Instead, the three classes A, B, and C were mixed together and sat in the hall of the Xianxian Pavilion. Someone had lined up the piled up tables before, and then let the students of the three classes A, B, and C sit down one by one.

Sitting behind Chu Ci was a student from Class A, and in front was a student from Class B.The student from Class B turned around and smiled and then stopped making a sound. The student from Class A, Chu Ci, was not very familiar with him, so he probably got promoted later.

He imitated the former and smiled at the student behind him. He didn't want to talk to him at first, but who knew that the student said with a pleasant face: "Brother Chu, I am Xu Jian in Changhe Town, who has admired Brother Chu for a long time. Sitting in one place for the exam is really a blessing for three lives."

Chu Ci felt that "there is nothing to show courteousness to, it's either rape or robbery", he was a little displeased with this person's face, the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks' cunning, so he thought to himself, could this person want to copy him?They exchanged a few words of lightly and turned around.

After the bell rang three times, the teachers came to hand out the papers. There were three questions on the papers, two questions about the Four Books, and one question about the Five Classics.Because students do not want to study the same scriptures, there are five questions here. You only need to tick out your own scripture questions, and ignore the other four questions.

When Chu Ci saw the first question, his heart skipped a beat, because this question was exactly what they had done the night before, "Pursuing the future with care, the people's morals will be strong."

He couldn't help but look around, only to find that the people that night were all looking around in amazement.Zhang Wenhai, the person who wrote the question, was no exception. He stared at the question, opened his mouth wide, with an expression of disbelief, and then he was ecstatic. Unexpectedly, he was able to guess the question by only flipping through the model document once. Incredible!

In fact, it is easy to understand when you think about it, because the day before was Qingming Festival, which is a day to worship ancestors, and it is indeed related to the "cautious pursuit of the end" in the title. There is nothing wrong with thinking about a topic that is suitable for the time and situation .

Since it is a question that has been done before, there is no need to worry about anything. Chu Ci skipped the first question and went to the second question.The second question is a sentence from the Doctrine of the Mean, "A gentleman acts according to his position, and does not want to be outside of it."It probably means that a gentleman keeps his own place and does not do things that should not be done in his current position.

After reading the topic, Chu Ci thought about it for a while, and he probably had a conclusion. He rubbed the ink and laid out the paper, and wrote a sentence below: "If you come, you will be safe." This is a sentence that breaks the topic. Now that it has been done, You have to settle down and do things well, which is consistent with the meaning of the previous title.

He chose a Spring and Autumn question for the Five Classics question, "Don't cover up your great virtue with a small one".What it means is not to obliterate a person's great merit with a small fault.

This topic is relatively flexible. Chu Ci thought about it quietly for a while, and then wrote down a sentence: "Everyone has no faults, and if they change their faults, they should be encouraged."

After solving all the three questions, Chu Ci began to solve the questions on the draft paper.He put all his heart and soul into the exam, his thoughts flowed like a spring, and he wrote like a god. In less than an hour, he finished three articles.

After careful inspection, he put down his pen and let out a long sigh of relief.

At this time, the person behind him suddenly whispered something, Chu Ci didn't want to hear more, so he sat forward and moved further away from that person.That person didn't dare to make too much noise, lest the teachers on the stage find out, so he had to give up.

Chu Ci took out the test paper and carefully transcribed the three articles on it.There is still some time, he thought not to waste it, so he simply did another question. In order to prevent the test paper from being accidentally stained, Chu Ci put it on the tripod under the table and covered it with white paper.

He took out another piece of paper and began to think about the topic Xu Zheng assigned to him last time.

After revising and modifying, daubing and writing for a while, the clock suddenly rang, and it was time to hand in the paper.Before Chu Ci started to pack his things, the person behind couldn't wait to stand up, packed his things indiscriminately, and rushed forward.

For unknown reasons, he suddenly stumbled, and his whole body crookedly pressed down towards Chu Ci.

Chu Ci dodged reflexively, and finally escaped the embarrassment of "the big man crushing him", but the few pieces of paper on the table were in disaster.The scholar lay down on the table and spilled Chu Ci's ink cartridge, and the ink flowed all over the table, instantly staining the paper black.

"Brother Chu! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" The man seemed to be flustered by this development, and apologized to Chu Ci repeatedly.

The teacher above frowned, walked over, and asked, "What happened?"

"Teacher Xiang, it's my fault. The student ate badly during the cold food festival yesterday, and he suffered from abdominal pain all morning. At this time, he finally finished the exam, so he wanted to hand in the paper early and go to the toilet, but my legs were weak. Brother Chu accidentally fell while taking his seat, knocked over his ink cartridge, and defaced the test paper, woo woo woo... please punish me."

A big man burst into tears with a pale face, and he could still get sympathy from others.Everyone thought that this incident was an accident after all, and no one else was to blame, so Teacher Xiang looked at Chu Ci and said to him, "This incident was an accident. You might as well tell me what you think."

If Chu Ci pursued it wholeheartedly, he might be said to be a small-minded person, and even a sick person would not be spared.But if he suffers from being dumb, then his monthly exam results will be invalidated again, and he will still have to be in Class C when he is transferred next time.

Everyone looked at Chu Ci, wanting to see how he would solve this matter.

"Since this brother is suffering from abdominal pain, go quickly. This is your unintentional mistake, so I will not blame you."

His magnanimous words made the teacher smile and nod. The teacher seemed a little shocked, and he went to hand in the paper in a daze and then left.

"You are famous for your talent, one accident is nothing to you, just keep working harder next time." Teacher Xiang patted Chu Ci on the shoulder regretfully, comforting him.

The few people who formed a club with Chuci looked at Chuci worriedly, and Zhang Fang even gritted his teeth. Brother Chu is so smart, but he can only stay in class C for one more month?

Unexpectedly, Chu Ci smiled slightly and said: "Thank you, Teacher Xiang, but the student's defaced paper is actually not a test paper. I saw that it was a long time ago, so I did another question. The students were afraid that the test paper would be dirty by me accidentally." , placed below."

He bent down and took out the intact test paper from the tripod, and handed it to Teacher Xiang.

Taking it from the teacher, there seemed to be deep meaning in his eyes. He stroked his beard and said something good.

Others were also stunned by the ups and downs and the dramatic scenes.They were shocked at first, then sympathized, then turned to worry, and finally rejoiced, which can be said to be very exciting.

The other teachers on the stage coughed a few times before everyone came back to their senses and went up to hand in the papers.With the previous incident, everyone was extra careful when handing in the test papers, for fear that the test papers would be accidentally soiled by others.

After going out, the three of Zhang Fang and Chen walked with Chu Ci.

Zhang Wenhai said: "I feel that I did a good job in the exam this time, so I should have a chance to rise up. I was worried that Brother Chu would not be able to join me. Fortunately, Brother Chu, you are very witty. That kid, I am just unlucky. It almost hurt you, next time I must teach him a good lesson."

Fang Jinyang hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help reminding: "Brother Chu, I'm afraid I became a little suspicious after what happened to Xiao Cui. I always feel that this matter is a bit unusual."

Chen Zifang nodded in agreement: "I think the same as brother Jinyang, it's just too coincidental."

Chu Ci thanked him first, and then smiled coldly: "I know this is unusual, how could that person have a bit of abdominal pain when he talked to me earlier? Someone must have evil intentions and want me to stay in Class C. "

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