Be The Icy Beauty: A Xianxia/Cultivation Tale

Zhang Yi Interlude 6

Zhang Yi Interlude 6

It's been a while since the last Zhang Yi interlude, you may want to re-read them to get caught up.


Zhang Yi sat in meditation. In for three, out for two, in for five, out for five. He had repeated the pattern an uncountable amount of times in the past four days, and yet, there was still no sign of any changes to him.

He desperately wished he knew what he was doing, or that he had a master to guide him. Was he doing something wrong? Was this just a very slow process with no visible progress? Or, could he actually just be incapable of becoming an Immortal? That was something almost scary to even consider.

According to the manual of the Copper Shell Breathing Method, his breath should bring in the Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth into his Meridian System, where it would slowly gather in the Dantian until he entered Qi Condensation's First Stage. He was certain that the strange tingly feeling that encompassed his body was said Spiritual Energy, but he never felt to so-called accumulation that was supposed to happen. As if some hungry ghoul was devouring all the energy, it was disappearing the moment it went deeper within him.

"Everyone gather up!" Jiang Fang shouted, standing atop a log.

From around the clearing, the village children all clambered around the young noble excitedly, waiting for his announcement.

"It is now time to set out, and head back to Jiang City," the Lord's son declared.

"We can really go home now?" Cao Ya asked.

"Yes. If anyone was pursuing us by now, they're long gone. We'll load up the wagon and head back home!"

Back to Jiang City, where Zhang Yi was a miserable outcast with no future and prospects, where his grandfather's respected antique store had been turned into a shop of cheap trinkets by the Jiang Family.

'It's different now- I have my Immortal cultivation methods. No matter how long it takes, I'll achieve longevity and ascend to the Thirty-Six Heavens as a Daoist Immortal! Who cares about Jiang City and those cruel people? They can all die of old age and reincarnate over and over, I'm going to become Eternal and live in Heaven. And when I become an Immortal, everything that was stolen from me can become mine again.'

Even as he walked to the wagon with his long dagger, Zhang Yi kept his breath to the rhythm. In for three, out for two, in for five, out for five. It was difficult at first, but after four days, he could keep it up with almost no thought.

The older boys led the wagon ready with their weapons, while the others pushed it. They travelled along the roads for the first day, stopping for the night. Days passed as they travelled, getting nearer and nearer to Jiang City.

Soon, their home became visible in the distance. There was an uplifting atmosphere around everyone. People chatted excitedly with each other.

Old Man Ying Shanxi was out hauling a bag of grain when he spotted them. He dropped the bag and jogged over to the children.

"You're all back? Where have you been- And why are you armed?"

They had all been gone for over a week and no one knew what had happened to them. Some parents had even gone out to the forest to look for them, but there had been no traces. In the end, everyone assumed it was a part of the Immortal's test.

"I'll explain it in a bit to everyone so I don't have to say it multiple times," Jiang Fang shrugged.

He led the convoy of children into the town square. People began to gather to find out what was going on.

"Ya'er, your back!" Cao Ya's father waved, smiling. "Was it really supposed to take so long?"

The return of the children quickly grew into a larger event, with parents and siblings from all over the town rushing out to greet their kids. Even City Lord Jiang came to see his son.

"Actually, that so-called Immortal was just a kidnapper in disguise. We ended up having to kill him..."

Jiang Fang explained the whole situation succinctly. The adults in town were all shocked. Somehow, their children had all transformed in such a short time, each bearing a heavy mood. It was especially so for the nine eldest surviving boys who had actually had to kill a human being.

The Hua family, whose son, Hua Zi, had been the unlucky one killed by the Immortal, wept. There was a bittersweet mood in the air. Everyone else had gotten their children back safe and sound, save for the Hua family.

"Hopefully we won't end up offending the Immortal's sect. Our Jiang City doesn't have the means to stop an Immortal." Lord Jiang sighed.

"No, I think we do," Jiang Fang sighed. "Immortals are not all godlike, the one we fought was essentially just a magician, and we managed to kill him."

After that, Jiang Fang tugged the tarp off the wagon, revealing the treasure trove of gold, crystal vases, jewels, expensive objects and more. When everyone learned of the wagon filled with gold and valuables, tension filled the air. Where would that wealth end up?

"Since all of us had to fight for this wealth, I say we distribute it equally amongst everyone in Jiang City," Jiang Fang said to his father, who nodded.

This was a smart suggestion. As the saying went, "Treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime". If only the families of the boys who had fought got money, the other villagers might even end up targeting them with robbery or even murder. Distributing everything equally should help ease the tension.

With City Lord Jiang's approval, aside from the weapons each of the nine older boys had taken, which they would definitely keep, everything in the wagon was going to be distributed.

Zhang Yi began to quietly abscond as people discussed who should get which item. The noirette knew better than to expect he would get anything from the treasure trove. Having the silver knife and the magical techniques was more than enough of a haul for Zhang Yi.

He found himself a spot in an alley and closed his eyes, focusing himself on Immortal cultivation. As he did so, subtle blue light gathered around the copper coin on his neck.

An hour later, he heard someone enter his alley, and Zhang Yi's eyes shot open, as he clutched his silver Longknife.

"Hey Brother Yi, how're you?"

It was He Zhao, the tan-skinned blacksmith's son. He held a basket. Inside it was a bag of coins, a gold statue and the jade box Zhang Yi had found in the Immortal's study and had not been able to open.

"You weren't around to pick up your portion, so I made sure to bring it here for you."

"My portion?" the pale-skinned boy asked in utter confusion.

"Jiang Fang made sure that each of us fighters got something good aside from the familial distribution. Some people didn't want to do so, but he insisted. You weren't around to be asked what you wanted, so I chose."

Zhang Yi blinked in surprise for a moment.

"Thanks... brother Zhao. I definitely won't forget this!"

"You should thank Jiang Fang instead," He Zhao chuckled.

"A Zhang will thank a Jiang when pigs fly!"


Days passed as Zhang Yi fell back to the normalcy of his schedule. He would do odd jobs for business he knew would not screw him over, and try and maintain his breathing every moment of the day.

There was one new addition to his life. 'Friendship', if you could call it that. Occasionally He Zhao would drop by an alley Zhang Yi was slumming and spend time chatting about things. They would even sometimes spar, though Zhang Yi would win whenever he used the Nine Stances of the Immemorial Palace Gate Bing Meilu had taught him.

As time passed, Zhang Yi grew more and more anxious. It had been more than a week and yet he still didn't feel like he had made any progress with his Immortal cultivation.

A single thought began to constantly pop into his mind. He remembered the words of the female auctioneer Jiang Fang had killed.

"H-he was, but just an outer disciple," the woman answered tearfully. "No one important."

"You know, he said that he was recruiting for the Copper Egg Sect," Jiang Fang mused. "How exactly would you really join the Copper Egg?"

"As long as you can afford an exam ticket and pass it, anyone can join," the woman responded through her tears.

If Zhang Yi could just take that test, he could join a real cultivation sect and finally get the guidance he felt he needed to begin Immortal cultivation. At the very worst, he could confirm whether or not he had the talent to be an immortal. If he didn't, at least he would know and no longer waste any time on these blasted breathing exercises.

The thoughts became more and more common, whenever he was relaxing. A few days of hesitation later, Zhang Yi made up his mind. He would return to the City, and pay for a ticket to take the Copper Egg Sect's test! He had a good sum of money from his portion that he could use to pay for the sect ticket.

Later that day, He Zhao arrived with a jug of wine and a smile on his face.

"Hey, brother Yi. Got anything to do today?"

"Actually, there's something I want to talk to you about."

He Zhao took a seat, raising an eyebrow.

"What's that?"

"Do you want to come with me to become an Immortal?"

He Zhao looked surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean- Do you remember what that woman said? Anyone can take the test to try and join the Immortal Copper Egg Sect. I'm planning on going back to the city and taking the test. You should come with me!"

He Zhao nodded, rubbing his chin in thought.

"He Zhao, the mighty Immortal! That does sound good... I think I can get behind this idea!"

"I knew you would," Zhang Yi smirked.

"But as we saw, the City is not a safe place. if just the two of us go, who knows what would happen? Why don't we ask around the village and see who else wants to come?" He Zhao suggested.

Zhang Yi scowled but didn't disagree. He Zhao was correct, they would be safer with more people. As much as he loathed the idea, recruiting others from Jiang City was a good plan.

'If Jiang Fang or gods forbid, Li Renlong gets to join the sect and I don't...' Zhang Yi bit his lip, restraining anger.

He wouldn't decrease his own chance to become an immortal out of some petty fear that someone he disliked might have the luck. That would just be far too stupid.

"Fine, let's do it..."


Zhang Yi scowled as he stood by the edge of a large group. He Zhao's blasted mouth!

He had expected maybe a few of the older boys, Jiang Fang, Li Renlong, Ling Shuren, Yang Mu and the like. Instead, it was like half the village had gathered. Somehow the idea had spread like wildfire, and the whole town became in on the plan. Lord Jiang officially promoted the idea of a trip to the city to have all the Jiang City youth tested.

Everyone who had been kidnapped by the Immortal, and several adults for protection, had gathered. Only a couple people seemed scared to go, including the sister of the dead Hua Zi, Hua Ming. Everyone else was eager to get a real chance to become an Immortal.

"So much for my secret idea," Zhang Yi shook his head.

"Don't look so down, Brother Yi," He Zhao smiled. "Didn't you and Jiang Fang almost get killed by robbers last time you were in the city? You can't deny it'll be much safer with such a large group!"

"It can be a good idea, doesn't mean I have to like it," the pale-skinned boy grumbled.

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