Beastly Fēi that Go Against the Heaven: Coerced by the Huáng Shū

Chapter 2235

Chapter 2235 Which nine emperors? (fan)

After the punishment of the third sentence, the transfer of the horse head was prepared to leave, but did not expect that the woman did not let go, and did not rely on the road to block the road.

“You are so courageous! Crashing this lady still wants to go!?” The woman was so stopped at the side of the carriage, Xiaozi En suddenly frowned, this ugly woman really did not know how to live.

“This young master kindly puts you in a horse, but you have to rush to death.” Xiao Zien looked at the woman and said coldly.

“A little doll dared to teach Miss, come! Go and cut the tongue of the little monk!” It’s a slap in the face of this girl. This sentence says that everyone in the carriage has changed. Face.

Jingyue’s originally calm and smiling mouth was also completely cold. Xiao Yu slowly raised his eyes. Xiao Zikai slowly turned his head and looked at Xiao Yu’s question and answer: “Hey, I can try my sword. ?”

“…” Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Zi’s glance, but when he was about to speak, he heard a couple of horses coming.

Originally, the two carriages on the street collided together and it was eye-catching. This quarrel made it even more so that everyone stopped and walked over to this side. Now the troops of the first team are directly rushing. Come out.

The look of the sword was suddenly scared by the people. The eyes of everyone were full of fear, and they retreated for a long time. This made it clear that the city was a banned army.

This is not a big event, how can the ban have come?

The girl was also shocked. Looking at the posture of the ban, the heart was slightly shocked. I didn’t report to the official. What happened?

The first one was the squad leader. After the dismounting, he strode toward the lady who had spoken before. The lady thought that the rescuer had suddenly flashed the color of surprise. When Zhang mouth was about to speak, It was the slap in the face of the banned army.

“Don’t dare to speak out to the nine emperors, come and win!” The thunderous voice blew in the ear, this slap can be said to be a little bit hesitant, the girl who is playing straight is dizzy, and then hears This sound of screaming, suddenly it was a horrified big eyes.

What… What?

Uncle Jiuhuang?

Which nine emperors?

“Chen waited for the late arrival, but also invited the nine emperors to forgive sins!” The banned army commander slammed down, all the soldiers squatted, and they were respectful and respectful to the carriage.

This sound of the nine emperors said, suddenly let the brains around the masses roar, I do not know who first squatted, and all the people around the brushed down, this is what today can be called Uncle Jiuhuang.

Can be treated like this, except for the nine emperor Xiao Xiao, who else! ?

Under the gaze of the crowd, Xiao Yu slowly opened the curtain, wearing a black dress on his body, it was such a stepping out of the carriage, then Jingyue also got off the carriage, the two stood side by side.

The stunningly fascinating face, and the different eyes of Jingyue, made all of them suddenly stunned and lowered their bodies. The woman who was first slapped to the ground At the moment when Xiao Yu and Jing Yue came out, they only felt that the brain was turning, and the brain was blank.

Even if she was killed, she couldn’t think of it. The nine emperors and the nine emperors who existed in the legends would actually appear in such an ordinary carriage, and they had just made such a statement.

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