Beauty Serum

Chapter 34 Chase!capture!

Delos suddenly stood up and jumped up to the window closest to him.

He grabbed the edge of the window with one hand and leaned half of his body out of the window.Turning his head, Delos' eyes faintly saw a black figure sliding down the pipe outside the wall through the night sky.

Delos's eyes narrowed. According to the mental feedback, the other party was the person who had just monitored him.

"Hmph..." With a cold snort, the vitality in Delos's body circulated throughout his body, his muscles tightened, and then he stared back with all his strength!

With a muffled thud, Delos jumped away from the spot and rushed towards the opposite building eight meters away.When the distance passed by Delos reached five meters, his leap began to decline.Immediately afterwards, he moved his arms, shoulders, waist, and legs forward with all his strength, and suddenly turned somersault in mid-air, forcibly shortening the distance between himself and the building opposite by more than two meters.

The remaining distance of less than one meter was reduced to zero by Delos with a casual stretch of his hand.

Delos' left hand firmly grasped the raised edge of a building, and his whole body hung firmly on it.

Seeing the black figure running further and further away, Delos narrowed his eyes slightly and sped up his action.He shook his body, and after spotting another bulge on the wall diagonally in front of him, he pushed his arms, shoulders, waist, and legs forward together again, and at the same time released his palms.

The next second, Delos used the force of his body to fall diagonally toward another wall bulge in front.During this process, the muscles all over his body tightened. When he was about to fall on the bulge, one of his feet suddenly pressed against the wall to the right, slowing down the potential energy of his fall.

Then his hands easily grasped the protrusion on the wall and hung the body on it again.Just like this two or three times in succession, he easily fell to the ground.

There were no pedestrians on the late night street. As for the black figure, it had landed about ten seconds ago and was now about a hundred meters away.

If most people encountered this situation, they would probably give up on catching up long ago, because if there is no car nearby, there is no way to catch up at such a long distance!What's more, the surrounding streets are too complicated. As long as others have the intention to run directly into a small lane that cars cannot enter, it is enough to make people dumbfounded.

But is Delos an ordinary person?Obviously not, not to mention that he also has spiritual superpowers, something like cheating, to target this person.

The vitality and blood in Delos's body began to flow crazily through the limbs and veins of his body. The abundant power wrapped around his strong body, making his whole body full of powerful explosive power.

With a sharp kick of his feet, Delos quickly ran towards the black shadow with a strong wind.


Like a wildly rotating mechanical gear, Delos, who was in full condition, was running with all his strength. The ups and downs of his hands and feet brought up a series of shadows, leaving a continuous sound like machine gun fire on the ground. He chased at three times the speed of ordinary people. Follow that dark shadow and go!

At this time, the black figure who was escaping into the distance suddenly heard the sound of "ta da da da da da da..." like a machine gun, and subconsciously looked back.

"Oh, damn it!"

The black shadow couldn't help but curse, because the distance between Delos and him was shortening at a speed visible to the naked eye.Judging from the visual inspection just now, we are now at most six months away from him.

70 meters away.And this distance continues to shorten!

"Nah, is he a mutant?!"

Black Shadow cursed in his heart, then turned around suddenly and ran into a small alley next to him.There are more than ten or twenty alleys in the nearby streets alone, and they intersect with each other. Once you run here and wander back and forth in the alleys, taking advantage of the darker lights at night, even mutants can It's hard to catch him.

It's a pity that this black shadow is really unlucky, because even though Delos's superpower is not strong, it is still very useful as a humanoid precision search radar in this range.

In this way, every time the black shadow entered an alley with an unexpected trend, Delos would follow it closely based on the feedback from his mental power.The black shadow led Delos back and forth like this, and the chase between the two turned into a war of attrition...

"Tsk, how did this bastard catch up?"

Seeing Delos still following him unhurriedly, the shadow couldn't help but cursed as he ran: "And it's been 10 minutes, why can't you get rid of this guy?"

For 10 minutes, every time the black shadow took advantage of the black sky and ran into the almost invisible alley, and randomly turned into a road through the multiple forks in an alley, he found Delos. It looks like it has a dog's nose.Wherever he ran, Delos ran.

And it happens every time, without missing a beat!

Heiying couldn't help but go crazy in his heart.

Gradually, even if Black Shadow reacted slowly, he discovered the problem.Judging from the opponent's speed, if he can be found so accurately every time, then he should be caught within a minute or two, and he should not be trapped in this state of consumption.

"He's playing with me!"

The shadow wanted to understand the whole story and couldn't help but grit his teeth at Delos, and Delos, who was slowly chasing him from a distance of more than 20 meters, could also sense the other person's emotions through his mental power.To be honest, Delos didn't care about how Sombra felt when he found out that he was being played with like a toy.But he knew the fun had to end.

He casually took out the tactical self-defense pen from his arms, aimed at the opponent's knee joint and flicked it!The tactical self-defense pen quickly caught up with the black shadow and hit the opponent's knee.

When the black shadow heard the sound of breaking through the air, he secretly said something bad and at the same time instinctively tried to move aside.But it's still too late.

Before the black shadow could move to the side, he felt a sudden pain and weakness in the bend of his knee, and he immediately lost his balance.The black shadow fell to the ground with a thud. He rolled several times on the ground due to the energy of running. He was covered in dust and looked quite embarrassed.

However, Delos had no intention of relaxing at all. He quickly ran forward and brushed his hands towards the black shadow's limbs, driving dark energy into the opponent's limbs, making the opponent unable to control his limbs.At the same time, he suddenly picked up the opponent's collar with one hand and threw it against the wall!

There was a muffled thud, and the black shadow let out a muffled groan, and then slowly slid down against the wall due to the weakness of its limbs.

However, before he could recover, he felt a strong pressure coming from his neck, making him feel suffocated.

The black shadow reluctantly opened his eyes and looked ahead, only to see Delos holding his neck with a sneer and saying: "Who are you?! Who sent you to monitor me?!"

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