Beauty Serum

Chapter 37: Breeding super mutant spiders!

Although the learning difficulty of the knowledge and practical part of the decay rate algorithm is difficult for most people, for Delos, who has a lot of advanced biological knowledge as a basis, it takes less than a day.And after these days of systematic study, Delos was able to understand the research notes in Richard Parker's notebook.

So it didn't take long for Delos to fully participate in Dr. Connors' research.

It's just... you don't know if you don't do it, but you will realize how hard it is once you do it.

Even though Delos' current knowledge is comprehensive, it is enough to understand most of the research notes in Richard Parker's notebook.Even if there were enough equipment and materials to allow them to develop a cross-gene serum in a few minutes, the only problem would be to input the correct decay rate algorithm into the simulator to simulate the digital model of the organism.

But the most troublesome place is here. The problems of cross-gene transplantation are ever-changing. There are tens of thousands of gene implantation matching methods based on a presumed decay rate algorithm.And what they have to do is to test all methods based on this algorithm every time they infer a decay rate algorithm.

This was painful for Delos. It was not a good thing to face hundreds of thousands of failed results for three or four days in a row. Even if he was as energetic as he was, he was still a little crushed by the hundreds of thousands of failed results.

"I actually thought about reversing the incredible decay rate algorithm developed by Richard Parker in a short period of time. Am I being arrogant because of the results I have shown recently?"

Delos thought with some self-deprecation. He looked at Dr. Connors who was still simulating the algorithm on the simulator, and he couldn't help but feel deep admiration in his heart.He couldn't stand it for just a few days, but Dr. Connors was able to persist for so many years.

"No, we can't wait any longer. It's such a waste of time."

Delos thought about it, gritted his teeth, and finally gave up his immature idea, planning to use Richard Parker's algorithm to create a serum that was exclusive to him.

At night, when Dr. Connors was about to rest, Delos began his own plan.He mentioned his request to Dr. Connors to spend more time in the laboratory.The former agreed to Delos' request without much thought.

When Dr. Connors finally went to rest, Delos, who finally had a chance to be alone, couldn't wait to input the correct decay rate algorithm in his mind into the simulator, and built more than a dozen groups based on some of his own ideas. Implantation matching of genetic data of other organisms.

At the same time, through virtual screen operation, the priority of these gene implantations is adjusted so that after successful implantation, proteins can be given priority and an immune response can be established to avoid unwanted mutations in the body of the experimental recipient.

"The system test is ready." As the simulator beeped, Delos pressed the start button.

The test began soon. Delos sat in a chair and patiently watched the simulator launch the implantation matching method, implanting more than a dozen sets of genetic digital matching data and other genetic digital data into a A simulated digital model of a spider.

Yes, it's a spider, not a lizard, not a mouse or anything else.Although Dr. Connors' main research here is transgenic research on lizards, there is still some genetic data implanted by Richard Parker when he was breeding mutant spiders.

Delos planned to use this genetic information and combine it with some of the information in the notebook in his memory.Follow what Richard Parker did back then, create a super mutant spider that is stronger in all aspects, and use the super spider's venom serum to genetically modify yourself!

Thinking of the scene where he would become stronger after success, Delos couldn't help but have a hint of hope in his eyes.His strength is too small for this future world full of gods and superpowers.What if we rely closely on Chinese martial arts to develop the human body's potential to its limit?It is barely enough to cope with the early disasters on this earth, but later it will be just soy sauce.

So Delos wants to become stronger, he wants to use this transformation to break through the human body

boundaries to achieve stronger...evolution!

"Waiting, the experiment failed."

"Waiting, the experiment failed."

"Waiting, the experiment failed."

"Waiting, the experiment failed."

"Waiting, the experiment failed."

"Waiting, the experiment failed."

"Waiting, the experiment failed."

"Waiting, the experiment failed."


Whenever he heard that the experiment had failed, Delos felt anxious.But he still suppressed the anxiety in his heart, because at times like this, he couldn't be anxious anymore.Because the more anxious you are, the easier it is for something to happen!

Delos just gritted his teeth and stared at the biological simulation on the simulator screen, waiting anxiously.

"The experiment was successful, and the 123 No. 640 gene pairing method was accepted."

Hearing the prompt sound of the simulator, Delos felt that the sound was so pleasant for the first time.

The waiting is long, especially now. Every minute and every second makes Delos feel that time is so long.That's why he felt so happy when the simulator's electronic beep reminded him that the experiment was successful.


Delos almost jumped with excitement.To be honest, he didn't have much confidence that this experiment would be successful.Because he also added gene implantation groups from other organisms on the basis of the original genetic data.For example, the genes of natural big cats such as Siberian tigers and ants are combined and paired separately, and simulated tests are conducted one by one.

These cats in nature have amazing agility, extremely strong bones, terrifying explosive power, endurance, super eyesight... and the ability to lift ants that are four hundred times heavier than their own weight, etc. Everything made Delos jealous.

Delos wants to have these advantages, because as long as he has these advantages, he will have the capital to change his future situation!

Thinking like this, Delos couldn't help but swallowed with excitement, but he was not too anxious to make a serum based on this information and implant it into the experimental spider.Instead, the successful gene pairing implantation method was recorded, and then the simulator continued to wait for the rest of the inferred implantation methods to be tested.

Delos still hopes that this decay rate algorithm will lead to more feasible gene implantation methods.After all, the ultimate goal of this research is to transform the human body. More successful reference data will also have more benefits for research.

In the end, this algorithm did not disappoint Delos.Simulation tests confirmed that although only two additional gene combinations are feasible, there are more than 20 possible implantation methods for these two gene combinations!

"Then based on some of Richard Parker's ideas in the movie, I combined the genetic data in my own blood with it to create a mutant spider, extract the venom serum from it and inject it into my body. Theoretically, I can reduce the rejection reaction to almost zero, and then slowly transform my body. This allows my body to gain the abilities of these creatures without changing its appearance."

Delos, who was thinking this way, had an excited smile on his face. He took out a syringe to draw a few tubes of his own blood, put it into the instrument for analysis, and then compared the genetic data with the more than 20 implantable devices. Genome and re-pairing, continue with mock testing…

The experiment continued until the next morning.

With a pair of dark circles under his eyes, Delos quietly placed a sealed culture container containing more than a dozen experimental spiders under his bed. The experimental spider, which had changed calmly after being treated with the serum, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

In line with the expected results of the experiment, he succeeded!

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