Beauty Serum

Chapter 423 Ivan’s Revenge, Eternal Dragon Clan

Hammer Industries.

A middle-aged man with a rough appearance, full of muscles, a fierce face, a ferocious scar under the corner of his eye, dark skin and full of tattoos, and half-white hair is holding a screwdriver in his hand at a comprehensive experimental work A circular energy device inside tightens the screws.

If Tony were here, he would find that the thing in the middle-aged man's hand is the old version of the Ark reactor he used before.

If he noticed the appearance of this middle-aged man, he would find that this man was the terrorist Ivan Vanko who attacked him at the racing track more than a month ago and died in a Monaco prison after being arrested.

Obviously, Ivan Vanke did not die, but was transferred behind the scenes.Judging from where Ivan works, the man behind the scenes is still the absolute controller of Hammer Industries, Justin Hammer.

Behind Ivan are a bunch of steel robots of the same color. Judging from the appearance, these robots are very similar to Tony's steel suit, but the weapons and head parts are very different.

Unlike Tony, the steel suits or steel robots made by Ivan are all operated by remote control, so the head parts of these robots are not only solid on the inside, but also generally small on the outside.

Not only that, the combat functions of these steel robots also have very clear directions, such as air combat, land combat, and naval combat. Naval combat is divided into pure sea combat and naval combat, so each type of robot has In addition to the two basic functions of the armament function and the micro automatic hand cannon, there is still a big gap.For example, the exclusive weapon for land warfare is the shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft artillery, and the exclusive weapon for pure maritime warfare is the shoulder-mounted miniature Patriot defense and control missile.

Once these weapons are put on the battlefield, they will definitely be indestructible life-harvesting machines, because except for a very small number of people, the weapons in the entire world are not that advanced at present.

ding ding ding

An incoming call notification sounded next to Ivan. While adjusting the Ark Reactor in his hand, Ivan pressed the Bluetooth answer button on the phone in his ear.

As soon as he answered the call, a man's voice came out.

"Hey, Ivan, I'm with Senator Stern right now, and I want to give him an early look at the Iron Soldier robot."

This man is Justin Hammer, but for the benefactor who saved his life, Ivan has no respect in his eyes, only contempt.

He has never looked down upon Justin Hammer, so what he said was so cold and perfunctory: "Iron Soldier is not ready yet."

"What do you mean"

Justin felt a bad premonition from the perfunctory words, because he basically knew everything inside the factory.The Iron Soldier has already been produced, and now all that remains is to display it at the Stark Technology Expo.

It was only Congressman Stern who held the hearing for Delos several months ago who was curious about this. Justin, who felt that the money was coming, wanted Congressman Stern to see these steel soldiers so that he could open up his business prospects. Green channel.Hearing Ivan say this at this moment, Justin couldn't help but have a bad feeling.

"I can only show, not demonstrate." It was still that perfunctory tone, but Justin didn't care, all he wanted was steel soldiers that could be sold.

But the bad news in Justin's heart only increased, and he couldn't help asking: "What difference does it make?"

"Show, can't fly, can't fire."

"Wait, wait," Justin's heart flashed with anger, but because Ivan was a golden chicken that could lay golden eggs, he still held back the anger in his heart, but his tone was a little anxious: "What can you make them do? An arms show.”

Just kidding, if the arms show doesn’t display arms, how can we let the arms salute?

"I can make them salute."

Not sure if he guessed what Justin was thinking, Ivan said nonchalantly.

"You can make them salute. What do you mean by salute?"

No matter how much he endured, Justin could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.He tightened the phone next to his ear and cursed unceremoniously: "What the hell do you mean? Ivan, this is the condition we agreed on at the beginning. You promised to be a steel suit, you promised to be a steel soldier, you You can’t break your promise”

Unexpectedly, Ivan sneered this time and said, "Brother, everything will be fine."

"This is not what I want"

Ivan was already a little annoyed. There was no emotion in his eyes directly. At this time, all he could do was adjust the Ark Reactor in his hand.

"It'll be fine soon."

Justin finally roared, but this time Ivan ignored him.Ivan hung up the phone and looked aside.

An energy whip flashing with azure fluid energy and flashing with several electric arcs is connected to the Ark reactor, appearing in an energy-shielding container.

Looking at the energy whip that shone with dangerous light, a terrifying grin appeared on Ivan's somewhat fierce face.

Ivan Vanko's father once worked with Tony's father, Howard Stark, and the amount of physics knowledge and research knowledge he mastered was no less than Tony's.It's just that the fathers of both sides were hostile to each other because of their contradictory beliefs. In addition, Ivan Vanko's father was later expelled from the United States and was under various surveillance and unable to be reused in other countries. The living environment of the father and son was very bad.

From then on, Vanke and his son hated Stark and his son.

Due to the poor living environment and experience problems, Ivan Vanke is only in his forties, but he already has a lot of gray hair.But he had extremely strong resentment against Howard Stark and Tony himself in his heart, but he had to take care of old Vanke so he did not implement the revenge plan.

Nearly half a year ago, after the death of Lao Vanke, Ivan was in a very bad mood. When he saw Tony, who claimed to be Iron Man on the news, the resentment in his heart suddenly broke out, and there was no way to stop him.He first spent several months of effort to obtain various materials for the Ark Reactor and Energy Whip, and spent half a month to complete them. Then he thought of various ways to obtain them for Tony's trip, Get ready to go and kill him.

But not only did things not work out, he was defeated by Tony and imprisoned in a local prison.

What happened after that can only be said to be a turn of events.

, unbelievable.Ivan only felt that fate was favoring him, and actually let Justin Hammer and the whole idiot rescue him by stealing and exchanging pillars.

Justin thought that Ivan would wholeheartedly help him make steel suits and steel soldiers, but it was a pity that Ivan acted for himself and the hatred in his heart from beginning to end.

On the other side, Central Europe, the Czech Republic.

Serena has insomnia.

Although she was in such good spirits since she was injected with the Vanguard Serum, it was difficult for her to sleep like a normal person.

Under this situation, even if Serena didn't sleep for a month, it would be fine, but every time in the dead of night, there would always be a feeling of despair lingering in her heart.

This feeling has haunted her almost every day since Delos left that day.

For this reason, Serena had to find something for herself to do.Such as training her soldiers, managing some administrative matters, and practicing the Chinese Kung Fu taught to her by Delos.

Just after practicing, Serena felt even more helpless.

It seems that because she has the Black King's super gene and Wolverine's self-healing gene in her body, she can continuously replenish her body's energy by absorbing energy and practice continuously.

It's just that the practice of martial arts is a bit boring, even Serena finds it boring.And whenever she felt tired of practicing and was about to take a rest, the feeling of being lost would quickly wrap around her heart like a curse, making her irritated.

Under this situation, Serena had to continue to practice crazily.Feeling that the energy in her body was not enough, she went back to replenish nutrition.After she had enough nutrition, she continued to train. In short, in order to avoid this kind of problem, she almost didn't give herself time to think about other things.

Therefore, under this crazy training, Serena just taught herself how to extract vitality in three days.

Serena is not satisfied with learning how to extract vitality.She relied on Wolverine's self-healing gene and the Black King's super gene to frantically gather her energy. As a result, this crazy move allowed her to reach the dark power state in one day.

The vitality content increases and the physical fitness also doubles.

But for some reason, when she reached this point in practice, Serena felt like she was possessed. The feeling of being lost and lonely was not increasing but decreasing, making her unable to concentrate on other things.

This feeling was so painful that Serena felt like she was about to collapse.And this sense of collapse reached its extreme moment after Delos arrived.

Serena, who was aware of Delos's powerful perception ability, really didn't want to appear in front of him, for fear that the messy emotions in her heart would be noticed by the former.

She knew why she had such chaotic emotions in her heart, but she couldn't have those emotions towards Delos.

Because this is very likely to make the relationship between the two very rigid, and they will not even be able to be friends.

It's a pity that no matter how unwilling she is, as the top leader of the new undead tribe besides Delos, she has to meet Delos and do what she should do.

But what surprised her was that when she saw Delos with a worried heart, the messy emotions in her heart quickly dissipated, as if they had never appeared before.

This couldn't help but make Serena feel great. She just hoped that this situation could continue until the emotion in her heart would completely disappear.

Serena comforted herself in this way. After living for hundreds of years, she also knew that the feelings destined to be unresponsive would eventually fade away and start a new relationship.

But will things really be what Serena thinks?

"Did something good happen to you, Serena?"

Delos, who was working on the documents, glanced at Serena with a smile and said, "You seemed very happy just now."

"It's nothing, really. It's just that my cultivation progressed faster than I expected. After the transformation, my physique seems to be very suitable for practicing this kind of Chinese Kung Fu. To be honest, Delos, you know too many things. Are you sure you are not the reincarnation of some god?"

Serena spoke without hesitation. Even she didn't expect that she could lie so neatly.But what she didn't notice was that when she spoke to Delos, her tone was not as rigid as before, but had a natural and cheerful tone.

"Well, I really hope it is, but I really am not."

Perhaps it was because Serena was controlling her emotions too well at this time, or perhaps because the emotions in her heart had not yet been expressed, Delos was not aware of this at all, and just took it as Serena teasing him.

After the two greeted each other politely, they quickly arrived at the military camp.

The new undead military camps are hundreds of meters underground. These were the places that the undead vampires used to dig for secret military training, but now they are used by Delos for military training.

As soon as the two of them arrived underground, they heard the roars of countless beasts.

When they reached the exit, the world in their eyes changed.

Below are densely packed, countless simple houses and streets, and there are countless black shadows that intersect with each other in the streets.

The new undead warriors wearing black combat uniforms were walking up and down the streets below, holding their raptors, talking and laughing.

There were hundreds of warriors sitting on the backs of pterosaurs flying back and forth in the sky. Seeing the arrival of Delos and Serena, they couldn't help but find a place to stay and salute the two.

"This is just a part of the army. It is used as a residence for soldiers and dinosaurs to communicate with each other. There is also a population over there for combat training."

Serena said to Delos: "There are other underground places, do you want to see them?"

"No." Delos shook his head and said: "In a few days, I will send the sharp soldier serum to the soldiers and dinosaurs in batches. Then the soldiers will be well prepared. After being injected with the sharp soldier serum, they will no longer be the same as before. It is not a low-level life, but a higher-level and more powerful noble creature."

Serena didn't speak, she just waited quietly for Delos' next words.

"Immortal, as powerful as a dragon, the new undead are no longer worthy of their future abilities. They should now be called the eternal dragons."

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