Become the Strongest Master With a Genius Student

Chapter 10

"RuanRuan, even though you have been my student for less than a month, seeing your cultivation level already reach the Golden Core is quite surprising. However, there is a downside to this rapid progress; fast cultivation often lacks a solid foundation. What I mean is that you don't have the experience like most cultivators who have to hunt monsters or search for treasures to advance their cultivation stages. Essentially, you are still very green. It is somewhat unreasonable for you, being a seven-year-old child, to go on an adventure alone."

"But that's what I want. I want you to gain experience dealing with monsters, finding treasures, and seeing the true nature of cultivators. So, I want you to venture around the Death Forest to gain all the experiences I’ve mentioned."

After helping her student practice yesterday, the next day in the backyard, which had been repaired by her student, Vheena directly expressed the statement she had prepared to convince her student to go on the planned adventure.

"Although the Death Forest is dangerous, with your cultivation level and strength, you should be able to survive and escape if you encounter very dangerous situations. If you are afraid, don’t worry. Since you are my student, I certainly won’t let you die just like that. Is there anything you want to ask?"

"No, Master! Don’t worry, RuanRuan will make sure not to make you worry. If there is danger that RuanRuan cannot handle, RuanRuan will definitely run away. If RuanRuan finds a treasure, RuanRuan will bring it back to you!"

"O-okay, Master doesn’t care about the treasures you find there. U-uhum, if possible, Master would prefer if you bring back rare plants you can find there, or animals that can be eaten and raised after you return."

After hearing Vheena's words, the student nodded and went to the front porch of the house after Vheena instructed her to wait there. Vheena then went to prepare all the necessary items for the student’s adventure.

'Oh my! Seeing RuanRuan leave with the shabby clothes I made is quite saddening. She’s going to the Death Forest looking like this. If she meets another cultivator, I’m worried they might mock me for not taking care of my student, which could make them angry. Well, I really don’t have other clothes for her. A-at least I’ll give her this worn-out cloak I often wear to cover her shabby clothes.'

While packing the items for the student, Vheena realized she had not provided proper clothing. With no other options, Vheena could only give her the one cloak she had.

After packing all the necessary items, Vheena went to the porch to meet her student. She handed over the packed items and the cloak she had removed.

"RuanRuan, these are all the useful items I’ve packed for your adventure. Since I’m quite embarrassed for not giving you better clothes, please wear this cloak that I often use."

"R-really, Master! C-can I wear this cloak?"

"Just wear it. After all, it’s just a worn-out cloak. It’s a bit embarrassing for me to see you in shabby clothes when meeting another cultivator. At least with this cloak, you can cover up your clothes."

"Thank you, Master! I’ll wear and keep this cloak even if I have to risk my life! Sniff… Hehehe… it smells like Master~."

"O-okay, no need to be excessive."

‘Did I just hear something strange from my student’s words? Her voice suddenly became soft. Well, never mind, at least she didn’t complain about the worn-out cloak I lent her,’ Vheena thought with a relieved expression.

"Oh, right RuanRuan, you still remember what your grandmother said when you first met me, right?"

"Is it the 'avoid suspicious people even if they are kind at first' part, Master?"

"Yes, that’s the one. Additionally, be careful with the cultivators you meet. Most of them have malicious intentions. If you want to do good, first assess the person you are helping. Do they really need it, or is there a reason behind it? So be cautious, okay?"

"Okay, Master!"

After her student nodded to the advice and left after putting on the cloak, Vheena could only wave her hand as she watched her student leave until he was out of sight.

“Huh… finally, my student is gone… Fuhahahaha… yeah! Finally, I don’t have to pretend to be an expert! I’m free! I can finally laze around without feeling anxious!”

That day, the cheerful laughter of a beautiful girl continued until midnight.



"Uhm..ah.. yawn.. is it morning already? Damn! …Oh right, my student is now on an adventure. No need to rush to prepare breakfast. I can still sleep some more."

Trying to go back to sleep, but the drowsiness had disappeared. Vheena could only get up early and prepare breakfast as usual when living with her student.

After cleaning up and hanging the laundry, Vheena simply sat back and relaxed in the backyard, enjoying life. As she was sitting, she suddenly felt an anxiety she couldn't understand.

"Strange, I feel an anxiety that I can’t grasp the origin of. Could it be because I haven’t prepared a statement for my student? N-no, enough of that! I’m lazing around, why should I think about such things while my student is on an adventure! Ahh… my brain is getting messed up from preparing plans to deceive a child too often!"

"Huh… It’s better to garden and replant the plants in this backyard that’s been fixed than to think about this anxiety."

With nothing useful to do besides lounging, Vheena eventually went gardening to distract herself from the anxiety she was feeling.

Vheena took seeds from the compost made from leftover fruits and vegetables she had eaten and brought them to the backyard. That day, Vheena spent her time gardening until noon.

"Even though I’ve often seen these plants grow when I plant them, it’s still strange to me that it takes only 2 hours for these seeds to grow into seedlings, and only three days for these plants to mature and be harvested."

"I wonder if it’s because this world has qi that makes these plants grow faster compared to Earth, or if I’m lucky to live on blessed land? Or could it be because of my power? Well, that’s unlikely, since I truly don’t have any power. I’ve tried it, and indeed I have no power at all."

Looking at the soil where she had planted the seeds that had grown into seedlings, Vheena was curious about the cause. She had once tried to observe plants in the Death Forest and wanted to see if they grew as quickly as those in her backyard, but there was no difference in growth speed except for slightly different fruits. Vheena had been suspicious of the plants in her backyard because they were different from those she found in the forest. After trying the fruits and vegetables she grew and not experiencing any poison or negative feelings, she was simply pleased without thinking too much about why the plants grew so quickly.

"Well, no need to think too much about it. After all, I’ve tested it with plants in the forest. Maybe I’m overthinking something that is actually common in this world. Since I’ve planted everything, I’d better go take a shower to clean off the dirt from my skin and clothes."

After finishing gardening, Vheena went to the bathroom to clean herself and ignored her curiosity about the rapidly growing plants in a world with qi.

What Vheena did not know was that even in a world with qi, ordinary plants require two months to grow until they can be harvested, and rare plants useful for cultivators require hundreds to thousands of years to grow in ordinary soil. These plants wouldn’t even grow in a few days in blessed soil, let alone become something so rare that would transform as they did in Vheena’s backyard.

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