Become the Strongest Master With a Genius Student

Chapter 23

"…Rest assured, the negative effects of that cultivation technique won't affect you when I teach it to you. As for your family's cultivation technique, although I could improve it, at most, it would only double the cultivation level of your family members when they learn it. However, it would still require a place rich in natural qi and great wealth for your family to practice it. Since you're my disciple, I wouldn't let you continue learning a technique with so many flaws. I will give you a new cultivation technique that will make it easy for you to become immortal."

The new disciple, bowing in gratitude, was moved upon hearing that Vheena would grant her a cultivation technique just for her. With eyes red from holding back tears, she thanked her master while taking out a book from her storage ring and handing it to Vheena.

“Th-thank you, Master. Xianxiu thought you would only improve my family's cultivation technique. I never expected you would give me a divine-level cultivation technique, even though I am newly accepted as your disciple. Xianxiu is truly grateful, Master. Also, here is the secret family cultivation technique book, Master.”

‘Hmm? D-didn't I imply a subtle refusal to improve her family's technique earlier? I even mentioned I'd create a new one for her. S-so why is she giving me her family's secret cultivation book? Does she want me to improve it after all? Maybe it's a misunderstanding, and she’s offering it to show her trust. Yes, that must be it. I’d better ask her.’

“Xianxiu, ...why are you giving me this book?”

“Eh? Oh, I'm sorry, Master. Xianxiu grabbed the wrong book. Here is the family technique book you’re going to improve. My family will owe you greatly for your kindness in doing this, Master!”

‘The F*ck! This kind girl! She's thinking of her family while giving me this cursed book. You're seriously stressing me out, making me fix your family's technique and create a new one for you! I'll probably go gray from this stress! hair is already white. Huh? How do you know if a person with white hair is going gray? Ahhh! Now I'm overthinking everything!’

With her mind in chaos due to her new disciple, Vheena blankly took the book without realizing it and left her disciple behind, who watched in confusion.

“My master is truly a powerful immortal. She just walked off to improve my family's technique without a word. Truly, this is what you'd expect from an immortal in disguise; they're indifferent to wealth and debts.”

Watching her master leave so casually, Luo Xianxiu was in awe of her. Unfortunately, Vheena did not hear her disciple’s words and remained unaware of the misunderstanding.


‘Hahaha, Xianxiu-chan, you’ve truly provoked me now. I can’t let you off after giving me two tasks that will stress me out! Just watch! I'll finish your family's technique in one day and then give you a new cultivation technique you’ll never be able to master. Hahaha!’

Returning to her bedroom in the early morning, still fuming at her new disciple for the two stress-inducing tasks, Vheena decided she would take revenge for this.

She planned to improve her disciple's family technique and then create a new one that would be impossible for her to learn. She would lock herself in her room for a day to complete everything, ready to get her payback by tomorrow.

‘Watch out! I’ve learned from my mistakes with RuanRuan. This time, I’ll make sure the technique is impossible to learn, so I can enjoy seeing your regretful face for disappointing your master! Hahaha!’

With villainous thoughts, Vheena eagerly awaited the next day to see her disciple’s sad expression after she completed her tasks.

The next morning, after pulling an all-nighter to finish the cultivation technique for her new disciple, Vheena went to wake her. Finding the room empty, she walked to the back garden and saw her disciple meditating.

Fixing her slightly messy long hair from staying up late, she approached her disciple with newfound confidence. Hearing footsteps, her disciple opened her eyes and stood up to greet her.

“Good morning, Master.”

“Good morning, Xianxiu. Have you just finished meditating? Sorry to interrupt your practice.”

“It’s no problem, Master. Besides, I’ve been meditating since you left me yesterday.”

“O-oh, uhum, here’s your family’s cultivation book. Fortunately, I had bought paper, ink, and brushes at the border town, so I could correct it… However, it’s better for you to keep the book, as it’s time for me to give you the cultivation technique I’ve created for you.”

“Yes, Master.”

‘I was too confident thinking I could fix that book. I even fell asleep several times while working on it. Although I finished correcting it with my imagination, I hope it works? Will it? Now that I think about it, why was I so confident yesterday? I’m not even a cultivator. Why was I brave enough to fix her family’s technique? Hopefully, nothing goes wrong... Oh no, now I’m scared of the consequences.’

Losing her confidence after handing the corrected book to her disciple, Vheena walked towards a large broken boulder, followed by her disciple. Once there, she prepared to teach her the new cultivation technique she had thought of during her all-nighter.

‘Thankfully, I told her to keep the family technique book. Once I give her this new cultivation technique, she’ll struggle with it and forget about the family book, right? This new technique should be difficult enough. I’m even teaching her in a remote place so she won’t bother me with questions. I’ll check on her every day in case some miracle happens while she’s training. Alright, time to start teaching.’

“Xianxiu, we’ll be training here. Sit in a meditation position. Okay, you’ll use the breathing technique from your family’s book; it’s good for increasing your qi. Next, I want you to meditate while also levitating yourself without using external qi.”

“Levitating myself without external qi? How am I supposed to do that, Master?”

“Just use the internal qi within your body, like circulating it through your body or your mind. Also, look at the small stones around you. They’re remnants of your senior sister’s strikes. I want you to lift those stones without external qi while meditating. As you train, you’ll feel the effects of the technique, which will improve both the quality and control of your qi, even increasing its potency several times.”

“Alright, Master, but how do I lift myself without external qi? And the stones too? Do you have any advice for me, Master?”

‘Advice? Hahaha, how would I know? Figure it out yourself, Xianxiu-chan, that’s your task.’

Turning her back to her disciple and looking up at the sky with what she thought was an expert aura, Vheena bought herself some time. After a moment, she turned around and faced her disciple again, saying,

“Xianxiu, you need to figure it out on your own. If I help you, you might start relying on me for every decision. Remember, your mind is powerful. Use it to help you find the way. I’m confident you’ll gain enlightenment as you practice this technique. Just believe in yourself.”

“Understood, Master. I will remember your words and start training now.”

‘Yes, go ahead and train. I’ll be sitting here every day, watching you. I’ll keep observing to see if any miracles occur.’

Watching her new disciple meditate, Vheena sat on the ground, which she had covered with leaves, to ensure there was no oddness in her disciple’s practice.

The first day of training, Vheena saw no miracles.

The second day, after breakfast with her disciple, she observed again. Still no miracles.

The third day, the same routine. No miracles, and Vheena was pleased.

The fifth day, as usual, there were no miracles, and Vheena grinned with satisfaction.

The seventh day, again, nothing extraordinary. Seeing her disciple frustrated while meditating, Vheena suppressed a victorious smile.

The ninth day, with no change, Vheena was confident enough to stop watching her disciple train. She returned home, convinced that after nine consecutive days of observation, her disciple would never master the technique.

“Hihihi, hahahaha! There it is! I’ve watched her train, and she hasn’t managed to levitate even once. Yeah! Now I can relax without worrying about giving her a new technique. Huh? I feel déjà vu... never mind, it’s probably just my imagination. Forgive me, Xianxiu-chan, you’ll be stuck practicing that technique every day. Once I’m satisfied with seeing your frustration, then I’ll give you an easier cultivation technique to learn. Hahahaha!”

That day, Vheena’s gleeful laughter echoed through her home, convinced that her disciple would never master the technique. Afterward, she didn’t bother checking on her disciple’s training.

Every day, she lazily lounged in the backyard, drinking makeshift fruit juice. Little did Vheena know, her stress and frustration were just around the corner, as her disciple would soon approach her to show something remarkable.

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