Become the Strongest Master With a Genius Student

Chapter 25

Author's note:

I just want to know, are there too many misunderstandings in this novel that make it annoying?

If so, I will try to reduce them.

If not, I will continue writing as I have planned.

If possible, please give suggestions.

Thank you for reading.

Here is the story, happy reading.


"Xianxiu, why did you give this book to the master?"

"Huh? Oh, I’m sorry, master, Xianxiu took the wrong book. Here is the Xianxiu family’s cultivation technique manual for you to repair. With the master's kindness in fixing the Xianxiu family’s cultivation technique, Xianxiu guarantees that my family will forever be in your debt!"

'This is embarrassing, how could I give the wrong book to the master? M-Master, why did you just leave? Is it because you noticed how embarrassed I was? A-And what about what I said earlier, won’t the master consider it? Maybe to her, the wealth and gratitude of my family seem ridiculous. That must be it, after all, the master already has everything and wouldn’t bother with such things, especially since she’s in disguise as an ordinary person.'

Confused about why her master left, Luo Xianxiu pondered the reason. After reaching a conclusion, she could only marvel at her master and muttered under her breath, luckily out of earshot.

"The master is truly a great immortal. She even left without a second thought to repair my family's cultivation technique, unaffected by my words. Just as expected from an immortal in disguise, they aren’t tempted by wealth or gratitude."

Since her master had left without giving her any orders, Luo Xianxiu could only wait for her to return. After waiting for hours and seeing no sign of her master, she could only meditate while waiting.


The next morning, while still meditating, Luo Xianxiu heard footsteps approaching. Curious about who was coming, she opened her eyes and saw it was her master. Seeing her, she immediately rose from her meditation to greet her respectfully.

"Good morning, master."

"Good morning, Xianxiu. Have you just finished meditating? Sorry to interrupt your meditation."

"It's no problem, master. I’ve been meditating since yesterday after you left."

"Oh, I see. Ahem, here is your family's cultivation technique book. Fortunately, I bought paper, ink, and brushes when we were in the border town, so I could correct the cultivation technique. ...You should keep this book, as it's now time for me to give you the cultivation technique I created just for you."

"Thank you, master."

'The master is truly amazing. In just a day, she corrected all the flaws in my family's cultivation technique. My father once said it took my great-grandfather years to create it. As expected of my immortal master.'

Storing the corrected technique manual in her storage ring, Luo Xianxiu hurriedly followed her master, who had already walked ahead.

As they arrived at the hill in the forest of death, they saw many broken stones and fallen trees. Her master stopped and instructed her to halt as well.

"Xianxiu, we will train here. Sit down as if you're meditating. Now, you’ll use the breathing technique from your family’s manual, as it's good for increasing your qi reserves. While meditating, I also want you to lift yourself off the ground without using external qi."

"Lift myself without using external qi? How do I do that, master?"

"Just use the internal qi within your body. Flow it through your body or to your mind. Also, see those small stones around you? They are the remnants of your senior brother’s strikes. I want you to lift those small stones too, without external qi, while meditating. Once you start training, you’ll feel the effects, like strengthening and better controlling your qi. Even the quality of your qi will improve several times over."

"Yes, master, but how am I supposed to lift myself without external qi? And I also have to lift these small stones. Do you have any advice for me, master?"

"Xianxiu, you have to figure it out on your own. If I help you, you’ll become too reliant on me for decisions. Remember, your mind is very powerful, use it to find a way. I’m sure you’ll have an epiphany while practicing the technique. Just trust yourself."

'It seems the master won’t give me any advice, unlike when I was in the kingdom where my father or grandfather would help me during training. I can only follow the master’s words and train diligently until I gain some insight.'

"Yes, master, I will remember your words and begin training now."

After responding to her master, Luo Xianxiu sat down and started her meditation, following her family's breathing technique. She tried to find a way to lift herself while meditating with her eyes closed. She repeatedly circulated her qi throughout her body, but nothing happened. Frustrated, she continued meditating, searching for an answer.

The first day yielded no results.

On the second day, she returned home in the morning for breakfast, then went back to the hill to train with her master following her. Unfortunately, the second day brought no progress either.

By the third day, she followed the same routine, but still no results.

On the fifth day, despite her efforts, she felt no improvement.

By the seventh day, her resolve began to waver, and she grew frustrated with the lack of progress, especially since her master was watching.

By the ninth day, frustration had clouded her focus. When she heard her master’s footsteps walking away, she feared she was disappointed in her lack of progress.

Not wanting to disappoint her master, Luo Xianxiu forced herself to cast aside all negative thoughts. She even heard a laughing voice, which she ignored, believing it to be the demon in her heart, a result of her shaken determination.

After hours of meditating and clearing her mind, her master's words suddenly resurfaced in her mind.

'Wait, didn’t the master say I have a very powerful mind? I thought she meant I needed to think of a way to circulate my qi through my body to lift myself. Could it be that I need to direct my qi into my brain to give my mind the strength to lift my body? It sounds ridiculous, but maybe I should try it.'

With this thought, she decided to try directing her qi into her brain, although she wasn’t sure if it would work. Circulating qi into her brain didn’t yield immediate results, but Luo Xianxiu kept experimenting with different methods. Eventually, she found success by circulating qi into her brain and repeatedly thinking the word 'float.' Suddenly, her qi reversed its flow from her brain to her body, making her feel lighter with each repetition.

As she continued to mentally repeat 'float,' her body became so light that she began to levitate. Seeing herself floating, she was baffled.

'Huh? I’m actually floating? This is so strange; all I did was keep repeating the word 'float' in my mind, and it worked. Could this be the power of the mind, like the Nascent Soul cultivators my father mentioned? But this is different; my father said the power of the mind is used to attack the opponent’s mind, transmit techniques, or break formations.'

'So, what kind of technique am I using now? W-Wait! I’m floating too high! How do I get down?'

Panicking as she rose higher into the sky, Luo Xianxiu changed the word in her mind from 'float' to other words in an attempt to bring herself down. After several tries, she succeeded in descending by thinking the word 'heavy.'

After landing back on the ground, she tested the technique again to make sure it wasn’t a fluke. Each time she repeated 'float,' she successfully levitated. Overjoyed, she felt she had discovered a powerful new technique.

'This cultivation technique is amazing. I can make myself light enough to float and even make myself heavy. Is this the cultivation technique the master gave me? If it is, this technique is incredible. With all the effects the master mentioned, this will make me so much stronger. Now that I’ve mastered it, I should report to the master, right?'

'No! I can’t report to the master yet. I need to fully master it. The master said I should also be able to lift the small stones around here. Since I can now float, lifting the stones should be easy. I need to try.'

In the following days, Luo Xianxiu experimented with her new technique. She tried directing qi from her brain to her hands and then toward the stones to lift them. Seeing the stones levitate as she intended, she continued lifting more stones around her to test her limits. Eventually, she discovered she could lift a significant number of stones at once. Unsatisfied, she also tried lifting nearby trees and even herself.

After four days of experimentation, Luo Xianxiu figured out the full extent of her new abilities. She could affect an area of about 50 meters, manipulating the weight of everything within it. She could lift and make herself or others heavy, and she could also lift objects around her, as long as they weren’t too far away.

Despite all these abilities, the technique had its drawbacks. The heavier or lighter and the more objects she tried to move, the more qi it consumed. Additionally, prolonged use of the technique caused intense headaches due to the continuous flow of qi into her brain.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the technique, Luo Xianxiu felt confident that she had mastered it.

'With all this, I should be able to report to the master, right? It’s been two weeks of training, and only now have I fully mastered it. Although it took longer than expected, the master shouldn’t be angry—Huh? Who are those two girls talking to the master? And one of them has horns! Could she be a demon? No, that can’t be, not while the master is there.'

While thinking about the results of the techniques she had learned, walking down the hill and almost reaching her master's house, Luo Xianxiu saw two girls talking to her master. Curious about one of the girls who had horns, she approached them and was shocked when she heard the horned girl speak.

"Honorable master! Please make me your pet! I, Long Linglu, who have pure blood from the divine dragon race, am willing to do anything for you, honorable master! I am also willing if the honorable master wishes to ride me. Please make me your pet!"

'Huh? This girl is from the dragon race?'

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