Becoming a God

Chapter 14 – Night activity at the temple complex (♥)

I have entered a new space moving on from where I just was, approaching a camp surrounded by a lush and pristine forest around a big temple complex laid out on the map before me indicating where to go. I’m approaching it in the middle of the night without making a sound checking it over and over. The item’s I have are of course the items that were held by the man I just encountered, his goods are tattered and old not worth much yet they clearly show he was part of a larger group where I’m heading now.

I spot it, a lit torch comes into view followed by a person standing guard next to a tent.

I place a hand on a dagger by my side and approach the person, I walk in the open so as to draw attention to me but it still takes me to draw the guards attention by clearing my throat.

The guard rubs his eyes and looks forward holding his weapon, “Who?”

“Me” I say.

“Who?” the man says rubbing his eyes holding his spear forward.

I move forward putting myself into the man’s view, the torch flickering lights up my face revealing it.

“Oh Arnold, you’re back?”

I nod my head.

“How you go?”

“I didn’t get anything, the creature was too strong and it fled quickly after defeating some strange move.”

“Ah not even the ape, that’s unfortunate as it’d restore some honour after what happened.”


“Oh it’s a whole story…”

I raise an eyebrow but a yell comes from the tent, the flap opens up with another person wearing a guard uniform peeking out.

“Arnold, you’re back. I was wondering who it was. You should check in with Leonard.”

I nod my head and walk to where the man is pointing, I don’t attempt to stick around here long as my first theory has been confirmed which is if these people will detect my different form and so far they haven’t.

I walk deeper into the camp where there’s over 20 tents nestled between the trees, I walk towards the largest well lit tent where two guards are yawning on the outside, I nod at them where they each acknowledge me.


“Arnold, Leonard and Paul were asking about you.”

I let out a sigh, “Alright, well I don’t have good news so let’s hope they’re ok.”

The guard nods at me while I walk by, I open the flap to the largest tent where a fancy tent filled with furs and jewels are everywhere, a gold throne stands before a solid wooden table with a map of the region on it.

Several men sit around the table staring at me, the person on the golden throne looks to me with a particular expression but I simply walk in and take a seat.



Several people greet me before I rest my eyes on the man sitting in the middle, we hold eye contact for several moments before someone speaks, a voice I recognise.

It’s him.

“Arnold, how nice of you to join us.”

“Well I didn’t need to,” I say without looking at the man.

The man frowns, “Well you’re here now so tell us your result.”

“Nothing, no result.”

“You didn’t capture either beast? What happened to the previous bravado or was all of that for show?”

“I misjudged the creatures strength, both of them. We all did so I’m lucky to have left with my life. Is that all? I thought we were going to the temple?”

“Is that all? You think you can ask that of me?”

The man on the throne stands up and throw his fist down on the solid table causing it to rattle, I look at the man with a questioning gaze, “If you want to know about the temple you can ask the person who was meant to maintain our relationship with the other groups.”

The man sits down in defeat, all of the group instinctively looks towards someone in particular wearing glasses, they speak up.

“We were asked to hand over all the females and join forces under one banner, we opted against it and were kicked out of the temple after losing a few members.”

I nod my head not understanding what that means, I stand up and look to the leader again.

“I’m going to rest up now that fight took a lot out of me.”

The man waves his hand while no one else speaks up, I leave the tent and walk by the guards outside who don’t seem as cheerful, I don’t pay attention to them as I walk around the camp once before spotting my target, the temple.

I walk over in the direction when in the corner of my eye I spot someone creeping in the shadows, deciding it’s something interesting I walk over there and spot a lone female warrior walking around in the shadows away from camp.

I follow her for a few minutes where she stops with a group of others, I listen in from the distance but it quickly becomes apparent what the meeting is about and I walk away since it’s boring stuff that doesn’t involve me.

I continue my trek towards the temple when not too much time later,

I spot a woman before me, it takes me a moment to recognise that it’s the same woman as before walking in the same direction as me. She hasn’t noticed me yet giving me a moment to think for a moment.

I crack a branch nearby drawing attention to myself, the woman looks back and hides from view. I stand where I am and pretend I’m hurt by that branch.

The woman takes a moment to come back into view, her face is covered as she approaches me from the tree line.

“Arnold, what are you doing here? You should check in at the camp, did you lose track of where it is?” the woman asks with a cool tone, she approaches me calmly yet stops a few steps short.

I shake my head, “I’m going to the temple as the people in camp are idiots.”

“They sure are,” she says under her breath with a smirk.

I smile, “So what are you doing out here? People of your rank can’t leave camp for this long by themselves.”

“I’m just out here going to the bathroom” she says looking away.“

“Oh really? I’ll escort you then.”

“No thank you Arnold. If you’ll excuse me then,” the woman begins to walk back towards the camp but I cut off her path.

“You shouldn’t punish your body like that,” I say while leaning on the tree, she turns around and faces the other way.

I can smell her body from this distance, a mixture of flowers and sweat giving me a primal feeling. I can feel my heartbeat accelerate as I smell her scent.

She turns around and leans forward, I’m not ready for this as I catch her.

Her head leans on my chest, I’m slightly stunned but cradle my head against my chest.

“Arnold? Did you know that I’ve always liked you?”

I smile, “Really? Well why don’t you should it by doing something?”

“Like… what?” she stutters while whispering.

“Give me a kiss.”

I look down at the woman who has pulled away from my chest, I’m able to look down and spot her large breasts poking out from her unbuttoned shirt, she points her head upwards and looks at me uneasy for a moment.

Her brown eyes flashes hesitancy but she still leans forward and plants a kiss on my lips, they lock for a moment as I lean forward forcing her head back and her lips apart.

I dart my tongue in for a moment causing her to pull backwards, she holds her mouth and looks up at me in shock.



She leans forward and plants a kiss on my lips, I let her take the lead this time and she attempts to replicate the same. Our tongues make contact and hold together, thrash about and dance for a few moments.

I can feel her body lean against mine as the kiss lasts, neither of us willing to admit defeat with our tongues as the saliva mixes together.

I rub my hand up her arm then down her back, the hair on her arms sticks up as I do before resting my hand on her rear.

She doesn’t stop me as I begin to knead her plump rear, the squishiness yet firmness at they same time is a delight to the fingers as they get to work, yet forever creeping forward before they briefly touch…

The woman stops the kiss suddenly and pulls away, her face is entirely red and her body is resting on my hand by now.

“Here?” she softly says.

“Why not?” I shrug before creeping my finger toward and touching her pussy lips, I can feel the heat immediately as she shakes at my touch before settling in letting my finger sink in to her juicy folds.

I begin to run my finger up and down her slit, she doesn’t seem to like it when I reach the top but when I reach the bottom she’s almost sucking my finger in with her wetness.

I push her pants and underwear away revealing her pussy, I cannot see it but I can see it with some hair and incredibly wet. Her lips are pump and warm as I run my finger along them before stopping at the bottom.

I hold two fingers down there and let them sink in, the woman breathes in.

I lean forward to give her a kiss, she takes a moment to adjust as I carefully sink my fingers in and work them while not neglecting the front button. I rub it softly and infrequently at first, this motion lasts a few moments to let her adjust before,

She suddenly breathes in, I release the pressure with my fingers as she returns to normal.

She looks to me with a hazy glance, I can tell that she’s ready now.

I slide my pants down revealing my member, there’s no need to prepare as I lift the woman up and set her down on my dick, her wetness envelopes me instantly sinking me into her deep pussy causing her to exhale deeply.

I adjust to her weight on my body, she’s not that heavy but it still takes some effort, which is all negated by the unique feelings enveloping my dick right now.

The wind kicks up causing her brown hair to block my vision but that doesn’t matter for what comes next, I lower my hips causing my dick to pull out.

I thrust in, I thrust out and in again, I increase the tempo as her breathing increases.


I can feel her pussy clenching around my dick but I’m no where near close so I slow down and adjust out position so that she’s facing me leaning against a tree.

I look at her eyes, they’re entirely in lust at the moment as I’m deeply buried in her and slowly getting ever deeper as she settles in this new position.

I smile at her, she smiles back at me creating a spark inside me.

I begin to move my hips, slow at first as it plunges to new depths.

The woman before me inhales deeply as I go in until I cannot any more, I pull out quickly giving her a chance to exhale but I don’t give her a moment to rest after this as I begin to go faster, I move my hips faster.

They thrust in and out, her breathing becomes heavy as her her mouth moans loudly.

A sound of sex comes over the area as the wetness down below increases, there would be no doubt about what’s happening if someone were to come across the two of them but it doesn’t matter as the two of them continue engaging in sex.

I feel the woman’s body begin to shake differently, I look at her face where her eyes are entirely unfocused and she’s holding her breath. I change direction with my dick sending pressure in a new way, this seems to have sent her over the edge as she almost shakes violently.

This new sensation sends me over the edge too as I release too, I leave my cum in her pussy.

I leave it in there holding the woman against the tree, she blinks a few times before looking at me.

“I have to report back soon,” she says.

I pull myself out of her, a glooping sound can be heard as fluid hits the ground but neither of us worry about that, “Sure.”

I help her stand up as she fixes herself up, she takes a moment to do so and looks at me with a tired expression.

“Well I gotta head to the temple, you head back to camp.”

The woman nods her head, “I’ll see you later then.”

I nod my head and turn around leaving her alone, she stands still for a moment before walking away from the scene probably forgetting about what she was talking about with the people previously. This action will probably end up saving her from her previous path but I cannot cast judgement on that.

A smile comes over my face as I feel relaxed after that encounter, it’s a strange feeling that takes me some time to process…

I arrive before a large stone building before I know it, thousands upon thousands of tiny engravings are carved on every surface of the rocks before me yet I don’t give them more than a glance as I look around for the door.

I’m looking around when a loud sound come nearby, I follow it and find a large door that has been opened leading into this tower temple complex, I peer inside the dark tunnel where the occasional loud roar or metal clang rings out.

I walk inside unworried about what will be inside, more curious as to the treasure because this sort of setup wouldn’t be made for someone simple or low powered, it could be a key to jumping to the next plane level, the heaven level.

A smile comes over my face as I quietly gather my energy prepared for anything, I come across a foyer that has been destroyed and a single path is obviously laid out through the destruction, I follow it with the choice confirmed with the occasional metallic clang.

I hear a nearby shout, I look in that direction but I feel a grab on my shoulder causing me to frown and look there, a person wearing blackened clothing appears out of the shadows.

“Sir, come with us.”

“What?” I ask softly.

“The situation is critical, your help could be the deciding factor.”

I nod my head and follow after the person that has uncloaked, we walk through the hallways avoiding some groups of warriors and heading towards the sounds of fighting where my blood begins to pump.

We turn the corner revealing a large grand hallway, two large platforms are next to a large sphere object with a shimmering barrier.

Countless of metallic warriors are attacking them, I look at the units and shake my head already feeling like I want to leave, they’re machine warriors yet as I stand near one that is killed I notice something strange.

A energy coming from them is able to be absorbed by my body empowering me slightly, I can feel them come in without me doing anything empowering me slightly.

The blackened person grabs my shoulder drawing me out of my trance, “We need to help our team, the others have teamed up against us. They’re so shameless.”


“The people of the Dark Hallow Brotherhood, Evil Order of Ghosts and Crew of the Twisted” the man points to the other side where there’s not many machine warriors.

The man points back to the other platform, countless machine warriors are still attacking it as people attacking, they’re being struck down just as fast as hundreds of people die just in the brief moment I have watched it.

“We need to hurry.”

I look to the shimmer orb with curiosity before nodding to the man, I should check this thing out as it looks rather valuable, this fight looks idiotic but it might also be beneficial so I follow the man as he leads me up hundreds of passageways before arriving at the platform.

I look around and spot a wave of machine warriors, one of them comes near me when I let out a punch on it. It’s painful as my fist makes contact with the hard metal skeleton, it looks to me and is about to strike when a blast comes from far away.

A figure in the distance is throwing a weapon to me, one of the machine warriors attempts to catch it but it’s struck down.

I catch the weapon flying through the air, it’s a basic sword yet it’s imbued with the energy of metal allowing it to pass through these machines.

I swing it at a machine warrior causing its body to split in half, it’s severed body continues to come after me which I stomp on.

I look at the other human warriors, they’re not able to take a single strike from the machine warriors.

A machine warrior arrives near me suddenly, I turn to face it but it attacks me first with its arm that has been replaced with a metallic knife.

I’m about to click my fingers when someone else intercepts the machine warrior, I look to them just to see them struck down souring my mood.

I clench my sword and strike out at the nearest machine warrior, it’s dead instantly but that’s not it as I leap to the next one, it attempts to strike at me but I intercept it with my sword that is able to pierce through it.

My sword pierces through the middle of the machine warrior before moving onto the next one, I get into a rhythm working out the most effective way to kill these warriors that I do not notice how many I have killed or how much attention I have drawn to myself.

I kill another machine warrior before pausing and looking around, I feel a touch on my shoulder which I swing my sword around to intercept when I pause it.

Reaching the end of this arc, but still another girl yet to show up. They're all going to be important for later on though, it's not just mindless sex lol.

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