Becoming a God

Chapter 2 – Ascension, arriving somewhere irritating.

I wander about the endless darkness alone for an untold amount of time, the elixir container still by my side and all the knowledge in my head yet what good is that when I’m alone for untold eons?

I’m alone with nothing yet… I always started with nothing, I always had nothing so why am I so hung up on this? Why am I feeling like there’s something missing? A feeling?

“I’m having a feeling?”

I stop my feet and look around, there’s the usual endless darkness around me yet something feels different, a feeling deep within my body that is telling me if I don’t stop somewhere here then I’ll regret it.

I’ll regret it?

I’ll regret something?

I close my eyes and listen to my body, I walk according to the feeling without a care.

I walk again, I don’t stop walking until finally I reach it.

A bubble, a small realm bubble hidden between all the darkness that is shifting between black and grey.

A struggle between life and death of the universe, a struggle that will bring untold misery yet… untold fortune.

“The best realms are the ones in turmoil and if I can get something from this realm and 5 others, then I’ll be able to ascend again to the heaven realm, perhaps I might even get lucky.”

I reach forward with my finger to enter this realm when my arm somehow bumps something squishy, I look towards that direction and spot nothing but I see that I have somehow touched an entirely black realm.

This one is huge, several times larger than the largest of the white ones he has ever come across meaning that this is an ancient dead or evil realm…

A falling sensation comes over me as I begin to plummet down to the ground, this is another problem with the larger realms. The gravity is heavier and their grounds are lower, the plane-hoppers grace goes out the window with this entrance.

I look down at the ground and spot nothing but endless dark clouds roiling about, it doesn’t seem much different than the nether realm I just came from but this place is totally devoid of energy.

I turn around to look at the sky, there’s no sun and the moon is shattered into pieces. I spot several large objects moving about on the pieces of the moon.

“This truly is an ancient world… now to find out if it’s dead or if it’s just evil.”

I shift my body around again to face the ground, my hulking form is incapable of flying but from this high up there’s not much to do but wait as minutes go by.

“No creatures below which is good so far but I’d really hope not to see any this far up.”

The ground gets closer and closer, I hit the clouds below.

A disgusting and putrid smell hits my nose, I’m unable to see through the thick black clouds yet flashes of light do hit my eyes bringing no joy.

The clouds slow my fall and leave me wet, covered in a foul black substance that doesn’t come off easily yet it’s endless as the fall continues for several minutes until soon something different comes into view through the clouds.

I brace myself as I make contact with the ground, a huge amount of ground is kicked up as a booming sound echoes for a moment then is snuffed out.


I gather my energy together and set about fixing my body, healing the broken skin and bones quickly then returning function of everything to good working order yet as I try to stand up, I notice that it’s a huge struggle.

I look down on the ground and notice something strange, a small figure can be seen on the ground as though it’s a house yet it’s tiny.

I bend down to look at the house that seems ancient and old, yet still standing with its partially caved in stone roof yet it looks beyond doll house size, it looks like a house that’d suit ants. I think for a moment before utilising another plane-hopper skill, plane-anchoring.

This will anchor my form to somewhere on this plane adjusting its size, I have to find a new spot on the level of realms yet this realm doesn’t seem suitable for it so I was hoping to not put it here but it seems like I put.

I stand up and let my fingers glow, I draw several symbols in the air a light flashes causing the whole area to glow brightly for several long moments.

A giant glowing orb appears through the hole before disappearing, it’ll find somewhere safe on its own where it’ll be safe. The issue is when it comes time to leave.

“There it goes, it found somewhere deep underground… hmm.”

My size begins to shrink down as the my giant form becomes still large but not several mountains tall, only three stories tall with a massive weight relief off my shoulders I begin to move about and get adjusted to the gravity before walking over to the house that was spotted.

I walk the long distance to where the house is, on a small hill overlooking nothing.

I look inside the house through the already fallen wall and spot a well weathered room that looks almost normal apart from having nothing of value, I walk towards the other part of the house where there’s still some windows.

I peer through a window when suddenly it breaks down into nothing.

“Must have been my breath…” I mutter as I look through the contents of the room.

It looks like a living room of a well-off family with fancy somewhat modern looking furniture and goods. Everything looks human sized so it should be a human primary plane yet it’s possible they were enslaved.

I shrug and walk away from the house, there’s nothing that I need from inside the house. I have endless time so I’ll just walk in a random direction and see what happens.

So I begin walking, the best past time of the plane hopper. If there were any universe justice then they’d be called plane walker as they typically walk everywhere without a care in the world.

I am no different, I am walking… I have been walking… I have not seen a thing except dirt and dead landscape for eons.

“Is there nothing here?”

I walk to the top of a giant hill, possibly the largest hill in the region and look in all directions for anything.

Any signs of life that make coming here a benefit.

“Nothing at all?”

I look in the distance at a volcano erupting, “SHUT UP! FUCKING USELESS PLANE!”

I raise my hand in the arm and raise it above the volcano, I gather my energy together forcing it into the atmosphere above the volcano. Endless screams and wails and souls of netherworld citizens fill the air around me but I don’t care.

I lower my hand as a gigantic black figure appears in the area, like a giant solid black is crashing down from the sky.

It crashes down on the volcano far in the distance, dust and debris are kicked up everywhere while I watch it.

It takes several minutes for the boom to hit me, the debris couldn’t fly the distance under the heavy gravity.

“Ah silence.”

There’s pure silence as I listen to the plane again, looking at anything as the lava no longer lights up things.

I look around and spot possibly a light, a moving light of something non-organic…

I set out.

Short world building chapter but we've arrived at somewhere that has people.

First smut scene is due shortly, and if you haven't worked out yet MC's body will be changing form and gender quite a bit. I think it provides a good variety of scenes but if you're here for mostly(only) female MC actions then you might be disappointed until Arc 2 (chapter 17).


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