Becoming a God

Chapter 4 – Dealing with trouble, showing off power.

“Is this it?” I ask standing before an open cave, the man snaps out of his daze.

“I thought we were at the power plant… umm… God K Lord, no this is an ancient bullworm cave. It will have been long abandoned.”

“Oh, it has machines all around it so I thought it was something special. Are we still going the right direction?”

The man looks up in the sky before looking down at the ground, picking up some dirt and dropping it in the breeze. I watch on in silence as the man does his work, the memories have not integrated well but this about the upcoming city have been revealed.

The man points in a direction, “We are close I think, there should be a pathway nearby which leads to it. It might be overgrown though.”

I nod my head, we begin to walk in that direction when the two of them stop before a large double set of metallic sliding doors, they’re seemingly built into the rock cliff for no apparent reason yet the giant doors remain standing.

“God K Lord… we are here it seems… This is the old entrance to the underground system. This will join the primary highway that connects all cities together, it spans the entire planet.”

“It’s all underground?”

“Yes. If it wasn’t underground then the people could not survive during the god’s campaigns. I believe Black God’s Solstice will start shortly, you could perhaps see for yourself during that time.”

“Perhaps, how long until we reach Blood Crucible City?”

“Well God K Lord, that all depends… if we are to walk then I am not sure but if we are able to summon transportation then perhaps only a day but…”


“Yes God K Lord, your form is one of the beasts. The only beasts that exist right now are the UrGod-Beasts and the Space-Beasts… either one appearing inside the inner tunnel network would cause an immense commotion.”

“Ok. Are we likely to get transportation?”

I take one of the flasks out of my body, the scales protect it no matter the time that has passed, I crack open the top filling the entire immediate region with a sweet flavour. I pour the drink out in a wine glass where another glowing orb flows out of my body and drops into the glass.

The man makes an audible gulp as I drink the opaque liquid instantly, it travels down my throat delivering the refreshing liquid along with another effect, my body changes form shrinking quickly as it adopts another form.

The man beside me is speechless for a moment, “… Lord?”

“I have adopted this form for now, your previous Lord Castille has died. I am the new one.”

The man quickly fixes his posture, “Of course God K Lord. Your ability truly is endless, we will no longer trip the intrusion sensors which I was worrying about.”

I look down at my now naked body, the splotchy skin and creaking joints remind me that this body that I have adopted as my own for now is not young. The downstairs department is particular disappointing as it hangs there in the wind almost unseeable.

The man before me looks away as he notices where I am looking at, I look at my arm which has begun to bubble black from contact with the atmosphere before putting on the spacesuit acquired from the body’s owner previously.

“I normally wouldn’t bother doing something like this but I want to see the power of this so called Black God.”

“What a brilliant idea God K Lord. Your ideas bring greatness to all that hear them.”

I frown at the man's words but ignore them as I finish putting on the survival suit and helmet, my words that I just spoke were true though as I want to see the powers of this so called Black God as any being confident enough to call themselves God must atleast be Heaven Realm.

If a true god hears about someone using the god moniker without having divine powers then they will not have a good ending but given how ancient this plane is, that shouldn’t be possible… so it’s possible that this event coming up might offer an opportunity to acquire some divine powers.

A smile comes across my face but given it’s now covered by the helmet, no one is able to know about it.

“Shall we enter?” the man asks me, he points towards the door.

“Lead the way.”

The man in the silver survival suit runs ahead of me and nears the gate, several flashes come down from the gate and surround the man before he speaks in some other language, this is the ancient language that built the tunnel system.

He responds to several phrases before the doors move, slowly opening up revealing a deep and dark cave behind it, a seemingly endless black expanse behind it yet as my eyes adjust to it. I am able to see structure and order behind it.

I walk forward while the man runs backwards to greet me, “It has opened up, we just need to descend the stairs until we get to the primary highway. ”

I follow behind the man as we both head inside, I look around at the dark room but spot nothing that is truly interesting, pictures are engraved around the sides of the room that show how life was like when these were made yet it’s pointless to look at for these people are gone.

Their way of life will never return and will never be possible again given the condition of the surface.

The doors close behind us leaving a quiet and dark room behind.

“Here are the stairs, they should be maintained.”

The two of us walk over to the only door that slides open revealing a bright space behind it, artificial lighting and atmosphere fill the room, the two of us leave our survival suits on as we begin our descent.

A long descent filled with nothing but a wide set of concrete steps, the two of us wearing two different survival suits continue our march downstairs in silence. At times it seems the man wants to ask things of me but refrains from speaking as we reach the bottom after over 10 hours of constant walking.

A large set of thick metallic doors are standing, they look much newer and advanced than the previous set of doors with a control panel built into the doors itself. The man walks forward and presses some of the buttons causing the door to slide open without much hassle unlike the last set of doors.

I don’t react to all of this as I watch in silence, the man takes a look on the other side before running back to me.

“God K Lord, it’s possible there might be transportation available at the next junction. We only need walk an hour or so.”

“Very well.”

I look over the tunnel, an artificial tunnel dug in the landscape with a track way on the ground that will accommodate many machines on it. Artificial lighting is constant along the whole track whereas the atmosphere is thin yet there.

The two of us journey in silence along the primary highway for several dozens of minutes until a distant roaring comes into hearing range. We do not stop walking as we near two buildings off the side of the primary highway.

The man stops as we near it and turns to me, “God K Lord, I do not know what sort of people are there. I suggest you wait while I negotiate with them, given my position I should have some sway with them.”

I nod at the man, he runs off towards the two buildings where several dozen people are currently residing yet as I stand there, I am left waiting for quite some time as he does not come back for hours.

I let out a soft sigh, “I didn’t want to do this yet” I mutter as I walk forward into the group of buildings.

Several vehicles are laying about, three large transports that can hold hundreds of people while there are several smaller transports filled with weaponry and other sorts of gear, they’re all sitting unattended in the parking lot as I scan the buildings and walk into the one with my helper.

I walk into the building and look at the scene, over 30 people are in the room doing various things either sitting down or standing yet my helper is tied up hanging from the ceiling. Several people are holding bladed weapons out before him yet his survival suit is still intact.

I stand in the doorway where it takes someone a moment to notice me, “Oy we got another one, one of the suities are here to help the other suitie!” the person says pulling out a weapon

“What are you doing here suity?”

“Where’d these suits come from?”

“We should ransom them.”

“This colour is familiar… wait, this guy is a Lord level, we could ransom this guy back to the government! He’s no doubt a follower of one of the gods.”

Many people hear that lasts persons words and as if they’ve had a fuse lit, they react each of them pulling out their weapons and surrounding me. I do not react as I look towards my helper who has noticed me.

“God K Lord, run away” he says weakly, I turn away from him and look at the people surrounding me who have now cut off my exit route.

“There’s no escape for you now. Just come easily and we won’t have to hurt you.”

I calmly look at the crowd around me and let out a soft chuckle, “You won’t hurt me?”

“No we won’t so come easily.”

I begin laughing, “You should try to hurt me, it’ll make it more fun” I say in a low voice as a blood-red energy fills the area, screams and wails of countless souls fills the room from no where while countless invisible shadows escape from me.

“What’s going on? Why is it so cold?”

“I can see my breath”

“Is something moving on the wall?”

The crowd of people around me talk as though I don’t exist, I simply shake my head.

“Did you do something?” someone asks me.

“The fact that you had to ask means you aren’t on my level”

“What was that–

The young man speaking to me raises his bladed weapon getting ready to strike at me when he suddenly freezes, everyone in the room freezes where they stand as I begin to walk forward towards my helper still tied up.

Several hundred shadows return to me as the screams and wails stop, the environment returns to normal as I reach my helper, a flick of my wrist is all it takes to cut the rope from the roof. He falls to the ground unable to speak.

I turn around and walk towards the door as the frozen bodies around us begin to unfreeze where they stand, their expressions the same as they were when they were alive yet as they fall to the ground one by one it creates an eerie scene.

The helper takes a moment to stand up and follow after me, “Thank you for saving me God K Lord.”

I smile under my survival suit and say, “These people couldn’t even handle a first stage spell. I’d never make it out of the birthing phase if I were that weak.”

“God K Lord truly is strong” the man says as we arrive at the doors, I look at at the vehicles sitting there then turn towards my helper.

“Are you able to pilot these machines?”

“Yes God K Lord, I’ll get the fastest one ready now.”

I nod my head and watch the man set out to work, he runs up to a small machine that has two large weapons on the roof and holds a display next to it, he presses a few buttons causing the weapons to turn and face him yet after a moment the doors open allowing him to get in.

The machine begins to move and arrive beside where I’m standing, the door opens beside me.

“Ready God K Lord.”

“Good work” I say as I seat in the machine, the comfortable seating remind me of the luxuries that can be enjoyed by all.

“Thank you God K Lord, we will be at Blood Crucible City soon.”

Hmm I thought this chapter included something else, guess not... End of world building focused chapters, first girl enters the scene next chapter.


Umm, I'll leave my discord link here but it's pretty dead.

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