Becoming an Immortal Emperor, All Thanks to the Efforts of My Enemies

Chapter 27

Chapter 29: Going to Kill Someone

What Shi Changxin said made a lot of sense.

Considering his current situation, he couldn’t deal with even one or two Golden Core cultivators. Not to mention facing half a Golden Core, that’d be a stretch!

Of course, when this situation first arose, Shi Changxin quickly took a Blood Pill and tried activating the Evil Demon Refinement Method to replenish his vital energy and blood.

But the more he tried to make up for it, the quicker his vitality burned away.

Frightened, he stopped using the Evil Demon Refinement Method altogether.

As a result, his foundation was now a bit shaky.

The parrot stayed silent for a long time.

Finally, it still felt something was off.

“I just checked; your condition really doesn’t correlate with us. Have you offended someone recently?”

Shi Changxin was a bit speechless.

“Does the Qinglian Sect count?”

The parrot fell silent again.

Shi Changxin’s condition was too bizarre.

But of course, the Qinglian Sect wouldn’t possess such strange abilities.

If the Qinglian Sect really had that kind of power, could Shi Changxin still be alive to talk about it?

The parrot shook its head.

“Alright, considering you indeed have your reasons, this time the Master won’t hold it against you!”

“But, there’s a disciple named Liu Shunyi in the Qinglian Sect who has something from the Blood Puppet Master. He won’t expose that to anyone, so find a way to kill him and reclaim what belongs to us!”

“This is also your chance to redeem yourself!”

Shi Changxin was enraged.

“Redemption from me? I was a perfectly good City Lord living just fine, and it was you bunch of worthless hounds who caused this mess. Now I’m having problems because of you, and instead of fixing it, you want me to do your dirty work? Are you kidding me?!”

Shi Changxin shot a cold glare at the parrot.

“I’m laying it out straight: If I don’t get a satisfactory resolution today, don’t say anything about doing your tasks; I might even expose all your little schemes!”

The parrot snorted coldly.

“Shi Changxin, you’re just a dispensable pawn. The Master keeps you around out of kindness; without it, you’re nothing! I advise you to know your place!”

With that, a pressure descended upon him.

Shi Changxin’s body was instantly pressed down against the cold stone.

“Remember your task: Within a month, I want to see results!”

Once the parrot finished, it vanished into thin air.

Shi Changxin got up from the ground, his gaze icy.

“You scoundrel! You make it impossible for me to live, and now… ugh, aaahhh…”

Shi Changxin rolled on the ground in agony.

His blood felt like countless needles, writhing against his veins.

It felt like he was being flayed alive.

“I’ll do it, I swear I’ll do it!”

Shi Changxin pleaded for mercy.

Soon after, the pain subsided.

Lying on the now-cracked stone, he was drenched in cold sweat, staring blankly at the sky.



Three days passed in a blink.

At this moment, Liu Shunyi was dressed in the robe of an Outer Disciple.

He stood at the entrance of Cangjian Peak like a gatekeeper.

Life was rather peaceful.

Of course, not many within the Qinglian Sect knew about Liu Shunyi’s grand display outside Kangzhuang City.

Because no one would spread it.

As for Liu Shunyi’s sudden promotion from Servant Disciple to Outer Disciple, it certainly caused quite a stir in the Servant Disciple quarters.

Liu Shunyi still remembered how enviously those Servant Disciples looked when he was moving things around.

But what they didn’t know was that he was somewhat regretting it.

After arriving at the Outer Sect, Liu Shunyi realized it was far crueler than being a Servant Disciple.

In the Outer Sect, if you weren’t strong, you could be exploited beyond measure.

One wrong move and some other Outer Disciples might just beat you up.

A punching bag, a human target.

That was the fate of the Outer Disciples with poor qualifications and low cultivation levels.

Sometimes, one slip-up could even cost a life.

As for whether there were any good people in the Outer Sect?

Who cares!

In this realm of cultivation, there’s no pure good or evil.

The one with the bigger fist calls the shots.

Whoever is stronger gets to define justice.

This was exactly what happened to Liu Shunyi. With his average qualifications showing Qi Refinement Fourth Stage, he got stuck doing the gatekeeping job.

His fellow disciple with him didn’t show much on his face, but Liu Shunyi knew this guy had just been beaten up.

Probably holding it together right now.

Liu Shunyi sighed.

“The Outer Sect and Servant status aren’t really much different; sometimes, it’s even worse than being a Servant Disciple!”

That disciple stole a glance at Liu Shunyi, then lowered his head and stayed silent.

Liu Shunyi felt a bit bored.

After all, no one came to Cangjian Peak, and standing here for an entire day was a total waste of time.

“Bro, I see you getting bullied every day. Doesn’t the Cangjian Peak handle this?”

The disciple remained silent.

Liu Shunyi shrugged his shoulders.

Fine, he was a closed book.

No wonder he got bullied.

Out of goodwill, Liu Shunyi tossed the disciple a healing pill.

“Brother, consider this a gift from one to another!”

The disciple froze for a moment.

He hesitated while holding the porcelain bottle.

Oh ho, got some pride there!

Liu Shunyi chuckled.

“Just borrowing it! You’ll return me ten times in the future!”

The disciple finally sighed.

“Thank you, Junior Brother. I’ll definitely repay you tenfold in the future!”

Liu Shunyi waved his hand.

“Just hide it away so no one else sees it. It could be bad for you!”

The disciple nodded.

And once again, not a single word followed.

Liu Shunyi felt frustrated.

Wow, dude, you really know how to keep to yourself.

But this guy could tolerate it.

Oddly enough, it was Liu Shunyi who couldn’t hold on anymore.

If he kept standing here all day, when would he find his Foundation Establishment materials?

As for doing anything other than gatekeeping?!

That was just a dream.

Liu Shunyi had been staring at the gate for three days and nights.

He felt overwhelmed.

But for the sake of the Qinglian Sect’s Foundation Establishment items, he had no choice but to endure.



Half a month passed in a flash.

Today, it unexpectedly started snowing heavily at Qinglian Sect.

Liu Shunyi and his forlorn buddy stood outside the Cangjian Peak’s entrance.

However, at this moment, Liu Shunyi was barbecuing some wild game.

His unfortunate buddy stood by like a stone statue.

Once Liu Shunyi roasted a mountain chicken, he tore off a leg and handed it to his gatekeeping buddy.

Not hesitating at all.

Because even if he didn’t want to eat, Liu Shunyi would force feed him in the end.

But today, it wasn’t just food; there was also liquor.

Of course, the liquor was brewed by Liu Shunyi himself.

The Cangjian Peak’s entrance was quite desolate.

Yet, Liu Shunyi and his gatekeeping buddy, while munching on wild game and sipping liquor, enjoyed the scenic view below, feeling a different flavor altogether.

“Bro, even faced with such hardships, why are you still reluctant to leave?”

That gatekeeping buddy thought for a moment.

Finally, he said, “For her!”

Liu Shunyi followed his gaze.

A rather cute loli was approaching from above.

Though she was a loli, she packed quite a punch.


Liu Shunyi nodded.

“You’re a romantic, and you like loli? Well then, about us…”

But before he could finish, his gatekeeping buddy shook his head in a hurry.

“No, I mean Sister Ji!”

Chapter 30: Burning Blood for Warmth

Ji Suying and the loli reached the entrance of Cangjian Peak and suddenly stopped.

Ji Suying looked at Liu Shunyi, hesitated a moment.

“I’ve reclaimed your contribution points, and there are some rewards I’ll give you later!”

Liu Shunyi was taken aback.

Hurriedly, he bowed deeply.

“Thank you, Senior Sister!”

Ji Suying nodded.

But upon seeing Liu Shunyi standing gatekeeping, she was a bit puzzled.

“Why are you guarding the gate? Although the Outer Disciple courtyard has its own share of troubles, it should be below you to be guarding the entrance!”

Liu Shunyi chuckled.

“I think it’s great!”

Although Ji Suying was correct that the Outer Disciples at most only reached Qi Refinement Seventh Stage, they were truly no match for Liu Shunyi.

But there was no need for it.

He really didn’t need to cultivate right now.

One reason was that he didn’t have Foundation Establishment techniques, and another was he lacked Foundation materials.

As for the daily gatekeeping? It earned him 200 contribution points.

That’s pretty good.

Ji Suying frowned.

She didn’t particularly like Liu Shunyi’s lack of ambition.

But she couldn’t say much at the moment.

In the end, she could only sigh and turn to enter the mountain.

The little loli glanced curiously at Liu Shunyi but didn’t say much, skipping along after Ji Suying into the mountain.

After they left, the disciple guarding the gate with Liu Shunyi stared at him intensely.

Startled, Liu Shunyi asked, “What’s up?”

The gatekeeping disciple wore an unpleasant expression.

“Do you know Sister Ji?”

Liu Shunyi was speechless.

Oh wow, the kid’s jealous.

Liu Shunyi chuckled.

“Who doesn’t know Sister Ji in the entire Qinglian Sect?”

The disciple grew anxious.

“I mean, do both of you know each other?”

Liu Shunyi nodded.

“Of course! I helped Sister Ji deliver swords when I was a Servant Disciple!”

The disciple’s expression softened.


Liu Shunyi couldn’t help but shake his head.

“You like Sister Ji?”

The disciple’s face turned red, and he stared at the ground without a word.

Liu Shunyi was speechless.

Alright then.

This introverted attribute of his is showing again.

And they fell back into silence.



Winter dawned.

In December, Qinglian Mountain was exceptionally cold.

Even a bit biting.

Even Liu Shunyi, at the peak of Qi Refinement, found it hard to withstand it.

As for the disciple watching the gate with him? He was already shaking.

Liu Shunyi couldn’t take it anymore and began to gradually channel his cultivation.

But oddly enough, he realized that his magic power seemed to also be freezing up.

“Oh come on, I can’t just be standing at the gate and freeze to death, can I?!”

Liu Shunyi felt awful.

It seemed utterly ridiculous.

He was a cultivator; how could he be frozen like this?

Almost instinctively, he glanced over at his gatekeeping buddy.

To Liu Shunyi’s surprise, this buddy, who had practically turned into a popsicle, seemed perfectly fine!

“Aren’t you cold?”

Liu Shunyi asked.

The disciple thought for a moment and pretended to rub his body.

“It’s cold!”

Liu Shunyi: “……”

Wow, wow, wow, who would’ve thought?

This kid has a warming treasure and didn’t even share it with himself!


Liu Shunyi felt angrier by the moment.

All this time, he had been helping this guy with food.

And now it’s like, “Screw you, mate!”

And what about those healing pills he gave? Did they end up with the dogs?

Liu Shunyi thought for a moment and hurriedly pulled out a notebook from his pocket.

“Guide to Cultivators Crossing Over!”

Flipping it open, he wrote furiously.

“Never be overly kind to other people in the cultivation world!”

The disciple looked at Liu Shunyi’s note and turned beet red.

But he said nothing in protest.



As night fell, heavy snow howled down on Cangjian Peak, accompanied by the frigid wind.

Liu Shunyi’s nose dripped with two icicles.

“No way! If this continues, I’m really gonna freeze to death!”

At that moment, Liu Shunyi was shivering uncontrollably.

After thinking it over, he directly enacted the Burning Blood Divine Fist.

“Crunch, crunch…”

A faint red energy surged up.

Instantly, Liu Shunyi felt warmth flood his whole body.

That biting chill was pushed out almost instantly.


Liu Shunyi let out a sigh of relief.


No more freezing to death!

Meanwhile, the disciple guarding the gate watched Liu Shunyi warm himself in this way, his eyes filled with shock.

“He—he’s burning his own blood for warmth?”

“Is he crazy?!”

At that instant, a voice echoed in his mind.

“That vibe, it seems to be the Burning Blood Divine Fist, but oddly, while he’s burning blood, he doesn’t lose any!”

The young man thought: “??? What does that mean?”

“Simply put, he indeed utilized a secret method, but the side effects for this guy are negligible!”

The young guard frowned.

“Big trouble!”

The voice in the young man’s mind shook its head.

“You’re no worse than him; besides, don’t think just because you have some talent, you can kill him without a second thought. What’s with that mentality?”

The young man was confused.

“Master, isn’t that how the cultivation world operates?”

The voice in the young man’s mind fell silent.

Yet, after a long pause, it finally spoke again.

“While your statement isn’t entirely wrong, I still hope you don’t go around killing innocents.”

“I don’t mind if you’re not a good person, but I definitely don’t want you to become a bad one!”

The young man fell silent.

The old voice, no longer urging, sensed the young man had witnessed the massacre of his family, holding a deep-seated grudge.

But what this young man didn’t know was that the moment he harbored intent to kill Liu Shunyi, Liu Shunyi felt it right away.

After all, he was in a burning blood state.

His body’s senses amplified tenfold, including perception.

Now Liu Shunyi looked at the young man.

“How have I treated you these past few months?”

The young man was taken aback.

Finally, he replied, “Thank you for your care, Junior Brother!”

Liu Shunyi nodded.

“Since I’ve treated you well, what does your sudden intent to kill me mean?”

The young man’s pupils shrank.

Quickly, he denied it.

“You’re joking, how could I have any desires toward you?”

The young man smiled back nervously.

Liu Shunyi narrowed his eyes.

Without further ado, he turned around and headed back into the mountain.

The young man froze.

He intended to follow but was immediately stopped by his Master.

“Don’t go looking for death! Do you really think this icy coldness is just due to the weather?”

The young man’s steps halted instantly.

He looked at Liu Shunyi, who was walking up the Cangjian Peak, with an indecipherable expression.

“How can he walk away like that?”

The young man’s Master was fed up.

“You should consider what Sister Ji said previously. His abilities? The whole Outer Sect probably can’t match him. Do you understand?”

The young man opened his mouth but found no words.

Sighing, the Master added, “I’ll give you two warming treasures. Why won’t you share one with him?”

After a moment of thought, the young man said, “Because I feel he’s different from me; getting a warming treasure for an Outer Sect disciple just isn’t worth it!”

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