Becoming Monsters

12: Magically Binding

While I nodded, nearly fapping, suddenly there came a clapping,
As of some one gently slapping, blapping at my chamber door.


Diane glanced back at Honoka and gave her an odd look. The afro-asian woman, for her part, gazed forward with a serene expression as if she meant to speak gibberish. The succubus rolled her eyes, stepping to the door and peering through the peephole before opening the entry to their suite at the Tremain Hotel.

“Hello, glad you made it,” Diane said, stepping aside to let the pair in. Fiery hair pulled back into adorable twin-tails at the base of her neck, the rest of her outfit could have easily been discarded onto the floor of a porno. Dressed in a professional-ish outfit, the succubus filled out what could best be described as Office Slut Chic. White blouse with black pencil skirt, she would blend into any corporate building as a secretary if not for half her buttons undone to reveal burgeoning freckled cleavage, or if the blouse wasn't translucent enough to show the silhouette of her black bra underneath, or if the red pumps weren't flexing her calves up so much, or if the skirt wasn't so high up her thighs she didn't expose the garters holding her lace stockings or exposing her black thong when she bent over…

Honoka gulped, smoothing her white skirt and adjusting her cobalt blouse, trying to focus on their guests. Although only noon, this morning was the first day of her new, raw diet and she once again grew to abnormal - for her - proportions. Then, the best part of waking up involved a blowjob in her cup, but that was hours ago. Ergo, while it wasn't an emergency yet, being in the same hotel room as three beautiful women turned her on.

“Sweet digs,” Eve said, glancing around the suite and admiring the modern colonial-style Diane booked, noting two chairs - one larger and specially brought in by the front desk - in front of a table and across from a loveseat. The goblin wore the same outfit she had at the FDR building, faded blue coveralls smeared in more stains and her face looking like it got too much car exhaust. Giving Diane an unabashed leer, she turned around and threw Honoka a thumbs up. “Classy.”

“Try to avoid scaring another perspective guildmate because of your appetite.” The other woman - Banda! Honoka finally remembered - ducked her head down and shuffled in sideways to fit and not scrape the door frame with her horns. She also looked like she came off work, her uniform a pair of overalls covered in mud and what smelled like…not mud. Not rancid, not abhorrent, but definitely pungent. The overalls cut off at the knees, her hooves only trailing a little dirt into the room.

“Pish-posh, the girl is a succubus! Even if she wasn't, there is no way she wouldn't want a little green in her—”

Thankfully, Diane cut in by handing them each a stapled bunch of papers after closing and locking the door. “Before we go any further, there are two things we need to get out of the way. First, while I have no issues with the more vulgar parts of the English language, Honoka would prefer you keep your words…tame.” Diane skillfully pointed out the first page of the documents and smiled. “As she put it to me last week, saying these words around her is a deal-breaker, and I go where my fiancé goes.”

“That's bullsh—” Eve got her mouth covered by a massive three fingered hand and received a brown-eyed glare from the minotauress.

“If you can’t say anything polite for a single meeting, then Shut. Up.” Banda removed her hand and read the sheet. “Try to give the midget a little slack, she normally doesn't have a filter.” Flipping the page, her eyes widened and she dropped the papers like they were poisonous. “Holy sh—!”

This time Eve kicked Banda, hard enough to draw a little blood with her clawed feet. “If you can’t say anything polite for a single meeting, then shut your cow-hole,” she imitated with a ton of sarcasm slathered on top.

“That's a Binding Contract!” When Banda declared that she stepped back, her eyes darting between the locked door and the two calm women who trapped her here. The goblin woman also dropped the papers on the floor with a hiss and shuffled away.

“Yes, but you didn't read it.” Diane bent down (giving Honoka a fantastic view) and picked up both sets of paper, tapping them on her skirt. “If you read through the Contract, you’ll find it is a very particular, very limited form of NDA, not some kind of slavery thing.”

“Those things are illegal,” Eve said, though she calmed down. Unlike Banda, who looked ready to bolt.

“No, just highly regulated.” Honoka finally spoke, immediately grabbing the attention of the two monstrous women. “Look, there are some things we need to tell you before joining up as a guild, putting all our cards on the table. I'm afraid the Contracts are the only way we ensure that you keep our secrets safe.”

Getting a stack of a hundred of those contracts - the rest stored in a safety deposit box under Honoka’s name - burned up one of Diane's most valuable favors and still cost her twenty thousand dollars. But as she repeatedly told Honoka, they wouldn't be able to recruit anyone safely without them. The binding part of the Contract was a magical curse. It had proven universally unbreakable, though a shrewd person might get around it because it only bound to the precise letter of the Contract. Generally, though, there were enough horror stories from the first years of the Change that people avoided even touching them, afraid to literally lose their soul.

Diane placed the Contracts on the table in the center of the suite, two sets of pens and sterile pins already arranged there. Honoka and the succubus then moved over and sat on the sofa across the room, waiting.

Eve glanced up at Banda, her face turning serious. “This might be your only chance.” Walking forward confidently, the goblin pushed the smaller of the available chairs closer and picked up the Contract, reading each word intently. Banda followed after a minute of uncomfortable silence, easing into her chair slowly as it creaked under her weight. She did not pick up the Contract.

“Is there anything you can tell us before we decide on this…thing?” Banda asked as Eve continued reading.

“Yes, there are a few matters,” Diane said, leaning forward to stretch her wings a bit. “First, I'm a level eight Alchemist with Essence Extractor as one of my Class features. I won't be much use as a primary delver, but I have quality recipes for healing, utility and attack potions. Any delve you make will be a hundred times safer and all my potions will be offered at cost.”

Eve whistled, the sound oddly tinny as it passed through her fangs. “That might be worth the price of admission. At level eight, fights would break out from guilds crawling over themselves to recruit you.” Finishing the last page, she set the papers back on the table and gave Honoka a shrewd, red eye. “And that's the part offered for free. What's your secret?”

“Worth more than a level eight alchemist.” Honoka met the glare while gesturing at the Contract, her statement only lightly marred as she perspired from nerves and arousal.

“Ha! I gotta say, that is some Art Of The Deal shi…crap right there!” Eve flipped to the last page and signed her name, pricked her thumb and landed the print with a small flash and a puff of smoke. Then she looked at the horrified Banda and shrugged. “The Contract is specific and doesn't have any unclear language to be misconstrued. So long as we are in this suite, anything discussed relating to Class, Race and Status - as pertaining to those two or anyone else with something called Infusion of Eitr listed in their Status - cannot be shared or inferred in any way shape or form without the express, non-coerced permission of Honoka Jefferson. The Contract stipulates that it is void if anyone signing learns the information shared is illegal or if the signers are forced in any way to agree to terms outlined by said information. It sounds like a lot, but the gist of it is they don't want us sharing their Status information with people, we can leave any time and that would be it. If they try to force us to do anything, the Contract is canceled.”

Banda didn't reply, picking up the Contract like it would bite her, but taking her time to read it. On the last page, stopping to look over at Honoka and Diane, she signed and bloodied the page before leaning back into her chair, slumping with an I'm going to regret this mien.

Both Diane and Honoka relaxed, the first significant hurdle passed. Noticing Honoka’s remaining distress, Diane took the lead.

“What are your feelings about sex?”


The explanation ended with the succubus taking out her ProGo, putting in the lengthy password, pushing play and flipping it around so the other women watched boobs burst out of a shirt. Then their eyes widened as Honoka transformed into a succubus and Diane reverted to a human. The final video was edited, cut to censor the hardcore stuff, but still containing enough spicy content to make anyone watching a little hot and heavy.

The goblin and minotauress listened to the entire explanation without saying anything, even staying silent throughout the video - though Banda became red all over from blushing while Eve licked her lips, freely enjoying the porn. When it finished, Diane shut the camera off and sat back down next to Honoka, taking the black woman’s clammy hands.

“So you have a penis that makes you constantly horny,” Eve stated, ogling Honoka’s skirt. Honoka nodded. “And anyone you stick it in gets to join your sex cult and also gains body-swapping powers.” Honoka nodded again. “And if you have sex enough times with someone, you can make their boobs bigger.”

“Yes, but there’s one more thing,” Honoka began, gulping when her erection throbbed with need. Diane squeezed her hand, lending Honoka the fortitude she needed. “This is the big secret and why we’re paranoid about keeping it secret: the growing breasts are a visual representation of just one of many options available. Each level of Harmonization gives ten points that can be spent in hundreds of different ways. Ten points equal +10 in any Attribute, permanently. Thirty-five points changes Diane’s race, two thousand points gives her phenomenal cosmic power. And it doesn't stop there: curing dyslexia is twelve points, crippling damage to internal organs can be repaired for twenty-five points.

“Say we only put points into Attributes. Five levels worth of points into Strength? There might, might be one or two people alive with over fifty Strength, but I doubt it. If we ground out those levels, it could realistically happen to anyone in under a month.”

“You can cure genetic defects?!” Banda cried, jumping up and leaning over the table, nearly breaking it with her weight.

“Y-yes.” Honoka replied, cringing back from the intensity of the minotaur’s excitement.

“How do I sign up?” Banda asked, her face gaining a fierce, hungry and hopeful expression.

“Hold it, Moo,” Eve urged, leaning out of her chair to grab Banda’s shoulder. “It sounds like there will be a lot of sex if this is going to work and also doesn't sound like something you can quit if you don't like it. You sure you want this?”

“She’s right,” Diane interjected, her tail coiling reflexively in front of her as if to protect herself from the large woman. “I got into this by accident, and I'm happy how it worked out, but there isn't a reset button. Either you're in, all the way, or you're not.”

“I don't care, this is why I started delving, this would mean everything to me.” Tears gathered in the large, soft brown eyes of the minotaur, her lips trembling. “What do I need to do?”

Honoka sighed, seeing the resolve there. “I can't go around having sex with anyone off the street, I need a commitment. Despite the world turned upside down and my physiology forcing me to do things I otherwise wouldn't, I still believe in God. If we do this, we do this as a married couple.” Honoka blushed, looking down in a subdued fashion. “After we’re done here, Diane and I are heading to the City offices and meeting with a Justice. I can't promise much of anything, we only just met, but if you want to marry me, all I can offer is I'll do my best to help you with whatever you need.”

Banda, maybe impulsively but also decisively, clomped around the table and knelt in front of Honoka. The minotauress paused, snorting a breath of air out and reached under the black woman’s chin. Lifting her unprepared face up gently, before Honoka could react, Banda bent down and kissed Honoka on the lips.

Honoka nearly jumped out of her seat, not expecting this at all. What Banda lacked in expertise she made up with enthusiasm. With her large bovine jaw, thick lips and a bit of massive, rough tongue, Honoka got the lower half of her face slobbered. It might have disgusted her in a previous life, but the young woman understood the intent and tried her best to kiss back, though they split off when they knocked their teeth together. Parting, Honoka discretely trying to wipe her face a little, the two broke out laughing and were soon joined by the other two women.

“Yes, I’ll marry you!” Banda said, picking up the comparatively tiny woman and hugging her in the air like a small child. Honoka screamed at first then returned the hug as the others laughed harder.

“I’ll marry you, too. Being honest, though, I might only be in it for the inevitable monster orgies.” Eve came over when Banda set Honoka down and stood on her toes to give a chaste kiss on the black woman’s cheek.

“Ok girls,” Diane said, clapping to nab everyone’s attention, “we were thinking this was a tossup whether you wanted into our unorthodox family, but we did plan for this. There are two bedrooms,” she said while she motioned to the doors on either end of the room. “Wash up, brush your teeth, do whatever you need to do to get comfortable. Each room also has two potions marked C and A on the bed stands. Take them - try to ignore the taste! - they are a universal contraceptive and cure disease combo: haven't found an STD that potion doesn't eat for breakfast. There’s also bottles of lube and freshly disinfected massagers to warm up with. As you might have noticed, Honoka becomes rather forcefully aroused and needs to regularly ejaculate or there will be painful consequences. Believe me, she gave me a bloody nose last night!”

Suddenly the entire room grew twenty degrees hotter as three out of the four blushed furiously and quieted in front of such an open lecture.

“Could you try being, I don’t know, a little more subtle?” Honoka asked in a whisper after a few long seconds of silence.

“Screw subtle.” Looking at the two recently betrothed in turn, weighing them in her mind. “They need to realize the new normal is going to involve lots and lots of hardcore, backbreaking, bukkake-levels-of-cumming sex. All day every day, sex sex sex.” Snapping her fingers, the other girls jumped out of their fugue. “Well? Who wants to go first?”

Banda, despite her earlier enthusiasm, hunched and looked at her hooves. Eve noticed and sighed, raising her hand as she walked to one of the bedrooms. “Give me a few minutes, machine grease is a bi…witch to scrub out.”

“I'll, um,” Banda suddenly took Diane's hand and pulled her into the other bedroom. “Can you give me a hand?”

The succubus laughed, throwing Honoka a wink and a blown kiss before the minotauress slammed the door behind them.

Guess I better get ready. Honoka stood up and disrobed, her clothing falling to the floor, coupled with the resigned realization she spent more time this week out of clothing than in them. It was with some introspection that she didn't feel ashamed of her body anymore. Yes, she was nervous and even terrified about having sex with two women she barely knew. Yes, the Beast was a constant reminder she remained both more and less what she was five years ago. But thinking over how she felt about others observing her as a woman without the barriers and walls clothing erected, she welcomed some peace mixed with her acceptance.

And if her lizard brain reveled in growth and expansion and transformation, well, all the more reason to naked.

“Almost done! Made the sinks too high, had to use some drawers to climb up.” When Honoka walked into the room and closed the door behind her, Eve marched out the bathroom in front of a cloud of steam. The goblin woman looked like a toddler trying on her mother’s bathrobe, most of it dragging on the ground with both sleeves rolled up to allow her arms freedom. She more munched on a courtesy toothbrush instead of brushing, a little foam on the side of her mouth. Eve stopped when she caught sight of Honoka, specifically her erect futa-rod throbbing in the air. “Holy f-ing F-Stick!”

Honoka frowned a little, not caring much for the acronymal use of the word. Holding out her hands with a shy ta-da, Honoka wasn’t quite sure what to do now and stood there awkwardly.

“It doesn’t even look real,” Eve said with awe, spitting out the mangled toothbrush and wiping her mouth. “Like, not normal huge, that’s no moon, it's your cock! huge.” Reaching out, the goblin almost grabbed onto the dark meat before she stopped as if a thought pushed through her actions. Flinging the robe open, Eve gripped her cooch while peering between herself and Honoka.

“We might have a logistics problem.” Throwing off the robe, the spry goblin scrambled onto the bed and aimed her hips towards Honoka as if to measure the sizes. “I’m not sure if you are going to fit in there.” Standing on the bed, Eve looked stumped.

The view of complete nudity from the goblin woman was both erotic and exotic. Except for the top of her head, she was entirely hairless and the flighty goblin didn't appear to possess the patience to shave each day so it must be a Race thing. Somewhere on the low end between three and four feet tall, her body structure had a few commonalities with an ape’s form. Her nose - which took up most of her face, making her look like a talking nose with flappy ears on the side - didn’t seem so out of place now as it seemed with her neck naturally bent forward, thrusting her angular face even farther in front as her posture casually slouched. Wide shoulders slumped downward into proportionally hefty arms, long enough to reach her knees, her forearms bulging out like a certain sailor man’s and ending in large, clawed hands that had too many joints in each finger. Her skin resembled forest green cured leather, the minute crevices in the surface a lighter green, making it look like she glowed on the inside if examined closely enough. Her torso appeared long and thin, naturally arcing, tapering to a sharp transition between her obliques and her hips, then flaring out. Goblin legs were squat and thick, proportionally shorter than on a human and ending in wide and clawed halfling-sized feet.

Focus on what makes us the same, Honoka thought, forcing herself to give the woman another look. The goblin’s breasts were small, more tangerines than oranges, but the nipples looked like soft flesh under her rough skin: a brighter, almost neon green color. Behind stubby legs, her rump curved firm and heart-shaped. The fleshy bits of her vulva and clitoris were also the bright green color, and Honoka admitted it was - like the rest of the goblin woman - proportionally smaller.

“The answer is probably lots of foreplay and lube,” Honoka replied practically, shrugging. Walking over to the side of the bed, she picked up a massager and turned it on. “How do you want it?”

Sighing, Eve marched across the bed and fell on her back into the pillows, spreading herself out like she was about to make a snow angel. “Goblins are weird - its a Race thing - but we no longer have any pain receptors. All pain translates as a different kind of pleasure in our heads. It sounds like fifty shades of a good time until you live it, then you find yourself moaning while you run a knife down your arm. It also means we need to pay attention to injuries because we can’t tell the difference between a good time or bleeding out. Most goblins become sexual deviants or insane battle fanatics.” Turning her red eyes to Honoka’s own wide cobalt blue ones, she leered. “I like it rough, maybe too rough, and if I begin to lose it, don’t be afraid to choke me out. If I’d known today would turn into this, I would have brought my chains and whips.”

“Let's work up to that.” Honoka sat on the bed and placed the wand’s head gently onto the bright green nub above her female flower. With a growl, the goblin snatched the massager out of Honoka’s hands and smashed the round plastic into her pussy, moaning as she found the dial and ramped it up to the highest setting.

“Oh yeah, that right there!” The green woman stretched as she brought her legs together and worked herself over. “This might take a minute, you ok waiting?”

Shrugging, Honoka grabbed the bottle of lube sitting next to two empty vials and sat down on the bed. “Sure. I wear a harness I keep the Beast bound inside. Once I take it off things become less…urgent.” Looking over the masturbating woman only inches away from her, her dick pulsed and she gulped. “Still urgent, though.”

“Cool. Um, hey, tell me about yourself, seeing as we’re getting married in a few hours? Like, I don’t even know what pronoun to use. Do you prefer zhe?”

“Definitely she/her,” Honoka replied, pouring a little lube on herself and a bit more around the mashing massager. “The Change didn’t alter my identity; it just gave me a penis. Might have strongly influenced me into lesbianhood, but I acquired a thing for naked girls as early as junior high. I can’t say it is all the dick. When I was really young, I thought I liked guys after spying some of my cousins, but now I don’t know. Mostly-lesbian afro-asian woman with some bi-curiosity and her own Doomcock?” While the conversation was more honest than Honoka would customarily share with anyone, Eve had a point: they were going to be married. “Don’t know if I’ve ever put that all into words before.”

“Sounds…ha…fascinating.” The goblin woman arched her back and bit her lip, drawing a little bluish-colored blood. “We should continue…after you nail me…with your sledgehammer…”

Honoka didn’t need anything more, kneeling between the short legs of the woman and opening her folds with one hand as she put another layer of lubricant on them both, then eased her black penis to the entrance. Before going in, both of them realized the truth: it might not fit.

“Shove your Mandingo in my hole before I start biting!” The insistent woman emphasized her point by pushing her hips forward and thrusting most of the love truncheon inside with a groan of pleasure leaking past her fangs.

Leaning forward to achieve more leverage, Honoka tried to comply, shoving her salami a third of its sixteen-inch length before bottoming out inside the other woman. Said goblin woman howled, a weird metallic note entering the scream as she threw her head back and let loose. Honoka flinched at the sound but decided to stay on target and tried her best to gyrate into a rhythm.

The futa-girl was familiar with the mechanics of Missionary, but there was only so much porn actually relates to real life. Eve kept rubbing the vibrator into her clit with her hands while her legs reached around Honoka’s back as much as possible and tried to push her deeper inside. It wasn’t helping Honoka because the size of her penis was against her, not getting enough into the tight cunt made it difficult to aim and thrust. The vibrator was on a high enough setting, sometimes touching her on the shaft in a way that Honoka wasn’t sure whether she wanted more or if she wanted to throw it across the room so she could finish.

No one ever says how much work sex is. After twenty-one minutes, two howling orgasms from Eve (one leaving scratches down Honoka’s arms) and nearly to the point of throwing in the towel, Honoka was relieved more than anything to feel the pressure of her semen building up at her base. A final jerk, penetrating herself in as far as she was able to go, her contractions bent Honoka’s exhausted body into an unplanned motorboat. The black woman - as much as she could think past gout after spurting gout of cum splashed out of the quivering green cunt, soaking both women and the bed - was surprised to find Eve’s skin soft and warm, not at all like the roughness it looked like it would feel like. After going flaccid and sliding out with the tiniest of dribbles from her urethra, Honoka dozed for a bit on top of her goblin fiancé.

“Did it work?” Honoka’s arm shook when the goblin underneath brought her out of the unplanned nap.

Rolling over, Honoka blinked as a blue screen flashed in front of her eyes before fading away.


First, Honoka was happy this didn’t include another crazy Whiteness dream, already a plus. Second, when did she get her third level? Before she called up her Status to find out, Diane threw open the door and walked in.

“All done? Good.” Tossing a water bottle and towel next to Honoka, the succubus whipped her tail around to point behind herself. “Hydrate, clean up and then hurry into the other room. We are burning daylight and I honestly think Banda might chicken out if you don’t begin quickly.”

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