Becoming Monsters

16: With Great Empathy

“There might be more going on with my Class than I realized,” Honoka said from her seat on the bed, now wearing a loose pair of blue sweats and a white spaghetti blouse with an open back to let the salve absorb effectively into the burns.

The council of wives sat in the middle of the floor, not much else to do with no chairs. They didn’t say anything. All of them were in sleeping clothes, the emergency dragging them out here this late at night and making it look like the most depressing slumber party ever. Diane was crossed legged, her elbows on her knees and her hands propping her head up, her tail and wings draping around her for comfort. She wore a t-shirt from her former bust size, a cartoon turtle stretched to almost tearing while a pair of white lace panties were swallowed inside her prodigious assets. Eve wore a long sleeping shirt that went down to her feet. With knees up to her chest inside the large brown and white striped shirt, none of them able to determine if she wore anything else. Banda stretched out, her hooves reaching the edge of the bed and her arms straight behind her to keep her propped up. She was in a pair of long black gym shorts with the world’s most colossal black sports bra trying to contain her massive milkers. Georgia waited outside in her car for the council to finish.

“…I’ve been finding, for the last week, that I’m not acting like myself.” Honoka looked really uncomfortable, but she needed to say this. “Before that, though, I think I should let you know I am diagnosed with severe depression and that today wasn’t the first time I tried to take my life.” Turning her right wrist around, there was a faint scar running down the middle of her forearm. “I was fourteen. My oldest brother found me and took me to a hospital. I lost three pints of blood and would have died. That was my only attempt. However, there have been close calls, such as today and last Thursday.”

“Everyone has problems, nothing to be ashamed about,” Eve said, oddly serious for the green woman.

“Anyway, that’s what went on in my head before my Class began collecting people. After I connected with Diane, I found myself suddenly more assertive and with a bit of a devil-may-care attitude. I quit my job, I decided to be a delver, I got engaged. The same day after collecting Eve and Banda, I’m teasing Diane to the point of trying to publicly orgasm her in the street and then becoming blind with rage over an attack on my family. Not to say I don’t get angry, but I went completely berserk.” Looking at Banda, Honoka inquired with her eyes.

“Yeah, its something I don’t talk about,” Banda replied, deflating a bit. “When I became a teenager, I suffered from a huge temper, would lose it if I wasn’t paying attention. I took counseling and spend an hour every day meditating, haven’t lapsed in months.”

“What are you saying, Hono-chan?” Diane guessed at this point, they all could, but it needed asking.

“I think my Class secretly includes an empathic link attached to it, and we’re all absorbing a bit of each other in the process. Thinking back to one of the weird Status visions I shared with Diane, I distinctly remember feeling parts of us merging.” Sighing, Honoka hugged herself as she looked at her feet. “I don’t know what this means or how it will affect us in the end. It looks like it is messing me up, but I think it might be doing the same to you all, to some degree or another.”

“What?” Eve asked, struggling to keep her wandering focus on the conversation.

“While Honoka is getting a little bit of each of us,” Diane replied, understanding where this was headed, “we’re all getting a part of Honoka.”

“We might become more depressed suddenly,” Banda said, looking depressed, “or experience more problems around crowds and social situations.”

“And we might also find ourselves more caring, more loyal and more loving.” Diane smiled, realizing her fresh outlook on life was not just because of Honoka, but that it literally came from Honoka.

“Maybe we’ll even all grow little dicks!” Eve put in, going for a laugh. The others glared back at her after what Honoka went through earlier that night. “Sorry.”

“I don’t imagine any of you can forgive me for pulling you into this, but if there’s ever anything I can do for you, I will do it.” Honoka tensed while she held herself, wishing they wouldn’t see this as some kind of betrayal or way to control them. She was surprised, then, as large muscular arms encircled her, followed by others with a wing and tail, the last to join in crawling up her legs and wrapping around her waist.

“No one is immune from the influence of other people,” Banda said, keeping the hug but easing her weight slowly on the bed. “Family especially. Your influence is just more direct than normal.”

“I like it, personally,” Eve stated, burying her face in Honoka’s non-existent chest. “I’m a bit of an airhead, and it sounds like you get to loosen up a little. On the flip side, you complete me!”

This time everyone laughed. Honoka tried to wrap her arms around everyone. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“Well, enough mushy stuff, we have a Code Climax to take care of and my Hunger is in the teens.” Diane pulled out of the hug and strode over to her phone, but everyone looked at her funny. “Code Climax, as in Code Ejaculation? Jizz Imminent? Need To Butter The Corn? Make a deposit at the Spank Bank?” She moved her loose fist in a jacking-off motion as she handled her phone with the other, ending with a loud *splrt* noise through her lips and tongue.

The others finally got it with more tittering laughter.

Diane put her phone away and opened the door, Georgia entering with a wave. The older woman was as lovely as ever, her curly hair held down with a white baseball cap, eyes bugging out from her thick glasses and wearing a set of pink knee-length sweats with matching pink hoodie. Her hands held a few plastic bags filled with boxes and she looked absolutely bubbly despite the hour.

“Don’t mind this old lady, just think of me as late-night take out,” she said before disappearing into the bathroom.

“Eve, you’re with us,” Diane said as she opened Honoka’s Material folder and picked something decidedly spicy to stream. “I am about to introduce you to worlds of pleasure the internet doesn’t have hashtags for,” Diane said as she pulled off her shirt and let her fun bags spring free, everyone’s eyes glued to the drop and jiggle as the succubus shook out her hair.

Rolling her eyes at the distracted audience, Diane got the goblin woman moving with a crack of her tail, the entire scene ruined a little with the fading red stripes along her abdomen reminding everyone of earlier that night. “Honoka, you need to sex with Banda, at least twice, three times if you can. Banda, C&A potions are on the kitchen counter, but I’m running out so make this count or think about whether you want to be the first pregnant wife in the group.” Without waiting for replies, the succubus dragged Eve with her into the bathroom and shut the door, cutting off any sound.

“Eep!” Banda squeaked, exhibiting a deer-in-the-headlights look as both Honoka and the holstaur sat next to each other on the bed, embarrassment flushing them both a solid red.

“I-I haven’t th-thought much about it,” Honoka stuttered, looking straight forward, “b-b-but i-if y-you want t-to try…?”

“No! I mean, yes, s-sometime later.” Banda played with the fabric of her shorts, looking down. “No, I haven’t thought about it either. And, and, I would like to have kids…with you…” The large and imposing woman looked so small at the moment, adorable in her shyness. “But later.”

“Later,” Honoka agreed, though if she was honest with herself, she hoped it wasn’t too much later. Wiping her sweaty hands on her pants, she pulled up her Status to find out what she needed to do right now.


“I don’t think my bed would survive us,” Honoka said absently as she looked over her Status. “Can you grab some blankets from the closet and spread them out on the floor, then prepare yourself? I have some Status stuff to take care of.” Banda nodded, standing and finding a few old blankets in the closet from yesterday’s laundry run.

Honoka, for her part, thought a lot about her Attribute points. It was obvious, but the young woman realized her greatest power was sex. The only reasonable place to put her points - until something else showed her differently - was in Endurance. Focusing on her END, she confirmed the point selection and felt a rush of vitality flow through her body, like Gummi Berry Juice shot directly into her bloodstream. Shaking it off, she scrolled down and opened the Class Feature selection window.


While this was new to her, it wasn’t new to the Changed world. Forum posts and online tutorials prepared her for Class Features appearing every three levels. Each one would provide some kind of active or passive Class ability, but no one ever knew what they did until they selected them and tested them out. If a person owned a regular class, it was much easier to make an informed decision because almost all the available features were documented, though a different one occasionally popped up out of the blue. For Honoka, with a unique class, it meant she became the guinea pig in this lab experiment. Fortunately, it appeared to mesh with her Norse mythology theme and she might glean an inkling of what bonuses or effects they provided based on her readings.

Yggdrasil is the world tree, Honoka thought, pressing her lips thinly together as she tried to reason with an unreasonable blue box. It might be a way of branching out to different worlds or maybe collect from something other than people. Bestiality came to mind so she gave that one a hard pass for now. Mímir was the being that guarded the well of knowledge that Odin visited, so this one may be about gaining information or prescience. Of course, Odin lost an eye, so I might not like the price of this feature’s costs. Gleipnir was the chain that bound Fenrir: this one may be about slavery. Shaking her head, Honoka moved to the last one. I can’t read it, all the letters look broken as if jumbled by an alien transcription error, only an ‘ol’ at the end. I’ll put it in an anagram scrambler to see what possibilities come up, but picking something I can’t read is a stupid idea.

Left to only two real choices, no matter how much it might cost, knowledge about herself and her Class remained the most valuable commodity in her judgment. Focusing on Mímir’s Draught, Honoka received a confirmation window and then discovered the tag in her Class Features. Nothing seemed different and she didn’t feel any smarter, so Honoka shrugged and closed the blue menu.

Banda lay on her back, naked but with her legs crossed, one hand covering her crotch. Honoka smiled, feeling herself hardening to painful levels as she stripped off her sweats and got smacked in her stomach by her aggressive appendage. There was still some tenderness there, but Diane’s miracle slave made Honoka think she would be fine. Banda’s juggs were openly displayed, so large they looked half as tall as Honoka standing, their firmness evident as they hardly flopped to the sides at all and left only a narrow canyon between them.

“It's growing late, and I'm sure my neighbors downstairs are only one more wild sex outburst away from calling the cops on us, so let's do our best to keep this quiet,” Honoka said this as she walked over and straddled one massive thigh, enjoying the feeling of soft fur tickling her engorged labia.

From between the Mariana Boobs, Banda silently nodded.

Putting one hand onto of Banda’s much larger mound, Honoka moved it gently aside and revealed her flower. More like a bouquet, Honoka thought, labia majora bloating together in the mother of all cameltoes, the light pink of the holstaur’s skin naturally hairless here. When Honoka lightly ran her finger down the slit, Banda squirmed a little but also eased her trunk-like legs apart so the black woman gained better access.

“Did you decide to take the potions?” Honoka asked, working her fingers into the majora and finding the skin smooth, rubbery and deep, almost to her knuckle before she felt the hot flaps of labia minora.

“Y-yes!” Banda’s voice sounded an octave higher, which brought a grin to Honoka’s face as she found the clitoris and lightly brushed it. “I-I’ve n-n-never do-done it before.”

“Not even with yourself?” Honoka asked, but not accusingly. Although the Change brought on a kind of forced sexual lifestyle for her, Honoka remained very much the same way from junior high to college, always looking but never acting, her shame and personal guilt too strong to overcome.

“I’ve…no, but sometimes I-I can…my nipples are really sensitive as a holstaur.” A small note of bitterness crept into her voice. “My sister has a whiteboard in her milking station at the farm. When she’s hooked up, it causes her to orgasm a lot. Her session record is fourteen. Some of the other girls like getting taken by willing farmhands or husbands every morning and afternoon while pumping.”

“Sounds…X-rated.” Honoka licked her fingers and rubbed the clit in slow circular motions, using her right hand to push the meaty labia aside to get a better view. Everything looked normal, though more extensive than typical, but the black woman wasn’t surprised. At least there wouldn't be a problem getting her penis to fit. “Must be embarrassing to work there.”

“I—ah!—don't,” the holstaur gasped, jerking her hips up a little as Honoka moved her fingers a little faster. “Not in the dairy. I couldn't milk, so mostly I worked…ooooh…the fields. Holstaur women eat a lot of grains.” Honoka’s ministrations yielded fruit, the tiniest of drops appearing at the base of her slit.

“How badly do you want to be milked?” Honoka asked, now alternating working the engorged clitoris and rimming her fingers around the entrance to Banda’s special place, a pungent female musk already in the air.

“I want it!” Banda wasn't loud, remembering to restrain her volume, but her voice carried such a depth of need and intensity it practically burned. “All these stupid instincts forced on me by the stupid Status and then I can’t find any release? I need to be milked!”

Honoka shimmied herself forward, rubbing the tip of her cock into the folds and mixing her precum with the womanly juices. “I can make it happen, I can give you your milk, but my Class requires harmonization.” Teasingly, she slid across the top of the holstaur’s vulva with her long shaft, up and down slowly, pleasantly hotdogging between her fleshy labia. “The more you enjoy everything with me, the more you take me in and accept me, the faster you harmonize.” Bending forward and almost standing up, the distance so wide, she grabbed one long teat and tweaked it, sending a shiver through the muscular woman. “The sooner I’ll be milking your tits,” Honoka said the last in a husky whisper.

Banda whimpered, her pelvis tilting up as one hand reached around and massaged her other nipple. “Please, I need you.”

“As you wish,” Honoka said, kneeling back down and aligning herself back into position, pushing her black glans past thick minora and easing slowly in. After only a few inches, Honoka reached the hymen and stopped, giving Banda a moment to adjust. “This will hurt, try not to scream, it gets easier after the first time.” Without waiting, the black hermaphrodite pushed all the way in and hit the cervix around thirteen inches, taking most of her monster cock.

Banda, to her credit, didn't scream much, but she did muffle it all by covering her mouth. Honoka felt a rhythm of clenching contractions around her girthy girl-dong, so Banda must be close. Working both her hands, the young black woman furiously stimulated the love bud until a burst of hot femjaculate came all over her and the massively muscled Amazonian cow woman reflexively smashed her legs together into Honoka.

“Hrk!” Honoka injected as the wind was knocked out of her and the burns on her back brought their own fiery agony. Putting her hands on each side of the furred legs, thicker around than her whole body, Honoka found herself unable to budge them even a single millimeter. Yet, despite the shortness of breath and the inflamed pain in her back, it managed to push her cock further in as vaginal muscles squeezed tightly around her. A muscle pervert herself, feeling so much powerful strength crushing her body may have been the most erotic experience Honoka ever dreamed of. It also had been over eleven hours since her last penile release.

Bending her back and bringing up a hand to cover her mouth, girlchowder shot directly from her man cannon erupted into the tight twat, splooge quickly filling up the taut hole and some spilling out along the edges. The leakage stopped as the incredible musculature of the holstaur vagina closed everything off with a cum-tight seal, though without any conscious effort on Banda’s part. With the second gout, Banda felt a pressure building inside her abdomen and filled her with warmth, vaguely aware under her haze of gratification that her wife was ejaculating into her and loosened her convulsing legs around Honoka. More and more, the holstaur ingulfed and distended until her stomach stretched outward and Honoka collapsed onto Banda’s jizzbelly.

Honoka had never been infatuated with the fetish of belly expansion or even pregnancy porn. Breasts blowing up larger than houses, women crushing cars with biceps the size of boulders, she knew she maintained extreme tastes. She also, daily, experienced this exact fantasy for herself, only earlier this week filling half the apartment with her stomach balloon. It hadn’t turned her on because that was just what she was, not what she lusted over. This, however, laying on top of her beautiful wife, both of them sticky from sweat and fluids, an afterglow from their first time in their married lives and feeling the warm heat of cumflated Banda engulfing her black cock and imagining a baby growing inside the holstaur that would be hers, this excited Honoka to levels of becoming unhinged.

Clamping heavily on her pelvic floor, not allowing any more blood to escape her mostly hard penis, the futa-girl got a crazed light in her eyes as she put her expanded Endurance score to the test and thrust in and out of Banda, each retraction letting some pressurized spunk to spurt out.

…hu…hu…what…are you…doing?” Banda asked, her own orgasm waves unfinished as she used one arm to move her boobs out of the way to see.

“Round…two…urgh!” While her penis had hardened again to a full erection, it just finished cumming and remained extremely sensitive. This wasn’t entirely pleasurable for her, more an effort to move and force herself to stay hard and grow harder, feeling her dick bend painfully as she twisted in the wrong angle, the sensitivity making her gasp. However, Honoka’s eyes locked on the rounded abdomen of taut muscle in front of her, reaching up and grabbing two handfuls of nipples like riding a Harley to pull herself into each lunge.

“!!” Banda bit into both her hands, wordless noise humming into her palms and leaking out the sides of her bovine mouth while her whole body bowed and spasmed into another orgasm.

It didn’t take long, maybe another five minutes. Early on, experimenting with herself and trying to find out what was safe and what was possible, Honoka found there was a danger to ejaculating too much. Magical food-to-belly to energy conversion to possibly personal quantum spatial storage: wherever she stored her semen, it was powered by either the food she ate, a finite amount, or her own body. Her penis didn’t care whether she ate a horse or starved for three days. Ejaculating too much too quickly was a genuine danger for the woman.

Still unsure whether she meant to or not, three years ago, Honoka got depressed and wanted to see how much she could orgasm on a Sunday afternoon. In one and a half hours, she came nine times. She would have gone longer but the pain radiating from the Beast was torturous and her arms no longer possessed the strength to move. She lost twenty pounds and spent eleven days at the hospital. Her uncle flew up from Florida and she eventually recovered but she now understood the legitimate danger of cumming too often.

All of which remained secondary. The other half of what Honoka learned that day was if she focused and forced it, the dark futanari could orgasm with little to no refractory. It was painful and there wasn’t as much spunk, but she did it, which she achieved again into Banda’s overly full pussy.

“AaaaRGH!!” Honoka forgot her own rule for silence, screaming through grit teeth and letting go of Banda’s abused teats, falling forward to experience her reward of the holstaur’s womb stretching under her. Frustratingly for Honoka, it didn’t expand much more before there just wasn’t any more space and the black woman flew out with a deluge of cum draining out of Banda and drenching the exhausted women as Honoka collapsed onto twitching thighs, showering in the sweet white honey of one ejaculation while she spurted into the air the rest of her second. Twenty minutes later, the other three women came out of the bathroom and found them still like that, too exhausted to do much more than breathe carefully.

“Wow,” Georgia said, taking it in while her bottom-bottle glasses steamed from all the stench of sex and honey. “That’s…wow. Diane, I know you said not to ask questions, but I’d like some answers when you can give them.”

“Not my secret to tell,” Diane replied, going back in and coming out with some towels, “but when Honoka is ready, you’ll probably be one of the first.”

Georgia accepted that with a nod and left. Diane handed half the towels to Eve, the pair cleaning the exhausted women up and moving them into the other room, Banda to the shower and Honoka in the bath. It wasn’t easy, it took all three working together to haul Banda’s bulk across the floor, but Honoka eventually found herself in a world of bliss when the jets of her tub bubbled and massaged her body.


“Hm?” the dozing woman replied, realizing she fell asleep. Fluttering her eyes open, she found the bath warm instead of hot and her hands pruny.

“Do you want kids?” Diane asked, her face close and somber.

Honoka didn’t answer right away, turning off the jets and causing the room to go silent. “Before today, I don’t know, I might have said no. And I think I still might say no, for right now.” Rubbing her eyes, she shimmied herself into a sitting position. “Something is going on with me and I need to get it under control or at least understand it before I commit to anything. I want this to be something I decide with all of you, not something my Status or Race forces. Does that make sense?”

“Perfectly. Don’t need to tell me about wanting control over your own life.” Diane stood up and walked to the door, but she paused for a moment. “When you’re ready, I think we will be too.” She left, closing the door behind her.

Eve and Banda decided to stay for the rest of the evening. They ate an after-coitus supper of the leftovers taking up too much room in the fridge and both even saw a preview of Honoka’s eating powers, though she didn’t grow to her usual size, no more than five months of pregnancy. A strange conundrum came up because there was only room on the bed for two, so the wives used a random loot app from Fantasy Build & Brawl to determine an enthusiastic Eve won sleeping privileges with Honoka on the bed while Diane and Banda spooned on the recently - again! - bleached floor and the last of the clean sheets and blankets. With much kisses and I love yous, they all turned in for the night.

They also slept late, not even waking up to the knock of the food delivery. When Honoka finally rolled out of bed and checked her phone, her eyes bugged and with some moans, kicks and squeals, the women scrambled into action. Breakfast was rushed - though Banda finished eating halfway through her meal as Honoka inflated to the size of her bed and Eve kept poking the flesh to watch the ripples like rocks dropped in a lake - and then Diane directed the holstaur in the finer points of a handjob before everyone finished preparing for the day.

Honoka, Eve and Banda helped trot most of Diane's things and a few of Honoka’s clothing down the stairs while the succubus picked up a trailer at the rental place. After they finished, Diane drove the goblin to Eve’s apartment in the van while Banda and Honoka climbed in the holstaur’s giant truck and made their way to an appointment with the matriarch of the Lenni Lenape Nation.

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