Becoming Monsters

19: Homework?

“I want to join y’alls guild.”

The wives were on their fourth trip, and it was already late. The gate in the Shiny district stocked large trolleys for rent but uneven dirt or stone streets, half of it uphill, across seven miles one way punished each girl into bone-weariness when they stumbled back to the Indian styled compound. The first trip threw up some surprises when Honoka forgot to keep everything secret and walked around as a human. The wives downplayed the event by explaining Diane’s change as an Alchemist potion, both Padmava and Quinn shrugging and chalking it up to Status weirdness.

When the wives continued to move their things into their rooms, they quickly expired in the humid heat that stayed a constant jungle swelter 24/7, accepting lemonade provided by Padmava by the gallon each trip. This was the last, and they looked like the Donner Party: half-dead, hungry enough to eat anything. Waiting for them this time was Quinn, her perky otter self coming with four buckets of sumptuous smelling fried chicken.

Honoka glanced at Diane and Eve. Diane, gauging the otter woman’s female form, asked the critical question. “How old are you?”

“I turned eighteen two months ago, if yer wonderin’ ‘bout my being legal to delve on my own,” Quinn replied, leading the women into one of the compound’s large hosting rooms (all three women basking in the blessed relief of cold AC air) with paper plates, napkins and more lemonade set at one table. “I’m also a level five swarmlock, a rare Class! Not even a hundred people in the US with swarmlock, an’ my Attributes are all high.”

“Do we get any chicken if we say no?” Eve asked, climbing into her seat and watching the buckets of fried food like a cat watches a laser. Honoka and Diane took positions on either side of the goblin as Quinn rounded the other side.

“Wha?” Quinn looked genuinely surprised, not picking up on the humor. “No! This here’s just me being neighborly, welcomin’ y’all to the Big House an’ all that. Jus’ figured we talk about me joinin’ your guild while eatin’.”

“Hmm…” Honoka paused, looking the beastkin girl over as the architect-turned-delver tried to broach the topic. Despite the heat, despite being entirely covered in fur, the otter girl didn’t look affected at all. Her clothing was more casual today, a white tank top long enough to cover most of her stomach and tan cargo shorts were all she wore. The tank top stretched to bursting and if her nippled outlines were any indication, she let those large puppies hang free.

“What Honoka means to say is our guild is unique. We have…different…recruitment requirements.” Diane tried for delicate, but she optimistically texted Cholena to get Banda’s opinion into the mix.

“So?” Quinn asked, a desperate tint in her light blue eyes. “Even before I started livin’ with Pad, guilds look at my magic as too blasted creepy! I’m runnin’ out o’ time, and all y’all might be my only chance.”

Honoka’s stomach rumbled as she tried to parse hunger with nerves. This was moving too fast. “Let’s eat, first,” the black woman said, placating the young girl with her hands, “then you’ll explain why you want this.”

Quinn nodded, dividing the chicken up. The chicken was the bee’s knees, it boasted a bit of a kick and tasted similar to homemade chicken soup, only a light breading around the hot meat. In absolutely no time, the food was gone and they nursed their lemonades.

“Four months ago, my best friend, Dolly, turned eighteen and got right into a guild,” Quinn began after they finished cleaning up. “I tried to tell her to wait for me but Dolls is a teensy headstrong. She’s a level six hunter with Arrow Barrage so she wasn’t lackin’ options, guilds always lookin’ for ranged DPS. The group she joined with planned on heading down to the Bone Castle an’ seein’ if they could take out the floor boss.”

“Bone Castle?” Eve asked, chomping down a leg bone herself like hard candy.

“Floor 126 is a tad notorious among locals,” Quinn replied, apparently knowledgeable of the dungeon’s ecosystem. “While it is easy to bypass the floor an’ keep goin’ down, the magma themed level has an island in the center with a giant castle made entirely of bones. To access it, there is a single bridge patrolled by over a thousand undead creatures. No one has been able to break through. This guild, the Master Blasters, are a big deal, have a level twenty-four cannoneer as their leader an’ they boast hundreds of members. The entire guild geared up an’ headed to Floor 126, but somethin’ went wrong.”

The wives waited as Quinn collected herself, the otter clearly emotional. “No one is sure why: the undead of Bone Castle don’t kill delvers, they capture them. Sometimes those captured return as recently created undead, sometimes they don’t come back. I needed to know for myself, so two weeks ago, I went down an’ did some recon myself. I have the Class Feature Bug Eyes and I can see whatever one of my swarms sees - though it hurts like a son’ova Jeff, insect seein’s not for people seein’ - an’ not only did I find a hidden back door to the Castle, I found a prison with hundreds of people locked up in there, Dolly one o’ them.”

“Why are you asking for our help, then?” Honoka asked, unfamiliar with dungeons but her gaming lifestyle gave her some sense of tactics. “You found a back door, you can sell that information to any guild. Wouldn’t they jump to help get into an impossible fortress, bypassing the main approach? Or you go yourself, your Class sounds like it has a lot of versatility.”

Quinn breathed in and out, looking around as if the living essence of paranoia manifested inside her. “I think the guilds are hiding something. When the Blasters went down, they brought all two hundred and twenty-eight members, including fourteen people with Races. When they came back, they regretfully lost fourteen members to the castle. It took some diggin’, but only their Race members were the ones captured or killed, includin’ Dolly.”

“Are you sure?” Eve asked, the goblin angry as she snapped one of the bones she was munching on.

“Yes, and not just to Races.”

Everyone turned around when three people entered into the room. Padmava was the one who spoke, her dark scales reflecting the indirect lighting. The next to enter was a young Indian man wearing a long coat that looked to combine gambeson with kevlar - the style like a combat fireman’s jacket - with a longsword strapped to his back. His dark hair and face were the kind found on serious, quiet people, but he wasn’t older than fifteen or sixteen. Behind the two followed another naga, but this young girl lacked the hood of her mother, the coloring of her scales bright green that faded into lighter green on each hard piece, making her look like she was covered in leaves. The girl was shy and hid behind her larger mother, wearing a simple red dress over her green scales. Although age was difficult to determine, the green naga girl appeared in her tweens or younger.

“Arun, my husband, was also curious about what went on in the Castle,” Padmava continued, slithering her body up to the table and coiling around it before resting next to Quinn, both sets of arms loosely folded. Today she wore a sari that clashed cultures: a tie-dyed rainbow wrap. It worked, but it was odd to see. “Nothing added up in the early days, so he eventually took a team of volunteers from the Lair and struck out. None of them returned. Today, the corpse of my dear Starlight stands at the head of the host guarding the bridge, defiled like some kind of warning to anyone who would dare.”

“I need to hurry,” Quinn continued, pleading with her voice and eyes. “Dolly might be the next one on that bridge tomorrow. When I scouted, there weren’t a lot of guards in the tunnel but there were more than I could handle. You mentioned your guild includes a cleric, so’s that’s half the battle right there. Please, help me.”

“Will you save daddy?” the little girl asked, coming up to coil next to her mother as the older son stood resolute near the door.

Honoka overflowed with compassion for these women, but she wasn’t sure if she was capable of helping. Looking around the room, she felt overwhelmed. Honoka looked to her wives to see if there was any advice to give.

“We…want to help,” Diane replied, looking in Honoka’s eyes and seeing what the small black woman wanted to say. “And we might even be more capable than you realize.” The succubus stood up and wiped her hands on some napkins. “However, before anyone makes any permanent decisions, the children need to leave and you need to sign some Contracts.”


They both signed. Diane was a little miffed she couldn’t find her ProGo to finish the presentation, but the other women were fine with a quick back and forth of Honoka going succ for a few seconds. It was almost midnight and the wives set up a conference after explaining everything to the two other women. They took it all rather well, considering.

“And then Quinn said ‘show me’,” Eve spoke into the phone, holding her sides from laughing so hard. “H, of course, performed her I’m too shy act, so I took charge and pulled down her skirt. Only took a few flicks to get the velcro thingie off, and up sprang the meat stick. You should have seen their faces, they looked like kids on Christmas!”

“Pff!” Banda choked off her laughter with a cough, clearing her throat over the speaker. “I mean, that’s so rude.”

Honoka laughed with everyone else, her surprise and indignation over as it did finish the meeting. The black woman still planned to revenge her green wife sometime. They all currently sat in the shared space for the rooms Honoka and Diane took for themselves, Banda’s and Eve’s lodging in the next set, sharing with Quinn. It was decided the third room in the Honoka and Diane set would be converted into a Harmony Chamber: a place where all the equipment, toys and stain-proof furniture would be located. This was also decided as a way to not show preference between Banda and Eve or any other future wives, Diane being the lone exception as the first among equals.

The decor of all the rooms blended stylishly modern Eastern and Racial practical. For instance, not all Races were able to sit on a couch. Instead, there were pillows, cushions and even one or two giant beanbags (the expensive, tasteful kind) with a large, low table people ate from while lounging on the floor. Although everything was structurally stone, rugs and tapestries softened the room and gave it a Persian flavor.

“Then they both said they’d think about it,” Eve finished, leaning back into her cushions. “How soon until you have people-sized boobs?”

“Ug, I’m eight hours at least until my feet can touch concrete.” Banda sounded more bored than anything, like this was the most interminable chore. “Growing the largest tits ever was exciting at first, but being unable to move is the pits.”

“Well, hang in there.” Now everyone groaned then said their goodbyes with loves and kisses.

“Ok, I think this is almost done.” Diane crouched over a giant whiteboard she brought from the trailer on the table, filling it with notes in cramped, blocky handwriting. Occasionally looking up something on her phone and jotting it down, it was impressive from the sheer amount of information placed on it. Standing up, she arched her back with a loud crack then sharply shot her wings downward with a gust and more joints cracking.

“What is it?” Honoka asked, standing next to the succubus and trying to understand the words and numbers.

“Our family priorities.” Diane coiled up her tail and uncoiled it, like stretching exercises. “Or goals? It’s all the stuff we need to think about for the next couple of months.” Pointing to one side with the marker, she underlined the word Finances. “Money isn’t in a desperate place, but it might run out really fast. We need to boost our income to exceed our expenses. Money at the forefront, I’m setting up an alchemy shop in the Lair soonest. Once Banda’s back, her milk will go for an absolute premium. Hono-chan will focus on harmonizing and building up the guild as well as delving simple jobs and Eve will be a kind of gofer, filling in the gaps with whoever needs her. If Padmava and Quinn join, that will cut our expenses significantly, no longer needing to pay rent, but it will also mean more food and living costs. Quinn sounds like the perfect delving partner, so she’ll pair with Honoka and probably act as a family cook if we all want to eat fried chicken.

“Our most costly expense long term is going to remain Honoka’s food budget, which will double because delivering food down here is expensive. On that tangent, food for the rest of us will also be not-cheap. The most exorbitant expenses short term is delving equipment for us all. As Racial women, we possess some natural advantages, but not enough. We need weapons and armor, enchanted if we can find them, and none of that is going to be found in bargain bins.”

Honoka, understanding what it all meant, panic attacked. All of their current savings, the largest being Diane’s remaining funds, would support them for eighteen months according to the chart, but after investing in businesses and delving equipment, it shrunk to two months. Yes, this didn’t include Banda’s upcoming payday, but it still made Honoka short of breath. Who knew providing for a family cost so much? Or that the weight of responsibility to ensure a family lived in a home and ate food regularly would be this heavy? Honoka was never the one family relied upon before, being the youngest meant she relied upon family, not the other way around. Now she was married to three dependents. With trembling legs, the out of work architect sat down, her eyes still fixed on the board.

“It might be a little tight, but I think we can make it work,” Diane assured her wife, her tail reaching around and caressing the panicking woman’s back. “The next part is more urgent. If we agree to help Quinn infiltrate Bone Castle, we need a definite plan of attack and experienced help. It's one thing to say we are strong and capable women, but it is another to actually be strong and capable. When it comes to delving, none of us boast much experience. Eve, you have the most contacts at the FDR and Quinn might know some people down here in the Lair: coordinate with her and start looking for someone who can help us even if all they do is look at our plans and tell us what we need.”

“I can do that,” the goblin said, already pulling out her phone and firing some texts off.

“Lastly, harmonization is our lifeline, ace in the hole and best longterm strategy. Not only do we need to kick that into high gear, but we need to know all the mechanics. There are a few theories I would like to test. For one, your MP goes down every time you ejaculate, I think your magically infused spunk is empowered when it passes through you, which is maybe how your Class works. Something as simple as taking a few MP potions a day doubles your ability to harmonize. Allocation also seems to cost you MP, so I think from now on you need to focus bonus Attribute points in Wisdom and Intelligence, though I'd like all your minimums to increase above ten at least. The major question right now that I hope you can answer tonight is whether or not you can harmonize with someone while allocating points from someone else.”

Honoka was still worrying over the money, looking blankly at Diane. “Huh?”

“She wants you to turn into a black boobed succubus and then go all 69 on a goblin,” Eve said, removing her fishnet then shirt beneath, “but first pull up your Status so she can jot down your digits.”

“Oh.” Honoka did so, wondering if looking at one’s Status too much caused blindness or some other crippling disease. She already felt the headache, like a pre-headache, and the young woman frowned while she rubbed her temples.


“When did Banda get 11%?” Diane asked, typing as quickly as possible. “And have you figured out what Mímir’s Draught is?”

“Does…?” Honoka kept the Status up, her thoughts wandering. “Technically, I unlocked her megaboobs, and she clearly orgasmed from the effort. Based on the time I Collected Banda, if a fluid exchange is needed, I got a lot of milk in my mouth when she sprayed us, so it counts? And no on Mímir’s Draught.”

“Your Class is all kinds of frustrating,” Diane complained, playfully flicking Honoka’s arm with her tail.

“H, why aren’t you all succubusting?” Eve asked urgently, already naked and licking her lips. “A goblin’s got needs.”

“But I’m…I’m still dressed!”

“Oh baby, now I want to see it more.” Eve crawled on her hands and knees up to Honoka, sticking her large nose into the top of Honoka’s blouse. “Do it.”

“Hold! I need to make a chart!” Diane pulled another whiteboard out from under the table, this one only two feet wide, and began furiously writing.

There Honoka was, on the ground and inching away from Eve - who shoved her giant nose into Honoka’s lack of breasts - both of them a little confused about what they should be waiting for from the succubus. Diane didn't care, her wings twitching in the same motions as her hands, as if they traced words in the air.

“Kinda horny here, Boobies McTits,” Eve commented as she inhaled then licked Honoka’s neck.

“I'm Irish, not Scottish,” Diane grumbled, finishing her chart and flipping it around. “I will accept Knockers O’Boobagen or equivalent cultural appropriation. Anyway,” she said, talking over the others’ rolling eyes, “here’s what I want you guys to do before calling it a night.”

It was a checklist. A long checklist. Eve frowned as she paused her teasing of a trembling Honoka. “When did sex become homework? I hate homework.”

“Stop complaining, your final grade includes orgasms and superpowers.” Diane took the list and hung it up inside the Harmony room and walked back out, leaving to unpacking her things. “If we find out Retrograde Wheelbarrow gives an extra five points each time, that becomes everyone’s favorite position. Won't know unless we try it.”

“I’m game.” Honoka shrugged, standing up and looking over the list. The young woman came to terms with her life and didn't mind a little structure. It felt nice to not worry about figuring out how her Class worked anymore.


• E gives handjob in shower then dumps buckets of cum from van down drain. write pnts & lvs here:

“It's called jelqing,” Eve explained, pulling her hand down Honoka’s shaft slowly with a firm grip in one hand, the other tightly locked at the base, pushing all the blood towards the tip painfully. “The Internet says it will make your penis bigger.”

“Bigger?” Honoka panted, her hands on the stone walls of the shower and realizing to her chagrin Eve was an utter sadist: this handjob had been going on for forty minutes. “I'm the size of a horse! If I get any…aaaaaAAHH!!” Sliding down to her knees, unable to hold back any longer, the black woman released her load and fountained her hot jizz directly into the drain under Eve's careful aim, each contraction creating a pool of cum as her baby batter was too thick to go through the grate all at once.

Eve licked some off her hands and even went to the drain for a second slurp as Honoka finished and slouched in exhaustion. “I think the taste is growing on me.”

write pnts & lvs here:
H: 86%
E: 69% (´▽`)ν

• H goes succ and 69s until D is harmonized. pnts & lvs:

“Have you…*lickswirllick*…even done this before? You don't get to the center…*flickflicknibblelick*…of a Tootsie Pop without some biting.”

Diane’s ability to plan ahead had reached scary levels, the bed covered in a soft, black sheet that smelled of plastic but felt like satin. Eve and Honoka were on their sides because of the size difference, Honoka curled up more and realizing a succubus body was not meant to lie on its side. One wing cramped at the same time a headache blossomed where her purple horn met above her ear, squished between her skull and the mattress. The dark skinned succubus was also irritated at herself. Yes, Honoka never did this before, though her longer succubus tongue could reach inside the goblin’s bright green folds and simulate some thrusting. The angle was awkward and Honoka found the whole thing desperately tricky. Eve also forbade the use of hands, saying the experience was better if it remained straight oral.

Shivering, Honoka agreed that her first time muff diving was a huge success, her pussy still throbbing from her release. She even felt her second building, and was determined to not fall behind. Remembering the pain to pleasure thing, Honoka put the swollen neon green clit between her teeth and bit down until she tasted blood, slowly grinding it back and forth while she boosted Eve’s blue aura.

“Oh, oh yeah…!” Eve's short leg swung around and whacked Honoka’s neck painfully, causing the chocolate succubus to bit down harder, which only led to the goblin screaming in a high pitched orgasm whine like some kind of siren, the blue light of her aura flooding the room to Honoka’s eyes.

pnts & lvs:
D: Lv 2
H: 90%
E: 74%

• H allocates gob, toys in black box, stamina/mana/healing potions on nightstand. p&l:

They grew tired after round two, so Diane obligingly filled out the numbers before leaving and returning to her unpacking. She stopped at the door, turned around and asked. “Any good ideas yet for the guild name?”

“Sexual Encounters,” Eve supplied unhelpfully.

“FrobozzCo,” Honoka rattled the first thing that came to mind.

Diane checked her phone. “Hard no on anything with sex in it - against FDR regulation - and FrobozzCo is surprisingly taken by a group here in Harvardtown. Keep thinking, girls.” Diane left with a wave of her tail.

The naked women rolled off each other, Honoka reaching over with trembling arms, passing a health and stamina potion to Eve and taking a mana and stamina for herself. Both women gagged at tastes that rivaled year old dumpster water before settling in and feeling the benefit of vitality and energy infuse their bodies.

“Hey, D!” Eve shouted, scraping her tongue along sharp teeth in disgust. “Why do your potions taste like filthy pennies stuffed in old man anus?”

“Cheap, potent, tastes good: pick two,” Diane replied from the common room, dropping a box and screaming/moaning when Honoka moved the allocation back to 0%. “Give a girl some warning!”

Honoka felt a bit of sadness as she watched her body deflate back to her usual self. Being a succubus filled her with confidence and made her sexy. It sounded shallow inside her head, but the small woman spent her life being inadequate. Realistically, the black woman would probably spend all day every day playing with her boobs if she owned those delicious fun bags all the time. Which was why she hesitated with Eve's allocation bar. Becoming smaller wasn't something she wanted. Honoka loved the little goblin woman, she made Honoka laugh and genuinely cared for the family they all became. Of all of them, she also seemed the readiest to sacrifice for others rather than worry about herself and it deeply touched Honoka. Nevertheless, Honoka’s own insecurities made her selfishly want to ignore this allocation option and try to find an excuse to become someone else, like Banda.

Looking over at the grinning and relaxed woman next to her, Honoka felt ashamed for thinking that way, for putting her own needs above the needs of her spouse. Determined, she moved the slider over and braced herself for allocation.

Transformation from Honoka’s bland, five-foot self to a larger size was dramatic, like her body built up from the inside and pushed outward. When she allocated back it was more a deflating action, like putting on one of those inflatable sumo suits then letting the air out when finished. Going goblin was entirely different. Her body felt compressed and compacted into itself like giant hands pushing her bones together to fit the smaller size then crushing them down until she fit the right shape. It didn’t hurt, which made it weirder because her mind insisted this should all be very painful.

“Woohoo! No more short jokes!” Eve jumped off the bed and raised her arms in victory, looking down at herself as she grew. And grew. Honoka couldn’t believe her eyes as the goblin went from a green shorty to a tall and lithe African fitness model. She was at least six feet now and looked an absolute stunner. Eve resembled a young Serana Williams, though slimmer and not as defined as the tennis goddess. Her kinky hair splayed out in a messy afro, but her full mouth and flat nose beamed as she felt herself up, especially when it came to her D sized boobs which she took in her hands and made cooing sounds at.

“Oh man, they actually got bigger.” Eve hugged herself all over, doing a bit of a spin as she jumped up and down. She possessed some sports training because she caught serious air.

Honoka noted all this with intensity because her senses sharpened dramatically. She observed that while Eve may look human again, her skin was still transitioning from rough textures to smoothness as pores appeared, the color continuing to shift from a dark green to dark brown. Honoka smelled the sex in the room, three distinct female orgasms, one old and one new male mixed with her mead magic in the bathroom, Diane’s arousal from next door where she fingered herself on and off, another musk from somewhere in the complex that her instincts told her was Quinn reacting to all the girly funtime with her acute hearing. And then there was spicy food cooking somewhere, an electric smell mingled with the blood of the dungeon itself and so many more scents all invading her enlarged nose and trying to tell Honoka something different.

“Ah, aaaah, AAAAHHHH!!” Honoka spiraled into a panic attack, bringing long fingers up to her face and scratching herself with her claws. It didn’t feel like a scratch, it felt like a shot of morphine, and the goblin woman scratched all over herself to block out the sensations. So much information all clamoring for her attention, it was like being in the middle of Wall Street with everyone shouting at her for her to look at them. It was a nightmare.

Someone thrust her hands away from herself, the ability to dull her mental pain with euphoric physical relief taken away and Honoka struggled madly to get it back. Someone shouted her name but nothing broke past the inundation of aromas.

“What’s wrong?!” Diane asked from above her, her scent filled with fear. The succubus smelled so lovely, but then the other scents came into Honoka’s brain and she lost herself again.

“Sensory overload. Happened to a lot of people at the Change.” Eve spoke, but the voice didn’t sound familiar, it was deeper and softer. Her scent was also new yet familiar. Honoka tried latching onto that one scent to drown out the rest of the noise. “I was like this for hours, not knowing what happened and trying to stay sane as I rolled on the ground. My brother also went goblin but he killed himself the same day.”

Honoka tried breathing through her mouth, short and shallow breaths, feeling the oppressive smells lessening. She stopped struggling and lay there, focusing on Eve’s odor and all that made her what she was. Sweat, traces of gear oil, tacky grease and industrial cleaner. More than a little of her scent mingled with Honoka’s, a hermaphrodite scent like some kind of orgy musk. The smell that made Eve unique - the indescribable print of what made a person smell - was earthy, energetic, the odor of running through a field as a child. If a fragrance laughed, hers would. It calmed Honoka down, allowing her mind to become her own again.

“You back with us?” Diane asked, her face close and concerned. Now able to sort through it, Honoka practically tasted the wild emotions Diane hid under her facade. Diane presented a calm and collected persona to everyone. Underneath, her insecurities must have driven her insane long ago. Diane needed to be in control and she was always afraid she would find herself back in that basement. It drove everything about her, only now Honoka connected what she knew about the succubus with what the succubus actually felt.

“Yeah,” Honoka replied, her throat dry and scratchy. Her voice had gained a weird metallic tone to it. Feeling around with her tongue, her teeth tasted like the source of the sound, licking a fork a similar sensation. How does that work? Honoka asked in her mind, trying to give herself a once over as she distracted herself.

“Thank goodness!” Diane stopped her inspection as the succubus leaned in on the bed and savagely hugged Honoka, who was unable to resist any loving wife contact. Honoka felt like a child, the size difference so significant. Even more substantial were Diane’s giant braless breasts as Honoka found herself enveloped in their warmth with only a thin black shirt between them. On her neck, Honoka felt tears.

“Your Class really needs a Surgeon General’s warning.” Eve sat on the bed, casually feeling herself up as she remembered how to human.

“You’re really tall,” Honoka said as she patted Diane’s back, looking over at the ebony model beside her.

“Six one (185 cm), but I think I’m taller now.” Eve tried to smooth her hair down but her kinks were not cooperating, so she gave up. “Played basketball in high school, was a shoe-in for the WNBA if the Change didn’t come around.” Turning around, she glanced at Honoka up and down before smiling a crooked half-smile. “Someone looks even shorter as a goblin than I normally do. And I say this with love, but also a lot uglier.”

Frowning, Honoka pulled up her Status as she looked over her allocated digits.


Jealousy, thy name is AAA cup. Honoka glared at Diane’s allocation, wondering if she should try two at once to satisfy her feelings of inadequacy, when an entirely new menu opened up. Under Diane’s slider, now there were a couple dozen different dials and some checkboxes. Looking through them, Honoka’s eyes widened when she realized it was an itemized inventory of what allocated when she succubussed. Aura Of Lust checkbox, wings, tail and horns sliders, even little details like six inches of height in legs, twelve inches to hips, clearer/hairless body skin, +8 to Charisma. It was all here, every detail.

So of course, grinning like a madwoman, Honoka made her choice and slid it to 100%.


“What are you—m-my muguppies!” Diane still held Honoka, and the little goblin locked her green hands around the succubus’ chest, experiencing every soft inch as the sizeable warm softness of her boobs left Diane and shoot straight into Honoka. Breast flesh retreated into Diane, the warm filling sensation simultaneously pushing outward from Honoka. Her skin stretched, bloating, the bright green nipples rubbed up on the black shirt between them in the greatest of sensations. Honoka humped Diane’s stomach, desperate for orgasm while her breasts matched and then swelled to eclipse Diane’s. Honoka lost her grip and dropped to the bed, quickly taking up massaging her tits as they grew, digging in her claws to scrape her flesh and adding the addictive high of how a goblin experiences pain while she bled blue goblin blood.

“Stop!” Eve once again pulled Honoka’s arms apart and nudged with her chin to the last potion vial on the nightstand. “Diane, she needs a healing potion.”

Diane complied and with a huff of frustration over her B cup breasts, unstopped the vial and poured it down Honoka’s throat.

The haze lifted off her goblin mind and Honoka tried to sit up, but her breasts were so large now they physically pushed her into the bed and the woman struggled to lift herself into a sitting position. Shaking her head and looking around at all the blue blood on her body, the cuts slowly sealing, she smiled shyly while looking at the two women.

“Figured out my Class Feature.”

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