Becoming Monsters

28: I Even Fear The Ladies

In the next couple of days, Honoka only heard Nickleback’s Next Contestant on looped play in her head. Which was crazy, the song is about a jealous guy possessively beating people up for looking at or groping his hot stripper girlfriend. It wasn’t even the entire song, just Kreoger’s gritty voice singing:

♫ Here comes the next contestant! ♫

After Miaka left, Diane entered and announced since she, Eve and Banda were all so close they didn’t want to waste possible percentages, her morning became a rapid-fire string of handjobs. It didn’t even take an hour, Diane then Banda - who renewed the blessing - and Eve, all three hitting the mark and going up a level. This is what incepted the song into her head and it really was her life for the next few days.

♫ Here comes the next contestant! ♫

“Ok, I feel like I’m the only one who’s missing out on kinky allocation sex.” Quinn was in Retrograde Wheelbarrow position, looking like a girl doing a handstand that tipped backward onto Honoka’s dick. Her outfit was a braless t-shirt that presented a bar graph and some stick figures on it. The athletic otter wasn’t showing any strain at all, arching her long abdomen so Honoka didn’t press her penis too far downward.

“I’ve grabbed six points of Strength and four Agility not from your pool. Otherwise, I’m sure I’d have dropped you already.” Honoka streamed sweat and edged really close, but that evil OhMiGeddon was in her pussy and the beastkin controlled it by tapping the phone with her tail. Altogether, this bit of sexrobatics put her thick cock spearing into otter pussy back and forth like a dowsing rod looking for a furry orgasm, something Honoka had yet to achieve this round. “It is not like you have super boobs or a Pussy Of Holding. Trying something exotic might hurt you.”

“Crap on a crust!” Quinn reciprocated by shoving her body harder and harder into Honoka, making the chocolate futa grit her teeth as her release kept inching closer but her cunt remained only around sixty percent there. “I want ta try it, I’ll think uv somethin’.” Meanwhile…


It was too much all at once. Honoka nearly dropped the girl but instead held her up entirely by the pulsing strength of her erection, shooting down into her and bathing her fur in backsplash, Quinn clenching down from the feeling of hot cum inside of her and they both hollered out their release together.


♫ Here comes the next contestant! ♫


“Don’t be such a baby, this wax is at a perfect 140 degrees.” Eve pulled out a ladle from the fondue setup next to the bed and looming over to Honoka with some steaming white wax. “It's soy-based. I guarantee you it won’t leave any lasting burns. However, again, ‘lollipop’ is the word and there are potions on the nightstand.”

This time it was Honoka strapped onto the bed, only a little surprised when Eve revealed her plans for the hour. Honoka thought there was cheese or chocolate inside the bubbling pot and had been searching for the strawberries. She was a little surprised, as in she strained against the straps and wanted desperately to not get covered in hot wax! Nevertheless, she was curious somewhere behind her natural fear of burning penis and eventually calmed down enough to nod consent.

Just for safety, she did nab eight points of Health, helping her to breathe easier and she felt her heart slowing. Health helps with anxiety?< Honoka thought, making an important mental note to use this in the future.

“I’ll start slow.” Eve’s technique wasn’t to pour in one spot, she lightly dribbled over an area such as Honoka’s abdomen.

It was still hot wax, the initial moment of contact stung, but it would fade quickly to a warmth that cooled and hardened on her skin. Honoka lacked any preconception, this was like getting a massage without feeling a woman’s hands, just the top of her skin going from hot to warm, to warm and waxy soft. Even the jolts emanating from initial contact enticed rather than hurt once Honoka adapted. In only a few minutes, she moaned in pleasure from the sensations.

“Told ya.” Eve’s next ladle full swirled in her hand, a masterful way to bring the temperature down a little before she began on Honoka’s dick and vag.

It was like jumping into a hot spring. Normal women and men work themselves up to it, easing into steaming water to prepare for the shock. Honoka yelped when her tender bits burned. After that first moment, though, the thick hotness felt like her own jizz cascading down the turgid mountain. How it flowed over the shaft and between her folds brought out a sympathetic response from her body. It was then, without Eve laying a single finger on her, that Honoka thrust her hips into the air and came, adding her own white lava to the room and covering both women in her steaming baby batter.

♫ Here comes the next contestant! ♫

Honoka wiped her brow when she finally installed the newer pumps. Two larger machines, each with only one thick hose, metal cups instead of plastic and four times the average size with larger attachments sitting on a table nearby, four fifty-gallon (189 L) drums hooked up to each of them, four hundred gallons (1514 L) ready to go with ten barrels on standby in the empty space. Turning them on, it was like standing next to the revving engines of those massive dump trucks they used at strip mines. Honoka put on the sound suppressing contractor headphones and shuffled on her milking playlist.

Turning around, Honoka found Banda finishing her blessing. With a flash, her boobs glowed translucent. Banda wore her own headphones and gave a thumbs up, gulping the nutrient potion smoothie Diane had whipped up. Honoka quickly flipped some switches, turned the valves on the pumps and sealed them in place before the light faded and with a deep whirring, the milking got underway. While Banda’s breasts inflated with milk, the expansion remained much slower as the pumps gobbled up every drop.

Four hundred gallons should be enough, Honoka thought, her leer probably visible from space as she skipped around to the back of the chair, flipping up the short white toga and teased the thick folds of the holstaur’s pink wet labia. Those lower lips were luscious, Honoka spending a few minutes teasing them before she thrust up and into her large wife. There was now a whiteboard next to Banda’s head and it already showed two lines on it.

For a time, Honoka lost herself in the motion of the ocean as she worked back and forth into Banda, her playlist including classic rock love ballads and a few showtunes that fit the mood. A tight twat large enough to fit her entire girth into, good music, it was relaxing and peaceful. There was no hurry, there was no way they were going to fill more than four hundred…

Banda reached behind her, slapping Honoka’s arm, causing the black woman to look up and see flashing lights. Past the machinery and her headphones, she also heard the dreaded noise.

*beep beep beep*

“Fudgy Danish!” Honoka swore, pulling out and frantically changing the drums.

♫ Here comes the next contestant! ♫

“There are a lot of options here, I feel like Buridan’s Ass. Hold up!” Padmava threw up all her hands and coiling her tail reassuringly around a suddenly outraged Honoka. “It’s what the saying is called, it’s about a donkey!”

Mollified a little bit, Honoka still wore a grump face as she continued listing off the Harmony options. Padmava and Honoka were wrapped in towels, finished with their fun time bubble bath and reaching the naga’s first harmony level. Diane was called in - wearing a galactic slave princess bikini, prepared to visit Miaka after this - and dutifully typed all the options up. Now that wild snakey sex had finished Jaya was allowed back into Padmava’s room, trying to look like she was doing homework on her laptop though it couldn’t be more evident she hung on every word about upgrading her mother.

“Scale Camouflage, twenty points. Second Head, one hundred points. Venom Gains Magical Effect (type), ten points. Devour Tail And Become World Serpent, one thousand seven hundred points. Change Race To Devi/Asuryaa, five hundred points. Unlock Hypnotism Magic Skill, five points. Increase Venom Production, seven points. Reverse Aging Debuffs, three points?”

“Hold up, did that just say what I think it said?” Diane asked, setting down her phone.

“I think...I think it means with enough points, anything is possible, including immortality?” Honoka was scared and awed at this revelation. They all were, and the room grew quiet.

“Oo! Can you change mom’s scales to pink?” Jaya asked, breaking the tension. “Pink is my favorite color!”

Honoka looked. “Two points,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Maybe next time,” Padmava replied with the exasperation of all mothers, flicking her tail lightly at her child to point her focus on homework again. “Just give me one point in Endurance for now.”

Padmava was the last to harmonize, the ever-competitive Quinn earning it the day before. Quinn had been disappointed to find out her list of options was shorter than everyone else’s. Most of her Racial Menu was just selections to change or upgrade her Race, though there were a few fun ones. Change Race To Beastkin (mystic otter), five points. Change Race To Beastkin (type), fifteen points. Change Race To Werebeast (otter), eight points. There wasn’t even one of those weird deity options, making it seem like beastkin got shafted in the Race department. Two shocking things were discovered, though.

First, all Attribute purchases cost one Harmony point to obtain two Attribute points! Quinn moped about her Race up until that moment. When she understood what it meant, she kissed everyone in the room and danced like a madwoman. The second hit everyone with devastation.

Cure Brain Tumor (malignant), ten points.

Before anyone could react, Honoka announced she was making an executive decision and spent the points, curing the tumor. Quinn immediately gripped her head then stopped, announcing she hadn’t understood the constant headache she suffered was anything other than stress over Dolly. And then she hugged Honoka and cried for the next hour.

♫ Here comes the next contestant! ♫

Every one of the wives, when training with Miaka, only got beat blue by a pair of sticks. Not Honoka. Honoka received the full treatment.

It looked like a palm strike to the center of Honoka’s chest. It even felt like a palm strike, but with a whoosh, Honoka went flying backward for thirty feet (9.1 m) before slamming into the stone wall and falling to the ground like a cartoon coyote. If she had a sign that read ‘ouch’ she would have held it up. The only reason she wasn’t dead was probably the newly outfitted armor Miaka ordered from her arachne friend and the fact Honoka currently allocated most of the wives’ accumulated Attributes.

“…how did…?” Honoka hurt too much - not just from this last shot but the last ten minutes of beating she received this morning - to do anything other than lay on the cold stone and groan.

“You mean my Class’ weight limit of only a few pounds? I moved your armored chest plate, not you, assisted along by my palm strike.” Miaka walked casually over, stowing her sticks and tapping her clawed feet as she took her time. “I’m convinced magic isn’t supposed to make sense. This is just another one of the things people don’t think about when they underestimate my abilities, little bits of information like that is how I’ve lived this long.” She walked to Honoka and tried to help her up, but Honoka’s weight in size and muscle at the moment was twelve feet (3.6 m) tall and a literal ton of muscles. Giving up, the owl woman took a seat on the ground while Honoka allocated and rolled onto her back.

“We haven’t talked in a few days, are you doing ok?” Honoka asked after catching her breath and accepting bottled water from a helpful Jaya.

“I’m actually doing fantastic,” Miaka replied, clinking bottles with Honoka and taking a long drink. “Still think your family is weird. I’ve already received two stress relief sessions with Diane and she has gone a long way to convince me I’ve been playing the wrong field all this time. I’ve also been on four dives with the girls and they are leveling fiends, never seen anyone grind out levels as quickly as them.”

“Hard deadlines bring out the best and worst.” Honoka recovered and slumped against the wall, still rubbing her back where she made contact. Although Honoka wasn’t made apart of any of the delves yet, she’d heard it was going well. Four days and everyone had worked themselves near to death. They were so close. At their current pace, it would only take another day or two to hit the goals.

“By the way, I keep forgetting to tell you,” Miaka said, standing and helping Honoka to her feet. “Your allocation: there’s a better way to do it. I know a guy who talked about a similar problem, told me the thing people didn’t realize is you don’t need to bring up the entire Status each time. Just focus on the one thing you need, that would be the only part that comes up. Lots faster and from what I’ve seen doing it myself, much less headaches. With a little practice, you could be unstoppable with how quickly you change things up.”

Eyes a little wide, Honoka decided to give it a test. Naturally, the only thing she thought of was Breast+ from her Mímir menu sliders, going for a small 20%. From start to allocation, it took Honoka less than a second, her breasts growing out a little more than five inches (13 cm) and stretching her lycra workout shirt from an A-cup (Honoka slowly grew these last few days) to a hefty and bloated F-almost-G-cup in the next ten seconds. No matter how much it happened, the young afro-asian normally lacked sufficient self-control to stop herself fondling growing breasts under her kendogi, but she restrained herself from going any further because Jaya was still down here.

“It works!” Honoka said, thrusting her chest out and walking around with a bit more pep and strut, each step bringing a pleasant jiggle to the black woman’s tits.

“Yes, it does,” Miaka said, shenanigans of these types becoming her new normal. At this point, she was there to admire the view. Honoka didn’t notice, but that admiration hid a growing lust as well, and Miaka wondered how much longer she’d last.

♫ Here comes the next contestant! ♫

Things got complicated on day five.

It was Wednesday around noon. Padmava and Miaka kept watch over Quinn on Floor Seven. Eve and Banda were on Floor Twelve fighting hordes of weak to medium slimes. Jaya was at lacrosse practice. It became routine at this point, the efforts of the wives genuinely astounding. Everyone remained determined to reach their leveling and Harmony goals and no one was more impressed or proud than Honoka that it was happening. They all put in eighteen to twenty hour days, training, fighting and doing it like rabbits on the discovery channel, but it felt so worthwhile. In fact, there was so much sex with everyone that this appointment with Diane should be the last set that put them all at Harmonization level five.

“Have you heard anything from the guild Padmava hired to look for her son?” Diane asked, kneeling on the ground in front of a naked Honoka and bringing the Beast to life with a few light pumps of both her hands. She wore a clear rain poncho and her snorkel goggles. For today Diane was determined to actually complete what the wives called the Firehose Challenge, to actually ingest an entire ejaculation without gagging. The idea was absurd and impossible, but Diane developed a new potion that pushed her over level ten. It made a person’s stomach, intestines, abdomen and womb elastic. Not quite to Honoka’s level of expansion, but it stretched pretty big. This would be the succubus’ third attempt.

“Cleo hasn’t found anything in fifty floors. Carnival is doing more than any other guild down here to help us. Padmava is going out of her mind with worry and she’s out there right now looking even as the other girls are leveling up.” Honoka scrunched her brow in concern. This ate at all of them but Honoka felt responsible. “I heard Jaya crying in one of the baths last night and I almost said screw it, we need to stop all this and look for him.”

“Where? We don’t know how to find him, or even if he’s still in the dungeon. We know where Dolly is, so we should stick to the plan.” Putting her words to action, Diane gobbled the Beast and slurped the top third up and down with her mouth.

Honoka agreed, she knew the plan remained a good one, but there was no fighting emotion. She felt she needed to be looking for her adopted son. Banda’s increased lactation provided them some money and they’d spent it on hiring four guilds to look for Aruna, though Carnival seemed like the only one putting in the extra effort. Philip Miner worked using the BPD resources as well but nobody was turning up any leads.

“Hmmhmm hmm?” Diane asked, but with a dick in her mouth, it just sounded ridiculous. It also felt great as the vibrations traveled down her turgidness and into Honoka’s core, sending a small contraction of precum up the tube. Diane expected it and swallowed, her eyes smiling as she moved into stage two of the blowjob and completely relaxed her throat and slowly moved downward. The succubus tried this before, yet each time, Honoka was still amazed at the tight heat of a throat compressing around her four-and-a-half-inch (11 cm) diameter cock. They’d used mirrors in previous deep throats so the black hermaphrodite knew what it looked like, but she still reached out and felt as the sexual magic of a succubus enlarged her throat and stretched outward to take the Beast in. Status or no Status, there was a lot of penis: it still took three minutes for Diane to unhurriedly move down the sixteen inches (41 cm) until she reached the trimmed black pubes at the base.

“You know, there’s a standing bet on whoever completes the Firehose Challenge first wins a free Harmonization level and can spend the points however they want. Quinn told me about it before they left. Banda’s the favorite to win, though Padmava has that antivenom potion you made her and she’s excited to try.”

Diane’s kelly eyes lit on fire as she managed to seal her luscious lips firmly around the base, inhaling deeply through the nose. With no warning, the succubus loudly hummed.

Honoka reached out both hands to grip Diane’s horns as the black woman gasped and pulled the humming succubus even further down, smashing her face into her pelvis. The sensation of the humming wasn’t localized, it vibrated along her entire shaft, the whole length reverberating all at once like Honoka stuck her cock inside an earthquake. And it kept going. When Diane ran out of breath, Honoka thought she’d earn some relief but the experienced ginger sucked in a lungful through her nose lightning fast and started up again, Honoka now panting from the sensations. Diane must have played the bagpipes in her off time - which would earn Honoka a slap and some scathing words since the succubus was Irish - because at the moment she blew this pipe for all she was worth and if Honoka held a stopwatch, the humming-to-orgasm time would clock at two minutes and twenty-eight seconds.

Diane was forced to stop humming when she felt the girth increase in her throat with some medium stretching noises when her neck adjusted. With grit teeth, Honoka expelled a breath and then released her load directly into Diane’s gullet. The angle was wrong, but if the black woman could see past spots of white blocking her vision, she would witness Diane’s expanding waistline. The succubus was kind, though, and moved her abdomen up against Honoka’s legs and feet so she felt as the succubus slowly filled up. This was a potion effect and not a Status one, the stretching more natural in how the body dealt with it, Honoka able to see stretch marks ridged along the side of the ginger’s freckled tummy. Diane almost gagged when she shuffled back a little to make room but she held steady. When Honoka finished, the succubus sucked the entire length upwards and ran her bottom teeth gently along the urethra to nab the last little bit before plopping the soft head and licking it clean with her long tongue.

“I want bigger boobs and a little more Strength,” Diane announced with smugness, burping and holding her massive, giving-birth-to-octuplets stomach. “Maybe something that gives my breasts extra jiggle physics: I’ll look at my list again.” With wobbling effort, the bloated woman stumbled to her feet and removed her goggles and poncho, turning around to display the woman kept all that cum inside her with the help of a thick metal buttplug. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll be spending the rest of the day on the toilet.”

Honoka chuckled, dismissing the blue box announcing Diane reaching level five and lay back on the bed. In her mind, she thought of the future and how it seemed like everything would work out. Two weeks ago, Honoka was miserable and working a job doing something she loved but also hating how she was forced to do it. She was a level one nothing and more than once, she fought the urge to kill herself. Then she met Diane and all the others. It was insane, she lived in a dungeon and had more sex than a premium porn site. She was level eleven and would probably hit level twelve before they assaulted the Castle.

Honoka frowned, thinking about the raid sobering her. Quinn’s intel might give them an advantage, but this was still a perilous mission. The young wife only wished her girls would increase enough in power from Harmony points to come home alive.

Diane didn’t take all day, but she did take over an hour. Coming out of her room with a red sports bra straining to hold her boobs in place and some tight black yoga pants, her gut hanging out a little like a floppy post-pregnancy belly and her hair in a tight ponytail, the succubus explained she needed to help her potion recovery along with a workout downstairs and Honoka decided she would join up, throwing on her armor and gi to practice and picking up her mithril sword both women walked across the courtyard towards the gym.

If Honoka hadn’t been wearing her armor plating, the bullet that hit her in the back might have killed her.

There was a ringing in Honoka’s ears she couldn’t place. Her back hurt and she lay on the ground. Someone screamed and it sounded like the Fourth of July fireworks celebration was happening. Everything crawled slowly in her mind and Honoka couldn’t keep hold of her thoughts. With some realization, she noticed a green haze in the air that smelled of ozone and the Ymirian woman pieced together her sluggishness was a magical effect. She’d probably be on the ground unconscious if she hadn’t pumped her Wisdom over twenty points in the last couple of days. Flipping herself over, Honoka could see what was going on, but it was like it happened in a dream.

Diane backed away from six armed and armored men who were fanned out to keep her pinned. The succubus remained outside the spell’s effect because she looked uninjured and alert. However, the way those goons moved, they were pushing her into and towards the green.

Three of the men wore modern armor and guns, one was lightly armored and holding some rope, another was in robes with swirling sickly green lights around his hands. The last was a big guy in plate mail with a massive two-handed hammer, standing in front as if he led the band of rogues. They looked professional and calm, not talking like they worked together before and knew what they were doing. That calmness more than anything scared Honoka the most and forced her mind into action.

Bringing up her Status, Honoka wasn’t sure what she could do, maybe give herself a little more Wisdom to break the effect, but things were fuzzy. She only thought about helping Diane, giving her some kind of boost to save the succubus. Maybe Honoka could spend some of the thirty-nine saved Harmony Points, but the Harmony menu was complicated and took forever, this was happening right now and Diane might be dead in the next few seconds.

Ch28 Info

Another menu appeared under Diane’s name, but it listed sliders from all the wives. Not worrying about it or what problems it might cause the others, Honoka decided to thank God and gave Diane the most combat-oriented Race, sliding it to 100%.

“Eat snake, dirtbags,” Honoka slurred as she slumped back to the stone.

Status was a weird thing. Most people saw it in the same way as a UI program that simply listed some numbers and gave people access to magic. However, there were the crazy fringe groups that swore it was alive, that it understood intent. Honoka knew this better than most, her magic the only kind she knew of that utilized Status and menus so directly. It wasn’t just an act of putting a bar from 0% to 100%, her focus was to make this happen as quickly as possible. Status complied.

Diane exploded into two thousand pounds (907 kg) of red and green scaled naga in about three seconds. And not just a naga. Diane’s wings didn’t disappear, they grew larger and doubled in size, changing from the leathery texture of a bat to gaining the tiny scales of iguana skin. The most notable feature was how the succubus’ tail affected the allocation: instead of a single long snake tail, there were two tails half the typical naga thickness writhing in the stone. Diane’s face, when it looked back at Honoka in complete shock and pain at the start of the change, was more human and less elongated than Padmava’s, the hood smaller and her red hair still on top of her head. Her horns grew outward and upward as if to crown her a religious figure instead of just ring her head like a tiara. The yoga pants were utterly destroyed and fluttered to the ground but her sports bra somehow barely managed to stay mostly intact, though it overflowed from all sides by scaled boobs and tore on the edges to make room for the extra set of arms.

The idiots, trained they might be, were not expecting a succunaga. Neither was Diane, but it wasn’t for nothing that she and all the girls trained every day with mixing fighting and sudden allocation. Before the men reacted, Diane opened her mouth impossibly wide and spit out a couple gallons of black naga venom all over the casting mage. The force of the steaming tar knocked him back ten feet (3 m). He screamed for a moment before his body dissolved on the ground in a sizzling puddle.

“Weapons hot!” the plate mail guy yelled as he hiked his hammer up and jumped forward, the rest of the trained team moving into action while they opened fire.

Honoka’s mind immediately cleared when the mage died. Rolling to her feet, Honoka didn’t waste any time, allocating herself. Nothing fancy because she didn’t want to take any points away from Diane and she lacked the focus to put into anything complicated, she just went full holstaur and the man who expected to turn his gun on a five-foot, two inches (158 cm) tiny black woman instead hesitated from seeing an eight-foot, eight inches (264 cm) tall mountain of muscle and boobs bursting out of her clothing. Practicing this exact maneuver all week, Honoka used the growth to increase her upward momentum and brought all her speed and strength to bear in a crossed upward strike. The mithril blade didn’t even slow as it smoothly bisected the man, his gun belatedly going off to the side as his fingers spasmed in a shower of blood and death. Moving quickly, she turned the cut into a long lunge and buried her sword into the next gunman before she picked up speed and charged the last one with a gun, jumping off at the last minute into a flying knee strike. The force of the attack was so intense into his chest that he completely crumpled in half and dropped to the ground like a wet blanket.

Diane did less well against her two opponents. Bleeding from half a dozen bullet holes and both her tails securely bound by the guy with magic ropes, she took a furious pounding from the hammer man. There were two more bubbling puddles of venom on the ground, the leader looking like he removed his breastplate when it got hit. Otherwise, he appeared unharmed and professionally took Diane apart. Rope guy cradled a broken arm but still kept her tails locked.

The solution was simple, and Honoka thanked her extra points she put into Wisdom for the save. Allocating back to herself because thick holstaur fingers wouldn’t fit in the trigger guard, Honoka picked up one of the rifles, lined up the sights and held down the trigger, aiming for the unarmored center of mass of the hammer man and going fedora-wearing archaeologist on his melee weaponed butt.

Riddled with bullets, the man slumped and then fell back to the ground with a clang, the final sound heard inside the courtyard. From beginning to finish, it wasn’t longer than five minutes. Moving the gun over, Honoka aimed at the rope man but he already put one arm up and knelt on the ground in surrender.

“One chance: who sent you?” Honoka ordered, her finger on the trigger and ready to fire.

“Cortez of the Master Blasters,” he babbled, his voice trembling. “The Boss wanted you, waited for you to be alone or close to it. If you struggled, we’d tell you we captured the snake’s son to keep you in line.”

Honoka saw red, pulling her hand away to avoid killing the man. Stepping forward and allocating some extra Strength, she grabbed the back of his head and forced the next question out through grinding teeth. “Where?”

“Bone Castle!” he blubbered, losing control of his bladder. “The Boss, Cortez, the kid, all at Bone Castle.”

Honoka slammed the man’s face into the ground, knocking him out or killing him the black woman wasn’t sure. Feeling dizzy, she looked down and saw she had been shot in the leg and abdomen, a lot of her lower body covered in blood. Moving her gaze up, she saw Diane slump onto the ground and fall unconscious, the pool of her blood much larger and Padmava’s substantial Health probably the only reason she still lived. The succunaga wouldn’t be alive for long, though. With stumbling steps, Honoka rushed back to their rooms and grabbed most of their stock of healing potions out of the cabinet - drinking one herself - and rushed back to Diane as quickly as possible.

“Come on, baby, stay with me,” Honoka whispered, fumbling with the caps through some sudden tears and wedging open the blunted snake mouth, pouring in three potions at once and massaging her throat to force her to swallow. Diane weakly coughed, yet even though the bleeding slowed, with a bubbling rattle, Diane’s breathing stopped.

“No, nononono.” Honoka kept trying to pull the caps off, but her fingers felt tingly and weak and she was falling asleep. Vaguely drifting, the desperate woman asked herself how much Strength is too much or too little to perform CPR? Honoka didn’t even know where the heart would be located in Diane’s Racial amalgamation.

Sticking her finger in the hole in her leg to shock herself awake, Honoka remembered all the charts they’d gone over for allocation. Padmava possessed sixteen Health which Diane now had, but Quinn retained another four. Would four points save her life? Honoka asked in desperate plea, cursing herself for waiting until later today to harmonize everyone and spend the points. Punching the ground, Honoka tried to think of anything as she gazed fearfully at the still face of her wife.

Spend the points...

Honoka prayed she wasn’t too late. Pulling up Eve, she initiated the Harmony menu and filled her vision with the naked model of the little goblin.

“Racial...come on, where is it...There, Gain Gormor Regeneration, thirty points! Select and confirm!” The menu disappeared, yet Honoka didn’t waste a second, pulling up Diane’s Yggdrasil menu and finding the regen racial trait to allocate it over.

“...please...please...” Honoka whispered, unable to stop herself as her vision grew blurry and dark, slumping down onto the still body of Diane.





Diane gasped a loud breath, waking both women up as her eyes shot open and she began to cough. Honoka was too weak to move but she smiled before closing her eyes and drifting unconscious.

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