Becoming Monsters

34: Down The Rabbit’s Hole And A Pool Of Milk

The following may or may not be a dream. If it is a dream, it is a silly one. If it is something else, it has little to do with the characters of this story. Or it might. Regardless of being a dream or not, I hope you enjoy Honoka In Wonderland, inspired by the works of Lewis Carroll.

Honoka was very horny, sitting under a tree in the middle of the park, reading her porn. She did enjoy the porn, and she enjoyed being horny, but the sun was blinding and people strolled inside the park so she didn’t want to cause a scene. Thinking to herself she should find a private place, the young blond woman closed her porny book, stood up, dusted her white and blue dress off and walked deeper into the woods.

Blond? Honoka thought, reaching up and studying her yellow hair against chocolate skin. I’ve never…I’ve always been blond, haven’t I? It wasn’t important, so Honoka kept strolling deeper into the forest without care, leaving behind the sounds of people in the park.

Finding a large tree with lots of shade, Honoka hiked up her blue skirts and reached down to jill herself. In her mind, she imagined all the scenes from her book: of growing large and firm and gaining breasts the size of baskets. She was already wet, so after reaching inside herself, her fingers emerged with a liberal coating of viscous fluid and eased her womanly love bud to full erection out of its hood.

Erection…? Honoka briefly wondered about the word as her world took on stunning and vibrant colors, fingers moving faster and faster to satiate her lust, rubbing herself in circles while the building arousal inside her abdomen grew hot like an unquenchable fire. She almost grasped it, her goal; with a loud groan, she plunged her fingers inside her tight hole and reached up into the rough patch of her most precious place. Harder and harder, until she hung on the edge of the cliff, a single step away from hurtling over the precipice and…

“No, no no, this will absolutely not do. Too small, too small!”

Honoka jumped, hearing the loud voice of someone near. Without thinking, she pulled her hands out from under her skirt and opened her book (upside down) to give the appearance of propriety. Yes, she breathed in panting gasps, yes, her dress stuck to her from copious perspiration, but she would just say she became hot and strolled into the woods to cool down. After a time, the shock wore off and Honoka heard something happening not much farther into the tall trees. Huffing in frustration, Honoka stood to investigate.

I mean, people should let other people know when they are nearby, Honoka thought, brushing her blond hair out of her eyes and stepping over some roots. A person may come across a rather private moment and then they would be horribly embarrassed. Yes, people should be more considerate.

Pondering these thoughts, Honoka stepped into the edge of a glade and spied a woman with freckled skin, red hair, green wings and horns, wearing the lewdest of underclothing. Because the woman resembled a demon while wearing white bunny ears and a white cottontail, Honoka named the woman Ms. Rabbit.

Ms. Rabbit’s apparel consisted of the briefest of bodices, only partially covering burgeoning breasts in white lace and a matching pair of white knickers missing most of the fabric. Currently, those breasts heaved, trying to escape their lacy confines with each breath and the knickers were pushed aside to reveal a womanhood savaged by the second-largest imitation penis Honoka ever witnessed.

(The first largest imitation penis Honoka ever witnessed was on display at the royal museum and measured twenty feet (6 m) long and five feet wide (1.5 m). It had been commissioned by the Grand Duchess of Glockenmeister in an attempt to win a bet. When she actually tried to use it, the Grand Duchess was promptly crushed to death but - as she did indeed win the wager - the Duchy of Glockenmeister became renamed to the Duchy of Übertwat and remains so till this day)

This second largest imitation penis remained impressive, over five feet long (1.5 m) and as thick around as an embroidery hoop. Honoka briefly wondered at the absurdity of fitting something so substantial into so small a space, but she dismissed the thought immediately: Honoka did not know all the vaginal sizes existing in the world, though she pondered if the royal science academy had performed any studies.

Regardless of academic vaginology, Ms. Rabbit wore rabbit ears and a tail, rabbits were known for their breeding habits, ergo the ears and tail indicated sexual size and appetite. Which led Honoka to deliberate about how the famous Grand Duchess of Glockenmeister should have worn similar rabbit ears, or if some other form of animal costume would be more appropriate for twenty feet instead of five.

…huh…huuuuh!…NO! This will…[oh yes]…never work at all…” the devil and rabbit woman said, twitching when she came and pulled out the long and thick imitation appendage. With a slorping sound, it wetly emerged and her female flower bloomed down into more reasonable dimensions. Honoka jumped, realizing she had been staring, yet the horny girl didn’t look away because she wondered what the rabbit woman meant by something so large being so small.

(The horny black-skinned, blond-haired woman also wondered if she put on a pair of rabbit ears, would she be able to fit such an absurd object into her own needy bandersnatch, or would she also complain that something so significant would be too small?)

With an impatient and worried harrumph, Ms. Rabbit hopped to her feet and continued to hop further into the forest at a very rapid pace, leaving the imitation penis behind. “Too small, must find bigger, much bigger.”

Honoka, curious and still horny from earlier, absentmindedly dropped her porny book to the ground and ran over to the imitation penis, pausing only a moment to drool at the thought of that inside her. However, it was far too large and Honoka did not own any rabbit ears for herself to attempt it. Deciding to follow the devil rabbit to see if she possessed another she would be willing to loan Honoka, the dark-skinned and blond woman ran at a reasonable pace for a girl to follow a rabbit and devil into the woods.

“Miss! Oh, Ms. Rabbit!” Honoka called, stumbling over roots and rocks, growing irritated at the forest for being so inconvenient. “If you—ah!”

The last stumble turned into a tumble, and before Honoka stopped herself, she flumbled into a narrow hole beside a tall and girthy black oak. Inside she went, frightened not of the fall but of the sudden end that would happen. It was dark and very, very hot, but minutes passed and nothing changed, which worried Honoka that perhaps she fell into the deepest of holes and would surely reach the other side before she’d ever climb back out.

“It is a rather narrow hole,” Honoka spoke to herself out loud, not worried about being overheard inside a hole. “I wonder if I reached out, I would be able to…”

Honoka did reach out and touched the walls of the chasm. It felt warm and slick and made a slippery slopping sound, leaving a wake in the gooey coating. She gave that no mind because, when she touched those walls, she felt the faintest of touches inside her womanly canal and became unable to stop a moan at the perception of it.

“What in the name of Charles Dickens was that?” Honoka asked, honestly hoping some helpful person would come by and give her an answer because she possessed none. Or not, as the subject seemed rather private and she wouldn’t want to be considered a loose woman. “It was as if when I touched the walls of this hole…”

Honoka reached out again, holding her hand longer against the sides while she fell, causing a feeling inside of her pussy amplified to the point of having stumped the second wicket. No longer caring about propriety and still feeling unfulfilled from earlier, Honoka stretched out with both hands and ravaged the walls for all she was worth.

…oh…oh…am I…am I inside myself?” Honoka asked, wondering about the implications. Not too much probing, mind, as she continued to pleasure the walls with her hands. “I would…oooh…never think myself so deep.”

Indeed, the ministrations she provided the walls of the tight hole felt pleasantly deep inside her. Nevertheless, when her arms grew tired, she huffed in frustration at there not being enough of her to give herself satisfaction.

“If only I was taller, I would be able to…”

Why don’t I grow taller? Honoka thought idly, pausing when she obtained an idea. It dissipated before she grasped hold of it, though. Perhaps the frustration of unsuccessfully reaching womanly fruition affected her brain and she needed a moment alone to finish the job. If the walls inside the hole couldn’t tickle the kitten, she’d require to try and do for herself.

Hiking up her skirts with difficultly because falling provided no viable leverage, Honoka licked her finger and found her little dark nub, still puffy and stiff from earlier. It didn’t take long to climb those same heights as she did in the forest. This time, her movements were far more frantic and spoke of desperation instead of the casual warmth gained from her porny stories.

Perhaps if Honoka was a smarter girl or paid more attention to her lessons in primary school, she would realize how bad an idea this could turn out to become.


“Owwwoooooooh!” Honoka groaned when she banged against the wall, hurting herself from the impact but also obtaining an equally strong sensation inside of herself. Not knowing whether to act shocked or wanting more, Honoka existed in the strange position of experiencing pain and pleasure at the same time.

“Nevermind that, the walls are closing in!” Honoka shouted, banging against the other wall before both sides squeezed her entirely and expanded, then pressing once more, harder. The air crushed out of her lungs but these inconsiderate walls failed to slow her fall, the slick juices of the hole coating her entire body and letting her continue down into the darkness. Inside herself, she felt something descending inward while she neared completion, the opening contractions of her pussy forcing her insides to tightly grip upon herself.

If Honoka procured another state of mind, she would reasonably have grown frightened, but horniness rarely leaves a woman in a reasonable state of mind. Getting crushed to death by a vagina were thoughts better discussed over tea and left to some time after more urgent matters were attended to. So with a bit of fortitude borrowed from Queen and Country, Honoka kept furiously rubbing her clit and tried to crack on.


With a slackity sliporty slup, the walls of the hole constricted into their tightest grip yet, slowing her down to almost a stop before she dumped onto her unpadded bottom in the middle of a room, painfully taking her out of her ministrations and leaving her likewise out of breath and out of patience.

“I should really let myself know when I am going to reach the end of my womanly tunnel,” Honoka stated, looking around to see if she remained alone so she might finish herself. “It would have been polite of myself, to myself.”

…gnt…why are you so tight?…hr…I need to go on a diet…”

Bounding up and looking around, Honoka took note of her environs, worried she might cause a scene. After all, she was covered head to toe in vaginal juices and would very much like to wash before making an acquaintance.

The room she occupied appeared perfectly round, doors of various sizes and shapes surrounding her. In fact, those shapes in their narrow widths and tall heights, with knockers at the top, displayed a familiar appearance that she couldn’t quite put her finger upon. The voice and noise of someone struggling came from the smallest door, which is where the curious woman found herself kneeling next to.

Furry white tail and familiar lacy knickers told Honoka that Ms. Rabbit’s wide hips were stuck in this tiny door and trying to push or pull themselves through. More curiously, she seemed of a size to fit into such a small doorway and wouldn’t be much larger than the palm of Honoka’s hand.

“Excuse me?” Honoka asked politely, trying to keep her voice quiet as she was much larger than the other woman and didn’t want to frighten her. “Do you need some help?”

“Hello? Who’s there?” The wiggling rump stopped wiggling. No face appeared, so Honoka was forced to talk to a butt, no matter how deliciously plump it jiggled.

“My name is Honoka, and I wondered if…”

“No time for that now, I need to find something bigger. Check the table for one of my aides I left up there.”

Table? Pushing herself to standing, Honoka turned around and did indeed find an ornate, round table in the center of the room. On the table was another, more modestly sized imitation penis as well as a cute pink canvas bag filled with dozens of glass bottles, collectively containing a rainbow of colored tinctures inside. The bag looked absolutely darling with a purple and pink striped cat smiling on the front that tickled something in her mind, instantly making her think it was her bag. Not fighting the impulse, she swung the cat canvas bag over her shoulder and decided it was her bag now.

Lifting the imitation penis up to her face to examine it, it did indeed appear serviceable. The shaft was thick and well-formed with a second smaller nub the size of her thumb that would help stimulate the clitoris. It was also garishly green, a hideous color, which instantly turned Honoka off from the idea of sticking something so unfashionable into her own body. Eight inches long (20 cm), Honoka made use of similarly sized tools in the past and grasped the handle gingerly while returning to the tiny stuck woman.

“I am holding your imitation penis, but you couldn’t possible fit something so much larger than yourself inside yourself.”

“I only need a little help to push through, so it doesn’t need to go very far in, just the tip. Don’t worry, I’m wearing rabbit ears and have a fluffy tail.”

“I thought as much,” Honoka replied, kneeling down and lining up the bulbous head of the aide under the twerkalicious behind, slowly plunging forward.

“EEp!” The little woman squeaked, lifting her legs up while her body adjusted to the large size and took the entire tip into the maw of her womanhood. However, when Honoka tried to press farther, she found the little person well and truly stuck.

“That is as far as it can go,” Honoka said, slumping back, panting from the effort, her tiny girly arms tired from only a moment of churning the butter.

“Don’t be a one pump chump, I need you to heave harder!” Wiggling her bottom most provocatively, Honoka became mesmerized by the sight and almost missed the rest of what the tiny devil rabbit said. “Try taking some of your tinctures, maybe find one to make you larger so you can delve deeper.”

Honoka felt stupid for a moment, then realized she shouldn’t feel stupid because she didn’t know what the tinctures were for. In the future, she would be right to feel foolish, but right now, she admonished herself that she remained a young woman and young women can be forgiven for not knowing something they did not know.

Pulling out the imitation penis from the snatch of the doll-sized woman and setting it back on the table (because one does not set such things upon the floor), Honoka resolved herself to not feeling stupid. Opening the bag, however, provided further confusion when each bottle proved unacceptably - or, rather, incoherently - labeled, only a couple of letters etched into the glass. BE, BYE, AE, EP, VE, CLE, NE…there were dozens of them and none of these letters meant anything to a young black woman with blond hair wearing a sticky and soaked blue and white dress.

“I shall take them in small sips one by one, using my best judgment to find the right concoction.” Anyone listening to her might snort in laughter at the young woman’s best judgment, but those people were not here and could not snort in laughter. Taking the one marked BE, filled with bright blue liquid, she figured it meant to Become Enlarged. This seemed reasonable, but still, there were lots of words beginning with B and E, so she only took the smallest of sips in a unprecedented show of caution.

Instantly a warmth spread directly into her chest. With a startled yelp, she became short of breath. No, not short of breath, but rather that her bodice was shrinking. Grabbing her chest to remove the shrinking garment before it constricted any further, she exhibited a moment of confusion as the young woman realized her bodice was not shrinking, her bosom was growing.

“Oh my, this is…highly inappropriate!” Honoka’s breaths became shallow, but as she only took a small sip, it wasn’t a moment before the growth upon her chest stopped and she was left with a bit of a dilemma. Peeking inside her dress, she grew amazed to see her previous petite pecans expanded into pert pears, the bodice too small to contain them and pushing upwards into a harlot’s cleavage.

“How am I supposed to fit into a corset now?” Honoka lamented, carefully putting the offending bottle back into the smiling cat bag and searching for the next trial.

“This one looks promising: SH,” Honoka announced with a determined nod, working the stopper free. “It must obviously mean Size and Height.” She was about to suckle the smallest of sips from the pale red liquid when suddenly, without warning - as if some distant relative or acquaintance spoke about her - Honoka sneezed and gulped down the whole bottle at the same time.


Before the petite young woman grew frightened at her accident, she found the bottle must indeed mean Size and Height, but in the opposite direction. It wasn’t more than a couple of seconds that Honoka found herself next to a pair of white shoes as tall as horses and all of her clothing falling on top of her like a tailor’s avalanche. Oddly or conveniently, though she stood naked as a baker’s block of dark chocolate, the pink bag shrunk down to size with her and she crawled out from underneath the blue and white cloth, without any apparel but for a bit of pink canvas on her shoulder.

“Now, I will definitely not fit into a corset!” Honoka complained, holding her hands and arms against her delicate parts to keep herself decent: after all, there remained the mostly naked badonkadonk of a devil rabbit in the room with her.

Things seemed dire and desperate, so she took out another bottle marked with a prominent L and filled with creamy white liquid, clearly the bottle she should have tried first as any person would know L meant Larger. She had shrunk so small after drinking the whole SH bottle, so she reasoned that she would need to quaff the entire L bottle to compensate.

(Honoka’s thinking wasn’t entirely without merit: a book she read at home that taught her letters as a child, The Big Book Of Alphabet Growth, did indeed group the L with the word Larger. It was even part of a rhyme. L is for Larger, as big as can get! But drinking that tonic, you’re bound to get wet! Honoka never did understand the last line as a child and now an adult, she only remembered the first line, so nothing could possibly go wrong)

Unlike the previous tinctures, this one did not take immediate effect, causing Honoka to wonder if there was an expiration date she missed. She peered around the glass to discover just that when she felt a rumble underneath the arm spread over her enlarged breasts. Not a rumble; instead, a tremor. When Honoka pulled her hand away and glanced downward, her bosoms appeared to have gained a mind of their own and decided to jump and bounce around like oil on a hot skillet.

“I might have made a mistake.”

Honoka did indeed make a mistake, and it was the biggest she will ever make.

In the space between one breath and the next, Honoka’s breasts grew to twice the size of her head, pulling her into a precariously bent-over position as the weight of them threatened to bowl her over. They were very heavy, hanging and swinging to her knees while her back strained to keep the small woman upright. Another breath, though, and she did indeed fall over, but not very far as each mammary became the size of a comfortable living room chair.

“This…this feels really good…” Honoka muttered, her breasts growing past the size of large sofas, the black skin of her boobflesh taut and warm while she lay upon them and drooled, the feelings she experienced much like what she felt when reading one of her books of porn, only inside her chest. When Honoka’s boobs became more abundant than two street vendor’s carts, that was a lot of feeling and it grew at such a rapid pace the girl became positively flustered. Yes, her breasts were expanding to the size of houses, yes, the young woman worried about finding any clothing that would reasonably fit her absurd assets, but those remained concerns for later. Right now, she only wanted to get off (in a cumming fashion and not like one would step off a carriage).

When she rose higher than the table, another awareness took over. Like drinking too many cups of tea and needing to empty the chamber pot, as her indelicate aunt would say in mixed company. Not in her abdomen, this sensitivity radiated inside each boob. When she grew past the size of the table and knocked it over with her black mountains, the pressure mounted sharply behind her nipples and she urgently gained the need to pull on her turgid nips even if such an act proved patently absurd: her arms were far to short to reach that far.

“I wonder if I am in some sort of nightmare, forever trying to realize orgasm but never able to finish,” Honoka grumbled, groaning from the closeness of it all yet frustrated, knowing she would achieve what she wanted if only she might somehow grab her dark and bloated teats.

When her back pressed against the ceiling, she felt the expansion finally stop, though it was only the eye of a hurricane: for now, there existed peace and stillness, yet each of her behemoths loomed only moments away from unleashing. It provided her time to contemplate how larger her breasts swelled at this point. Because she did well with her arithmetic in the past, such a task would doubtless be attainable for the dimensionally minded girl.

“Let's see, I am a woman of five feet and two inches height (158 cm),” Honoka mused, counting on her fingers, mathematics always calming her. “The ceiling at the time was only ten feet high (3 m). My breasts are very full and spherical, but they are still slightly wider on the sides from distension weight, making their average diameter eleven feet (3.4 m) in actual size. That would mean their combined actual weight is around…” There was a lot of math, but the young woman remained confident in her calculations. “…83,500 pounds (37,875 kg).

“However, when I shrunk down, I must now only be five inches tall (13 cm). This means the size of my breasts from my minuscule perspective towards each mammoth knocker is increased in magnitude by 12.5 times and increased in a proportional mass ratio of 50. That means the titanic mommy knockers I am looking at and being pressed into the ceiling by appear they are combined…I wanted to say as large as Buckingham Palace, but the palace is 354ft L, 393ft W, 79ft H (108m L, 120m W, 24m H). My breasts are currently equivalently 135ft L, 270ft W, 125ft H (41m L, 82m W, 38m H). A little less than half the size of the Palace, then. They still weigh over 2000 equivalent tons (1814.4 mt). Of particular worry are those dark quivering tit spigots I spy, each seeming forty feet long (12.2 m) and thirty feet (9.1 m) in diameter to my smaller eyes.”

Even as she watched, those nipples doubled in size and shook violently before unleashing a torrent of hot and creamy milk. Honoka would have liked to calculate the rate of which the milk flooded out (each creamy jet appeared over five feet (1.5 m) thick and shooting at a pressure of around five hundred PSI), but she was violently thrust into a world of euphoria when the expression of release finally came, feeling herself deflating. Not the release she tried to achieve all afternoon, but the kind of sitting in the loo after rushing home from an extended social. It was its own sense of bliss and almost made up for not achieving coital completion yet. Almost.

It did distract her from the rising concern that as she emptied her rather full breasts, the room filled rapidly with a sea of lactation. When she neared the height of the fallen table, she achieved an equilibrium and sputtered when the weight of her boobs pulled her down into the milk. Engulfed in her own mammary deluge, Honoka panicked that she would drown. The woman attached to these leaking bosom ballasts was saved by the buoyancy of said tits floating to the top of the cream and breaching the surface like twin whales, pulling her to safety.

Some time later, accustomed to floating in the peaceful white sea while continuing to empty - her breasts now only the size of small carriages - Honoka heard a loud plopping noise. Abruptly, the entire room swirled in a whirlpool of immense size, like the draining of the biggest bath in all the world.

Round and round, faster and faster, Honoka became dizzy and just wanted it to stop. When it did end, the girl shot through the small doorway she had tried to assist Ms. Rabbit with. The pressurized hooter nectar sprayed her for a dozen feet (3.6 m) before she arrested in an open field with bedroom furniture spread all around. It proved absurd to the girl raised in propriety to see furniture of this type outside a boudoir. Standing in indignation, Honoka realizing her breasts no longer lactated, though they remained roughly the size of two small jackfruits.

“I mean, who puts bedroom furniture outside?” Honoka asked, drenched and searching for a towel or something to dry off with. “I am beginning to think this place is much farther from normal than I am accustomed.”

Which was probably the most observant thing Honoka stated this entire time.

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