Becoming Monsters

38: Diane’s Allocation Notes 1

This list is top secret.
And password protected.
And encrypted.
And totally personal.

Honoka Jefferson is a special lady. I love her to death and understand I am completely biased, but she is the GREATEST PERSON EVER!! Immediately after I experienced my first jizz shower, I realized Hono-chan’s abilities needed to be tracked so she can quickly know where all the points are. These are the Status menus of Hono-chan and her collection, including any notes I have for Race and Class stuff.

NOTE: I also love all the other girls, but Hono-chan is BESTEST!!
NOTE2: All the HP, SP, MP and Hunger levels are at 100% because who can keep track?!
NOTE3: No allocation or boob milk blessings, these are the base numbers.



End Honoka

RACE (Ymirian): One of the giant Races. Recently found out is a unique Race that’s part of a group of seven Heralds.

Staff Of The Jötnar: Sixteen inches (40 cm) long, thirteen inches (33 cm) around, veiny toffee pleasure cock.

CLASS (Collector): Able to bond with someone through sexual interaction and magically take or move around Attributes and Racial Features. Unclear what the key Attributes are, but Wisdom is important for MP regeneration and allocation runs on MP.

Élivágar’s Transference: Hono-chan can collect girls with her dick.
Mímir’s Draught: Allows allocation to be broken into parts or sections.
Gift Of Yggdrasil: Now the girls can allocate, too!
Forging Of Mjölnir: Dunno.

Hono-chan’s blood type is B+, and her birthday is Sept 16th. She likes PvP online games and designing complex Asian architecture. She is fluent in Japanese and enjoys listening to classic rock, especially power ballads. Her kinks are growth and expansion, particularly breasts and muscles. She loves Southern comfort food but at this point, I think she just likes to eat. Her favorite book is not a book, the webserial Worm and her favorite movie is Ghostbusters. She dislikes crowds and social situations and ketchup. Although she never formally completed any belts or competitions, her skills are master level in most forms of Japanese martial arts.

ADDENDUM: Holy Fuzzy Cats! Hono-chan doesn’t say this out loud, only just figured it out, but she has a freakin’ super power! My wife can look at anything and instantly know exactly how big it is, what it’s dimensions are, how heavy, even can accurately describe comparable proportions! No joke, apparently she can tell how much a boob weighs just by looking at it. Don’t know if this is from her fetish or being an architect or something else, but it is the coolest!



End Diane

RACE (Succubus): Sexually oriented Demonic grouped Race, can control arousal in others and feeds off of orgasmic energy.

Aura Of Lust: Using Hunger, can control the levels up and down of a person’s arousal. Has a short range.
Sexual Sight: Gives everyone a kind of light that, through color and intensity, emits an accurate read of how horny and sexually potent a person is.
Demonic Feeding (Lust): Converts orgasmic energy into consumable energy, my Hunger level is how much of this energy I currently have.
Demonic Attributes: I think this means my horns, wings and tail, but there are some other intangibles as well.
Collected (Ymirian): I’m Hono-chan’s.
Infusion Of Eitr: This means I’ve Harmonized.

CLASS (Alchemist): Using magical ingredients, personalized recipes, my own MP and some other stuff I’m still figuring out, can create a consumable liquid that grants magical effects called potions. Intelligence is the leading Attribute.

Essence Extractor: When distilling magical ingredients to prepare them for making a potion, I’m roughly three times as effective as another alchemist without EE.
Specialization (Sex):< Any recipes I develop with a sexual nature are more potent, and I can brew them faster.
Area Effects: Activated ability, potion I’m holding (in a container) turns into a misty cloud when released into the air that can cover as much as ten cubic feet. Anyone caught in the cloud is affected by the potion but at a reduced potency.

PHYSICAL ALLOCATION: I’m super hot right now; however, human-me is just another Irish girl from Boston. My hair gets really frizzy, brown eyes and crooked teeth. And my boobs disappear! So sad!

• Wings, tail, horns
• +8in (20 cm) boobs
• +6in (15 cm) size (mostly legs)
• +12in (30 cm) hips
• Sexual elasticity (Super Vag)

My blood type is O+, which stands for Orgasm Plus! My birthday is January 19th. I like watching old movies and cooking shows. I don’t have a particular type of music I favor, but soundtracks are pretty cool. My kinks are anything that gets a penis in me, though I go absolutely crazy for good costumed roleplay. I am happy a succ’s body is hard to gain weight in because I have a mega sweet tooth, though I also love pizza. I don’t like reading, yet movies are the tops, so hard to love just one: maybe Shawshank or Great Race. Not a fan of cleaning (like house cleaning or doing dishes) or traveling (I can see myself as a crazy cat lady). I used to be into running but my Hono-chan loves muscles, so I’m watching power-lifters and getting my squat on!



End Eve

RACE (Goblin): One of the Gormor Races, their Racial pain-to-pleasure ability tends to make all goblins a tad unhinged.

Painz Gone!: All sensations of physical pain is transformed into a euphoric high that is both sexually stimulating and highly addictive.
Eatz Dead Meatz!: Goblin stomachs can digest any organic matter, though they gain the most nutrition from rotting meat.
No Noz Knowz!: Eve’s sense of smell is not only inhuman, it is magically accurate in discerning individual scents and following scent trails.
AAAAGH!!: This is a bit odd. All the Gormor Races possess this Feature and as far as the Internet knows, if a Gormor gains a high enough level they can control the entire Race like a magical hive mind. Hope that never happens.
Heelz Fast!: A life saver, literally! Complete magical regeneration is super rare and the ability to regrow limbs is either seen in the most advanced blessings of some Patron Classes or exclusive to this Gormor Feature, only found on trolls.

CLASS (Brawler): In Eve’s own words, a martial artist without all the fancy moves. Super effective against groups instead of one on one. Agility and Dexterity are the main Attributes.

Savage Attack: Activated ability, spends MP on an attack to increase damage and wound size.
Pain To Power: Despite the name, it acts as more an increased damage output the lower Eve’s HP percentage is.
Armor Breaker: Can punch or claw or bite through metal like its cardboard. Eve says it drains her Stamina.

PHYSICAL ALLOCATION: Human Eve is a pretty black girl that is model tall and had a shot at the WNBA before the Change. Turning into a goblin loses her lots of height, lots of boobs, and makes it harder to think and focus.

• -24 to -36 (-61 to -91 cm) inches in height, depends on person.
• -3in (-5 cm) in boobs
• Fingers are longer and have an extra digit.
• Get claws, giant nose, metal teeth.
• Arms grow longer, forearms larger and hands a little larger.
• Proportionally shorter legs.
• Leathery skin that is resistant to cutting damage.

Eve’s blood is G+ - which is the blue blood of the Gormor Races - and her birthday is July 5th. Eve is a party animal and loves dancing at clubs or shouting into her headset while noob crushing in video games. European death metal and techno are her jams. The little goblin is a sadomasochist, though admittedly, she only likes getting injured as a goblin: getting hurt as a human frightens her. Edging is her true fetish passion and she will work on someone for hours if it means turning them into a gibbering madwoman! Yeah, she has the weird rotting meat thing, but her actual favorite food is ultra spicy Mexican. B-Movie slasher films are her favorite, I think the original Halloween is her go-to. Not much of a reader, though I’ve seen the Artemis Fowl books in her room. Hates being alone or having nothing to do. Since she can allocate back to human, one of her favorite things is going human and shooting hoops down in the gym, though she enjoys any team sport she can rally the girls around.



End Banda

RACE (Holstaur): Taurine Race that’s mostly female populated with a propensity for large milky boobs, otherwise much the same as any other Taurine with lots of height, muscle and looking like a classic Greek myth minotaur.

Milk Of The Taurines: Makes the milk and gives holstaur tits magical elasticity. NOTE: Holstaur milk is rated by the FDA as the most nutritious milk in the world, but to Races, it contains magical effects. Giants crave the stuff like heroin, yet any other Race receives a boost of energy similar to humans and caffeine, making it the Racial drink of choice in areas where there’s a holstaur dairy.
Dungeon Sense: Perfect sense of direction when in a building or underground.
Bullish Strength: Strength Attribute multiplier based on size, but comes at the cost of muscles being thrice as dense and heavy.
For The Herd: When within an undefined area, with an undefined amount of other Taurines, gains an indeterminate amount of bonus Strength and Endurance.
Healing Milk: Didn’t know this, but there are lots of holstaurs with magical bonus properties to their milk. Healing Milk acts as a low-level healing potion, but without the poisoning side effects of taking too many potions, so if you can drink a couple gallons the result will be stronger.

CLASS (Cleric): One of the Patron Classes, gains powers based on acting according to the mission of the specific Patron. Teteoh is all about farming and fertility, so Banda is grinding levels hand over boob having sex and milking herself. Wisdom And Strength are the main Attributes.

Nature’s Abundance: Any blessing involving increased production is twice as efficient.
Selfless Healing: Healing blessings are proportionally more potent at the cost of the caster’s HP.
Preservation: Activated ability, perishable foods and products gain ten times the shelf life before going bad.
Fertile Ground: Activated ability, very draining on MP. When cast on a womb or pregnant woman, gives massive boosts to fetal child development.

PHYSICAL ALLOCATION: Banda as a human has a face that - with some feathers and face paint - wouldn’t look out of place skinning a buffalo surrounded by other Native Americans five hundred years ago. Of average height and bust, she spent most of her life on a farm in middle America and possesses the hardworking muscles to prove it.

• +42in (107 cm) in size
• +20in (51 cm) in boobs with mega-nipples and lactation
• Proportionally broader shoulders and torso
• Three fingered hands with lowered Dexterity
• Bovine anthro head with horns, fur, soft skin, and hoofed feet
• Second stomach, meaning increased appetite

AB- is her blood type and her birthday is November 1st. Banda enjoys farming and is talking to some experts about growing a small garden in the dungeon. She also likes girly-girl things like collecting plushies and watching makeup videos. Her favorite music is easy listening country, but I’m trying to cure her. Banda admits to no kinks, yet it is clear to everyone she loves to be milked (she has come to me for private BJ lessons, though). She is a meat and potatoes girl, but her Race gives her a need for grains and she enjoys oatmeal the best. Her favorite movies involve the words Disney and Princess. Banda is heard singing songs from those movies in the shower if she thinks no one can hear her. Her favorite books are cheesy and steamy romance novels which she hides in a locked chest under her bed and only reads behind locked doors. Banda hates dirt and clutter with an unholy passion. She is a super neat freak and passive aggressive about others cleaning up after themselves. The holstaur has silently taken over as the family’s maid and secretly delights in living in the dungeon because messes magically disappear. Banda doesn’t like working out, preferring hard physical labor.

NOTE (SUPER SECRET, DON’T TELL BANDA!): I am sooooooo jealous of her body! I mean, I know I’m a ten, but to Hono-chan Banda is an eleven and it drives me batty! I am spending two hours every day down in that gym and pumping iron until I can’t move (also working on a potion that will act as a mega injection of protein and non-side-effects steroids). Banda just exists and is a walking female Amazon Goddess. May need to convince Hono-chan to spend more points on boobs and muscles on me without her catching on!



End Quinn

RACE (Beastkin): By worldwide population, Beastkin are both the most common and most varied Race. It isn’t so prevalent in the States: North America has the widest spread of different Races with no one Race dominant over another, but in parts of Europe and most of Asia, over half of all Raced people are Beastkin. Their most defining traits, other than looking like an anthro furry of some animal, is an amplified sense and a low powered ability for Racial Features with a proportional larger amount of bonus Attribute points.

Sense Of The Beast (hearing): Magically enhanced hearing, with a high enough Perception able to pick out a sound miles away.
Water Creature: Can hold breath for a maximum of twenty minutes and gains Status assistance in underwater movement and navigation.

CLASS (Swarmlock): Swarm Warlock, summoner of magical insects. An uncommon Class, one typically seen with a certain amount of ick, the Class is less combat useful in lower levels but devastating in the higher ones. Charisma is the only key Attribute.

Bug Eyes: Allows summoner to see through eyes of swarm, is debilitatingly difficult to control and parse information from.
Insect Forms: Caster can morph body to take on certain appendages of an insect for brief periods of time. When the effect wears off Quinn says she is out of the fight for a while because regenerating back to normal is excruciating.
Mutation Application: Can summon insects with magical properties for a larger MP cost, usually in the Infernal category. Considered by the Internet to be the most useful Feature of the Swarmlock Class.

PHYSICAL ALLOCATION: Human Quinn is a blond-haired blue-eyed creamy skinned bombshell and would look equally at home in a cheer squad or hanging off a stripper pole. As an otter, she is about the same height, but her legs shrink to half their length while her abdomen stretches to fill in the gap. She has a slightly longer neck, tilted forward, placing her otter face farther in front than is usual. And all the fur.

• 99.9% of body is covered in thick, soft fur, does well in humid or wet environments, does poorly in dry ones
• Otter anthro traits, mostly in the head but including webbed and clawed hands and feet and short, thick tail.
• +3in (8 cm) neck length
• Pelvis is displaced downward as legs are shortened

Quinn is also an O+, which makes us blood twinners! Her birthday is July 15th. Gossip and social media are probably her favorite things, but she has an addiction to binge-watching romcom sitcoms. Quinn has some pipes in her and is often found belting out her favorite R&B oldies. Quinn is all about trying things with kinks, attempting every convoluted position that is either humanly or Racially possible, but she’s eager to experiment with anything new. Quinn is an amazing Southern cook and once she discovered Hono-chan loves the same food, half our meals are fried. That said, Quinn is very considerate about everyone’s likes and dislikes and keeps a balanced group of meals prepared each day. Quinn’s choice in movies is as sappy as her choice in television shows. Books are out, mostly reads celebrity blogs. And she keeps this hidden very well but she’s terrified of jumpscare slasher movies (yeah, go figure the creepy demonic bug girl hates spooky films). I think she’s more scared of Eve finding out and tormenting her. Quinn is very athletic: when she was at home down South, she liked riding horses and competitive shooting.

NOTE: That Attribute 2-1 Harmony points thing is bullcrap! I want to talk to an admin and file a complaint! How’s a girl supposed to compete against 41 Charisma?? Her boobs are as big as mine and she’s got more muscle and everything!! AARRGH!!



End Padmava

RACE (Naga): Nagas are considered right on the border between 97% of Racial balance the rest of us are categorized into and the top three percent of Races - like dragons - that are so overblown with power they don’t even compare. Also, while the rule of what culture or nationality produced what Race during the Change is nearly almost always randomized, Nagas only appear in the Indian people. Looking like massive snakes, it is their wealth of powerful Racial Features that make them truly stand out.

Child Of Manasa: Manasa is the Hindu goddess of snakes and naga, so this probably is where she gets most of her snaky traits.
Tongue Of Sight: Naga normally have a penalty to Perception and their eyesight is really bad even if they can regain the points. They make up for this with a sense of taste that translates in their brain to a kind scent radar.
From The Waters Of Halāhala: Naga venom is no joke and is crazy deadly. Not only is this how they produce it, but I think it gives them a partial immunity.
Blessing Of The Aspect Of Maya: Spider-snake, Spider-snake!
Hidden In The Grass: Able to hunt unsuspecting Schwarzenagger’s in jungles.
Unending Waters: Increased venom production, unsure the exact amounts right now.

CLASS (Bulwark): Defense oriented Class, creates barriers, but they utilize Pad’s HP instead of her MP, meaning they can’t be dispelled by casters. Does make it dangerous to Pad, as focusing too much on a barrier can potentially kill her. Health is the only key Attribute.

Unmoving: Barriers gain increased defense against kinetic or mundane physical attacks.
Defend The Keep: Activated ability, drains most of her MP to create an ultra barrier, but will be unable to create new barriers for at least a day.
I Am The Shield: Activated ability, if HP is lower than 10%, can create another barrier as if at 100% but Pad is knocked unconscious.
Draw Them In: Can mess with the opacity or coloring of barriers to trick unsuspecting enemies into traps.
Rally The Troops: Allows allies to add HP to barrier - for an increased cost ratio - to maintain barrier.

PHYSICAL ALLOCATION: Padmava is a hot MILF as both a giant snake and a short Indian. Haven’t seen her human after she had the age effects fixed, but she possesses the mature body teenage boys the world over wet dream about.

• +48in (122 cm) size
• +45(ish)ft (13.7 m) snake tail
• 99.9% of body is covered in tiny scales that give the appearance of larger scales and are as strong as chainmail
• Naga snake traits, including snake head with hood and forked tongue, collapsible fangs and venom production that can be spit or injected
• Extra set of arms
• Resting body temperature rises to 109 degrees (42.8 C)

Padmava is an A- and her birthday is October 2nd (personal note here, Jaya’s birthday is December 23 and Aruna’s birthday is April 1st). I didn’t know this, but she likes to make all her clothing for herself and her kids, has a room filled with fabric and some specialized sewing machines. She likes calming ambient style instrumental music though I saw some Enya and other New Age on her playlists. Padmava enjoys massages - both giving and receiving - and lots of water play. Pad craves a lot of different fruits and never turns down a smoothie. She is a fan of Bollywood, but she doesn’t watch many movies, mostly likes listening to biographies on audiobook while she sews. Her tongue makes her sensitive to bad smells and any kind of stink enters the compound, out comes the incense. She is also the typical soccer mom at Jaya’s lacrosse games and has been thrown off the field for getting in the ref’s face. Padmava is all about the cardio - may be self-conscious about her weight - and is often found on the treadmill I got her in the gym.


Ok, just received these from Hono-chan, will fill in the blanks when I have time.



End Miaka

Miaka is a bit like ice, cool under anything. I hope she’s able to recover soon because I could use some more feather play.



End Dolly

Dolly is a huge girl, not what I expected from how Quinn talked about her. She seems sweet if really twitchy and gun shy. No worries, no one knows more about recovering from being chained to a wall and raped than me!

Grr, I wish I could have been there to beat on some rapists!


Creepy Lich Lady

Just in case, ya know.


And this officially ends Book 1 of Becoming Monsters!

Where does that leave the story? Well, chapter 39 will start off where Book 1 left off. I have much of Book 2 written already, and I have outlines per chapter all the way to the end of the series. I’ll just be plugging along like I have, only now I’ll be putting in more effort each month to finish Becoming Monsters. Be sure to keep checking back and soon enough you’ll find out what happens next!

Until then, keep harmonizing!


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