Becoming Monsters

49: Sunday Services

Honoka must have been exhausted beyond all reason, because a morning handjob didn’t wake her up. She only clawed out of dreamland halfway into her ejaculation, the whole scene surreal enough to make the futa girl wonder if she still slept. On her side and at the edge of the bed, her dick extended over the side and spewing baby batter like an X rated Linda Blair. Holding said possessed penis was a calm and calculating Diane, directing the flow of cum into a half-filled bucket, her other hand idly caressing her swollen tummy under a black apron with hearts on it, the only clothing she wore.

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Honoka vaguely realized the other wives were up and also sexily dressed in exclusively aprons. As Banda took the full bucket and walked out of the room - wearing a white apron with the black letters got tits? across said tits - Padmava had another bucket in place to catch the stream - her apron a bright pink with teddy bears on it.

When Honoka finished a few minutes later, the wives all went to breakfast. No children or even nosy aunts were allowed to the meal, which earned pouting from both. Quinn had transformed Honoka’s cum into a thick whipped cream and served it by the gallon on top of peach cobbler. Four out of five members of the First Wives Club looked like they didn’t want to eat anything, but they choked down the delicious creamy goodness anyway, knowing they could either eat jizz or be pregnant for a decade. Diane, who had no stomach issues anymore, gobbled up over half of it, licking the mixing bowl afterward.

Honoka decided to eat her cobbler plain, no matter how scrumptious it smelled.

After Honoka finished second breakfast down in the gym, she got ready for church wearing an orchid purple sundress. It definitely didn’t fit right, the formerly ankle length skirt now up above her knees and her breasts squished inside the tight chest, but it would have to do. Finding daisy colored sandals - they didn’t fit, all her shoes didn’t fit, but the sandals didn’t pinch her toes - Honoka stepped into the courtyard and found her entire family waiting for her.

Sunday Dress might be a stretch, most of the clothing in their collective rooms no longer sized appropriately for many of them. The women were sharing everything to find something that fit, and the mismatching was apparent. Starting with Banda, Padmava was able to finish altering her Teteoh cleric outfit, once again giving the holstaur enough fabric to make her look risque instead of outright pornographic, the white toga-like outfit reminding Honoka of Sophitia from the Soul games: two pieces of draping fabric down from the neck, giving her massive breasts minimal coverage and support. It merged into a skirt short enough the holstaur woman had to constantly be on the alert for a gust of wind, otherwise the entire dungeon will discover the official uniform of Banda’s patron didn’t allow any underwear.

Quinn had on a sundress as well, one with sunflowers patterned on it, but it fit badly enough that one of Padmava’s sari draped over her shoulders like a large shawl. What could be seen of the dress underneath showed the shawl was necessary, her newly muscled and boobied body stretching the dress to extremes. Padmava and her children were next to the beastkin, all their clothing still properly fitting, traditionally Indian and even matching in reds and golds. Little Miu was excitedly bouncing next to Jaya, in a cleaner tutu and wearing a nicer tiara, but sporting the same combat boots. Kenneth was in a white dress shirt and tie with dark slacks, his untucked shirt and slouched demeanor ruined by a hovering Shilo licking her paw and trying to tame unruly bat hair, the large polar bear woman in a simple Easter pastels skirt and blouse. Uncle Aki was in his usual slacks and shirt, his yukata a checkered white and teal pattern, rolling his eyes at his children good naturedly.

Dolly was wearing the same tent-like skirt she wore earlier this week, drapery the best equivalent quadruped Races had to a modest dress. Her top was a purple spaghetti which led Honoka to believe the cheetaur was mentally on the mend if she was trying something more daring like that. Eve leaned against the large and stable woman, the only wife at the moment showing any current outward signs of nausea, wearing her Wednesday Addams black dress. Miaka’s outfit was the most interesting of the bunch, a full forest green kimono with silver obi, none of the wives having seen the blunt and butch former MMA fighter wear anything formal before. It made Honoka daydream a little about seeing all the wives decked out in full matsuri outfits and having fun catching goldfish and participating in karaoke competitions along the waterfront of Nagasaki.

Hating to be ignored, Diane waddled over and snapped her fingers in front of Honoka’s face, knocking the futa out of her disassociation. The very pregnant and very lactating woman had on one of Banda’s tops, a black tank turned into something that not only fit but managed to have a bit of elegance by using - as far as Honoka could guess - an entire box of safety pins. Likely not finding a skirt that fit, the hormonal woman settled on gray yoga pants but wore a white, light lacy open robe that managed to bring the outfit into the realm of respectable instead of hodged podged, her wings folded over her shoulders like a cape.

“This clothing situation is getting out of hand, I’m buying muumuus later today.” The rest of the peanut gallery laughed at the irritable succubus, who spun and glared at them. “You can laugh now, but this time next week most of you are going to be bigger than I am and then we’ll see who wants to join the Fat Homer club.”

Everyone stopped laughing except for Honoka’s aunt, the large boisterous woman laughing harder and slapping her thigh.

There were five congregations in the dungeon. The Catholics met in the Grind, plenty of devout Irish gathering at a modest cathedral every Sunday. Mormons shared a building with the Jews who worshiped on their respective days each week somewhere near the center of the city. The mosque was in Shiny and a bit over the top, easily one of the most impressive buildings sitting next to the architectural marvel that was the FDR building. Everyone else congregated in the nondom Christian church on the south side of the Lair, across the street from the sports center Jaya played lacrosse at.

Honoka’s horde got there a little early, the band playing smooth jazz as congregants filed in. Taking up a whole pew near one of the rear exits, every pregnant wife already looked miserable. After a few songs, communion and the plate, every few minutes a wife was either puking in the nearby restroom, puking in the closer trashcan in the lobby - or in the case of Diane - rushing to the bathroom to pee five times an hour. One particularly embarrassing moment came when the baby in the succubus kicked while everyone was standing and singing, throwing the pregnant woman back into her seat with a loud yell, smoke rising out of her frizzier hair. The band stopped and Honoka had to assure everyone it was ok, she was just Racially pregnant. The whole line of wives there were mortified.

Except for Uncle Aki and Aunt Shilo. They had to cover their mouths to keep from laughing out loud.

“Did you know there are two stories being told by the Lord in Luke 15?” The preacher was an old dwarf gentleman, using the raised podium to walk around as he talked with his microphone, his long beard in braid over a blue suit. “I should say there are two interpretations. First, the younger son asks for his inheritance - which he was perfectly within his rights to do, there was no malice in asking for his inheritance before his father’s passing - but then he squanders it and becomes destitute. Seeking to live even as a servant in his father’s house, he returns home and the father welcomes him with open arms, putting on a feast and having a party for the entire house to celebrate the return of the younger son.

“The father and the younger son both act in good and proper ways. When we fall into sin, we should seek to return home and ask forgiveness, expecting nothing. When someone asks you for forgiveness, you should feel only relief and happiness that a lost sheep has returned, no matter the original cause of the dispute between you. If this was all that Jesus taught, the lesson would still be one of great worth.

“Yet I want to talk about the older brother.” The dwarf paused, stroking his long beard as he looked out at the congregation. “He was working in the fields when he heard about the festivities, and when he learned it was over his younger brother, he became angry and confronted his father. The first interpretation I want to focus on is how the older brother sinned at this point. Not the sin of being unfaithful like the younger son, but by being consumed by the sin of Envy. The older son had done all that he was supposed to do and this young fool comes back, says a few words and suddenly the father is throwing a party? Where was the party for the older son?! Wasn’t he more deserving?

“The lesson the Lord is trying to teach us is that all are equal in the eyes of God. Equal in our capacity to fall from Grace, but also equal in how much He wants us to return to Him. Jealousy is such a great sin because it makes us think we are better than our brother. Humility isn’t about debasing ourselves to prove we are the most pious, it is the attitude of treating others in the same way God treats us: equally.

“The second lesson is a little harder to understand, but bear with me…sorry in the back, we get a lot of puns in the Lair!” The congregation turned around and laughed a little as Shilo waved her bear paw with good humor. “The father, when his older son complained, said Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. I think this is a significant response. The father acknowledged the faithfulness of the son and points out that there is a difference between celebrating the return of a lost brother and inheriting the Kingdom of God. We should rejoice when someone who is lost is found again, but how much greater is the reward to those who endure to the end, and the same shall be saved as it says in Matthew 24?

“I think Jesus left the parable open ended on purpose, forcing us to become the older brother. Will we continue on in faith and join in the celebration of the return of one who was dead and is now alive? Or will we let ourselves be consumed with envy, too blinded to see that it is us who has become lost?”

The preacher ended the sermon there rather abruptly, his words a powerful message for everyone as he turned off the mic and motioned for everyone to have a good sabbath. Another pastor ended the service with a short prayer, then the band picked up with more soothing music. People gabbed with their friends as any group of Christians were apt to do after a sermon while they shuffled around or out. Honoka wanted to stay for the luncheon, but knowing Abra would be at the house soon and sympathizing towards the miserable state of the pregnant women around her, the young girl from Florida fended off well-meaning introductions and explained to the curious women of the Lair that her family had an important meeting they had to rush to. It still took them twenty minutes to exit out into the humid and drizzling heat of Harvardtown’s rainforest, those healthy and unpregnant in the group helping the suffering preggos.

As they walked, Honoka had a thought and it warmed her to her soul. God and faith was not something very important to many of her wives, coming from various backgrounds and beliefs. And many were so sick they could barely stand, Banda needing both Shilo and Dolly to keep her on her hooves at this point. Yet they all came.

Unnoticed by anyone else, Honoka wiped her eyes as she smiled up at the cavern ceiling, silently thanking God for this gift.


“Yes, that is a Binding Contract,” Diane explained, piling her plate high with mashed potatoes and drowned pork chops, using the peppery tomato pork stew as a gravy over the potatoes, then mixing everything into a red and white slurry she shoved into her mouth which she talked around. “I’m pregnant, ignore my lack of manners. Anyway, Binding Contracts are perfectly safe, governments and large companies use them all the time. Only if you sign one of the illegal, open ended slavery kind do things get dicey. I know, I’ve signed one.”

“Uh huh,” Abra said skeptically, looking at the stack of papers next to her plate like normal people glare at a wasp’s nest. She wasn’t reading it, more like contemplating if she should burn it and then run away screaming, though her mandibles happily munched on her fourth large Texas Toast.

The family decided to have their lunch outside in the courtyard. One hosting room had been converted into offices and the other was filled with Akisame’s equipment. Though the family ate most of their meals amongst his enchanted equipment, the women didn’t want to scare the poor prospective wife off with a bunch of mad science bubbling and flashing in every corner. So they trotted out a bunch of tables and set up in the central courtyard underneath canopies Padmava had in her storage rooms.

To account for the stifling heat and humidity, the wives now dressed in as little clothing as they could get away with and still be considered modest. Or…at least not pornographic. String bikini tops and shorts or skirts were about it, a cold glass of iced <em>aam panna</em> - a sour Indian drink Padmava made with unripe mangos and sweetened with honey that the family had adopted as their official summer drink - condensed beside everyone’s plate. Aside from the drowned pork chops and mashed potatoes, there were fresh green beans from the small garden Banda started on an empty lot just north of the house, a leafy salad and Quinn made a pound cake for dessert.

The wives were trying for casual, but there was no mistaking they were measuring up the possible new addition to the harem. Unnaturally thin, over seven feet tall (2.2 m), stacked like a brick house, Abra had the attention of everyone there. The wasp woman wore a white off shoulder blouse, the custom clothing displaying ruffled short sleeve on each of her arms. Her pants were a light blue denim capri with a wide belt keeping the shirt tucked into her high waist. And then…well, Abra must have tried doing something to her exoskeleton because each part of her exposed body shone with a blinding light that reflected any light sharply. Maybe it was lack of experience or maybe she was trying something new, but everyone there tried to politely ignore the obvious grooming mistake through squinty eyes.

Honoka, remembering the message from the sermon she heard only an hour ago, tried to see past that (metaphorically). Here was a woman who lived in seclusion for over four years, who had obvious psychological problems with her Race and feared rejection so much she nearly killed a group of strangers who wanted to talk to her. Coming to Harvardtown and sitting down to eat a meal with people must have been a monumental effort, filled with levels of anxiety Honoka could truly empathize with. The woman hunched over her plate, barely touching any of the food that wasn’t toasted garlic cornbread while her head twitched in any direction she heard or saw something move in the slightest.

Despite those fears, when Jaya and Miu met Abra at the gate, she looked to enjoy herself just fine as the little girls had a collective cuteplosion. Abra hadn’t come alone, she brought one of her monster pets with her. In this case, she rode in on a bumblebee the size of an SUV. The two girls begged to pet it and feed it flowers they picked from a nearby field. Abra said that would be fine, the wasp woman happily explaining that her monster (named Beetle, and Honoka fell on the ground laughing when she got that reference) was docile and enjoy attention.

The girls were still in the field with Beetle, a passive Shilo reading a book while she watched over the kids away from the house. The two boys were in the office and using some of the computers to play FBB and Akisame was probably in his lab, running more tests. For now, the wives had the courtyard to themselves. Overall, the meal was a quiet one as they treated the new girl like a frightened dog, waiting for her to calm down before trying anything.

After the silence stretched for some time and Quinn was placing slices of pound cake onto small plates, Abra gingerly picked up the Contract and started reading. She took her time, which is what every person should do when presented with a magically binding contract. Eventually she nodded, signed, then pricked the needle between a joint of her finger to drop a thick, pink smear of blood onto the page, the fluid disappearing in a puff of smoke that startled the wasp woman enough for her stinger to shoot sharply out of her abdomen.

“Before we give you the spiel, do you have any questions?” Honoka asked, going back for her fourth helping of pork chops but also accepting a large piece of cake.

“I guess…” Abra looked defeated, as if things had gone too far and the only way out was through, “I guess, why do you do it? I can’t imagine you all being married together has been easy.”

“At first, because it was convenient,” Honoka replied honestly, stopping for a moment to look around the tables. “I have religious reasons for wanting to get married instead of just porking every woman I come across, it was an excuse to have sex without feeling guilty. But now I’m not so sure. I think making a commitment brings a connection with a person, something that can’t be obtained solely through an exchange of fluids. It requires love instead of just lust, a willingness to sacrifice for someone instead of selfishly thinking only of the self.

“So why a harem? There’s a bigger picture involved, something we’re only barely figuring out, but it might have world ending consequences. We’ll get into that, but on a more personal scale, why do I insist on marriage? Because for all the power my Race and Class brings, I can’t do anything alone. I need women I love to love me, help me and lift me up when I fall.”

Abra nodded, and for the next hour the wives all helped to explain the finer details of what it means to be married to Honoka. Allocation, Harmony, SEX! Everyone pulled up pictures of themselves on their phones from over six months ago, some of the changes dramatic enough that Abra called out bull…crap (and got a quick reminder of Honoka’s adamant no profanity rule) and insisted on seeing multiple pictures of everyone to prove they weren’t just shopped images. Some allocation happened, Abra actually asking for very specific types of allocations which forced Honoka to reevaluate how exacting her powers were and what she could do with them, thinking of tests for later. At one point Miaka had one boob the size of beach ball and the other one normal sized but leaking milk, and that was one of the tamer requests.

Finally, Honoka showed off the Beast. This morning Honoka was told Diane did some measuring before Honoka woke up, the Beast having grown a full two inches (5 cm) in length and a half inch (1.3 cm) in girth. This lunch had been a bunch of bikinied bods bouncing around as they moved and ate, so it was only a matter of pushing the heavy-duty jock strap out of the way to spring the throbbing rod into warm and humid air, beads of premen plopping onto the table from the sproing action, a thin clear line connecting the ooze from table to dick. Mesmerized, Abra stared at that puddle of goop, her antenna twitching madly and mandibles fluttering open a little as she moved her head in close to look at Honoka’s appendage. Without touching, the wasp insisted on looking at not only the hotdog but also the roast beef sandwich.

While Honoka kept the dark pubic hair above her penis neatly trimmed short, she had a thing about hairy vaginas and daily razored the Beast, her labia and all around her crouch smooth. She had even gotten in the habit of shaving or plucking most of her body hair at this point, spending too much time exposed to her beautiful wives who all made such an effort to look their best for Honoka that she now tried the same, the hair on her head and above her penis the only spots of hair left on her body. So Abra got to see most of everything Honoka had to offer and it was all smooth chocolate skin.

Another thing Honoka learned in the shower this morning was that the general shape of her vagina had changed. The Beast got in the way of everything, so it wasn’t like Honoka was constantly getting a good view of her womanly flower. It took an awkward position and a mirror to get it right. What she saw kind of threw her for a loop. Before, Honoka’s dark labia minora, when Honoka was in a relaxed position, hung free and slightly open, her labia majora not large enough to mean much. Typically a curious person about her sexuality, Honoka long ago learned this was a common or average shape and formation for a vagina. When Honoka was aroused those minora lips got very puffy and darker to an almost black color, her pink slit underneath getting covered in thick minora (which was most of the time if Honoka was being honest with herself) with frothy white vaginal lubrication constantly lathering her up.

Now, with all the growth Honoka was experiencing, her labia majora had exploded. More than tripling in size, Honoka now had a meaty cameltoe on top of every other change in the past few months. She also took one of her old dildos and found her vaginal canal longer and wider, even as the muscles inside herself were able to grip harder then before. In some strange way, it was as if her body adjusted to a larger penis by giving her a pussy that could take that same Beast inside herself.

Then, still in the shower, so long as she had a dildo inside herself, well, she had to finish, right?

Anyway, that was neither here nor there. Suffice it to say, Honoka was heavily aroused in both of her parts and dripping all kinds of fluids, Abra clearly seeing and smelling all during her inspection.

“I’m going to be frank,” Abra began.

Hi Frank, I’m Honoka! The exposed futa girl shook a little as she stifled her giggles, the other women giving her some odd looks or eyerolls. Truly, her path to parenthood was complete.

“If all you had to offer was a chance at actual futa cock, I’d probably say yes. Japanese hentai is what I found to cope with my Race and a hot futa-on-girl action is what I dream about. You are my living fetish, and sex has taken over enough of my life that I want this very much. However.” Abra stood up, struggling to physically pull herself away as she stepped back and started to pace in a circle, her wings buzzing heavily in the hot and sticky air.

Honoka took the chance to force her erection into her skirt, though the effort was rather difficult, her hard sausage actually stronger than Honoka’s weak girly arms could handle. She eventually had to enlist help from Eve to shove it into place.

“However, all the other stuff sounds like more than a simple marriage. I’m not just joining your family, I’m going to be on the front line of some kind of mystical sex crusade. And I think I can get behind that.” Abra stopped, rubbing both sets of her hands together in a strange form of worry. “I come from a patriotic, military family. God, Family, Liberty, Country is our family motto and my mother died in the defense of our nation. I believe strongly in the US Constitution and am an active online political writer when I’m not…making honey.”

Was it Honoka’s imagination, or were those capris on the wasp girl a little damp and sticky in the crotch?

“It is a lot to think about, you know? I want to be sure.” Resolute, the apis queen held out a hand, her lower set of arms folded tightly under her ponderously large breasts. “Give me some time?”

Honoka stepped forward and took that hand, shaking it before going in for the hug, the rest of the wives also piling in. Abra was hesitant at first, but gradually she melted and hugged them all back, some gooey tears in her eyes as she walked away and rode her epic mount, laughing when she had to drag little girls away from the giant fuzzball.

Deep inside the dark of Honoka’s mind, the perverted futa girl leered, her huggy nature not all together pure in motivation: while the wasp’s breasts were partially encased in hard exoskeleton, Honoka managed to feel jiggly softness in there, and she was dying to find out what that entailed. In fact, the pervert was so entrenched in her fantasies that she was worried the courtyard was about to becum ground zero for Mini Pompeii.

“Miaka, Dolly!” Honoka said as she beelined for one of the smaller baths in the complex. “Can you take care of clean up? Thanks! Everyone else, time to get this pregnancy moving in high gear!”

The other wives - past a general feeling of nausea and bloating - all shrugged and grinned, hoping their wife was planning something huge. Diane led the way, munching on a whole half of the pound cake and grinning, having missed Honoka’s creative eroticism and her ability to think up the most interesting ways to pleasure a woman.

When all the girls got to Bath 2, one of the smaller baths in the complex, they were not expecting Honoka to have emptied out all the water, walking around the edge with a measuring tape while naked.

The bath rooms of Padmava’s large home were all in the Roman style, essentially large open pools with pillars and a few other decorations. The Big Bath was easily the largest of the main public baths, the only other major features were steam vents in the ceiling to turn it into a sauna. The other baths may have been smaller, but each one had some interesting features to make them unique. Bath 3 was better known as the Fountain Bath, the wall behind the pool a cascade of numerous fountains before all the water tumbled free into a waterfall. Bath 4 - the Hot Springs - was Honoka’s favorite, a number of Transmutation Crystal effects allowing all kinds of various minerals and thaumian energy to mix with the water, making it feel like a Japanese onsen. Bath 2 - the Amazon Bath - was deceptively simple, the showers combined around the bath to create a rainstorm if the occupants wanted it.

At the moment, one of those shower heads was hooked up to the hose from the Harmony Chamber (weeks ago, Diane bought a hose and shower attachment to spray down the excess fluids in the room). The Transmutation Crystal in the head normally acting as a water pressure pump was exposed and connected to two other similar crystals, all three brown crystals thrumming with magical light and energy.

The other end of the hose had a large, plastic phallic object attached, the open hole in said imitation penis ominous to the collected wives.

“Who’s ready for an actual splooge bath?” Honoka asked, naked and lightly rubbing her own penis, eyes glinting diabolically, causing a twinge of fear to spread across the other women. “Don’t forget to take your medicine.”

Diane picked up one of the vials on the table holding some towels, instantly recognizing her own handiwork. “Wonka potions?”

Honoka shrugged, walking across the room to an odd setup of the sex swing from the Harmony Chamber, but with pulleys reaching up to the high ceiling, getting strapped in. “Uncle Aki said the more cum you shove inside you, the shorter your pregnancy will be. Blowing you all up like blueberry girls a couple times a week might shave off years. Of course, I think Diane looks unquestionably sexy with her baby-bearing bod, so if you all want that for the next nine years…”

As one, the five women stepped to the table, popped corks and downed the vials. While Honoka laughed and got into the swing, they also removed their clothing and entered into the empty bath.

“What now?” Padmava asked, sneaking one of her lower hands around to tweak a succubus nipple, drips of milk and a hormonal yelp causing more laughter to go around.

“Now, Banda blesses my dick and then grabs that rope over there and raises me into the air,” Honoka said, pulling up her Status and moving all the Health, Endurance and Charisma from the pool over to herself while Banda hesitantly helped out. These numbers were not insignificant, Honoka’s Charisma jumping to forty-seven, her Endurance to forty-six and her Health to a whopping seventy-one.

The changes to Honoka’s body were mostly physical, though many of them were not visible. With a moan, the Charisma boost tightened her waist, flared out her hips, giving her skin a velvety texture and glow that defied physical understanding. Her face crunched and restructured in minute ways, becoming perfectly symmetrical and adding a depth to her appearance to push her into the realm of a goddess. Poutier lips, whitened and straightened teeth, manicured nails on both her fingers and toes, longer eyelashes: the number of changes were sometimes only tiny things and too many to count. On top of that, her breasts ballooned in size to HH and her dick grew an extra foot (31 cm) in length and engorged by another six inches (15 cm). The futa also gained a massive rush of energy while her breathing slowed where her emotions reached a peaceful zen. In fact, her Health was now so high Honoka felt internal organs moving around as they grew in vitality and her body stretched a couple of inches to accommodate these deific engines of bodily constitution.

“Let’s get this party started!” Honoka yelled from the ceiling, her phone hooked up to a speaker in the corner of the room picking up the preset voice cue and shuffling the P!nk playlist onto a loud enough volume to drown out the groans of the haters in the crowd.

It quickly became apparent Honoka had censored remixes of the songs, something bringing smiles to the various wives and distracted them from what Honoka was doing. Which is when she brought up Forging Of Mjölnir and cranked her dick to 1400%.

Honoka had planned her measurements perfectly…sort of. She was suspended fifteen feet (4.6 m) into the air, she was ten feet (3 m) away from the edge of the coping, the bath was fifteen feet square and five feet (1.5 m) deep after the bench: Pythagoras told her she should stretch her penis out twenty one feet (6.4 m). Divided by her new size of eighteen inches (46 cm), that divided into 252 inches (640 cm) fourteen times. And with the boost of Health and Endurance, her ejaculation - extrapolated loosely on her gigantical explosion that happened a week ago into Diane - should be just enough to fill the bath with a little overflow of 9000 gallons (34,069 L). It was perfect.

Only after the Charisma boost, her cock was now thirty inches (76 cm), not eighteen (46 cm).

Unlike a lot of her growing powers, Mjölnir wasn’t a gradual process. No slow build up and reveling in the growth like Honoka expected. Whatever the reason, this happened fast. Maybe the Beast had a mind of its own or Honoka subconsciously wanted a cock that could impregnate a battleship. In the space of a minute, Honoka went from thirty inches (76 cm) to thirty five feet long (10.7 m) and twenty feet (6 m)of throbbing girth, her penis now large enough to crush her enemies, see them driven before her and cause any pussy to cry out in lamentation.

“Aaahoof!” Honoka cried out as her penis grew and kept growing, catching on the side of the pool and throwing her into the corner of the ceiling, bowing her dick before it finished, the ceiling and wall cracking from the force of smashing Honoka into the stone. If Honoka’s Health wasn’t so high, the growth would have crushed her to death, but it only felt like a mild pressure, each contraction of precum rippling through the shaft and banging her further into the corner.

“Are you alright?!” Eve yelled, looking ready to climb the penis up to Honoka, the rest of the wives nearly catatonic with worry.

Honoka waved her hands weakly, to reassure her wives that everything was alright, even as her mind furiously ran the numbers and her penis gave the final warning flexes of orgasm. Q=29.84cdd²√p was the base equation, then she adjusted for the thick viscosity of her baby batter with a low discharge coefficient and made a guess on the PSI based on previous flow rates of her ejaculate. To date, the most she ejaculated safely was around 11,000 gallons (41,640 L), last Sunday, suffering no ill effects afterward. Friday night/Saturday morning - thirty-six hours ago - Honoka nearly died from a massive eruption. While the effects knocked her out and prevented an accurate accounting, descriptions from the wives let her estimate 500,000 gallons of semen (1,892,706 L), which nearly killed her. Right now, based on her penis size and various Attribute numbers, 120,000 gallons (454,250 L) were about to flood the room.

“Um…!” Honoka shouted even as breath pushed out of her lungs and eyes rolled into the back of her head, “I might have made a horrible mistake!”

From the perspective of the wives, it was like watching a dam break and realizing they were standing underneath it. They could physically see the urethra swell as jizz cascaded downward, washing into the bath with enough force to throw each wife off their feet from the backwash. Padmava reacted first and wrapped her tail around the bucking shaft, then coiled each wife to prevent them from sweeping away in hot slime. The shape of the bath caused a whirlpool effect, the force of the ejaculation swirling around them and tsunaming into the rest of the room.

When the deluge ended, the pool was overflowing and the rest of the room had at least a foot of splooge. Which was a good thing, because when Honoka’s penis started to flaccid, no one was holding the rope anymore and she fell ten feet (3 m) onto her own penis, flopped and then rolled down the rest of the way into viscous fluids, her screams cut off with a loud gurgle.

“You know, I think I’ve forgotten what jizz actually looks like,” Diane said, squeegeeing her face clear and then working on pulling spunk out of her hair. “I mean, coming out of a normal sized penis. Isn’t it supposed to be one or two tablespoons? I used to know this professionally.”

“I think it’s less,” Quinn replied, glaring at her fur as if contemplating shaving completely bald.

“You ok?” Banda asked, pulling Honoka out of the white sea as Honoka hit the right parts of her Status and shrunk the Beast down to a more manageable eighteen inches. This caused Honoka to cry out in pain as the last remnants of splooge left inside the urethra was expelled at once, Banda getting another blast of cum to the face.

“Stupid allocation! My math was perfect!” Honoka pouted, splashing in her own cum and bringing laughter to the rest of the girls. “Now I’m hungry and need to eat again. But first, you girls get taken care of before the dungeon eats all this and wastes everything.”

“What’s the plan?” Eve asked, holding the hose with the ominous nozzle attached to it.

“Nothing complicated, though all of you probably aren’t going to like the next few hours.” Honoka walked over to the table with her speaker and towels, shlorping a bag from underneath and coming back to the tub, the other wives gathering around. “As my uncle describes it, you all need to absorb thaumian energy. People get thaumian energy in a lot of different ways. You get a little bit by breathing in dungeon air, you get more from eating thaumian rich foods. If you girls all eat as much of my cum as you can fit in your stomachs, you would get a giant blast of energy. The problem is, you aren’t the ones that need the energy, its your babies.”

“So…” Diane trailed off, looking at the nozzle and understanding the implications.

“So,” Honoka answered, holding up a part of a pool noodle that had been cut into five sections, each section having a belt threaded through. “I am going to cumflate each one of you vaginally until you say uncle and then plug your pussies up so that your babies absorb as much thaumian energy as possible. You can thank Aunt Shilo for giving me the idea and helping set this up.” Reaching down and tapping her crystal array that would pump the jizz from the pool through the hose, Honoka split a nasty grin on her face as the system worked and started spraying a steady, thick stream of cum into the air. “Who’s first?”

To the surprise of no one, Eve jumped on this potentially painful bandwagon. With the assistance of Padmava to act as a couch and keep the small green woman from drowning, Honoka knew her wife well and jabbed the large piece of plastic inside without preamble. Others assisted the orgasming goblin from slipping away, but the power of the TC pump was strong and in only seconds, Eve was as large as Diane. A few seconds more and her skin looked like a cracking orb of green magma glowing underneath her taut dark skin. After five minutes the backwash spurting out the sides of her labia was stronger than what was going in. Pulling out, Honoka quickly pushed the pool noodle into place and between the rest of the wives was able to plug the stopper into place.

“I feel like I really have to tinkle,” Eve announced, her stomach the size of a wardrobe leading to a forest with a street lamp. It took the efforts of Banda and Quinn together to roll her into a comfortable sitting position off to the side. “I also am not feeling much pain, so the potions are holding.”

Competitive to a fault, Quinn took up the challenge next and bet that she could hold the most cum, which lead to the next hour turning into a shouting contest as each girl tried to hold more inside themselves than the next. Honoka declared a tie between Diane and Padmava, both women the size of school buses, which caused them to argue over who was the actual winner and insist Honoka grab the laser measuring tool.

Realizing there was going to be no winners if that happened, Honoka passed everyone their phones to keep them entertained, acting as if she couldn’t hear anyone and navigating blissfully through all the bloated stomachs to squeeze out the door, shutting off futile screams of women who could no longer move under their own power.

Absently checking her own phone as she walked down the hallway, Honoka received two surprises in a row. First, a text from the same unknown number that requested a call yesterday. This time, it was an image of Honoka’s missing mithril katana unsheathed next to repaired armor she lost when she went chimera at Solomon’s.

Unknown: Want to talk now?

Honoka: who is this?

Unknown: Tell Diane Chastity wants to catch up. See you soon.
Unknown: *winking devil emoji*

Torn between wanting that sword and having to deal with whoever this Chastity character was, Honoka discovered her second realization.

She was naked and dripping in cum.

Blushing deep red, Honoka made a rush for her room, praying no underage eyes caught sight of her.

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