Becoming Monsters

5: Growing Into A New Woman

“I’m sorry.”

Diane pursed her lips, giving Honoka a searching look before she caved and wrapped her blankets tighter around herself. “It's fine. I didn’t want a hot shower anyway.”

They were sitting on the floor across from each other, each on their pile of pillows and clean bedding Diane grabbed from a hidden closet. The bed was a lost cause and they agreed the floor would be best. Diane lent a pair of too-large and too-long blue sweats and an oversized white t-shirt to Honoka, which smelled sweet like they were recently laundered. The girls were also huddled as much as they could under three or four too-small blankets each, trying to keep warm in the room.

Why is it so cold in here?” Honoka chattered earlier when she stepped out of the shower, not finishing quick enough to leave any hot water.

“It's a marketing thing.” The succubus flicked an angry tail upward as if directing her displeasure towards management. “Girls’ rooms get the AC on full blast so we can sprout hard nipples and quiver until the John sticks a hot cock inside us, makes us appear submissive. Guys get the heat on to show their glistening, sweaty bodies and keep Janes comfortably aroused. The only time I am allowed to turn on the heat is when I play dom, which isn’t something I like doing.”

“That’s stupid.”

“That’s business.”

They both grew silent, slowly warming up under the blankets. Honoka checked the clock, surprised to find it was a little past one o’clock. To her, it felt like this night lasted days. Too much happened to count in minutes.

“Alright, you told me everything, so if we want any chance figuring this out, I should share as well.” Diane blushed a little, tilting her eyes away and shifting on her pillows. “When you came, I felt like a champagne cork about to pop off you. I thought about looking down to see what happened, but I lost a few seconds while my own orgasm hit out of nowhere. When I recovered, a hot river of cum was torrenting between my snatch and your cock onto the bed like a hose on full blast in my cunt without a shutoff. I also felt so full, like I’d binged on all the ice cream in the freezer aisle. I was afraid I would end up like some inflated hentai girl but when you finished, I only looked a little bloated. Before I did anything, you were going soft and I was super energized and satisfied like taking meth mixed with yummy chocolate. Truly, it was the best sex I’ve ever experienced. Remembering I was on the clock, I tried to get some dirty talk going but you were completely out of it.”

“I was in that dream I told you about.”

“Yes, and we are going to come back to that, but at the time I hopped off the bed and fetched a wet towel to clean off all the jizz. It smelled so sugary I wanted a taste, and it was like drinking a semen smoothie, you are so sweet and thick! I wanted to try more but nature called. I sat on the toilet and creampied out what felt like half a gallon of hot spunk. Baby, it was good enough to give me another small O, which is when I got a blue box telling me I was collected.”

Honoka winched. “Sorry.”

“I might…well, the word conniption comes to mind.” Diane presented a small smile, waving a hand in a circular motion. “I completely lost it, but that’s on me. I spent a few years as a preteen chained in a sicko’s basement, which is the last I am going to talk about that,” Diane gave a pointed glare before Honoka even opened her mouth, “and my therapist says I retain issues regarding sex slaves. Then you woke up.”

Silence returned. Honoka didn’t know what to say and was naturally not a talker while Diane admitted some issues of her own this whole affair unearthed for her. Eventually, Honoka broke the tension.

“So, what do we do now?”

“Why are you asking me? You’re the Collector, I’m just an innocent bystander.” The succubus rubbed her temples just below her dark green horns, her wings moving in agitated flaps and knocking her blankets off. “Aarg! See if there’s a sub-menu under my name and a way to, I don’t know, uncheck my box or something.”


“A sub-menu…” Diane shot a frustrated and puzzled glare at Honoka. “You know, like how certain areas of a Status are hidden until you unlock them? Dr. Kong’s well-known lectures on how the initial Status screen is just an overview? There are whole Tube-U-R channels dedicated to helping people do this, didn’t you practice any of this since the Change?”

“Yes!” Honoka said defensively, looking away. “I mean, I haven’t tried in a couple of years, nothing before, so I kinda gave up.” Figuring it was better to just do it, the young woman pulled up her Status and focused her mind on Diane’s entry in her Collection list. After a few seconds, the main Status menu blurred and a unique window appeared on top.


“Well?” Diane asked, impatiently.

“I think this is your Status.”

“What?” The succubus looked angry, but she pushed it down. “Prove it.”

“188 pounds? (85.3 kg)” Honoka said with a bit of mischief.

Diane ground her teeth. “Its the wings and tail. Anything else?”

Honoka spent a few minutes trying to unlock other parts in Diane’s menu but couldn’t find anything, ending by shaking her head negatively. Mentally relaxing and letting the Status fade, she shrugged, quieting both women as they reasoned it out.

“I thought you were older than me,” Honoka said, gazing up at Diane and trying not to think she failed again. “You come off so mature and you even look…I don’t know, both old and young at the same time?”

“I get that from people, guess my…history forced me to mature rapidly. The ageless thing is part of the succubus package.” Suddenly Diane slapped both her cheeks with a loud clap, startling Honoka, who squeaked and lost her blankets. “No helping it, looks like I’m taking these lemons, making them combustible, then burning Life’s house down. If this is what my life is going to become, better to see how it all works. Give that slider thing a try in your Allocation menu, but let’s keep it small until we find out what happens.”

Honoka smiled, she liked that game too. Pulling up her Status again, she found a headache blooming from the strain. It took an effort to get the screen to appear and it felt like mental juggling to keep it up while attempting to interact with it. Scrolling to the bottom, she studied the…she called it a slider bar because it looked like a parameter dial from one of her CAD programs. It seemed straightforward enough. Currently, it was at 0%, so if the architect put her mental focus on it and moved it to, say, 10%…

It jumped to 100%.

“Oops.” Honoka’s eyes widened, locking eyes with Diane.

“What do yooooOH!” Diane lurched forward onto her hands, her eyes bulging and back arched as her wings retracted then shrunk into her, disappearing entirely along with her tail and horns. Her body lost some inches in height with the sound of creaking and snapping bones, her face twisting in discomfort but not obvious pain as she transformed into a face still recognizable as Diane yet without the stunning beauty. Other, more drastic changes happened to her curves, her breasts under her shirt deflated like leaky tires, her hips losing their luscious booty shape enough the waistband of her pants slipped down. Even her fitness model figure was affected as all over muscle fibers writhed and lost volume under her pale skin, leaving the woman without the feminine definition and strength she retained moments ago.

Honoka became so distracted she didn’t notice her own changes until a stabbing pain in her back brought it to her urgent attention. Trying to look or reach around, it was too late when a loud tearing sound announcing purple bat wings cutting through the back of her shirt, stretching out and completely unfurling in the air, triumphant to be free. Horns sprouted out the back of her head and curled around to her temples while a tail snaked between her cheeks and down her right leg, following the path of least resistance. Honoka tried to grab everything at once, the sensation of gaining alien and sensitive limbs turning her on, and she felt herself harden underneath the sweatpants for a few seconds before the Beast started retreated. The previously massive penis folded into Honoka’s lower abdomen and left a blessed emptiness behind.

“It's gone!” Honoka shouted in joy, grabbing her crouch as if waking from a long dream. This was a mistake, as her womanhood, with clitoris returned, was extremely aroused and even through the thick wool of the sweats, it felt like she’d been reading smutty novels all day and only now was she doing something about it. Shoving her left hand into her pants, the transforming woman let instincts she didn’t possess moments ago guide her fingers in and hooked upward towards the perfect position, jilling herself with skill and forceful need the inexperienced woman never knew, her right hand coming up under her shirt and pinching a turgid nipple hard, earning a jolt between the two erogenous zones.

Losing herself to sensation and need, Honoka hardly noticed her bones and muscles realigning themselves throughout her body, stretching her skin with the same sound taut leather makes when pulled tighter. Her hips pulsed, each heartbeat bringing more bountiful jiggle, her glutes doubling and then tripling in size as they pushed the seated woman upward. At the same time, she gained inches of height, mostly in her legs. While she rose into the air, her face restructured into a more symmetrical and otherworldly beautiful face, as if the natural features of her mixed heritage were emphasized, taking Honoka from a unique but mousy woman into the realm of Drop Dead Delicious. Her lips plumped, her tongue doubled in length, her eyes changed from cobalt blue to amethyst purple. But these transformations were taking second place to what she felt in her right hand as her breasts began to grow.

“Oh, yes! Yes!” Over a decade of inferiority complex came tumbling down as nonexistent breasts inflated into actual boobs. It was like filling a water balloon slowly with boiling water, kneading movements bringing more and more volume to them as the heat of what grew inside overwhelmed her senses. Honoka wished she had three hands so she could grab both of them in her hands and smash them together, a primal need to prove she was a WOMAN at last as they grew from tiny crab apples to large citrus in moments. When they stopped, looking down the hole of her shirt and seeing black breasts absolutely mauled by her right hand as it tried to explore every scrap of new flesh, she was a little sad they weren’t any bigger, but who was she kidding she finally developed breasts! Firm, erotic, actual breasts.

“Oh, my Go—Honoka?”

The recently transformed succubus wasn’t listening, her eyes closed as the final stage took over and she felt her skin tighten more and become incredibly smooth while a few muscles in all the right places grew, expanding out with an intoxicating feeling of power, stretching the arms of her shirt and pushing her waistband up as her hips and butt filled out even more. It wasn’t a huge change, but it was enough to make the masturbating woman feel confident and powerful, feelings she never experienced before. She smiled at it all and licked her lips, a ravishing hunger settling over her.

“Honoka, I need you to listen to me.” Honoka paused and looked down, the change in perspective pleasing to her as she slowed but still continued to finger herself. Diane knelt in front of her, too-large clothing hanging off a girl barely old enough to be out of high school and probably not going to win any beauty contests at the moment. Her red hair, formally wavy and vibrant, was now frizzy and dull. Her eyes were brown and looked too large on her face. Her freckled skin, before so enticing, only made her look muddy now, small button nose and a narrow jaw with teeth in need of an orthodontist. The rest of her looked, to Honoka, just small. But there was also a glowing navy blue light around her, smelling to Honoka’s new senses like the most delicious food and she was hungry.

Honoka smiled wider, something taking over in her brain, and she leaned forward, unfamiliar powers reaching out and increasing the light around Diane, like putting gasoline on a tiny fire. The aura blazed and Diane moaned in heat even as she tried to crawl away.

“Lollipop! No? Dang. You need to stop, I went through the same thing when I Changed.” Diane perspired while her back bumped against the wall, a few of the shelved toys above her falling to the carpet. “Ug, why is it harder to think? When the Hunger first came to me, I killed a man.”

Honoka pulled her fingers out of herself, languidly licking her juices off herself as she trembled in pleasure. Then moving on her hands and knees, the succubus instincts entirely in control, she prowled like a lazy cat stalking a mouse, a sensual growl coming from her throat.

“Honoka, I am really sorry.” Reaching for one of the fallen toys, a stiff purple dildo, the desperate girl swung it around like a bat and clocked Honoka in the face.

While the change made Honoka stronger, it wasn’t making her that much stronger. Diane lost some muscle and height, but it only put them on equal footing at that moment. Honoka spun into the ground with a shriek of surprise and pain. Diane jumped up and ran to her cabinet of potions, frantically rifling through them as Honoka recovered with a loud hiss and readied to pounce, wings spread out to give a significant boost to the imminent leap.

Diane pulled out a long beaker, flicking the cap off and splashed red glop all over Honoka’s face when she jumped, hitting her in the lips as they collided into the ground next to the bed. Honoka screamed, trying to scrape the liquid off, but some of it dribbled into her mouth and suddenly everything stopped when she regained control of herself. Honoka licked her face, the red liquid filling her up and satiating her hunger from a mindless haze to just an insistent gnawing. Looking down, she saw human Diane holding a bleeding hand, bits of glass and blood dripping onto her shirt as she searched Honoka’s eyes.

“Diane? Wha…what happened?” Honoka rolled off, concern welling when she realized Diane was bleeding. “Your hand! We need to get you to a doctor!”

“Never mind that,” Diane said, painfully pushing herself into a sitting position with only one hand, trying to move slowly to avoid getting any more glass in her skin. “We might not have a lot of time, I don’t know how much of that Hunger Pangs potion got in your system and if you hit 0% again, you won’t stop until you’ve sucked the nearest warm body dry and I’m all out of the stuff. You need to switch us back before that happens.”

Looking at her hands and the carpet, most of the slippery red potion already seeped into the plush or sloughing off her skin, Honoka realized the danger they were both still in and brought up her Status.


As dire and dangerous as the situation remained, she paused for a moment to crinkle her nose in disgust. I gained 42 pounds? (19 kg) Shaking her head, she directed her focus and sighed in relief as the slider moved from 100% to zero. Without the surprise of unexpected sensations and maybe because her desire to get it done quickly was conveyed to the System, their transformations took much less time, going from minutes to under thirty seconds as they returned to their normal but still abnormal bodies.

One of Diane’s wings caught on her shirt as it grew and tore it in half, giving Honoka a spectacular view as the small breasts human Diane sported grew like time-lapsed bread dough, smoothly rising from barely there to more than a handful in seconds, the sharp sound like a hand running over a balloon filling the room as her freckled skin stretched into its old shape and tightness. Honoka gained an intense focus while she witnessed stiff nipples bloat and enlarge as areola puffed slightly and dotting while the process continued to expand. There was more on the transforming succubus’ end as she leaned her head back and groaned, her breathing hard enough to shake her breasts as they grew and firmed into their old half melon shape.

Honoka barely amassed enough time to miss her best friends before she returned to flatness, but a rising, throbbing, engorging need reminded her that staring at the live-action, real-life, close enough to grab ‘em example of her favorite, breast expanding fetish drove her wild. Never mind she’d achieved the best sex of her life over an hour ago, her first sex with another person, or that she was almost murdered, or that minutes ago she almost killed someone. Never mind all of the craziness this night brought with swapping Races and Class features popping up by the minute.

Tenting the blue sweatpants to the point of straining seams, a blob of wetness already appearing at the peak, the Beast made himself known to the room.

“Well, today was a bit of a financial wash,” Diane announced, grinning when she noticed Honoka’s growing problem. She picked out the rest of the glass from her hand and carefully scooped it to the side, using her good hand to hoist herself up and back to the potions cabinet. “Even if I’m the one making them, magically infused ingredients are only found in dungeons. They are not cheap.” Saying that, she pulled out a small blue vial and downed it in one go. Her hand visibly stopped bleeding, leaving scabs that appeared as if the wound was days old and mostly healed. “Then there’s the cleaning fee and overtime fee for this room, I figure I’m out a couple Benjamins even with your five hundred.”

“Sorry,” Honoka muttered, ashamed she caused all this. Stupid Ymirian emotions, Honoka thought, tears coming up.

“I did make a new friend, though.” The succubus leaned down and kissed Honoka on the forehead. Not filled with sex magic, just a kiss, but it brought more joy into Honoka’s heart than she thought possible, looking into the green eyes of Diane with tears and hope. “Maybe something more.” Crawling forward and sliding on top of the surprised Afro-Japanese woman, the young girl connected her lush lips with Honoka’s, just a hint of tongue exploring Honoka’s teeth as they locked for the next minute, breaking apart slowly.

“I…I, um…” Honoka wasn’t sure what to say, what she felt. In the end, she trailed off, too inexperienced to let her heart talk.

“Shh, no need to rush things.” Diane put her fingers on Honoka’s lips, delicately closing her mouth and letting them linger there. “We’ve been through a rough night, let’s sleep on it. But first,” Diane glanced down at the insatiable Beast then behind her to the clock, “you need taking care of, and there are only seventeen minutes before someone will come down the stairs and kick us out.”

“N-no, you don’t need to do this, I…” Honoka struggled to get up, but Diane gently pushed her down onto the plush carpet.

“Didn’t I already tell you I don’t like being the dom?” Despite her words, the prostitute professionally and efficiently got both of them naked and ready, spitting into her hand and lubing Honoka’s cock up as she lightly slathered her saliva up and down the shaft. There was no teasing, no foreplay, this was quick and dirty. Honoka noticed for the first time, seeing the succubus entirely in the nude, that the brothel must provide excellent waxing services, she was completely hairless from the neck down. Diane mounted over the top of Honoka, her arms on either side of the very aroused but still confused woman, reaching one hand between her pale legs to angle the curvatures of thick, dark sex sausage into her vulva.

“Besides, ugh,” the succubus paused, her own hole dry and not ready for the mass of penis shoving inside her. “You really are huge.” She swayed a bit, relaxing her muscles and easing further and further down, nipples swinging low into Honoka’s face as swaying globes jostled above Honoka. “Aren’t you curious about this Harmonization thing?”

When she got the entirety inside her, Honoka realized this shouldn’t be possible, human anatomy didn’t contain sixteen inches (41 cm) inside the vaginal canal. It was as if the futa-girl’s black cock entered a bottomless void, unending in its mysterious pleasures, though it was very, very tight inside.

Right, human. The woman enjoyed the experience, her mind wandering to other things instead of being driven by instinct and need. Remembering her earlier foray as a succubus, she also wondered if these urges and needs were natural, or the new normal for a third of humanity.

“Hey, the girl with her dick in me, are you paying attention?”

“Sorry.” It was pure reflex, the word coming out as she flinched and heated up in embarrassment.

“Not that you didn’t pay for this, but I think this might turn into something other than a Pay To Cum.” She still moved slow, warming up enough to generate her own fluids and get the party going. “If that’s the case, sex only works if both partners are putting in equal effort.”

This was all unknown to Honoka, her only experience before tonight poorly written weberotica and whatever she downloaded on porn streaming sites. “What should I do?”

“First, don’t lay there like a lump, this position is quickly tiring unless you thrust those hips upward.”

Honoka gave it a try, promptly flopping her penis out, and they interrupted for Diane to reinsert it. A few more failed attempts happened before Honoka found a halting rhythm and exerted in tandem with the woman on top.

“Good.” Both women were breathing faster, sweat dripping down from the harder working Diane onto the less experienced Honoka. “Now, bring your hands in on the action. When we get more time to practice, you’ll work my clit, but for right now, remember how sensitive your breasts were as a succubus and give mine a good squeeze.”

Honoka didn’t need any more prompting, pushing the low hanging fruit together roughly and rubbing the warm pillows together, the succubus above her biting her lip to stifle a loud moan and crossing her eyes a bit in distinct pleasure as she kept her pounding motions moving faster and faster. Honoka edged closer, so she upped her game and kept kneading those pale speckled breasts like dough as her thumbs found thick nipples and smashed into them.

“Ooooh! Yes! More! Harder!”

Honoka tried to comply, but her resistance ran out. With one final sharp thrust, her splooge cannon opened fire and filled the tight space with hot creamy cum. Diane stopped moving as she felt herself stretching from the man batter, but her lips pursed and her brow furrowed in vexation. By the third contraction, her succubus pussy unable to hold anymore and wave after wave of girl mayo spilled down onto Honoka’s stomach and legs. It was a small orgasm for the futa girl, almost commonplace compared to those that knocked her out with overwhelming sensations, but it still left her breathless and relaxed, like she just discharged all her tension away in eight long spurts.

“So frustrating to get that close and be left unsatisfied.” Rolling next to the far more exhausted and panting Honoka, she gave her a quick peck on the cheek and a handy towel to clean up with before rising up and walking around the room, gathering Honoka’s discarded clothing. The room hazed with mixed sexual odors in the air, the most prominent the honey of Honoka’s cum yogurt. While the black woman sloughed the worst of the mess off, two knocks came to the door, insistent but polite.

“Try not to panic, I’ll take care of myself when I get to my room. Right now you need to go, we’ll talk tomorrow about the other stuff.” Another two knocks, louder this time. “Get dressed.” She said, pushing the clothing into Honoka’s arms, giving her a quick kiss and a smile as well.

Honoka didn't want to get up, but thoughts of people coming in the room and seeing her naked body lying on the carpet propelled her off the floor, slipping on skirt, blouse and shoes while stuffing panties, harness, bra and socks into her pink bag sitting next to the door. The door opened without another warning knock, and a large shirtless man leaned in, his mustached face looking at the still shamelessly nude succubus with suspicion.

“Times up, Di,” he said, his accent more New England than Boston. “You know Church’ll flay us both if you aren't upstairs in five.”

“I'm moving!” Diane gathered her own things, finding her panties, giving them a sniff, then throwing them to the side. Spinning around, she spied the yukata and put it on, joining everyone at the door. Looking at Honoka indifferently, she flicked her tail into the hall. “Well, you heard the man, time’s up.” She emphasized the words by pushing Honoka out roughly, the shocked woman so surprised she stumbled to her knees.

Was it an act? Honoka asked herself. Was it all apart of the ‘service’?

The timid woman, usually so riddled with anxiety and pessimism, nearly broke there in the dim hallway, but the whole night had drained her of emotion. When she looked back at Diane, the prostitute already ignored her, saying something to the burly man she couldn't hear over the blood roaring in her ears. She didn't have anything left. Standing up, Honoka joined a stumbling group of half a dozen Johns and Janes in a Parade Of Shame, her stomach hurting from what felt like a rejection she didn't know if she could handle.

Outside of the brothel, a helpful cab service had cars lined up. Honoka overpaid for a ride less than ten minutes to her apartment. Up the stairs and into her room, it was only when she was in the familiar place did she notice she absolutely stank of sex. She wrinkled her nose, first at the smell and then as a disappointed rage took over, tearing off her clothing in a fury and heaving them into her trash bin. She howled out her frustrations, a primal loss without end, until the banging from her downstairs neighbors forced her to quiet herself. Hyperventilating, standing in her little kitchen, her eyes wandered to her cheap knife block and her thoughts turned to…something else.

One hand came up, reaching for a small paring knife, stopping a breath away from the handle. Honoka stood frozen there, minutes slipping away as she almost grabbed the knife, over and over. After too long, backing away slowly, she went to her bed and collapsed on top of the covers, too tired to crawl underneath.

When the alarm went off hours later, she was still awake.

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